In the presentations on the general organisation of our solar system, we have mainly focused on our Hierarchy, as they are the monads who are responsible for our consciousness evolution. Mention has also been made of the Planetary Government and its head, Sanat Kumara. However, he is a cog in an even greater wheel and we will look at these mighty beings today. 

We have already mentioned that the Solar Logos contains within itself seven Planetary Logoi, who are, as it were, centres of force within itself; channels through which its force pours out. It could also be said that these great logoi are part of the Solar Logos.

The Hindu speaks of them as the Seven Sons of Aditi, the eighth was Mârttânda, the Sun itself. Each Son, or Âditya, has his own ”house.” They have also been called the Seven Spirits in the Sun. In ancient Egypt, they were termed the Seven Mystery Gods. In Zoroastrianism, they were the Seven Amshaspends. The Jewish faith called them the Seven Sephiroth. Christians and Muslims identified them as the Seven Archangels.

Every religion points to them as standing around the manifested Trinity of the Logos, forming the Viceroys of Îshvara; Ishvara being the supreme deity. They dwelt in the vast empire of the Solar System, each with their own kingdom, each administering their own department. In Theosophy, they are called the Seven Planetary Logoi, because they have always been identified with the seven sacred planets, which are their physical bodies. We have already talked about these planets and their relation to the Scheme of Evolution to which they belong. Each of these Logoi thus has their own house, and rules over their kingdom, a definite department of the Solar System.

The matter of the Solar System, which we have seen composes the vehicles of the Solar Logos, also composes the vehicles of the Planetary Logoi; because there is no particle of matter anywhere in the System, which is not part of one or other of these logoi. This, of course, is true of every plane of matter in our solar system. For example, every particle of the Emotional matter of the System is, as we have stated, not only part of the emotional body of the Solar Logos, but it is also part of the emotional body of one or other of the Seven Planetary Logoi. Hence in every human’s emotional body, there is matter belonging to each of the seven Planetary Logoi: but the proportions vary infinitely. Each Monad originally came forth through one Planetary Logos and this monad will continue all through its evolution to have more of the particles of that Logos than of any other. It is in this manner that people are distinguished as primarily belonging to one or other of these seven great Powers. How this affects us as we live on Earth and our logos is not a principle yet, I do not know. What I can say is that our logos majors on the 3rd Ray, so this is our underlying foundation. In the same manner, the Solar Logos is evolving along the energies of the 2nd Ray. This is an even more fundamental foundation to our overall evolutionary character.

In the Planetary Logoi, certain energetic changes periodically occur; possibly they correspond, on some infinitely higher level, to in-breathing and out-breathing, or to the beating of the heart with us down here on the physical plane. However that may be, there seems to be an almost infinite number of possible permutations and combinations of energies that affect us.

Some of these periodic changes are more rapid than others so a very complicated series of effects are produced. It has been observed that a clue to the operation of these great cosmic influences at any given moment is correlated to the movements of the associated physical planets. This is what astrologers study, but as you can see, the true underlying movement of forces is considerably greater than any astrologer could ever find themselves capable of fathoming. 

Now since our emotional bodies are built on the foundational matter of these great beings’ emotional bodies, it follows that any changes in the emotional energies of the Planetary Logoi can and will affect the emotional body of every human in the world. This is especially the case for those who have a preponderance of the matter expressing that particular Planetary Logos. Recollecting that the same thing is true of all the other planes of matter, we can realise how important the motions and changes of the Planetary Logoi are to us. There are, in addition, other influences which affect the matter of the planes and sub-planes. We must not forget our friends the devas. Theosophy terms these devas as Lipikas and the Devarajas. We shall now set about considering them.

Blavatsky wrote about a certain order of supernatural Beings whom she calls the Lipika, or Lords of Karma. We are further told that in the administration of karma, their agents are the four, but in reality seven, Devarajas or Regents of the Earth. Each of these is at the head of a certain vast group of devas and nature spirits, and even of elemental essences. Let us remind ourselves that the elemental essences are composed of secondary matter and are part of the three Elemental Kingdoms of Nature. It is the devas that work with these monads, not us, even though they populate our emotional, mental and causal envelopes. As an example, let us look again at one plane, the Emotional, bearing in mind that similar considerations apply to all the other planes as well. Emotional matter as a whole is largely under the control of one of these Devarâjas, but, as the emotional plane is the sixth of our seven planes, the sixth sub-plane of every plane is also to a certain extent under the direction of the same Devarâja, because that sub-plane bears the same relation to the plane of which it is a part, as the emotional plane does to the other set of seven planes. Hence for every sub-plane there are two influences, the influence of the ruler of the whole plane, and the sub-influence of the ruler of the subplane, which in six of the seven subplanes is another devaraja.

We have already stated that the matter of every plane and sub-plane is particularly affected by one or other of the seven Planetary Logoi. Hence any particular portion of matter is subjected to three distinct influences: 

one of the seven Planetary Logoi; 
the Devarâja of the plane as a whole; 
the Devarâja of the sub-plane to which that portion of matter belongs.

It is clear from what had been stated that a very large number of distinctly marked varieties of matter exist on every plane, so that, even taking no account of the further sub-divisions of matter, which also exist, we have the possibility of an almost infinite number of combinations of matter, out of which the various bodies of Humanity are constructed. Hence, incidentally, whatever may be the characteristics of any given persona, it is always able to find an adequate expression of itself from the smorgasbord of secondary, tertiary and quaternary matter available to it.

Fig: The influences acting on one plane (emotional)

This is shown, within the limitations of my graphic abilities, how the matter of one plane only, the sixth or emotional plane, is affected by the three influences named. First, we have what is often described as the vertical influences of the seven Planets, dividing the matter of the whole plane into seven types, rays or ”colours.”

Second, we have the horizontal influence of the sixth Devarâja, ruling the plane as a whole. In the diagram, this is indicated by the shading of Devarâja No. 6 and by the corresponding shading over the whole emotional plane.

Third, we have the influence of the sixth Devarâja affecting more specifically, the sixth sub-plane. This is indicated by the double shading of the sixth sub-plane, showing that this sub-plane is subject to a double influence from the sixth Devarâja. Similar considerations apply of course to each of the other six planes.

I am not prepared to draw what I am about to describe but we have to imagine the three influences affecting the whole of the seven planes and their subplanes. What are those influences again?

One of the seven Planetary Logoi; 
the Devarâja of the plane as a whole; 
the Devarâja of the sub-plane to which that portion of matter belongs.

As a Devaraja affects one plane and the same subplane on all the other planes, they could be shown as forces coming from two directions. This is, in reality, not the case, as they come from the same devaraja. This implies that the matter of, for example, the first subplane of the first plane is subjected to a double influence of the same kind, just as the matter of the second sub-plane of the second plane is subjected to a double influence of another kind; and so on with the other sub-planes. There will, therefore, be something distinctive about the first sub-plane matter of the first plane, the second sub-plane matter of the second plane, the third sub-plane matter of the third plane, and so on. Having said that, I have not got a clue what that distinctive characteristic is. I just wished to draw your attention to this matter, excuse the pun.

The changes in the consciousness of the Planetary Spirits are visible in the long history of human races, as regular cyclic changes in the temperament of the people and the consequent character of their civilisation. Thus in a given Root Race, the Seven Rays are preponderant in turn-perhaps more than once, but in the period of that dominance of each Ray, there will be seven sub-cycles of influence. For example, whilst the Fifth Ray is ruling the history of a Race, the central idea of that Ray, and probably a religion founded on it, will be prominent in the minds of Humanity. That time of predominance is subdivided into seven periods, the first coloured by the idea of the First Ray, the second by that of the Second Ray, and so on. In the fifth subdivision, the influence of the Fifth Ray will of course be at its purest and strongest. These divisions and sub-divisions may correspond with sub-races and nations, but I can not give you any examples.

We have looked at the head honchos in our solar system. In the next presentation, we will look at staff that look specifically after us.


2 thoughts on “AM-213 CHAINS, ROUNDS & GLOBES (14)”

  1. Hi Kazim, my question would be about the Planetary Logoi. If we consider life-streams, seven of which two are known (human (consciousness) and deva (matter); where do planets/ Planetary Logoi belong to?

    1. First, just remember that everything is composed of matter. While humans focus on developing mastery over consciousness, devas master matter. The planetary logos, to the best of my knowledge, is from the human stream, although what is that first subdivision we know nothing about? How does that stream evolve? The Planetary Being is a whole different kettle of fish and does come from another, parallel life stream. The physical Sun is not the same as the Solar Logos.

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