If one is gifted with etheric sight, one can discern a spectrum of life that has been recorded in myths and legends but firmly has its roots in the reality of a physical faculty that we can all develop. This has led some researchers to study the form and types of various nature spirits. Let us continue the recounting of their findings.
Some of the lower types of etheric nature spirits are not pleasing in the aesthetic sense. There are shapeless masses with huge red gaping mouths, which live upon the loathsome etheric emanations of blood and decaying flesh. There are rapacious red-brown crustacean-like creatures, which hover over houses of ill-repute and savage octopus-like monsters, which gloat over the orgies of the drunkard and revel in the fumes of alcohol. Come to think of it, we should be glad that we can not easily see such monstrosities or we would be scared witless. Having said that, it may just encourage us to live better lives.
The entities posing or accepted as tribal deities, for whom blood sacrifices are made, or food, preferably of flesh, is burnt, are very low-grade creatures, possessing etheric bodies, for it is only through etheric bodies that they can absorb physical fumes and derive either nourishment or pleasure from them. This does not bode well for the character known as Jehovah, who seemed very fond of receiving tribute in the form of animal sacrifices and burnt offerings. This creature was probably a low-grade nature spirit that got elevated to the stature of a god, the nature spirit dwindling when burnt offerings went out of fashion. What replaced this entity was an egregore. Such a collective elemental functions in a different way, which has been highlighted in many presentations.
The stories told of ointments and drugs which, when applied to the eyes, enable a person to see the fairy people have a basis in truth. No anointing of the eyes could open emotional clairvoyant vision, though, if rubbed over the whole body, some ointments assist the emotional body to leave the physical, in full consciousness. However, the application to the physical eyes might stimulate etheric sight. Check your local pharmacy for a bottle and try it for yourself.
Etheric sight makes visible several entirely new colours, quite different from those in the visible spectrum as we know it and therefore indescribable in words we use at present. In some cases, these other colours are combined with colours that we know, so that two surfaces, which to ordinary eyes appear to match perfectly would appear different to etheric sight. For the chemist, a whole fresh world would come under observation and they could deal with ethers as they now deal with liquids or gases. Leadbeater and Besant did a lot of research in this field and wrote the definitive book on the matter called Occult Chemistry.
There are, belonging to the mineral kingdom, many etheric substances, the existence of which is unknown to Western science. The bodies of humans, in the First Round and the First Root Race of the 4th Round, were constructed of etheric matter only and resembled vague, drifting and almost shapeless clouds.
This possession of etheric sight would inform us of the healthiness or otherwise of our surroundings and we would be able to detect disease germs or other impurities. The beneficial effects of travel are partially due to the change of the etheric and emotional influences connected with each place and district. Ocean, mountain, forest or waterfall –each has its own special type of life, emotional and etheric, as well as visible, and, therefore its own special set of impressions and influences. Many of the unseen entities are pouring out vitality and the vibrations, which they radiate, awakening unaccustomed portions of a person’s Etheric Doubles. They also affect their emotional and mental bodies, the effect being like that of exercising muscles, which are not ordinarily called into activity. They may be somewhat tiring at the time, yet distinctly healthy and desirable in the long run. Such activities as rowing for example, or swimming, especially in the sea, are of special value, for the reasons discussed.
There is a basis of truth in the tradition that it is beneficial and strengthening to sleep under a pine tree, with the head orientated to the north. The reason is that the magnetic currents flowing over the surface of the earth, exert a steady gentle pressure. They gradually comb out the entanglements and strengthen the particles both of the emotional body and of the Etheric Double and thus induce rest and calm. The radiations of the pine tree make a person sensitive to the magnetic currents, and, in addition, the tree is constantly throwing off vitality in a formulation which is easiest for a person to absorb. There is also a kind of magnetic tide, an outflow and back-flow of magnetic energy, between the Sun and Earth, the turning points of which are at noon and midnight.
The great etheric currents, which are constantly sweeping over the surface of the earth from pole to pole possess a volume, which makes their power as irresistible as that of the rising tide. There are methods by which this stupendous force may be safely utilised, though unskilful attempts to control it would be fraught with danger. It is also possible to use the tremendous force of etheric pressure. In addition, by changing matter from a grosser to a subtler kind, the vast store of potential energy, which lies dormant may be liberated and utilised, somewhat as latent heat energy may be liberated by a change of condition of visible matter. This is where the future of our energy supplies lies. Not is solar or wind power, nor nuclear reactors, but the natural energy and polarity generated by the Earth, as it spins.
A reversal of the process just described, enables us to change matter from the etheric to a solid condition and thus produce a “materialisation” phenomenon. This faculty is sometimes employed in cases of emergency, where a person in their emotional body, acting as an “invisible helper”, chooses to appear or act on physical matter. The faculty demands considerable power of sustained concentration and the mind must not be taken off for one micro-second, or the matter of the materialised form will instantly fly back into its original condition.
The reason why a physical object, after being reduced to its etheric condition, can afterwards be restored to its former shape, is that the elemental particles are retained as an essence, in the same shape and when the will-force is removed the essence acts as a mould, which the solidifying particles re-aggregate into. If however, a solid object is raised to a gaseous condition by heat, the elemental essence, which described the object would be dissipated – not because the essence itself can be affected by heat, but because when its temporary body is destroyed as a solid, it pours back into the great reservoir of such essences, much as a person’s higher principles, though entirely unaffected by heat and cold, can be forced out of a physical body when the latter is destroyed by fire.
A process must be employed to reduce a physical object to an etheric condition and then to move it from one place to another, even through solid matter, such as a brick wall. An emotional current is used and the movement happens with great rapidity. As soon as the disintegrating force is withdrawn, the matter is forced by the etheric pressure into its original mould or condition.
When a person becomes etherically sensitive, in addition to sight, in most cases a corresponding change would at the same time take place in the other senses. Thus it is claimed by astrologers that planetary influences, by expanding or congesting the etheric atmosphere, make the conditions for meditation respectively more or less favourable.
Incense is said to act on the etheric body to a certain degree as colours do on the emotional body, and so may be employed to bring a person’s vehicles rapidly into harmony. It appears that certain odours may be used to act on various parts of the brain.
The effect of etheric sight is quite different from that of emotional sight. In the case of emotional sight an entirely new element is introduced, often described as that of a fourth dimension. With such vision, for example, a cube would be seen as though it were all flattened out, all its sides being equally visible as well as every particle within it. With etheric sight, however, one merely sees through objects and the thickness of matter through which one is looking, makes a great difference to the clearness of the sight. Such considerations do not affect emotional vision in the same manner.
Etheric sight can also be used for purposes of magnification. The method is to transfer impressions from the etheric matter of the retina directly to the etheric brain bypassing the optic nerve. The attention is focused on one or more etheric particles and thus in this manner, there is a similarity of size between the organ employed, the etheric particle and the minute object being observed. A commoner method, though one demanding a higher state of development, is to project a flexible tube of etheric matter from the centre of the chakra between the eyebrows, having one atom at its end, which serves as a lens. Such an atom must have all its seven spirillae fully developed. The atom can be expanded or contracted at will. This power belongs to the causal body, so that when an etheric atom forms the lens, a system of reflecting counterparts must be introduced. The need for seven active spirillae excludes 99.9% of us being able to pull off this trick. Back to Plan A.
By a further extension of the same power, the operator, by focusing their consciousness through a lens, can project it to distant a point. The same power, by a different arrangement, can be used to decrease the size of an object, this allows some to see an oversized object that would otherwise not be able to be seen at once with an ordinary field of view. This power was symbolised by a small snake projecting from the centre of the forehead in the headdress of the Pharaoh of Egypt.
One of the various forms of telepathy is etheric and may take either of two forms. In the first an etheric image is made, which can be seen by a clairvoyant; in the second the etheric waves, which the creation of the image generates, radiate out and, striking upon another etheric brain, tend to reproduce in it the same image.
The organ in the brain for thought transference, both transmitting and receiving, is the pineal gland. If anyone thinks intently about an idea, vibrations are set up in the ether, which permeates the gland, thereby causing a magnetic current, which gives rise to a slight quiver or creeping feeling. This feeling indicates that the thought is clear and strong enough to be capable of transmission. With most people, the pineal gland is not yet fully developed, as it will be in the course of evolution.
There is known to esoteric students, a process by which rays of light may be bent so that after passing around an object they resume exactly their former course. This would, of course, make the object around which the rays were bent invisible to ordinary sight. It may be surmised that this phenomenon would result from a power to manipulate the particular form of etheric matter, which is the medium for the transmission of light. Don’t tell the military about this.
The next topic to examine is the magnetisation of an object. We can start with that in the next presentation.