The start of the Atlantian Root race began when the Manu of the race took a group of people, secluded them and started a breeding experiment. To the pot, the Manu then added hits of the 6th and 7th sub-races from the 3rd Root Race until the “pie” was baked and entered stage left, the 4th Root Race, with its first sub-race, the Rmoahals. They were ebony black in skin colour now, having passed through a kaleidoscope of pigmentations and had a stature of 10-12 feet. This all started about a million years ago and over an extended period, this sub-race went through its own series of seven sub-sub races. The time was now ripe for the next sub-race to make an appearance. This sub-race arose on an island off the west coast of Atlantis; from there it spread across the continent, gradually tending northwards to the coast facing Greenland.

They were red-brown in colour, powerful and hardy, but not quite so tall as the Rmoahals, whom they drove further north. They settled chiefly in mountainous districts approximately in an area which later became the island of Poseidonis. Their tribes or nations were ruled by chiefs or kings who were acclaimed by the people on account of their being the most powerful individuals or greatest warriors. A considerable empire was eventually established among them, one king being the nominal head, though rather in titular honour than in actual authority.

Their colonies spread outwards in every direction. A mixture of this sub-race and the third sub-race – the Toltecs inhabited the western islands, which later formed part of the American continent; they reached also the extreme southern coasts, where Rio de Janeiro now is. Others occupied the eastern shores of the Scandinavian island, while numbers reached India, where they mixed with the indigenous Lemurians and formed the Dravidian race.

At a later period, they occupied the south of South America, so that the Patagonians probably had remote Tlavalti ancestry. Remains of this sub-race, just like the Rmoahals, have been found in the quaternary strata of Central Europe, and the dolichocephalous (long skull) ”Cro-Magnon” man who may be taken as an average specimen of the race towards its decline, while the ”Lake-Dwellers” of Switzerland, a Neolithic people, formed an even earlier and not quite pure offshoot. The only fairly pure-blooded specimens of the race now existing are some of the indigenous inhabitants of South America. The Burmese and Siamese are a mixture of the Tlavatli with one of the sub-races of the Fifth Root Race (the Âryan).

The Tlavalti inherited the traditional reverence and worship for the Manu but were taught by their Adept instructors to recognise a supreme being whose symbol was the sun. They thus developed a sort of sun worship; using the tops of hills for the purpose; where they built circles of upright monoliths. These both symbolised the sun’s yearly course and also served astronomical purposes, being so placed that, to a person standing at the high altar, the sun would rise at the winter solstice behind one of the monoliths, at the vernal equinox behind another, and so on throughout the year. The stone circles were used also for more complicated astronomical observations of the more distant constellations. So much for the nonsense that Stone Henge is only 5,000 years old. Stone circle monuments are seriously ancient and just because a band of arse-scratching locals 5,000 years ago may have set up camp next to them, does not mean they were responsible for erecting them.

The Manu brought into the Tlavatli sub-race some of the entities from Globe D (the Moon) of the Moon Chain, who had individualised in the lunar fourth and fifth rounds. Arts and sciences, among the Tlavatlis, were extremely crude.

That is all we can really say about this second sub-race of the Atlantians. What we have gleaned is that they are with us today in certain areas of the world and that their monuments were so substantial, that we still marvel at them today. We have not even discussed how they went about building such megalithic structures but using block and tackle was not one of them.

We now move on to the 3rd sub-race. This sub-race has a lot of history to talk about relative to the previous two sub-races. This seems to be a recurring theme, whether we are talking about chains, rounds, globes, root races or sub-races. The first two rounds of anything, seem to be setting the theme for the next two around, especially the fourth, then the metal hits the road and you have reached the densest level in any cycle.

The 3rd sub-race began to appear near the west coast of Atlantis, about Lat. 30º N. The whole of the surrounding country, and most of the west coast, was occupied by them. Later they extended right across the continent, their emperors holding almost worldwide sway from their capital on the eastern coast. The people were a rich red-brown, redder or more copper-coloured than the Tlavatli. The first three sub-races have been spoken of as the ”red” races, the four following as the ”yellow” races.

The Toltecs were tall, averaging about 8 feet during their ascendancy, but later dwindling to the dimensions usual among us today. The type was an improvement on the two previous sub-races, the features being straight and well-marked, not unlike the ancient Greeks.

This sub-race was a magnificent development, the most splendid and imperial of the Atlantean peoples, ruling the whole of Atlantis for thousands of years in great material power and glory. So dominant and vital were they that the products of intermarriage with later sub-races remained essentially Toltec. Even hundreds of thousands of years later we find them ruling magnificently in Mexico and Peru, long before their degenerate descendants were conquered by the fiercer Aztecs from the north.

At first, they were divided into several petty independent kingdoms, at war with each other and with the Lemurio-Rmoahals of the south. About a million years ago, after great wars, the separate kingdoms united in a great federation with an emperor at its head.

The second of these emperors was the Manu who founded the City of the Golden Gates, the first of many cities of that name. He also arranged for the incarnation at this time of a number of monads, who had complete causal bodies, from Globe D of the Moon Chain, who had individualised in the lunar fourth and fifth rounds.

The Toltec, by virtue of its great superiority, was at this time the ruling race and subdued the rest of the world. The lower classes, however, were not of pure Toltec blood. Even in the City of the Golden Gates only the aristocracy and the middle class were Toltecs, the lower classes being of mixed descent, largely composed of men and women taken captives in wars and reduced to servitude by the Toltecs. There arrived at this time also a group of ”Servers”, containing certain monads who would go on to play a major role in future Human development. Some of these were at once earmarked by the Manu of the Fifth Root Race, Vaivasvata Manu, as part of His future talent pool. It is for this reason that H. P. Blavatsky speaks of the founding of the Fifth Root Race as being one million years ago. It was actually led out from Atlantis only in 79,997 B.C.E.

The group of Servers, mentioned above, later formed the group with an average of 1,200 to 1,000 years interval between incarnations. The 1,200-year group included the two monads who later became Masters with English bodies, Sir Thomas Moore and ”Philalethes” or Thomas Vaughan. The other, the 700-year group, did not arrive on the Earth until 400,000 years later.

For thousands of years, the Divine dynasty ruled Atlantis, the islands on the west, and the southern portion of the land lying to the east. Usually, the power was handed down from father to son, the dynasty being, when necessary, recruited from the Lodge of Initiates.

This was the golden age of the Toltecs, the rulers acting in harmony with the Hierarchy. The government was accordingly just and beneficent; arts and sciences were cultivated and, with the assistance of esoteric knowledge; achieved tremendous results; religious belief and ritual were still comparatively pure; in fact, the Atlantean civilisation was at its height.

After about 100,000 years of this golden age, degeneracy set in. Many of the tributary kings, as well as many of the priests and people, began to use their faculties and powers for personal aggrandisement, the attainment of wealth and authority, the humiliation and ruin of their enemies, and, in general, for all kinds of selfish and malevolent purposes. This led to ”sorcery,” and to the breaking of their connection with the Hierarchy. Remember, the Hierarchy expects you to work for them, not yourself.

It is this desecration of psychic faculties and scientific attainments for selfish ends which constitutes ”sorcery,” and this, the ”black art,” rapidly spread. Higher spiritual guidance being withdrawn, the principle of Kâma (Desire), due in the natural course of things to reach its zenith in this Fourth Race, asserted itself more and more. Lust, brutality and ferocity increased and the animal nature approached its most degraded expression. Eventually the followers of the ”black arts” rose in rebellion and set up a rival emperor who, after much struggle and fighting, drove the white emperor from his capital city – the City of the Golden Gates – and established himself on his throne.

The white emperor moved northwards and re-established himself in a city, now the seat of a tributary Toltec king, in the south of the mountainous district. The adherents of the white emperor gradually fell away from him; the hostile parties continually fought one another, the destructive powers of the armies being supplemented by the use of sorcery.

This brings us to about 850,000 years ago, by which time more and more people had acquired and were practising the ”black arts.” The City of the Golden Gates had by this time become a den of iniquity, and matters moved from bad to worse. The emperor of the north, as well as the Initiated priests throughout the whole continent, had long been fully aware of the catastrophes at hand. Each one, therefore, became a centre of prophetic warning and ultimately led an emigration. In the later days, the rulers of the country deeply resented these priest-led emigrations, as tending to impoverish and depopulate their kingdoms, and it became necessary to get on board ship secretly at night.

This is all very depressing and it is our history. We are not reading Lord of the Rings here although I am sure you can see some similarities, especially with the stories told in the Silmarillion. I am also reminded of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and look what happened there! 

On that sobering thought, let us leave it there for today and take up the reigns next time to find out what happened next and what happened next was uncomfortable. 

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