We started our story of the 5th Root Race by chronicling their journey to Central Asia, on the shores of the Gobi Sea approximately 60,000 years ago. There the Manu founded an empire that lasted for over 40,000 years. These are periods that are almost unimaginable to us, especially in the context of our current historical knowledge. This great Empire had been declining from 40,000 to 20,000 years ago. During this period the Manu and His immediate group had worked chiefly with the sub-races, in which they had incarnated. The Kingdom centring around the City of the Bridge was now considerably diminished. The Mongolian and Turanian races had started to assert their independence. The people built no more; but lived in the ruins of the work of their forefathers. The more evolved monads were incarnating in the sub-races in their new geographical locations so that in the Mother State the level of learning steadily sank. Trade had fallen almost to zero, and the people were becoming farmers and pastoralists.
In 18,800 B.C.E., the sub-races having been established, the Manu wished to get the Root-Stock into India, the land chosen for its further evolution. The civilisation in India was Atlantean but was now over-luxurious and effete. The Toltec higher classes had become indolent and self-seeking. Much, however, remained of a noble literature and there was a great tradition of occult knowledge; both of which had to be preserved for the future. The wealth of the country was lavishly displayed and the warrior spirit had died out. According to the literature, the entire removal of the 5th Root Race from Central Asia was necessary for three reasons: (1) so that Shamballa could be left in solitude; (2) so that India could be Âryanised; and (3) so that the Race would not be involved in the coming cataclysm, which would greatly alter the geography of Central Asia.
A schism had occurred in the Root-Stock, owing to some of them intermarrying with Tartars. These secessionists had been pushed back into the northern hills, where Morya was their King. Being told in a dream some of the plans of the Manu, Morya, in 18,875 B.C.E., led his people out into India, having to do a little fighting on the way, for, though he never attacked, he was often ambushed. For a time he enjoyed the hospitality of Virâj, another adapt from the Manu’s elite club of helpers. Viraj was then ruling as King Podishpar over the greater part of northern India. An alliance was cemented by the marriage of the daughter of Morya to the son of Podishpar.
Southern India was then a large Kingdom under another adapt known as Saturn in the literature. He ruled as King Lahira. Sûrya (aka Maitreya), was the High Priest under the name Byarsha. He knew beforehand of the coming of these people and they were accordingly made welcome by the King, who settled them in his land. Surya declared that ”the high-nosed strangers from the north” were fit to be priests and should hold that office hereditarily. Those who agreed became priests and were the ancestors of the Brahmins of Southern India, living as a separate class. Others intermarried with the Toltec aristocracy, gradually Âryanising the whole upper classes of the country so that the south of India passed peacefully under Âryan rule, the second son of Morya being elected later to the throne when it became vacant.
From this migration onwards all the immigrants into the Sub-Continent are spoken of as the first sub-race; since the whole Root Race, the ancient stock, passed over into India. About 13,500 B.C.E., a mission went from the South Indian Kingdom to Egypt, the order coming from the Head of the Hierarchy through the Manu. The expedition, under the leadership of Morya, travelled through Sri Lanka, by water up the Red Sea, then only an inlet; into Egypt, which was then highly civilised. Maitreya was a High Priest in Egypt (he seems to get about a bit), and he advised the Pharaoh to welcome the immigrants. Later he counselled the Pharaoh to marry his daughter to Morya and to name Morya his successor. This was done; so that on the death of the Pharaoh an Âryan dynasty was established. It reigned gloriously for many thousands of years, until the sinking of Poseidonis, when the Egyptian people were driven to the hills by the flooding of Egypt. The flood, however, retreated comparatively soon, and the country soon recovered.
Manetho, a priest living in the 3rd century B.C.E., wrote a history that, apparently, deals with this Âryan dynasty. He gives the date of Unas, the last King of the Fifth dynasty, as 3,900 B.C.E., but occult research makes it 4,030 B.C.E. Under the Âryan Pharaohs, the Schools of Egypt became even more famous and for a long time led the learning of the world. From Egypt, Aryan blood was introduced into several East African tribes.
The Manu sent out from the South Indian Kingdom, colonists to Java, Australia and the islands of Polynesia, which accounts for the Âryan strain to be observed even today in the fairer pigmentation of the Polynesians, in comparison to the Melanesians. Meanwhile, another emigration of the Root-Stock settled in the Punjab. A further wave of emigration established itself in Assam and northern Bengal. An expedition took place in 17,520 B.C.E., one part of it reaching its destination safely by the route followed by Morya in 18,875 B.C.E., while a smaller part was annihilated while trying to pass through the Khyber Pass. That road is just as dangerous today!
In 17,455 B.C.E., Morya led out yet another emigration, consisting of the strongest and most vigorous men he could find. Settling the women and children in a strongly entrenched camp between Jammu and Gujranwala, Morya went on to Delhi with his army and built the first city on that imperial site, naming it Ravipûr, City of the Sun. When the city was ready, the women and children and their guards were brought to it and the life of Delhi, as a capital, began. Vaivasvata Manu, as Manu, is alway a 1st Ray monad. It should be noted that Morya is the current Chohan of the 1st Ray and is therefore exercising the role of a manu at the sub-race level.
In 15,950 B.C.E., one of the largest emigrations began, three armies being formed under Morya as Commander-in-Chief. The left-wing crossed Tibet to Bhutan and from there to Bengal, which was to be the home of the whole expedition. The centre under Morya, with Koot Hoomi as second in command, crossed Tibet and Nepal, to Bengal. The right-wing, under Corona (aka Julius Caesar), passed through Kashmîr, the Punjâb and what we now call the United Provinces in North India. Corona spent forty years in fashioning a Kingdom for himself and did not reach Bengal until Morya, ruling there, was an old man. Morya, with the help of another adapt, who had established himself in Assam, subdued Bengal and fixed his capital in the central part of this state. In this far-reaching emigration, ten monads who are now Masters, took part, with them were many other Servers. Birds of a feather flock together.
From this time onwards, there were constant descents into India from Central Asia, sometimes mere bands, sometimes large armies, the older settlers often resisting the new and the new plundering the new. During thousands of years, wave after wave rolled into India. Some of the Âryans studied the philosophy of the Toltecs, whom they sometimes called the Nâgas. In mythology today the Nagas are considered semi-divine and are linked to the cobra; hence you see cobras at the gates of temples all over Aisa. The lower classes of the Atlanteans, mostly the brown-skinned Tlavatli, they termed Dâsyas. These people worshipped the phallus and you see plenty of lingam stones in India. The black-skinned remnant Lemurians were still present in the Sub-Continent, and were regarded with some disdain by the immigrants, they called Daityas and Takshaks. In Hindu mythology today this group are regarded as Asuras, which had to be battled against.
By about 9,700 B.C.E., the Central Asian Kingdom was drained of its inhabitants. The convulsions of 9,564 B.C.E., shattered the City of the Bridge and destroyed most of the Temples on the White Island. The latest bands of emigrants did not reach India easily, being delayed in Afghanistan and Baluchistan for some 2,000 years. Many were also massacred by Mongol raiders. The rest slowly found their way down to the plains, already thickly populated with earlier migrations.
In order to prevent the Âryan blood from being lost amidst the enormous majority of the Atlanteans and Atlanto-Lemurians, the Manu again forbade intermarriage, and to this end instituted the caste system; about 8,000 B.C.E. At first He founded only three castes: the Brâhmana or pure Âryans, who were considered to be white; Râjan or Âryan and Toltec, who were red; and finally the Vish or Âryan and Mongolian, who had a yellow complexion. Hence the castes were called Varnas or colours. Later, all those who were not Âryan at all were called Shudras, which is the lowest of the varnas castes; think of them as labourers. Even here in this caste, a small amount of Âryan blood sometimes appeared. Many of the hill tribes today are partly Âryan, some are wholly so, like the Gipsy tribes.
In building the caste system, the Manu was helped by members of the four classes of Barhishad Pitris of the Moon Chain; remember them? The Barhishads from Globe A of the Moon Chain, having active causal bodies, gave their chhâyas or etheric forms for the construction of the subtle bodies of the most advanced monads, who were then ready for incarnation into the Brahmin caste. A second group of Barhishads from Globe B, known as the Sons of Angiras, active in their mental body, donated their chhâyas for the Kshatriyas, known as the warrior caste., The Barhishads from Globe C, known as the Sons of Pulastya, were active in their emotional bodies and gave their chhâyas to the Vaishyas or merchant caste. Finally, the Sons of Vashishta, from Globe D, with activated etheric bodies, give their chhâyas for the Shûdras, or the lowest labouring classes. To the clairvoyant eye, the etheric shell of each caste was said to be at once recognisable by its dominant colour, due to the relative density of the matter it contained.
Returning to the movements of the root-stock in Central Asia; one tribe went off by itself to a valley in the Suusamyr district in central Asia, on the borders of modern-day Kyrgyzstan and China, where it lived forgotten by the rest of the world; enjoying a primitive pastoral life for many centuries. About 2,200 B.C.E., a great military leader arose among the Mongol tribes, who devastated all of Asia that they could reach, utterly destroying, among others, the remnants of the Persian Empire. Ultimately the Tartar leader was overthrown and his hordes scattered, but he left desolation behind him. In a hundred years or so the remaining Âryans in the valley migrated bodily to Persia. These were the speakers of Zend, an ancient Persian language similar to Sanskrit. Their late arrival into modern-day Iran led to a destabilisation of the country as recent as the 5th Century B.C.E. Some of the third sub-race who had escaped the general massacre came back and joined this tribe; from these beginnings developed the historical Persian Empire. So that is the five sub-races, still in existence today. We have two more sub-races to discuss in the next presentation.