From the nursery that was the City of the Bridge, opposite the White Island, the initial sub-races of the 5th Root Race had their genesis. The first sub-race developed in situ in central Asia but also migrated down into the Indian sub-continent. That was the first great outward migration of the 5th Root Race and is why India has such a primal position in the subsequent history of the further sub-races, especially when it comes to language, but also religion in many ways. Most 5th Root Race monads have cycled through India in previous incarnations and that is why so many tourists are drawn to this culture and somehow feel at home in it.
There were other parts of the globe to be colonised and gene pools and cultures that could be refreshed. This allowed Humanity to take on the new impulse of the developing manas or mind, emerging in the new Root Race. For this reason, a second area and people were chosen. The Arabian peninsula had been a transitional home for the nascent 5th Root Race many millennia before and it was to this area that Manu sent his second batch of intrepid colonists. Were the colonists arriving back to a home from home? Not exactly. Although much time had elapsed, there was a remnant of the original outward migration that had remained in the peninsula and still adhered to the principles laid down by the Manu, who at that time was trying to isolate the emerging root race as a distinct gene pool.
This brings us to a recalcitrant group of people who occupied southern Arabia. They refused to lend their support to the returned Manu, who now wished to establish the second sub-race in this geographical location. We left the last presentation when a subsequent king of the newly established sub-race was able to extend his sovereignty over the whole peninsula. A fanatical section of the southerners; however, under a prophet of rude and fiery eloquence; protested against what they considered the triumph of evil, abandoning their conquered fatherland and settled on the opposite Somali coast in Africa. There they lived and increased in numbers for some centuries until a serious rupture occurred. The ruling prophet, enamoured by a young Somali lady, boldly pronounced that this was no infringement of the stern order against inter-marriage with other races; the local populous being merely slaves and therefore goods and chattels rather than wives. A substantial minority rebelled against this clumsy artifice of a licentious priest. They made themselves into a caravan and wandered around the Gulf of Aden, up the Red Sea coast and into Egyptian territory. Their story pleased the Pharaoh, who gave them an outlying district in which to settle. Does this story ring a bell?
A later Pharaoh demanded additional taxation and forced work from this Semitic community. Resenting this, they again emigrated, this time to Palestine, where we know them as the Jews, still maintaining the theory that they are a chosen people. We are talking about something that happened neigh on 30,000 years ago, not in the Bronze Age where the story of Abram is set. However, racial memories die hard and can get resurrected in all sorts of imaginative reinventions, mixing Akkadian myths of a King, with this much older story and spawning many a Hollywood movie in the process. The karma of the rejection has left the Jews ever since a race apart, the same monads incarnating again and again in that line instead of passing from race to race in the usual way. Some unconscious perception of this difference may account for the treatment the Jews have received from other races. It may also be partially because of the tradition of that original selection by the Manu, that they have always had a feeling, somewhat similar to that of the Brâhmanas, that they are superior to the rest of the world. Actually, the story is even more complicated than that, but I don’t want to go down this rabbit hole.
But let us finish off this story about the Jews and recount the rest of their history. Originally they were a nomadic tribe like the Bedouin Arabs. They lived largely by robbery, their deity being a tribal god. I would call it a demonic nature spirit, who fought against the gods of other nations and was perpetually vaunting himself as superior to them. His demand for blood sacrifices is a criterion as to his status as a demonic entity. This is a disconnected monad, rather similar to Human monads who choose to walk the Left-hand path and sever their link from their Solar Angels. This entity would therefore need sacrifices to generate the energy needed to sustain itself. No god demands gifts, not even lotus flowers and certainly not sacrifices.
The carrying away into captivity to Babylon of a number of these turbulent people was the best thing that could have happened to them, for then for the first time they came into contact with a highly civilised race and heard of a supreme God. They tried to identify their tribal deity with this Supreme Being and so caused much confusion. When they returned from captivity, they re-organised their tribal religion and committed it to their scriptures. They put into their writings a certain admixture of the higher ideas about a supreme deity. The Founder of Christianity having taken possession of a Jewish body suggested a link to the earlier teachers of the local religion, who were also Jews. This link was brought into Christianity by the Gnostic scribes who dreamt up Christianity. By cobbling together the Old and New Testaments, a very mixed conception of a god full of irreconcilable characteristics resulted. If the early Christians could have left alone the primitive Jewish conceptions and taken the teachings of the Christ, known to the Gnostics of the time, who spoke of the Deity as the Father in Heaven, many of the troubles of the Christian Church would have been avoided.
The majority of this Jewish community, left behind in Somali land, was harassed by slave raiders and after losing thousands of lives, abandoned their homes and migrated across the Gulf back to Arabia. They were received in a friendly manner and were soon absorbed into the general population. They called themselves the ”true Arabs,” though they deserved the title less than any of the local inhabitants. Even today there is a tradition that the true Arabs landed at Aden and spread northwards. Among the Himyaritic Arabs of southern Arabia may still be seen traces of the admixture of Somali blood from so many thousands of years ago. People today would attribute this to more recent slave trade admixtures, but you know the real story now. Interestingly, this southern Yemeni tribe has an ancient Semitic language. There is also a legend that the Mostareb Arabs of northern Arabia went away for a long time into Asia, far beyond Persia, and returned, bringing with them many marks of their stay in foreign lands. How coincidental.
The second sub-race grew and increased for many thousands of years, extending its dominion over nearly all of Africa, except that part possessed by Egypt. It is interesting to note that often in Ancient Egyptian paintings, the Pharaoh was depicted as having red skin, a reference to that ruling class’s Toltec lineage. The lesser subjects of the reliefs had either brown or black skin. Later, the Arabs invaded Egypt and for a short time ruled as the Hyksos Kings; but their hay days were when they ruled the great Algerian island, pushed down the east coast to the Cape of Good Hope and founded a kingdom, which included Matabeleland, the Transvaal and the Lorenzo Marques district. Archaeologists still have not got a clue who built Great Zimbabwe. Well, now you know. Their presence in Southern Africa does not seem evident in modern times, but remember we are talking tens of thousands of years ago. Evidence fades, except Great Zimbabwe that is. There was a reason for this lack of imprint. The Servers, after several births in Arabia, took part in the building of the South African Empire, Morya being there as a Monarch. Cities were built of the favourite massive type and huge Temples, the civilisation being by no means unworthy. But the gulf between the native Africans and the Arab conquerors was too wide to be spanned and the Africans remained labourers and domestic servants, kept entirely in subjection. The Arabs made settlements also on the West Coast of Africa, but they came in collision with forces from Poseidonis, and were eventually entirely driven back. Madagascar was invaded, and the southern Empire tried to occupy it, but it succeeded only in maintaining it for a time with settlements on parts of the coast.
When the great Sumero-Akkad Empire of Persia; Mesopotamia and Turkestan finally broke up into small States and disorder, an Arab monarch fought it for twenty years and made himself master of the plains of Mesopotamia and of almost the whole of Persia, up to the Lake Khorasân; where the desert now is. But he failed to conquer Kurdistân and the mountain tribes. On his death; his son consolidated rather than tried to extend his Empire. It held together for some centuries, but dynastic troubles broke out in Arabia itself; and the governor of Persia, a cousin of the Arab King, proclaimed himself independent. The Arab dynasty which he founded lasted for 200 years but amidst incessant warfare.
Then again came a period of upheaval and a return to small tribes, and frequent raids from the savage Central Asian nomads. One Arab King, tempted by the fabulous wealth of India, sent a fleet to attack it, but his fleet was destroyed and his men killed or taken prisoners. After the final collapse of the Arabian Empire of Persia and Chaldæa, there were centuries of anarchy and bloodshed, and the countries became depopulated. So the Manu determined to come to their rescue; and sent to them His third sub-race, which established the great Persian Empire of the Îrânians.
In conclusion, the Arabian sub-race is sometimes called the Semites, a name which belonged originally to the fifth sub-race of the Atlanteans. Semitic also refers to a language group and is not exclusive to the Jews, but includes Arabs, Akkadians and Phoenicians. You know where we are heading next.