In the previous presentation, we started our examination of the first five rounds of the Moon Chain. We still have more to discuss on this topic before we advance to the sixth round. We left off with some monads of the animal stream beginning to causalise. These were advanced animal monads, some of whom would go on to be champions in our Earth Chain. These monads should definitely be regarded as human and the casual bodies they developed are still in use today. This statement is not quite accurate but will suffice for our present purposes. We need to clarify something. These monads, on Globe E, are human beings but do not take any definite part in ordinary life. They float about in this globe’s atmosphere like fishes in water but are not sufficiently advanced to share in their normal activities. Hence they are not born as children of the human inhabitants of Globe E. It is amusing to note that Leadbeater described the regular human inhabitants as being “not prepossessing in appearance”, i.e., they were ugly.

These newly minted humans on Globe E had Emotional bodies, which were produced by a kind of protuberance formed around the Emotional permanent atom. Some consolidation and improvement were effected in their emotional bodies as they floated in the atmosphere of the globe. The same was the case of their mental body when they floated in the atmosphere of Globe F. The same pattern repeated itself with their causal body on Globe G. What is going on in globes E, F and G? Remember they are not physical as Globe D was. So the evolutionary changes being implemented in their bodies were occurring were totally different than what we could envision on a physical globe. What we need to take away from this description is that improvements were made to these newly causalised humans and these improvements continued in the next round, the round six, as they descended through the atmospheres of Globes A, B and C. On these globes, the matter drawn into each body was of a higher grade than in the previous round for the various envelopes. It was also more coherent. But, as has been mentioned before, the real progress in any globe cycle is made on Globe D, where in this chain cycle a physical reality suit is donned. It is all well and good wafting around on higher planes of matter and we will do this ourselves as we progress around our current series of globes. However, don’t waste your time here on Globe D, wishing to dissolve into nirvana and somehow think you will have achieved all your goals. Globe D may be the school of hard knocks, but it is here for a reason.

Among the advanced animals in the fifth round, living in contact with primitive human beings, there was a group of special interest because they individualised in one of the ”wrong” ways. They became intensely vane, which stimulated the imitative faculty to an abnormal degree, causing a strong feeling of separation. Finally, the effort to be distinguished from all others, called down a response from the higher planes and the ego or persona, as I describe it, was formed. They were permitted to individualise because, if they had continued as animals, they would have become worse instead of better. This is a good example of the Law of Self-Development. They were clever enough in their own way but possessed little of any quality other than pride. They formed what is known as the ”orange” group because their causal bodies showed little colour beyond a slight tinge of orange. They numbered approximately two million. We will meet this shower of individuals later in this series. Their vanity had and has serious consequences for us today. After death, each group of these newly evolved monads dream away the interval between incarnations until they are reborn in the sixth round, again on Globe D.

Another set of animals was individualised through admiration of the human beings with whom they come into contact, and whom they tried to imitate. There was no strong love, or wish to serve, but a great desire to be taught and a great willingness to obey. When they individualised, through the growth of intelligence, the intellect was ready to submit to discipline, to cooperate, to see the advantages of united effort and the necessity for obedience. They carried into their intermediate existence this sense of united work and willingness to submit to direction, to their great advantage in the future. They formed what is known as the yellow group because their causal bodies showed a clear, bright and rather golden yellow. They numbered less than three million. They were not devoid of emotion, but their emotions were selfish rather than loving. They seemed to have developed in their mental bodies qualities, which should have had their roots in their emotional bodies, founded in and nourished by love and devotion.

There was also a third group of monads, numbering more than three million, whose causal bodies were mainly pink. Presumably, therefore, they individualised through affection.

A fourth group individualised through fear, which stimulated the mind to discover ways of escaping from cruelty. In other cases, animals are individualised through an intense desire to inflict pain. They wanted to have a sense of power over others. This group was known as the “fear and power” group.

We shall pursue the history of these groups in the sixth round of the Moon Chain, working out their new humanity along the lines determined by their respective methods of individualisation.

It appears that only the three “right kinds of individualisation”, caused by a down-flow of energy from above, were in the Divine Plan. The forcing upward from below, which was the ”wrong” way, was brought about by the wrong-doings of Humanity.

In the higher civilisations of the fifth round, there were many communities scattered over the globe, leading distinctly primitive lives. Some were kindly, although little developed, fighting vigorously when attacked, whilst others were savage and continually at war, apparently for the mere lust of blood shedding and cruelty. In addition to these various communities, some large, some small, some nomadic, some pastoral, there were more highly civilised people, living in cities, carrying on trades, ruled by settled governments. There did not appear to be much of what we would call a nation. A city and sometimes a considerable area around it, with scattered villages, formed a separate State. These States entered into fluctuating agreements with each other with regard to trade and mutual defence. This sounds rather like our own Bronze Age, with good examples being the Minoan and Mycenaean cultures.

As an example, near to the Equator, there was a great city with a large area of cultivated land around it. The city was divided into separate quarters according to the social class of its inhabitants. The poorer people lived outdoors during the day and at night, when it rained, crawled under flat roofs, looking like dolmens that we see scattered around Europe and Asia. These structures lead into oblong holes, or chambers cut out of the rocks. These were like underground burrows going a long distance and communicating with each other in a labyrinthine fashion. The entrance door was made of a huge slab of stone, resting on upright smaller stones as pillars. The rooms were massed together, thousands of them, lining the two sides of one long circular street, and forming the outside ring of the city. Think about what has just been described and wonder if the dolmans we see today, which are massive, some with 200-tonne roofing slabs, may not have been such structures from an earlier Root Race. These may have been later repurposed as burial chambers and this has left us with a false conclusion to what they were originally constructed for.

The higher classes of this community lived in domed houses within this ring, built on a higher level, with a wide terrace in front, forming a ring right around the city, like the road below. The domes were supported on short strong pillars, carved all over, the carving showing a fairly well-advanced civilisation. An immense number of these domes were joined together at the lower edge and made a kind of community city, a belt, with a circular terrace above its inner edge. When we read about the description of Poseidonis, the supposed last remnant of Atlantis, it is described as a city formed in a series of rings.

The centre of the city was its highest part and there the houses were taller, with three domes, rising one above another. The central house had five domes, each successive dome being smaller than the one below it. The upper ones were reached by steps inside one of the pillars on the ground floor and winding around the central pillar above. They seemed to have been hewn out of the living rock.

In the higher domes, no provision seems to have been made for light and air. The highest dome had a kind of hammock hanging from the centre and this was the prayer room. It appeared that anyone who was praying was not supposed to touch the ground. This, according to Leadbeater, was the highest achievement of humanity on the Moon chain. They were destined to reach the Arhat level (46), the goal set for the Third Chain and would later become the Lords of the Moon. Leadbeater tells us that they were, evidently, civilised and knew how to write.

Those of the lunar humanity, who were in the fifth round entering the Path, were in touch with the Hierarchy of the time, who had come over from the second Earth chain to help evolution on the third. These mighty beings lived on a lofty and practically inaccessible mountain, but their presence was realised by those on the Path and were generally accepted as being a special group of monads by the intelligent humanity of the time. Their disciples had contact with these “masters” when out of their bodies and occasionally one of the members of this hierarchy descended into the plains and lived for a while among the humanity of the time. The dwellers in the central house of the city, just described, were in touch with this hierarchy and were guided by them.

This takes us to the end of the first five rounds of the Moon Chain. In the next presentation, we will look at the sixth round.

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