Who am I
My name is Kazim Kemal-ur-Rahim, I know that is a mouthful, however it encompasses two continents, two cultures, two nationalities leading to a unified view of life.
I wish to share with you the knowledge I have gleaned as I have walked the path as a seeker of the truth, at least as I can understand it.

What do I do
I acquire knowledge to share it, not hoard it. Knowledge needs to be shared so that others can learn and experience. In this way wisdom is gained. Knowledge for knowledge’s sake serves no purpose.
I hope by sharing the insights I have gained about the mechanics of how we are constructed, how our life is planned and what we can do to improve our understanding of why we are here and hence our effectiveness with which we live our lives, will be of benefit to you.
You need scaffolding to build a house. Esoteric knowledge in my opinion is a very effective way to become the master of your life, not a slave to it. I hope to build out a comprehensive set of principles by which the whole of our lives and the universe around us is governed.
I hope this eventually turns into a dialogue. Experiences shared is wisdom multiplied.
The Pythagorean concept of ‘Life, the Universe and Everything’ is the clearest set of principles I have come across in over 45 years of reading esoteric literature. It has given me a working hypothesis by which I can explain satisfactorily to myself any question I choose to ask of the mental, emotional and physical environment I live in.
The tools with which I can explore the physical world around me can be built. The tools that are needed to explore the more subtle worlds beyond the physical I have to develop within myself. Therefore if someone were to say to me, “what proof do you have when you talk about higher planes of consciousness and matter”? My reply is all I have have is a working hypothesis that explains the world I perceive to exist around me. I am working towards developing the instrument, that instrument being myself, to explore matters further. Whatever the outcome of those investigation, I would still not be able to convince the questioner or the validity of anything I am am proposing. This they have to work to discover themselves.