The main reason we have focused on the 3rd, the Lemurian Root Race in reasonable detail is because this is where things begin to get interesting in human development. We began to become recognisable in form and we had the division of the sexes. Add to this the “sins of the mindless” and you begin to understand why Darwin never found his missing link. Let us now look at the remaining three sub-races.

The Barhishads from Globes A, B and C of the Moon Chain now came into incarnation, to help the Manu in founding the fifth, sixth and seventh sub-races. In these later sub-races, the Barhishads became Kings. King-Initiates of mythology, are not myths after all and are often more accurately portrayed than later histories. 

A King-Initiate would gather several people around Him, forming a clan, and then would teach this clan some of the arts of civilisation. He would direct and help them in the building of a city. One large city was erected under such instruction on what is now the island of Madagascar and many others were similarly built in other parts of the Lemurian continent. The style of architecture was cyclopean, being impressive by its hugeness.

During the long period these civilisations occupied the Earth, the physical appearance of the Lemurians was changed. The central eye at the top of the head was retreating, as it ceased to function, to the interior of the head, to form the pineal gland, while the two eyes – at first one on each side of it – were becoming active. The Greek legend of the Cyclops, as previously mentioned, is a tradition from the early Lemurian age.

There was a certain degree of domestication of animals, some of these being scaly monsters, almost as unattractive as their masters. Animals of all sorts were eaten raw, some tribes even, supposedly, had a taste for human flesh. Creatures similar to our slugs, snails and worms, however, much larger than their degenerate descendants, were regarded with peculiar favour as toothsome morsels.

Generally speaking the description of humanity during the 3rd Round, would fit aptly enough with the humanity of this fifth Lemurian sub-race. They have often been spoken of as egg-headed people, from the resemblance of their skulls to an egg with the pointed end towards the rear of the head. They still had a receding forehead and the eyes, as said, were set near the top of the egg. Their skin tone was black or brown-black. The fifth, sixth and seventh sub-races of the Lemurian Race were even more “human” in appearance than their predecessors had been.

The following is an abridged description of a Lemurian, given by Leadbeater, of one of the later sub-races – probably the fifth. ”His stature was gigantic, between 12 and 15 feet. His skin was very dark, yellowish brown. He had a long lower jaw, a strangely flattened face, eyes small but piercing and set curiously far apart so that he could see sideways as well as in front, while the eye at the back of the head enabled him to see in that direction also. Instead of a forehead, he had a roll of flesh, the head sloping backwards and upwards. Arms and legs, especially the arms, were longer in proportion than ours, and could not be perfectly straightened at elbows or knees. Hands and feet were enormous, the heels projecting backwards. The figure was draped in a loose robe of skin, something like rhinoceros hide, but more scaly. Round the head, on which the hair was short, was twisted another piece of skin to which were attached tassels of bright red, blue and other colours. In his left hand, he held a sharpened staff, about 12 or 15 feet long. In his right hand was twisted the end of a long rope made of a creeping plant, by which he led a huge and hideous reptile, somewhat resembling the Plesiosaurus. The appearance of the man gave an unpleasant sensation; but he was not entirely uncivilised, being an average commonplace specimen of his day. Many were even less human than the individual here described.

The men of the sixth sub-race were remarkable chiefly for their colour. They were no longer black or brown-black like the fifth sub-race; but blue-black, shading towards the end of the race into a distinct but rather vivid blue. They still showed a trace of egg-headedness, due to the retreating forehead. The people on the island of Bougainville are acknowledged to have the darkest skin today. Having lived in Papua New Guinea for four years, I can attest to the fact that their skin was indeed dark and blue-black.

While the sixth sub-race was developing, a large number of Initiates and their disciples were sent off from the Inter-Chain Nirvana to the Earth, to help the Manu of the fourth Root-Race by incarnating in the best bodies He had so far evolved. The very best bodies were given to those who had repaid their karma, their occupants being consequently able to improve them, and to get out of them everything which they were capable of yielding. These Arhats (46) and their pupils worked under the Barhishads and the Manus of the third and fourth Root Races, the seventh sub-race being evolved with their help.

The seventh sub-race, beginning as grey-blue, passed down through various greyish shades into a kind of grey-white. A fair idea of what a 7th root racer may have looked like can be gleaned from the statues that remain on Easter Island. These statues, most of them about 27 feet high and 8 feet across the shoulders, were probably intended to represent both the features and the height of those who carved them, or possibly of their ancestors, for it was probably in the later ages of the Lemuro-Atlanteans that the statues were erected. The faces were long and horse-like, the tip of the nose being at first above the centre, and at the end of the race exactly in the centre, of a line drawn from the top of the forehead to the chin. Remember, it was mentioned in an earlier presentation that Eater Island was part of the Lemurian continent that was submerged and then remerged. The stone heads seen today are the tip of much larger statues that lie buried.

The forehead was still a mere roll of bone, though growing a little higher towards the end of the sub-race. Like the sixth sub-race, they still exhibited a trace of egg-headedness, owing to the retreating forehead. They had thick clumsy lips and broad and flat noses. Some of these characteristics can still be seen amongst some tribes today but are not as pronounced in character.

Over time and succeeding sub-races, the stature of the inhabitants of Globe D had perceptibly decreased and the appearance of hands, feet and limbs had become more like those you see today. The humanity of the later sixth and seventh sub-races were great builders in a rough cyclopean fashion and they also had a certain crude idea of art. They developed an important and long-lasting civilisation and for thousands of years dominated most of the other tribes who dwelt on the vast Lemurian continent. Even at the end, when racial decay seemed to be overtaking them, they secured another long lease of life and power by intermarriage with the Rmoahals, the first Atlantean sub-race. The progeny, while retaining many third Root Race characteristics, really belonged to the fourth Root Race and thus acquired fresh impetus for further development. Their appearance now became not unlike that of some indigenous Americans, except that their skin had a curious bluish tinge that is no longer present in these populations.

The first cities were built on an extended mountainous region, which included the present Island of Madagascar. Another great city is described in The Secret Doctrine, as having been built entirely of blocks of lava. It lay some 167 miles west of the present Easter Island and was subsequently destroyed by a series of volcanic eruptions.

No race of pure Lemurian blood now exists; though the pigmies of Central Africa appear to represent a long-isolated fragment of the fourth sub-race; decreased to their present stature during millions of years following that curious law, which appears to impose diminution of size upon the last relics of a dying race.

Most Bantu tribes in Africa, have a considerable admixture of Atlantean, or fourth Root Race, blood; in the case of the Zulus, for example, we have in general appearance, a close analogue of the second Sub-race of the Atlanteans, the Tlavatli, although the colour and some of the faces are Lemurian.

Diminutive remnants of the 3rd Root Race may be recognised also in the aborigines of Australia, the Andaman Islanders, some hill tribes of India, the Tierra-del-Fuegians, and the Bushmen of Africa. The monads inhabiting these bodies today all would have causalised on the Earth, rather than the Moon chain. Although anthropologists classify these tribes as being some of the oldest human civilisations, they are, in fact, the youngest. Many of these tribes are dying out, sterility again being very prevalent amongst them. This is a natural process and these monads are likely to enter an inter-chain Nirvana and become the vanguard of the next chain.

There existed in Lemuria a Lodge of Initiation, but it was not primarily for the benefit of the Lemurians. A few of them that were sufficiently advanced were; it is true; taught by the Adept Gurus; but the instruction they required was limited to the explanation of a few physical phenomena, such as the movement of the earth around the sun; or the reason for the different appearance, which physical objects assumed when viewed alternately by physical and by emotional-world (48) sight. The Lodge, however, was intended primarily for those entities who had come from Venus and who, while helping to direct evolution on the earth, were at the same time pursuing their own evolutionary development.

That brings us to the end of our look at the 3rd Root Race. In the next presentation, we start by looking at the most significant event to occur in our chain. The coming of the Lords of Venus. See you next time.

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