We have completed our look at the first three Atlantian sub-races, sometimes known as the “red” races. We now come to the first of the “yellow” races. We start with a sub-race that, historically, seems to have few redeeming features. We will briefly outline their overall storyline and then delve into an example, as we did with the previous Peruvian remnant, whose timeline was circa 12,000 B.C.E.

The Turanian or fourth sub-race arose on the eastern side of the continent, shown here in the map of its first time period. They dwelt south of the mountains inhabited by the Tlavatlis. Most of them lived in the centre of Atlantis, west and south of the Tlavatli area, but these lands they shared with the Toltecs. They were never a thoroughly dominant race on the mother continent, though some of their tribes and family races became fairly powerful. They were always colonists, many migrating to the east.

In the period 800,000 to 200,000 years ago, they lived further south, occupying the country where Morocco and Algeria now are. They occupied also both the east and west coasts of the Central Asian sea. Some moved still further east, the inland Chinese, what we today would describe as the central Asian republics, including the Uyghurs in China and Kyrgyzstan. These nations are the closest approximation to the Atlantian Turanians. When you hear about the antics of this sub-race you begin to understand better the travails they are suffering at present. What goes around, comes around. A small branch of the Turanians, at a much later date, became the brutal Aztecs, who conquered and replaced the last great empire that the Toltecs raised.

The Turanians developed a sort of feudal system, each chief being supreme in his own territory, the king being merely primus inter pares or first amongst equals. Sometimes the council murdered their king and replaced him with one of themselves. They were thus turbulent, lawless, brutal and cruel. At some periods in their history, regiments of women took part in their wars.

Being continually defeated in war by the Toltecs, who greatly outnumbered them, and desiring an increase in their population, every man was by law relieved from the direct burden of maintaining his family. The State regarded all children as its property and therefore provided for them. This led to an increase in the birth rate and disregard for the marriage ceremony. The ties of family life and parental love were destroyed and the scheme was then given up, having proved a failure. The Spartans tried this model in modern antiquity with equally brutal results emanating from such a misguided social system. The Turanians also tried, and abandoned, various social solutions to deal with economic problems.

As already mentioned, the Turanians were the first of the four later ”yellow” sub-races. They used the Tlavatli tongue as a basis but modified it over time to eventually produce an entirely different language.

At one time they experimented with democracy, carrying it to even wilder lengths than its most rabid advocates today have suggested. The results were so intolerable that the whole race broke up into anarchy and chaos. It is postulated by Arthur Powell that China’s eventual rejection of aristocratic government at the turn of the 20th Century was a violent reaction by a people who remembered a distant system of government that did not serve them well. If this is the case, it seemed to take them four millennia to come to this conclusion, so they are not, exactly, responding immediately to their predicament.

The general consensus of history is that the Turanians had very strongly developed animal passions and in many ways were a thoroughly objectionable set of people. Considering their general savage status throughout their Atlantian existence there is not much more that can be said about them that is worth recounting. So, let us move on and look at a Turanian that was found in Chaldea 21,000 years ago. In this time frame, we are looking at the very end of the dominance of the Atlantian Root Race, the last remnant of the mother island, Poseidonis, sinking beneath the waves in 9,564 B.C.E. As we shall see later, the 5th Root Race made its first appearance a long time before this, but as with most things, there is never an abrupt end of one thing, to be superseded by another. There are transition periods and remnants of what has gone before still linger. This is so much the case that today, the majority of the inhabitants of this planet are still remnants of the 4th Root Race, even though the 5th Root Race is dominant. 

To stray into the world of politics for a moment, many commentators are predicting the rise of China to become the dominant political and economic force this century. Notice that no commentator ever mentions the Chinese becoming a dominant cultural force. Culture is a 3rd Ray principle, governed by the Maha Chohan. This is what a sub or root race produces and it is through this culture that you get consciousness development, which is the 2nd Ray principle. This is supported by energy stemming from the 1st Ray, which is under the control of the Manu. The current manu for the 5th Root Race is Vivisvata Manu. There is no way, this side of Armageddon that the current “dominant” manu is going to allow a preceding root race remnant to set the agenda for the general evolution of humanity. I use the term “dominant” because we have two manus connected with the evolution of Humanity. If the majority of monads alive today belong to a previous root race, their manu still has work to do. China may have been a dominant culture for four millennia but you notice they were continental and never really moved beyond this focus. People may say that they gave us paper, noddles and gunpowder. All I can say to that is yippee! Even today, as it trying to expand its economic footprint, there is no desire for the countries affected to want to adopt “Chinese Values”, unless they are autocratic. I would suggest that it is through this lens that one should view the current clash between the United States and China. Things run much deeper than you think.

So, let us now look at the Turanian relic. A nation of Turanian stock lived in Chaldea about 30,000 B.C.E., as several petty, quarrelling tribes, living by primitive agriculture and knowing little of architecture or culture of any sort. To them came a leader from the East, one Theodorus, sent as Governor by the Manu. We are told that Theodorus descended from the royal line of ancient Chaldea, a line differing widely in appearance from their subjects, being strong-faced, with bronzed complexion and deep-set gleaming eyes. A fair idea of this royal type may be gleaned from later Babylonian sculptures, though by that time Âryan blood, i.e., 5th Root Race stock, had permeated almost the entire race.

The civilisation which ensued was as remarkable as that of Peru, in 14,000 B.C.E., though entirely different. In Chaldea, the system of government was in no way exceptional; the emphasis was on religion, which permeated and dominated the life of the people to an extent equalled perhaps only among the Brâhmans of India. The faith of Chaldea was stern and mystical, with a complicated ritual for the worship of the great Star-Angels, or Planetary Logoi, as we should call them and including a comprehensive and carefully constructed system of Astrology. As a point of interest, the greatest astrologers to evolve from our humanity and by this I am excluding any glowing Venusians that may have taken incarnation amounts us, were from this Chaldean civilisation some 30,000 years ago. These individuals have not bothered reincarnating since this time. When they do decide to grace us with their presence, expect your daily horoscope to become much more entertaining and accurate!

Powell tells us that the astrology of these ancient Chaldeans was practically identical to that taught in modern Theosophy. Surprise, surprise! It is us that are catching up to them, not the other way around. The theory given to the priests was probably handed down to them through unbroken tradition from Teachers, think Venusians, who choose to incarnate amongst us, who had first-hand knowledge of the great facts of nature. This system was exceedingly elaborate and mathematical. They regarded the solar system as one great Being, all its physical components were part of this being’s physical expression. The same was the case with its emotional and mental components, which were an expression of this wondrous being’s mental and emotional expression etc.

Every class of matter was composed of material belonging to the seven great types or Rays. The Chaldeans held that the whole mass of what we now call the elemental essence of any one of those seven types formed to some extent a separate vehicle, almost a separate entity. Since every human has within themselves matter of all the seven types, it followed that any modification in, or action of, any one of the great centres controlling the matter of that particular type, would affect them, to a degree dependent upon the amount of matter of that type which they possessed. Each of the seven great centres in the solar system has its own enormous sphere of influence; it also has certain orderly periodic changes of its own, like the beating of a heart. These periodic changes being of different rates, a complicated series of effects is produced. It has been observed that the movement of the physical planets furnishes a clue to the arrangement of the great sphere of influence at any given moment. The Chaldeans held that the intersection of these spheres of influence formed vortices, which determined the location of the physical planets.

Whilst recognising that these various influences profoundly affected Humanity, the Chaldean priests were far from being fatalists. They held that the influences could not, in the slightest degree, dominate the will of a person, but could only make it easier or more difficult, as the case might be, for them to act along certain lines. A really strong person had little need to trouble themself as to the influences which happened to be in the ascendant, but most ordinary people would do well to consider at what moment this or that influence could most advantageously be applied. The influences themselves are no more good or evil than is electricity.

Thus, to take a simple example: the influence of Mars was held to affect emotional matter directed towards passion so that when Martian influences were especially strong, a person would be more likely to have their passions quickened or intensified. Another influence would intensify nervous excitement and at such times disputes would be more likely to arise. People would be more inclined to lose their tempers on the smallest provocation. This has implications for the individual and society as a whole. These ray influences affect much more than just us and we will look at this and the consequences that result from it in the next presentation.

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