Three sub-races have been packed off to colonise the Sub-Continent, Arabia and Persia. Thinking of these migrations geographically, one went south and two West, but they all located themselves in what we term today the East. What about the West? Were they to get their own sub-race? Fear not, the Manu, in the words of the famous philosopher Baldric, “had a cunning plan”. We now come to a time some 20,000 B.C.E., by this period the great Central Asian Race was far on the road to its decline, but the Manu had been careful to preserve dignity, power and vigour in the seed of the fourth and fifth sub-races, to which He had given special training. He had drawn apart, into one of the four valleys, some of the most refined families from the City and there arose in the colony a division of classes. For the Manu was now striving to develop certain new characteristics, to awaken the imagination and artistic sensibility, to encourage poetry, oratory, painting and music, and the people who responded to this were not inclined to engage in agricultural or other hard manual labour. Anyone who showed artistic talent was accordingly drafted off for special cultural training. He also taught them to be enthusiastic and to be devoted to their leaders. So effective was the work, carried on for many centuries; that the special marks of the Kelt, for this was the newly minted sub-race, still tend to show this devotion to this day.

The valley where the Kelts resided, was managed practically as a separate state, with art of all kinds being endowed in various ways. As time went on the sub-race grew somewhat conceited; looking upon the rest of the kingdom as what we should now call ”Philistine.” Their vanity was justified, for they were extraordinarily handsome, cultured and refined in their tastes, and with considerable artistic talent. It is interesting to note that the Servers, who had been so instrumental in seeding the previous three sub-races, took no part in the founding of the fourth and fifth sub-races. They were at work in many countries, just not here.

Ten thousand years after the third sub-race had gone forth, i.e., in 20,000 B.C.E., the fourth sub-race was instructed to proceed along the northern frontier of the Persian Kingdom and to win for themselves a home in what are now the Caucasus mountains, which were then occupied by wild and predatory tribes. What do they mean “were”, they still are! The Manu arranged, with the Persian Monarch, to allow free passage and food for the enormous host and also to accompany them with a strong army to assist in subduing the mountain dwellers. Even so, it proved no easy task, for though the tribes could easily be defeated in a pitched battle, however, in guerrilla warfare, they were far more formidable antagonists. Eventually, they established themselves in the district of Erivan, on the shores of Lake Sevanga. Increasing greatly in number, they exterminated the tribes or reduced them to submission, until eventually all of Georgia and Mingrelia, an ethnic sub-region in Georgia today, was in their hands. In another 2,000 years, they occupied Armenia and Kurdistân as well, moving later on to Phrygia in what is modern-day Turkey. So you could say that they held nearly all of Asia Minor as well as the Caucasus. In their mountain home, they flourished and became a mighty nation. Their country was so mountainous and scattered that free communication was impossible. They therefore formed federations of tribes rather than an Empire. Even after they had begun to colonise the Mediterranean coast; they looked back to the Caucasus as their home and it was really from this second centre that the sub-race went forth to its great destiny.

Let us pause for a minute and consider what we have here. The Caucasus is seen as the cradle of the Aryan civilisation, whatever that means. Yet the modern northern Indian Sub-Continent, Persia and Arabia are all Aryan as well, if by Aryan we mean 5th Root Racers. The current history we are looking at here is the genesis of the 4th sub-race and not some stamp of racial purity. This story has some way to go and will be discussed when we get to the 5th sub-race.

By 10,000 B.C.E., the Kelts resumed their westward march, travelling as tribes; so that they finally arrived in Europe, their ultimate destination; in comparatively small waves. The tribes left many of their members behind to carry on their work of cultivation in the areas they already inhabited. These intermarried with other races, and their descendants, with some admixture of Semitic blood, are the Georgians of today. But in some cases, the whole tribe emigrated to the new home.

The first group to cross into Europe from Asia Minor were the ancient Greeks – not the Greeks of our ”Ancient History,” who we call the Bronze Age Greeks or Mycenaeans, but their ancestors, sometimes called Pelasgians. Plato in Timæus and Critæas mentions that Egyptian priests spoke to a later Greek traveller, of a splendid race, which had preceded his own people in his land. The priest also told of how they had turned back an invasion from the mighty nation from the West that had subdued all before it; that nation is Atlantian, of course. That was until it met its match when it came up against these Greeks. What we call the historical Greeks were but pigmies compared to the original Greeks. From these early settlers sprang the Trojans who fought the modern Greeks; and the city of Agadé, also known as Akkad in Mesopotamia, was peopled by their descendants.

For a long time new Keltic sub-race held the seaboard of Asia Minor and the islands of Cyprus and Crete, all the trade of that part of the world being carried in their vessels. A fine civilisation was built up in Crete, enduring for thousands of years, and still flourishing in 2,800 B.C.E. Minos was its chief founder and he was one of these elder Greeks, hailing even before 10,000 B.C.E. So where did all these towns and cities go? Think Flood and you have the answer. More on this later.

The final cause of their definite entry into Europe was an aggressive movement on the part of the Emperor of Poseidonis. Remember, we are talking about a time before the final destruction of Atlantis. This 4th Root Race civilisation may have degenerated from its Toltec peak, but it was still very powerful and technologically sophisticated and did not confine itself to the island of Poseidonis. For many centuries, the coasts and islands of the Mediterranean had been in the hands of a number of small nations, most of them Etrurian, the ancestors of the Etruscans, or Akkadian, here meaning Atlantian Akkadians, not the historical derivative we know of today. Some Semitic tribes were also present, who were usually peaceful merchantmen. Here are the progenitors of the Phoenicians. The Emperor of Poseidonis, deciding to annex part of the Mediterranean Basin, attacking with a great army and fleet. He subdued the large Algerian island, ravaged the coasts of Spain, Portugal and Italy, and forced the peoples to submit to him. Egypt was contemplating submission, having no great navy with which to oppose him.

The Greek sailors of the Levant; modern-day Lebanon and Palestine; however, defied him. Although the Emperor only had half his fleet at hand, he attacked them, and lost his ships, much in the way the Spanish Armada was lost when attacking the English. The Greek vessels were smaller, faster, of less draught, and easier to handle than the clumsy Atlantean ships. The Greeks were helped also by the weather, so the defeat was overwhelming. History does seem to repeat itself. The Atlanteans then attacked with the other half of their fleet and were again defeated, though this time with heavy loss to the Greeks as well. The Atlantean Monarch escaped and landed in Sicily, where some of his troops were established. The news of the destruction of the fleet encouraged the conquered populations to rise against him, and he had to fight his way home through the whole length of Italy. Withdrawing his garrisons as he went, he reached the Riviera with a few exhausted followers. Fleeing across France in disguise, he eventually reached his kingdom in a merchant ship. Although he vowed vengeance against the Greeks, the discontented tribes on his island rebelled and he was never again able to undertake foreign aggression.

The success of the Ancient, Ancient Greeks immensely strengthened their position in the Mediterranean and within the next century, they had established settlements on many of its shores. What do you think happened next that would really shake up history? I will give you a clue, it happened a few times before and it was about to happen again. The period we have talked about so far has covered about 10,000 years. During this time the Manu introduced another one of his fine “recipes” to an unsuspecting public. He decided to headquarter them north of his previous three concoctions, as we have discussed, although one sub-branch would head into Mesopotamia and seed a city, Akkad, that would be seen as the cradle of civilisation, much later. So let us start the next presentation with a finale and a reboot of some significance. 

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