In the first part of the summary of what happened to all the seven streams of life that were co-evolving on the Moon Chain, we started to explain where each product of the chain went and where it transitioned next and when. The successes of the chain became Arhats, 46-selves and some of them became our progenitors. We also looked at the first class of Moon-Men, which themselves were divided into five categories. This was a fascinating subgroup, as from them so many of us have sprung. The model originally presented in our journey through the Chains, Rounds and Globes, was that each chain sees the monad evolve through into the next, higher, kingdom. This is true, but with every rule there are caveats and for many of us today, we may have causalised on the Moon Chain but it is on the Earth Chain where we began to really experience life within the Human Kingdom. Depending on which round and on which globe we causalised, determined when we entered the Earth Chain. This process of migration emphasises just how appropriate the school and university analogy applies to the evolution of monads through a scheme.

Now, what is being said here could be considered politically controversial, especially what regard to human evolution. Do you mean there are classes of humans who are not the result of the accident of birth and the subsequent oppression by imperial-capitalist oppressors or the male patriarchy? Well, yes there actually are, but those divisions, which in the past could be clearly seen in where people lived and the professions they followed, have gone. But be clear, this has not happened everywhere by a very large margin. We tend to be Western-focused in the filters we apply. Regardless of where you were born, if the evolution of the monad is not able to take advantage of what the environment offers, there is going to be a downward spiral and much disappointment suffered. If a 1. Young Soul, not that there are many around today, happened to be born parents who were 4. Compassionate souls and just happened to be nuclear scientists, that 1. Young Soul is not going to leap-frog two stages of evolution and win a Nobel Prize.

It should be noted that the divisions are made according to the round of the Moon Chain in which any monad became human. When that happens, in any of the earlier rounds, it usually means that the newly-formed soul proceeds to take human incarnations in the following round. For example, those who individualised in the fourth round came into human incarnation in the middle of the fifth round, and continued to incarnate through the remainder of the fifth, the whole of the sixth, and half of the seventh. They come into the middle of the next round because the earlier globes are there to help laggards and to help newly “minted” humans to get acclimatised to their new envelopes.

Those who individualised in the fifth round commenced their series of human incarnations in the middle of the sixth. Those individualised in the sixth round had their first experience of human life, not in the seventh round but on the Earth Chain. They would have needed the early rounds on the Earth Chain to bed themselves into their new stage of evolution.

The next group is B2. Moon-Men of the Second Order is the next class of monad, having individualised at a somewhat earlier stage of their animal life, had not yet fully developed a causal body, but had what may be described as a skeleton of that vehicle. They had a number of interlacing streams of force, which indicated the outline of the ovoid that was yet to come. Hence they are known as the Basket-Work souls, as opposed to “basket cases”, a term used to describe many monads today!

They represent today the bulk of the “middle classes”. Think of this class as being, in general, well-intentioned; but usually narrow-minded and conventional. They often make a fetish of what they call respectability. To avoid doing anything inappropriate, they do nothing. They are very concerned about what others think of them and usually follow the group-think of the day. You must know many people like this and now you know where they came from. This group of monads do not learn quickly and so they take many incarnations to move their game forward. If I had to put them in a class I recognised, I would say they are in the 2. Community phase of their development.

The group described as B3 is when we move now from Moon-Men to Moon Animal-Men. These souls individualised from the earliest stage of the animal kingdom at which individualisation was possible. Consequently, they commenced their human life without anything that could properly be called a causal body, but with the Monad floating above a personality to which it was linked only by certain threads of âtmic (45) matter. Hence their name of ”lines,” because their causal body consisted of these lines or threads.

They represent today what Leadbeater called the ” working classes,” who are the majority of humanity in every country. They are the skilled artisans of the world, belonging to the proletariat, but representing the best class of it; being decent, reliable and respectful. What, again we need to be aware of is that these, so-called classes of monads, to some degree of other, began their journey into Humanity on the Moon, not the Earth Chain. Therefore, they did not enter into the Earth Chain until much later in its evolution. More on this later.

We now come to a new class, C1. The next order of nature is the First-class Moon-Animals. These monads entered into the second round of the Earth Chain and are the unskilled labourers found all over the planet. Again, before you have heart failure, these are the classifications given over 100 years ago, but the principles they represent are just as valid today as they were then. There is a spectrum of evolution on this planet; that is plain to see. What knowledge of Chains, Rounds and Globes affords us, is a framework to understand how each monad evolves. Remember, the failures of the Moon chain are our geniuses today.

C2 represents Second-class Moon-Animals. These are monads that individualised in the third round of the Earth Chain. They are 2. Community souls focused in the lower half of their emotional bodies. They are found today in isolated communities, usually in mountainous areas or marginal lands such as swamps and deserts. Within the countries they live, they are usually classified as “indigenous” tribes. They are not as economically active or educated as their “lowland’ siblings. Working, as I do in development, I have spent a lot of my time interacting with these communities on three continents. In this class are also found individuals in more developed societies, who just do not seem to do as well as other people and often end up on the margins of society, with a catalogue of social and medical issues.

The next sub-class is C3. They are the third-class Moon-Animals and the last of this group. These monads individualised in the fourth round of the Earth Chain, either on one of the earlier globes or even on the Earth itself. These monads are 1. Young souls who are just feeling their way into what it is to be human. There are very few monads like this today, as the environment where they would be comfortable and thrive is fast disappearing. Where they do exist, they are found in small communities. Here they seem to butt up against “modern life” brutally and they fare very badly, with high rates of social and medical deprivation. Our globe is no longer a suitable environment for their further development and I suspect most of them will enter a sleep state for the rest of this chain and return when the next chain is made available, as the pioneers of the humanity on that chain.

After the Moon Animals come the Moon Vegetables, who in the natural order of things, moved on to become the animal kingdom in our chain.

Moon Minerals by the same token moved up a kingdom. These are now our vegetable kingdom.

Moon Elemental Kingdoms, III II and I have all moved on one stage in the Earth Chain, so that Elemental Kingdom III is now our mineral kingdom; Elemental Kingdom II is now our Number III elementals and Elemental Kingdom I is now our Number II elementals.

The First Elemental Kingdom I is of course formed by a fresh Life Stream directly from the Logos, in accordance with the usual scheme of things.

That brings us to the end of our study of the Moon Chain and hopefully what we have learnt has set us up now to delve into our own Earth Chain. We do not come from dust and return to dust. We came from a lower kingdom of nature and will liberate ourselves into a higher kingdom in due course. If we, by some miracle, achieve the goal set by the Planetary Logos for our chain, we should reach adeptship (45) by the end of the seventh round on the seventh globe. Some have already done so and others will do so before the last globe in the last round. This is not a race, it is just an inevitable process. The Law of Development tells us that the only way is up.

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