AM-240 Chains Rounds & Globes (41)

In our exploration of the evolution of the 4th, the Earth chain, there is one event in its long history that stands head and shoulders above all others. So, today we come now to describe the most dramatic moment in the history of the Earth – the Coming of the Lords of the Flame; an event for which long preparations had been made.

The Barhishads and the Manu of the Third Race had done all that was possible to bring entities up to the point at which the germ of mind could be quickened and the descent of the monad could be made. In the Bible, God moulds clay into Adam. That explanation may suffice for a toddler but as soon as your brain cells start to connect to each other you realise there has to be something more to that simplistic description. Where this analogy of clay works is that it tells us that there was a preparation of form before the spirit of Adam was introduced into this form. In the case of the evolution of Humanity, all the laggards had been pushed on; there were no more in the animal kingdom capable of rising into the 4th Kingdom of Nature, the Human Kingdom. The ”door” would be ”shut” against further immigrants from the animal into the human kingdom. This would happen only when there were no more candidates capable of reaching the human level; without a repetition of the tremendous impulse which can be given once only in the evolution of a Scheme, at its midmost point.

A great astrological event, when a very special collocation of planets occurred and the magnetic condition of the Earth was the most favourable possible, was chosen at the time. It was 16½ million years ago. Nothing remained to be done, besides what only They could do.

Then, ”with the mighty roar of swift descent from incalculable heights; surrounded by blazing masses of fire which filled the sky with shooting tongues of flame, flashed through the aerial spaces the chariot of the Sons of the Fire, the Lords of the Flame from Venus; it halted, hovering over the White Island, which lay in the Gobi Sea; green was it, and radiant with masses of fragrant blossoms, Earth offering her best and fairest to welcome her coming King” – the great Being known as the King of the World, the Sanat Kumâra, with his three Assistants, and the remainder of His band of helpers.

As usual, this is all very poetic but if you were around at the time you would have been scared witless. Why? Ensuring all the planets were in the aspect of Earth meant that huge amounts of energy were about to be deployed. With the coming of the new, there is usually the destruction of the old. I have followed the theories of Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott on their YouTube channel which postulates an electrical rather than a gravitational universe. From an esoteric perspective, they are absolutely right and it is heartening to see that there are a brave band of physicists who are challenging the orthodoxy of most of the central tenets of physics and cosmology. 

This duo postulate that there is ample evidence in ancient cultures and petroglyphs found around the globe to point to a dramatic event that occurred, in their telling, not so long ago and it was linked to the planet Venus. Can you see where I am going here? They claim if you looked up into the night sky less than 10,000 years ago, they say 5,000 years ago, you would see a very different picture than you see today. You can look up their YouTube channel, ThunderboltsProject and check it out for yourselves. They postulate that Venus was once a comet that went streaming past the Earth, causing all sorts of disruption. We know Venus is the grand old lady of our current Solar System and she would do nothing as crude and vulgar as to lift her skirts and go cavorting around the Solar System on a merry jaunt. But clearly, something happened that was so spectacular and shocking, to the then inhabitants of the Earth, that they have remembered it in their myths down to modern times and when I say modern, I mean in the last 12,000 years. This even led to Asterix and Obelix worrying that the sky was about to fall on their heads.  

I am postulating here that these myths of a major calamity harken back to the time that the Lords of Venus made their grand entrance. The effect this would have had would have spanned across all the worlds of the Solar System, from 43 down to 49 and in the case of 49:5-7, the effects would have been visible to all. Those organisms that were unable to cope with the changes being wrought, would simply have discarnated. Even the rocks themselves would have felt the effects of the “thunderbolts” of energy that had just arrived. You also notice that there are a lot of gods in various pantheons that seem to major of wielding thunderbolts.

We have reviewed the arrival of this band of brothers in previous presentations. We also have looked at the work the Lord of the Planet is responsible for carrying out. It is necessary, therefore, only to recapitulate and amplify what has already been said, with special reference to the epoch of the world’s history with which we are now dealing.

The Secret Doctrine, as we saw, spoke of Lords of Venus, as projecting the spark of mind into the mindless men and awakening the intellect within them. The meaning of this is that They acted as a magnetic stimulus; They shone upon the people as the sun shone upon flowers and drew them up towards Themselves, thus enabling them to develop the latent spark and to become individualised.

H. P. Blavatsky mentioned some of the ”sons of mind, as incarnating among the people whom they were trying to help. The Lords of the Flame did not Themselves incarnate among men in the ordinary way”; H. P. Blavatsky was here referring to the Barhishads, who did enter into ordinary human bodies and so for a time became part of the race.

But for the help kindly given to us by these great Leaders, the world would have been a very different place today. Without them not only would millions, who became human under the impetus which They gave, be still in the animal kingdom, but all the rest of humanity would be far behind the position in which it now stands.

Evolution follows a set pattern and in our case, the fourth round was destined to see the development of the desire-principle in humanity, it was only in the next or fifth round that humanity was intending to devote itself to the unfolding of the intellect. Owing, however, to the stimulus given by the Lords of the Flame, the intellect was advanced in its development and we are therefore a whole round in advance of where we should have been but for Their help. We also saw previously that They brought to the Earth bees, ants and wheat. How thoughtful; we can go for a picnic, get stung by bees, bitten by ants and have an allergic reaction to gluten.

Until the Coming of the Lords of the Flame, the batches or ship-loads from the Inter-Chain Nirvana had arrived separately, but now fecundity, the rate of reproduction, increased rapidly, like everything else, and large fleets were needed to bring in monads to inhabit the bodies. Noah had never been busier in this life! These monads came pouring in, while others of lower types took possession of all the animals with the germs of mind who were individualised at the Coming, the Lords of the Flame thus doing in a moment for millions, what now would take us ages and many incarnations to achieve.

The Lords of the Flame arrived on Earth about the middle of the third Root Race, after the separation of the sexes. It is part of the plan of the Planetary Chain Logos that at a certain stage in its evolution, humanity must begin to guide itself, instead of being dependent upon entities from other evolutions. Therefore all future Buddhas, Manus and Adepts will be members of our own humanity, the Lords from Venus having gone on to other worlds.

Arthur Powell tells us, based on Leadbeater’s investigations that the number of Adepts or Masters who retain physical bodies in order to help the evolution of the world is at present perhaps some 50 or 60 in total. I think Laurency put the figure as low as 36. The take-home point is that all the current aspirants who think they are about to disappear up their backside in short order, to find themselves in the 5th dimension, wherever that may be, are going to be shocked when they find there are no vacant spaces in the Hierarchy. Anyone who is prepared to get with the “Plan” and move their life in a positive direction, will work with the Hierarchy but they are not going to be part of them. It is also worth pointing out here that when the term “retain their physical bodies” is used, it means that these monads have chosen not to dissolve their lower triadic structures, precisely for the reason that it allows them to incarnate back into the lowest triad as and when their work dictates it. Avatars for instance maintain no triadic structures below World 44. So if you happen to bump into an avatar during your grocery shop, be gentle with them, they are very far from home.

On that thought, let’s leave it there for today and resume our investigations into the beginnings of the 4th, the Atlantian Root Race.

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