We have talked about the city of the Gold Gate on several occasions. This city was founded by the Manu early on in the development of the 4th Root Race. The city went through several incarnations, as cities often do. As this city was always seen as the seat of the greatest power of the day, let us look at it during its golden years.

This Golden city lay on the east coast about 15º north of the equator, and was surrounded by wooded park-like country, scattered over which were the residences of the wealthier inhabitants of the city. To the west lay a range of mountains, from which was drawn the water supply. The city was built on the slopes of a hill about 500 feet above the plain. On the summit of the hill lay the emperor’s palace and gardens, in the centre of which welled up a stream of water, supplying the palace and the fountains in the gardens, and then flowing in four directions, cascading into a canal which surrounded the grounds.

From this canal, four channels led the water, through the four quarters of the city, to cascades, which in their turn supplied another encircling canal. There were three such concentric canals, the lowest being still above the level of the plain. On the lowest level a fourth canal, on a rectangular plan, received the waters and discharged them into the sea. The city extended up to the edge of the outermost canal, which was about 12 miles by 10 miles. The uppermost of the three belts, into which the city was thus divided, contained a circular race course and public gardens, most of the houses of the court officials, and the ”Strangers’ House.” This last dwelling was a palace where strangers were entertained, as guests of the Government, for as long as they cared to stay. The other two belts were occupied by the detached houses of the inhabitants and the various temples.

In the days of the Toltec greatness, there was no real poverty, even the slaves attached to most houses being well fed and clothed. It seems that slavery has been with us for a very long time. There were some comparatively poor houses in the lowest belt to the north, as well as outside the outermost canal towards the sea, where the inhabitants were connected mostly with shipping, their houses being closer together. Such a scene would be reminiscent of any city port in classical times as well as the Middle Ages. It is interesting to note that when people describe Atlantis, just before its final destruction in 9, 564 B.C.E, they talk about a fabled island. However, they just go on to describe the layout of a city, as though this is all Atlantis was. The description they give is basically what we are going to be talking about today. It seems the plan of the City of the Golden Gate, has become synonymous with a whole Root Race!

In the days of its greatness, the City of the Golden Gates contained over two million inhabitants. That size would be impressive by today’s standards and remember we are dealing with an agrarian, not an industrial society.

This large conurbation was known also as the City of the Waters, because of its magnificent water supply, which was finer than anything which has been attempted since, in any age. I sometimes wonder if the descriptions of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was less of a city located in modern-day Iraq and more of a memory of this fabled Atlantian metropolitan centre. Let’s carry on; the water came from a lake to the west, at an elevation of some 2,600 feet, the main aqueduct, with an oval cross-section, some 50 feet by 30 feet, leading underground to a huge heart-shaped reservoir, deep below the palace. From the reservoir, a perpendicular shaft of about 500 feet, rose through the solid rock and gave passage to the water, which welled up in the palace grounds. From the central reservoir, pipes led to different parts of the city to supply drinking water and the fountains. There were valves to control the various sections of supply. The hydrostatic pressure must have been enormous, and consequently, the strength of the material used in the aqueducts must have been immense. Other towns, on the plains, were protected by immense banks of earth, faced on the outside with thick metal plates, thus forming a practically impregnable barrier against spears or arrows.

Airships were used by the wealthier classes; they were capable of carrying between two and eight people. In the later days of war and strife, they constructed giant air-ships, that served as battleships, which contained 50 to 100 fighting men. The stories of such craft are recounted in the battle scenes of Hindu scripture. Read in the context of modern history, such tales make no sense. Clearly, what is being recounted are memories of a time long past, when technologies existed that did allow flight. The earlier iterations of these flying machines were built of very thin wood, strengthened by the injection of some substance, which did not add materially to the weight but greatly increased the toughness. Later they used an alloy, of two white metals and one red one, producing a white metal like aluminium, but even lighter in weight. This metal was beaten into shape over the framework and welded where necessary, producing a seamless and perfectly smooth surface, which shone in the dark as though coated with luminous paint. This got me thinking. Some people claim that there are images of UFOs in paintings and reliefs found in Egypt and Meso-America. Could these be representations of these Atlantan vessels and not extra-terrestrial craft? These craft were shaped like boats, with propelling and steering gear at each end. From the airships they dropped bombs filled with heavy poison gas; as mentioned, references to these may be found in the great epics and Purânas of the Hindus. In the earlier days, the ships were propelled by vril, a human-generated power; this was later replaced by a force, generated in some unknown manner and operating through mechanical mechanisms. The force was etheric and the generator was in a heavy metal chest in the centre of the boat. Remember, electricity is also electric, so are we talking about a battery here? The force flowed through two large flexible tubes to each end of the vessel, and also through eight subsidiary tubes fixed fore and aft to the bulwarks, these having openings pointing both up and down. To raise the vessel, the force was projected downwards through the apertures in the tubes, impacting the earth with force sufficient to drive the vessel upwards. This sounds like a Harrier Jump Jet. 

To drive the vessel forward, the force was projected downwards at 45º, thus maintaining the elevation and propelling the vessel. Steering was achieved by varying the projection of the nozzle of the tubes. The maximum speed was about 100 miles an hour. They travelled at a few hundred feet above the ground, the rarefied air at greater heights being insufficient to provide the necessary lift, but they could cross hills up to about 1,000 feet high. They fought against other airships by using the force generated by their own propulsion system to upset the equilibrium of the enemy’s vessels.

Atlantians also had sea-going ships propelled by some analogous power to what existed on the airships, but the most effective current force had a denser appearance than that used in the airships. Atlantians had a good deal of complicated machinery, though we should consider most of it clumsy.

A curious trace of the energies used in Atlantis appears in the religion, which the Egyptians inherited from them. They had names for most of the types of elemental essences and nature spirits and had special spells for each, by which they could be controlled. These they elaborately learnt, never realising that the force behind the spells in every case was the human will, which would have been equally effective without any spell at all. The Book of the Dead contains many of these, only that portion, in which it was thought each dead person would need to ensure their passage into the afterlife.

Polygamy was practised at various times by all the sub-races; among the Toltecs two wives were allowed by law, but monogamy was quite usual. Women were regarded as in every way equal to men; many of them were the superiors of men in the use of the vril power. Co-education was practised and women took part in government, sometimes representing the Adept emperor as local sovereigns. The writing was done on thin sheets of metal, which had a white porcelain-like surface. Reproduction of writing was achieved by dipping other sheets of metal in some liquid and then placing them on the original writing.

The Atlanteans ate animal flesh but discarded the portions which we usually eat, consuming those portions which we discard, such as the entrails. They also drank blood, often warm from the animal and cooked dishes were also made of it. Fish also was consumed, though often in an advanced stage of decomposition. They ate bread and cakes of cereals, as well as milk, fruit and vegetables. Fruit juices were a favoured drink. The Adept kings and emperors, however, as well as the initiated priests, were entirely vegetarian, though some of the court officials ate meat surreptitiously. A very potent fermented liquor was very prevalent at one time but later it was forbidden by law.

The Rmoahals and Tlavatlis used swords, spears, bows and arrows, with which they hunted mammoths with long woolly hair, elephants and hippopotami. Marsupials also abounded, as well as creatures half reptile and half mammal, others half reptile and half bird. In later times, explosives were used to great effect. Some projectiles exploded on contact, others by what we should now call a time-fuse, but death resulted, not from the impact of bullets, but from the release of some poison gas. So powerful were these means of destruction that whole companies of men were killed by poison gas, released from bombs that exploded above their heads, and thrown there by some sort of catapult. What does this remind us of? We seem to go in circles when it comes to our evolution. They also had weapons which projected sheaves of fire-tipped arrows and many others, constructed by people well-versed in the higher branches of scientific knowledge. Many of these are described in the ancient books of the Hindus and are stated to have been given by some superior Being. The knowledge required for their construction was never made public.

During the first three sub-races, money was unknown, but stamped pieces of metal or leather were used as tokens, perforated in the centre and usually carried strung around the waist. Each person made their own tokens, rather like bitcoin and used them as we use promissory notes, being entitled to fabricate only such quantity as they could redeem by the transfer of goods in their possession. That is where the analogy to Bitcoin ends. The tokens did not circulate as coinage, whilst the holder of them was able by clairvoyance, which they possessed to some extent, to estimate accurately the resources of anyone from whom they received tokens. This is the precursor to a credit history. In later times Poseidonis used a system similar to our coinage, stamping on the currency a picture of the triple mountain visible from the great southern capital.

Let us leave it there for today and return to continue our examination of life in Atlantis through its development cycle in the next presentation.

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