We ended the last presentation with the Toltec sub-race spiralling down the toilet. The Hierarchy had withdrawn its guidance, the White Emperor had to leave the City of the Golden Gates and “sorcery” was now in general use by the populace. What do you think the Hierarchy’s response to this deplorable state of affairs would be? Well, about 800,000 years ago, the first great catastrophe occurred, the whole continent being torn asunder. Whole provinces were engulfed by tidal waves and turned into desolate swamps and the City of the Golden Gates was destroyed. Thus the black emperor and his dynasty fell; to rise no more. This terrible warning was taken to heart, and for a time sorcery became less prevalent, but during the whole period from now onwards, the general tendency was for sorcery to become more and more prevalent.

During this period the monad, who in a later incarnation we would know as Julius Cæsar, came from the City of the Golden Gates and conquered the Tlavatli tribe in which some members of the special groups mentioned in the previous presentation, were incarnated. He treated the tribe kindly, assisted it and incorporated it into the Toltec empire.

Batches of monads continued to arrive from the interchain nirvana, the main cause of separation of the batches appearing to be the method of individualisation, which causes different intervals between incarnations. The various classes of Moon-Men and Animal-Men also kept separate from one another, as were the monads with basket-work causal envelopes.

As stated previously, the first batch of the 700-year group, arrived about 600,000 B.C.E., taking birth in the Tlavatli, and including two masters we know well, Morya and Koot Hoomi, aka Pythagoras, the founder of Hylozoics. Also at this time, about 600,000 B.C.E., the Head of the Hierarchy arranged for the incarnation of a special group of 105 monads, who had in Venus been pet animals of the Lords of the Flame and were strongly linked to Them by affection. They individualised on Venus and were all placed on the first or second Rays. Another small group, from the 3rd Round, was sent to Globe E for special treatment in preparation for the Fifth Root Race, and then came to Earth at this time, thus accounting for those mentioned by H. P. Blavatsky as coming to the Earth from Globe E.

From this time forward, the 1,200 and the 700-year groups formed what has been called the ”Clan” and usually kept together. The whole Clan incarnated together in the City of the Golden Gates when “Morya” was king, in Peru when he was Emperor, in the mainland near the White Island under the Manu, and in the second and third sub-races at the beginnings of those sub-races and later migrations, to name a few out of many instances. The Theosophical Society of today is another supposed meeting ground of the Clan. At least that is what they think. I will leave you to make up your own mind on that question.

In about 220,000 B.C.E., Morya was Emperor in the City of the Golden Gates, with the title of ”Divine Ruler” transmitted from the Initiates of earlier days. Koot Hoomi was the chief Priest. These two come down the ages together, the one always as the Ruler, the other the Teacher and the Priest. Morya seemed to always be a man, though Koot Hoomi was sometimes a woman. As we know, Morya is destined to be the Manu of the next Root Race and Koot Hoomi its Bodhisattva. 

When the Toltecs were at their zenith, the continent of Atlantis was probably as densely populated as England and Belgium currently are, with the population of the world being about 2 billion at that time.

The Toltecs, having emigrated chiefly to the West, spread abroad and flourished on what are now the continents of North and South America. The Peruvian empire under their Inca sovereigns, about 14,000 years ago, may be regarded as a traditional, though faint, echo of the golden age of the Toltecs on the mother continent of Atlantis.

The best representative of the Toltecs today is the average native Americans of North or South America, but of course, they bear no comparison with the Toltecs at their zenith. The Toltecs supplied the first great body of emigrants who mixed with and dominated the inhabitants of Egypt. About 400,000 years ago, Egypt being then isolated and thinly populated, became an attractive location for a Lodge of Initiates, because of the spread of the ”black arts” in their own country. They emigrated to Egypt and for nearly 200,000 years did their work there. About 210,000 years ago, the Esoteric Lodge founded the first Divine Dynasty of Egypt and an empire along with it. They did this with the help of colonists they brought over from degenerate parts of Atlantis.

Approximately 205,000 years ago the two great Pyramids of Gizeh were built, partly to provide permanent Halls of Initiation, and partly to act as treasure-house and shrine for some great talisman of power during the submergence, which the Initiates knew was impending. It is legitimate to suppose that occult power was employed to facilitate the moving and lifting of the enormously heavy stones used in the Great Pyramid. So much for the current theories about who did or did not build the two big pyramids. Alternative researchers argue for a date about 12,000 years ago, for a whole series of astrological reasons. Some go further back, but no one in their wildest imagination would have put them over 200,000 years ago! You can imagine how shocked they are going to be when they get to examine the Akashic Records for themselves.

About 200,000 years ago, Egypt was submerged and remained so for a considerable period. When it emerged again it was once more peopled by the descendants of its old inhabitants, who had taken refuge in the Ethiopian mountains, and by fresh bands of Atlantean colonists from various parts of the world. A considerable immigration of the sixth sub-race (the Akkadian), helped to modify the Egyptian type. This was the era of the second Divine Dynasty of Egypt, the rulers again being Initiated Adepts.

The spread of black magic led up to the second great catastrophe, in 200,000 B.C.E. when the great continent was reduced to two islands, Ruta and Daitya. For the next 100,000 years, the people of Atlantis flourished, building up a mighty, but over-luxurious, civilisation. The capital was once more the City of the Golden Gates, a Toltec dynasty again rising to power, 5 on the island of Ruta, and ruling a large portion of the island. This dynasty also was addicted to the black craft.

It must, however, be borne in mind that down to the very end, when Poseidonis was destroyed in 9,564 B.C.E., an Initiate emperor or king, or at least someone acknowledging the ”good law,” held sway in some part of the island continent, instructing the small ”white” minority and controlling where possible the evil sorcerers. In later days the ”white” king was a ruler elected by the priests. Members of the ”Clan” were sometimes born into families addicted to the black arts, occasionally dallying with it, sometimes breaking away. One incident is of particular interest and will be briefly summarised here.

About 100,000 years ago, Corona (aka Julius Caesar) was the White Emperor in the great city, Morya being one of his generals. A great rebellion was plotted, headed by Oduarpa, a man of strange and evil knowledge, a ”Lord of the Dark Face,” in league with the ”Kingdom of Pan,” semi-human, semi-animal creatures who are the originals of the Greek satyrs. Oduarpa gathered around himself, as Emperor of the Midnight Sun, a huge army and He established a worship, with himself as the central idol, which was sensual, riotous, and held humanity by animal gratification. Against the White Cave of Initiation located in the City of the Golden Gates was set up the Dark Cave of the mysteries of Pan, the Earth-God, in caverns deep in the earth.

Oduarpa, crafty and ambitious, was at the head of the Federation of the outlying kingdoms, which arrayed itself against the White Emperor. By his compact with the denizens of the nether world, he had abnormally extended his own life and had materialised a metallic coating around his own body, which rendered him impervious to spears or sword thrusts. Sounds a bit like Sauron.

One of the members of the “Clan”, by instinct shrinking from the black practices and their orgies, was beguiled into taking some part in them by the allurements of a maiden. A wild and drunken revel ensued. Out of the earth emerged a wild procession of hairy bipeds, long-armed and claw-footed, with animals’ heads and manes, non-human, yet horribly human. These gave the revellers drink and ointments, which made them drop drugged and senseless on the ground.

From the huddled heaps, there sprang animal forms, emotional materialisations, fierce and conscienceless as animals, cruel and crafty as men, which passed into the outer world full of lust, snarling and ravening, returning into the human forms again when their orgy was over. As a point of interest, when I continually mention we only know about two streams of monads evolving in our solar system, you may just be getting an inkling of a third. No wonder the Hierarchy is very cagey when it comes to talking about these other life streams.

Using these rites, Oduarpa obtained a firm hold over the people and gained great power over the sub-human kingdom. He had a bodyguard of his magic animals, desire forms materialised into physical bodies, and these he would lose at his enemies in battle: they fought with teeth and claws, spread panic among the startled hosts, and gorged on the bodies of the slain. The decisive battle was fought against the White forces, at the City of the Golden Gates, Morya being slain by Oduarpa himself, with some of the “Clan” being captured and torn to pieces by the horrible animals. Oduarpa became Emperor of the City of the Golden Gates, but not for long. Vaivasvata Manu came against him with a great army and destroyed the artificially created Pan animals, scattered Oduarpa’s army, and slew Oduarpa himself. We have fanciful stories today about demon kings but this recounting really takes the biscuit. If half of what was reported by Scott-Elliot is true, we, collectively, have a lot to answer for.

The rule of the White Emperor was again set up in the City, now purified, but slowly the evil gained power again until Oduarpa, now reincarnated, fought against the White forces, defeated them, and set up his own throne. Then the Head of the Hierarchy, we know who he is, spoke the words of doom, as the Occult Commentary states: the ”Great King of the Dazzling Face” – the White Emperor-sent to his brother Chiefs: ”Prepare. Arise, ye men of the Good Law, and cross the land while yet dry.” The ”Rod of the Four” – the Kumaras – was raised. ”The hour has struck, the black night is ready.” The ”servants of the Great Four” warned their people, and many escaped. ”Their Kings reached them in their Vimânas (aeroplanes) and led them on to the lands of fire and metal” (i.e., east and north).

Explosions of gas, floods and earthquakes destroyed Ruta and Daitya, and only Poseidonis remained. This was the catastrophe of 75,025 B.C.E.

In this catastrophe, Egypt was again submerged, but this time it was only a temporary wave. The people tried to climb the Pyramids for safety but failed owing to the smoothness of their sides. When the flood receded, the third Divine Dynasty, which was mentioned by Manetho, an Egyptian priest, began its rule, and under its early kings, the Temple of Karnak and many more of the ancient buildings still standing in Egypt were constructed. Except for the two Pyramids, no building in Egypt is more than 80,000 years old, according to Scott-Elliot. That number alone will alarm all Egyptologists.

In this catastrophe, the Himalayas were heaved up a little higher, the land south of India was submerged, Egypt was drowned, and only the Pyramids were left standing. The tongue of land which stretched from Egypt to what is now Morocco and Algeria disappeared, and the two countries remained as an island, washed by the Mediterranean and the Sahara Sea. The Gobi Sea became circular, and the land was thrown up, now Siberia, separating it from the Arctic Ocean; Central Asia rose, and many torrents, caused by unprecedented rainfall, cut deep ravines through the soft earth. Yet another tidal wave swept over Egypt when Poseidonis was submerged, in 9,564 B.C. This also was temporary, but it brought to an end the Divine Dynasties of Egypt, for the Lodge of Initiates had transferred its quarters to other lands. You would have thought that the Egyptians would have learned and migrated away after the first inundation!

In Poseidonis, the population was mixed, with two kingdoms and a small republic in the west dividing the island between them. The northern portion was ruled by an Initiate king. In the South, too, the hereditary principle had given way to election by the people. Exclusive race-based dynasties were at an end, but kings of Toltec blood occasionally rose to power both in the north and the south, though the north constantly lost territory to the south.

Well, that was quite an adventure. Let’s look at the civilisation of Atlantis in the next presentation.

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