Today, I will finish up our look at the vexing topic of the “Day of Judgment”. I hope by now that it is clear that although there is a separation of sheep and goats, it is not a terminal event, although it may initially involve a loss in a “catastrophe” of some sort or other. When the Hierarchy draws a line under something, they don’t do it in half-measures.

It seems probable that the principle underlying the ”separation,” the temporary suspension of entities unfit to advance side by side with the more advanced members of the same kingdom or life-stream, is applicable in more ways than has currently been elucidated. Some bright spark at the beginning of the last century hypothesised that for the Law of Correspondence to be true, implying as above so below, there should be corresponding “Judgement Days” in each subset of any larger cycle. Thus, as the separation in the middle of the Fifth Round rejects those unfit for the chain, there should be a separation of a Second Order in the middle of every fifth globe period, rejecting those unable to progress further for the remainder of the round; a separation of the Third Order, in the middle of every fifth RootRace, suspending those unfit for the remainder of the globe-period; and a separation of the Fourth Order, in the middle of every fifth sub-race, rejecting those incapable of progressing further for the remainder of the Root-Race. Is there any way to test this theory? 

Putting these conclusions to the test by observation, we know, according to esoteric tradition, that the great catastrophe, which destroyed Atlantis in 75,025 B.C., must have occurred about the middle of the fifth sub-race of the fourth Root-Race, and was therefore a ”Judgement Day” of the fourth order, rejecting those unable to continue with the remainder of the fourth Root-Race. According to this theory, it is possible that the First World War, which affected mainly the fifth Root-Race, and mainly the fifth sub-race, was a ”Judgement Day” of the third order, and may have suspended some monads, though not all, for the remainder of the globe-period. If this hypothesis is correct, then some monads would have deferred their participation for the remainder of this globe period and will continue their evolution on Globe C, thus joining the Inner Round in the reverse direction, as explained previously. 

This is all speculation but notable luminaries such as Dr. Annie Besant had the following to say: ”. . . some of the quite irredeemable people, who are participating in this great struggle [the First World War] will be thrown out and will pass into Avîchi, (Hell to you and me), to wait there until some future planet is evolved, when they will again begin their evolution.” ”The War will become a swift and certain way of accomplishing in a few years, the work of centuries, of ensuring progress towards a nobler and better civilisation.” Also: ”This is the first time in the history of evolution that “the Hierarchy” can attain Their objective, without destroying the whole civilisation as They did in Atlantis, and on a smaller scale in Rome”. 

I feel that this theory is too Euro-centric. What about those monads elsewhere who would also fall into this category, why were they not affected too? An answer to this question could be that they were not 5th root-racers, so were not due for the cut. On the other hand, maybe they were. After all, many feel the Second World War was a continuation of the First and affected many more people. Some also consider that there is still one more major conflagration to come. Something to look out for in your diaries. 

Fig: The 400 Judgment Days of our Chain

The effects of all four Orders of Judgment Day are shown in this diagram. It is notable that the total number of Judgment Days in all four categories, in our chain, is exactly 400. The underlying idea of the whole process is that, in any given period, the number of monads who are able to continue to the end of that period is appreciably reduced by successive applications of “Judgement Days” of four grades; hence the number of entities who can complete the whole chain is very substantially less than the number who entered the chain at its commencement. In the middle of the fifth round, it is reduced from 100 per cent to 60 per cent; on top of this reduction, there will be further reductions owing to the application of separations of the Second, Third and Fourth Orders. I repeat that this is just a theory put forward by someone a century ago. Make of it what you will.

One thing that was noted by Theosophists a century ago I find very interesting. The ”Day of Judgement” of the Moon Chain was stated to have occurred in the sixth round, on the fourth globe. That would have been on the physical globe of the Moon itself. According to the multi-order theory put forward, this should have taken place in the fifth round. It may be postulated that the generalised rule is incorrect, or there may have been something exceptional in this case; or, possibly, the Judgement Day is a process which extends over a considerable period, and this may perhaps have been the final portion of it, occurring a whole round after its commencement. That was the conclusion they drew. There is something that may have been happening above and beyond just a basic Judgment Day on the Moon Chain. There have been oblique references to the fact that something went very wrong on the Moon Chain and a part of the evolutionary process there was suspended for some reason. There is some speculation that there was a great conflagration and many 1. Young Souls were killed in fighting or as a result of seismic activity. They passed into Pralaya. This greatly reduced the population of Globe D, the physical Moon. This allowed the remaining monads to speed up their evolution in preparation for passage out of that chain and into our own. All I know is that it has some link to our sacral chakra and that is why we have the verse in the Great Invocation that tells us to “Seal the door where evil dwells”. 

The suggestion that the Day of Judgement for a chain is a process extending over a considerable period seems to be supported by a statement that, “in the seventh round of the Moon Chain, from each globe, those of the inhabitants for whom the conditions of the subsequent globes were not suitable, dropped out, remaining quiescent until the next chain was ready for them to resume their evolution”. This makes a lot of sense to me and also feeds back into the theory that there are a series of 2nd, 3rd and 4th-order events that suspend the evolution of some monads for a period.

Another apparent exception to the general rule is that, in the first chain of our scheme, no failures were seen dropping out of its evolution. If it had a Day of Judgement, an occult investigation by Leadbeater did not reveal it. There is, however, another explanation, which some may consider preferable. The following table sets out this theory. 

Table: Judgment Day (1st order)

The three chains marked with an asterisk are known to be in accordance with observations from reliable sources. It therefore may well be that this theory is the correct one. If it is correct, then, whilst the main principle remains the same, substantial modifications would be needed in the previous diagram to make it an accurate reflection of events on the ground, or on the globe to be more precise.

Anyway, that is all that is known by this monad about the concept of “Judgement Days”. It has taken three presentations to try and present it in an intelligible manner. The people’s of the “Book”, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are really fixated on this event but they present it in a terminal way. Perhaps they can generate more donations from their parishioners using this tactic. If there is only one judgment day per chain, and this even comes on the 5th globe for our chain, then there is no point in fretting about it. If there are multiple judgment days, there is still no point in fretting. Why? Because we are in charge of our own destinies, within the confines of the opportunities that are presented to us. Examples being, actually have a planet to live on. We have others to thank for that. Even though there may be set timelines for events to occur, it is up to us to decide how those events will affect us. The way most of us get suspended from a chain and I can pretty much guarantee most of you have been, is by simply going through the natural death process and then remaining in pralaya until a new globe or chain is ready to receive you and your cohort, to carry on your evolution. After all, that is what it is all about. It is not about punishment or damnation. It is about evolution and expansion to gain an ever greater share of the one consciousness that unites us all.

The time has come to move on to another topic, that of Involution and Evolution with regard to our Chains, Rounds and Globes.

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