The concept of healing is a topic that is of interest to most people, even if they don’t have an esoteric predilection. If there is “free” energy on offer, even the sceptical seems to be interested in the idea. We have already seen that a person in vigorous health is continually throwing off vital emanations from their body, which may be absorbed by others. In this way, their bodies will be strengthened and minor illnesses may be cured, or, at least, recovery accelerated.

As, however, the currents of prana are responsive to the will, it is possible for a person to consciously direct the streams of vitality, which pour out of them, as well as greatly augment their natural flow. By directing the currents onto a patient who is depleted of strength, because their spleen is not doing its work properly, considerable help towards recovery may be given. The additional vitality poured in by the healer keeps the patient’s bodily machinery working until it is sufficiently recovered to manufacture supplies of prana itself.

The healing of the weak by the strong may be achieved, in certain cases, merely by physical proximity, the process is either entirely unconscious and automatic, or it may be assisted and expedited by conscious effort. Many benefits may often be given merely by pouring into the patient copious streams of vitality, which will flood the patient’s system with vitalising energy; or the operator may direct the flow to the particular portion of the body, which is out of health. Merely increasing the circulation of prana is sufficient to cure many minor diseases. All nervous diseases imply a jangled condition of the Etheric Double and that is also the cause of digestive troubles and insomnia. Headaches are usually caused by congestion, either of blood or the vital fluid, sometimes called magnetism in days of old. Today we tend to think more in terms of a bio-field but this again is an electro-magnetic force so the term “magnetism” is appropriate. A strong current directed by the healer through the head of the sufferer has the potential to wash away the congested matter and the headache should disappear.

These methods are comparatively simple and by no means difficult to apply, through a skilful healer. If the healer is clairvoyant, the process is further facilitated. One such improvement, which demands some knowledge of anatomy and physiology, is to make a mental picture of the diseased organ and then image it as it should be in health. The strong thought will mould etheric matter into the desired form, which will help nature to build new tissues much more rapidly than would otherwise be possible.

A still more thorough method is to create the organ in mental matter. This is easier said than done, as you have to build into this mental projection, emotional matter. It then needs to be densified with etheric matter. Finally, into the mould created you have to build gases, liquids and solids, utilising materials available in the body and supplying from outside any deficiencies. Being a 45-Self greatly assists in this process for obvious reasons. They have mastery over matter on all planes from 45:4 down to 49:7. One day I am sure this will be how doctors will work but until then don’t cancel your appointment with your physician.

A methodical and effective way to set to work to heal magnetically is as follows: The patient assumes a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down and is instructed to relax as thoroughly as possible. A very convenient method is for the patient to sit in an easy chair, with solid flat arms, the operator sitting sideways on the arms and thus slightly above the patient. The operator then makes passes with their hands over the patient’s body, or over that portion of it, which they propose to treat magnetically, making an effort of will to withdraw from the patient the congested or diseased etheric matter. These passes may be made without actually touching the patient, though it is often an assistance to lay the whole hand on the skin gently and lightly. After each pass, the operator must take care to throw off from themself the etheric matter they have withdrawn, otherwise, some of it may remain in their system and they may find themselves suffering from a complaint similar to that of which they have cured their patient. Many cases of this kind are on record; thus, a healer may remove pain from a patient’s tooth, or elbow, only to find themself suffering from toothache or pain in the elbow. In some cases, where repeated treatments are given, a healer who neglects to throw off the diseased matter, which they have extracted may make themselves seriously ill and even become a chronic sufferer.

A.P. Sinnett gives a curious case of a lady who was cured of chronic rheumatism and then went to live in a different part of Europe from where the mesmeric healer resided. Four years afterwards the healer died and the old rheumatic trouble immediately returned to the lady with its previous virulence. In this case, it would seem that the unhealthy magnetism, which the healer had withdrawn from the patient, but had not destroyed, had for years been hanging around the aura of the healer and on his death, had at once flown back to where it originally belonged.

Usually, it is sufficient to jerk the hands sharply downwards and away when healing someone, or the magnetism may be thrown into a basin of water, the water afterwards, of course, being thrown away. The process may be assisted after this preliminary portion of the treatment is completed, by washing the hands in water before commencing the next and more positive part of the treatment.

It is also said to be possible to direct the unhealthy magnetism to certain classes of elementals, where it will find its appropriate sphere. The term elementals used here is not to be confused with the secondary matter known as elemental essences, that matter is not able to enter Plane 49. It would certainly seem to be preferable for something of this kind to be done than for the unhealthy magnetism to be left floating about near the aura either of the healer or of others who may happen to be near. However, I feel it is unfair to burden the lower kingdoms with our problems. A slight variation of the above method, especially useful in the case of local congestion, is to place the hands, one on either side of the affected area and to direct a stream of cleansing magnetism from the right hand to the left hand, this magnetism driving out the patient’s congested material.

The Biblical parable of the herd of swine may well be an allegorical description of the process. Jesus encounters a demon-possessed man and casts the demons out of him. The demons beg Jesus to send them into a nearby herd of pigs instead. Jesus allows this and the demons possess the pigs, causing the entire herd to rush down a steep bank and drown in the sea. The story demonstrates Jesus’ power over the spiritual realm, as he is able to command the demons and they must obey him. However, the local people, rather than being amazed at Jesus’ authority, ask him to leave their region, preferring their material possessions (the pigs) over accepting Jesus. The parable is often interpreted as a warning against valuing material things over spiritual wisdom and salvation, which are the “pearls” that should not be cast before those who do not appreciate them. This is where the saying, casting pearls to swine comes from.

Back to the methods of healing; the way having been prepared, the next stage is to pour into the patient, your magnetic fluid and Prana. This is done by making similar passes, though this time with a strong effort of will to pour out one’s force into the patient. This, as before, may be done using long sweeping passes over the whole body, or by shorter passes over a special area: or again, the two hands may be used, the current being passed from the right hand to the left, through the area that is being treated. You will readily recognise the desirability of the healer being themself perfectly healthy because otherwise, they are liable to pour into the patient some of their own unhealthy magnetism. It should be noted that in magnetic healing clothing is somewhat of a barrier, silk being in this respect the worst. The minimum possible, therefore, according to circumstances, should be worn by the patient.

It may be noted that certain forms of insanity are due to defects in the etheric brain, its particles not corresponding perfectly with the denser physical particles and thus being unable to bring through properly, vibrations from the higher envelopes. We may thus assume that such cases might lend themselves to be cured by magnetic treatment.

There are, of course, other methods of affecting the etheric body, because the connection between mental, emotional and etheric bodies is so close that any one of the three may affect any of the others. Generally speaking, it may be said that anything which promotes physical health also reacts favourably on the higher envelopes. Unused muscles, for example, not only tend to deteriorate but produce a congestion of magnetism: this means a weak place in the Etheric Double, through which unpleasant germs, such as those of infection, may enter.

Similarly, mental or emotional ill-health will almost inevitably, sooner or later, be reflected as a physical disease. A person who is emotionally “fussy”. i.e., those who allow their emotional body to fritter away their strength on petty little emotions, troubles and worries, not only is apt to produce unpleasant and disturbing effects on the emotional bodies of other sensitive people, but frequently the perpetual emotional disturbance reacts through the etheric upon the dense physical body and all sorts of nervous diseases are produced. Nearly all nerve troubles, for example, are the direct result of unnecessary worry and emotion and would soon disappear if the patient could be taught to hold their envelopes in a calm and peaceful state. Magnetic healing blends almost imperceptibly into mesmerism, which we shall therefore proceed to examine in the next presentation.

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