We are now one root race away from our own, the 5th Root Race. There is a good deal of information available regarding the 4th or Atlantean Root Race, the classic book on the subject, for our purposes, being The Story of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria, by W Scott-Elliott. Like Leadbeater, Scott-Elliot was able to interrogate the Akashic Records to build up a picture of what went on in our dim and distant past. Is he accurate? I have not got a clue. It does chime with what others say, but is what others say based on what he wrote? One way or the other, it makes for a ripping yarn so we will continue. This book contains also four maps, covering roughly the following periods:

Map I from about 1,000,000 to 800,000 years ago.

Map II from about 800,000 to 200,000 years ago.

Map III from about 200,000 to 75,025 years ago.

Map IV from about 75,025 to 9,564 B.C.E

During the first map period, Atlantis extended from a few degrees east of Iceland to about the site now occupied by Rio de Janeiro; it embraced Texas, the Gulf of Mexico, the Southern and Eastern States of America, Labrador, and the area from there to Ireland, Scotland and a small portion of the north of England. It reached also from Brazil to the African Gold Coast.

The second map period shows the distribution of land after the first great catastrophe about 800,000 years ago, in the Miocene Age. Much of the north of the continent was submerged, and the rest much rent. The growing American continent was separated by a chasm from the remainder of Atlantis, which then occupied the bulk of the Atlantic basin, from about 50º N. Lat. to a few degrees south of the equator. Considerable subsidences and upheavals in other parts of the world also took place, the British Isles, for example, forming part of a huge island embracing the Scandinavian peninsula, the north of France, all the intervening and some of the surrounding seas.

The third map period shows the land surface after the second catastrophe about 200,000 years ago, this catastrophe, however, being relatively much smaller than the first one. Atlantis proper was now split into a northern island called Ruta, and a southern called Daitya. The future North and South America were separated from one another, Egypt was submerged, and the Scandinavian island was joined to the future Europe.

The fourth map period shows the land surface after the stupendous convulsion which took place in 75,025 B.C. Daitya almost entirely disappeared, and Ruta was reduced to the comparatively small island of Poseidonis, about the centre of the Atlantic Ocean. The land surface was then roughly as it is today, though the British Isles were still joined to Europe, the Baltic Sea was non-existent, and the Sahara desert was still ocean.

In 9,564 B.C. Poseidonis was finally submerged.

The Troano MS., which appears to have been written about 3,500 years ago, among the Mayas of Yucatan, translated by Le Plongeon, gives the following description of the submergence of Poseidonis:

”In the year 6 Kan, on the 11th Muluc in the month Zac, there occurred terrible earthquakes, which continued without interruption until the 13th Chuen. The country of the hills of mud, the land of Mu was sacrificed: being twice upheaved it suddenly disappeared during the night, the basin being continually shaken by volcanic forces. Being confined, caused the land to sink and to rise several times in various places. At last, the surface gave way and ten countries were torn asunder and scattered. Unable to stand the force of the convulsions, they sank with their 64,000,000 inhabitants 8,060 years before the writing of this book.”

In addition to the four great catastrophes mentioned, there were many other minor ones.

The initiated kings and priests, who followed the ”good law,” were aware beforehand of the impending calamities. Each one, therefore, became a centre of prophetic warning, and ultimately the leader of a band of colonists. The names of the 7 sub-races are as follows:

(1) Rmoahal.

(2) Tlavatli.

(3) Toltec.

(4) Turanian.

(5) Original Semites.

(6) Akkadian.

(7) Mongolian.

With the exception of the first two, the names chosen have been those given by ethnologists to traces of these sub-races, or parts of them, which they have found. The first two are given the names by which they call themselves.

Let us now look at the first sub-race. Sanat Kumâra, the Head of the Hierarchy, began, almost immediately after He came, to make arrangements for the founding of the 4th Root Race. Accordingly, the fourth Race Manu selected the smallest, densest and best of the Lemurians. It is assumed these were from the fourth Lemurian sub-race. At the time when they were under the guidance of the King-Initiates, he arranged for suitable monads to incarnate in the bodies they provided.

This was not an easy process, with tribes having to be segregated, their members intermarrying for long periods, the best being then selected and paired off with the best of another segregated party. The Manu and His disciples also incarnated in order to improve their physical appearance. The first thing to note here is that we are quite literally seeing a breeding experiment. This should not come as a surprise, as we have seen this on other chains and in the various rounds of our chain. It still, however, comes as a surprise to know that not only were individuals and groups encouraged to breed in certain combinations, but very evolved monads, the Barhishads (46) all the way up to a Manu, which would be at least a 44-self, had to pass their genetic material into the population. Would this be an entertaining experience for them? I very much doubt it. The evolutionary gap between an Arhat, a 46-self and a human is the difference between an animal and us today. Does that sound appealing to you? Then when you consider a Manu, who could be a lower 43-self is as far away from us evolutionarily speaking, as we are from minerals, you begin to get the picture of just how big a sacrifice these august beings were making to improve our species.

It will be remembered that several Initiates and their disciples, from the Inter-Chain Nirvana, had incarnated in the Lemurian sixth sub-race and that they had greatly improved the bodies of that sub-race. These improved bodies were also used by the Manu for His purposes, a large number of developed entities thus taking the lead and pressing things forward.

Finally, the Manu took the bodies of the Lemurian seventh sub-race, bluish-white individual, if you remember, improved by the Initiates using them, as the nucleus of His first sub-race of the Atlantian Root-Race- the Rmoahal. Only this group of Initiates and their disciples came into these bodies at first, there being none taken from those who had previously been evolving on the Earth Chain.

The colony of the seventh sub-race people was settled on land represented at present by the Ashanti region of Western Nigeria, which was then a promontory to the northwest of the island continent. It embraced the Cape of Good Hope and parts of Western Africa. The colony was guarded for generations from admixture with less evolved physical specimens and increased in numbers until it was ready to receive the new impulse to physical heredity, which the Manu was destined to impart.

The Manu had eliminated the blue from the colour of His people, passing through purple into red, and then, by mixing in the blue-white of the Lemurian seventh sub-race, obtained a type for the Rmoahals, which we could call fully human and that we could imagine as living among ourselves.

About a million years were spent in establishing the race type, stupendous care and trouble having been taken to reach a fair resemblance to the type based on the template the Manu represented. At this time it may be said that He founded the Race, as He took incarnation. The Manu called His disciples to take incarnation in His own family, His progeny thus forming the Race. The Manu of a Race is, in the most literal sense, its Progenitor, for the whole Race has its Manu as its physical ancestor.

Even Manu’s immediate descendants, however, were not very attractive, although a vast improvement in the surrounding population. They were smaller than these but had no nervous organisation worth speaking of and their astral bodies were shapeless. He moulded and shaped His physical body after His own emotional and mental bodies, modifying the pigment in the skin until it became approximated to the colour designed for the Race. This sounds like an impressive feat. How many people wish they could think of themselves as thinner or taller? Well, all you have to do is evolve to at least a 45-self and these things become possible. This can’t be done in the timeframe that most YouTube videos would have you believe, but persevere and it will come to pass.

After this initial intervention by the Manu, many generations passed before the young Race took possession of its continent, Atlantis. From this point onwards, batches of monads began to come in from the Inter-Chain Nirvana, to inhabit the Fourth Race bodies. It is worth noting here that the Manu of the fourth Root Race was one of the Adepts from Venus.

It is worth asking the question here, how do you go about developing a new root-race from its predecessor? The general principle seems to be that a root race is developed from the numerically corresponding sub-race of the preceding root race. Thus, the fourth Root-Race should, by the rule, have been developed from the fourth sub-race of the third Root-Race; the fifth Root-Race was developed from the fifth sub-race of the fourth Root-Race; whilst the sixth Root-Race will be developed from the sixth sub-race of the fifth Root-Race. This diagram illustrates the process.

In the case of the fourth root race, however, it seems that it was not until the time of the seventh Lemurian sub-race that humanity was sufficiently developed physiologically to warrant the final choice of individuals fit to become parents of the new Root-Race.

The Rmoahal race came into existence between 4 and 5 million years ago. Much of Lemuria still existed and Atlantis had not yet become as large as it eventually became. The Rmoahal race was born about Lat. 7º N. and Long. 5º W., at a place which is now the Ashanti coast. It was a hot, moist country, where huge antediluvian animals lived in reedy swamps and dank forests; the fossil remains of such plants are now in our coal seams according to Scott-Elliot. I, personally, doubt this.

The race was at first mahogany black in colour. They were about 10 or 12 feet in height, their stature dwindling gradually through the centuries. They ultimately migrated to the southern shores of Atlantis, where they fought with the Lemurian sixth and seventh sub-races. Some of them settled down and inter-married with the black Lemurians. Others reached the extreme northeastern promontories contiguous with Iceland; here they gradually became lighter in colour and about a million years ago could almost be described as being fair.

Their occupation of these northern lands was not unbroken, because at intervals they were driven south by glacial epochs. A minor glacial epoch occurs about every 30,000 years; in addition, there are major epochs, one of which was in process about 3 million years ago.

The Rmoahals, being the children of the new Race, were themselves incapable of developing any plan of settled government, nor did they reach even as high a point of civilisation as the Lemurian sixth and seventh sub-races. They were ruled, therefore, by the Manu Himself, or by other Adept or Divine Rulers. What was changing was that they were becoming more mentally, rather than intuitionally focused. This was however a slow process and did not come to fruition until the 5th Root Race

The brachycephalous, or round-headed specimen known as the ”Furfooz man” may be taken as a fair average of of what the Rmoahals looked like as their sub-race began to decay. The modern Lapps, with some infusion of other blood, are descendants of the scattered and vestigial remnants of the Rmoahals.

The government of the Rmoahals has been presented here in a sketchy form. The memory of their Divine Ruler was preserved and in due time He came to be regarded as a god. Being to a certain extent psychic, the Rmoahals adopted a religion which, though not profoundly philosophical, was far from degenerate. In later days this phase of religious belief passed into a kind of ancestor worship. Amongst the Rmoahals, arts and sciences were crude in the extreme. That raps it up for the first sub-race from Atlantis. It may not sound much but it was a beginning and many things were to spring from these humble beginnings. Some were great, others less so. We will get to those as we pass now into the second sub-race. See you in the next presentation.

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