In the last presentation, we talked about the basic composition of the emotional envelope. How it is made up of six molecular subplanes (48:2 to 48:7) that are composed of a fundamental atomic structure (48:1). We learnt that this whole plane or world, depending on how you wish to view it, was composed of elemental essences that are passively conscious. They exist outside your envelope, but also within it. What attracts them into your envelope is the thoughts you are generating. Not only do you attract in these monads, but you expel them as well whenever you have a positive or negative emotion. This makes the Emotional plane, a swirling mass of elementals that are created by us and previous generations of occupants of the Emotional World we all, jointly, live in. This environment is called the World of Illusions and Fantasies because everything present in it has been created by us. When I say us, I do not just mean us human monads, because there are six other distinct evolutionary streams of life occupying this world as well. We know of one of them, the devas, but not the other five.

We also discussed how the activities of our emotional envelope could be registered in our physical envelope. This is because the results of the creation of an elemental can be transmitted, via our navel chakra, through our etheric body, into our physical body, where it is registered in one of our five senses. The elemental itself never leaves the emotional plane. If it is a ‘feeling’ we have generated within our emotional envelope, it is felt by us physically. If it is an emotion we have projected to someone else, it travels to them and if they are receptive to the vibrations of our elemental, the ‘feelings’ generated can be transferred into someone else’s emotional envelope. Whatever those emotions were, I hope they were positive.  If they were not, more fool you. Nothing goes unnoticed or unpunished (balanced). Think about that the next time you are bitching about someone.

So, now to the question, I posed in the previous presentation, why do we need an emotional envelope at all? Put it another way, what is the point of an emotion? This question gets to the heart of all our existences at the moment and how, we as monads, evolve through the 4th Kingdom of Nature. If you are feeling happy, you are not feeling sad. So, you could describe happiness as an absence of sadness and vice versa. In-between happiness and sadness there is a spectrum of emotions that reflect a balance of these two extreme sentiments. Let us call the middle of this spectrum, contentment. What you are experiencing here is what is known as the Pairs of Opposites. The Emotional plane is where we come to know what something is, by learning what it is not. So, fundamentally, the Emotional plane is somewhere we come to know ourselves in a very rudimentary and often painful way. When we were at the mineral level of our evolutionary path, the physical environment around us, allowed us to experience an ‘inner’ and an ‘outer’. This could be in the form of pressure or it could be experienced as heat. As humans, we are still experiencing our environment through five different sense organs. On the emotional plane, we come to know a range of subjective extremes. We physically sense them in our bodies and equate them to a ‘feeling’. On the Emotional plane itself, these ‘feelings’ are elemental structures that are created by us or others. Are these feelings real? Experienced in our bodies, they are made aware to us, by their effect on our physical envelope. This can have negative, as well as positive outcomes. Within our envelopes, we have accumulated a sack-full of emotional essences, each vibrating at a particular frequency on different subplanes of matter. These essences are real, but the elementals we create out of them are not, they are synthetic.

What is the trade-off between the elemental essences and ourselves? We wish to get to know the pairs of opposites, for instance, hate and love. To understand these, we join with the elemental essences that vibrate away inside our emotional envelopes. We learn the lessons in our physical bodies, not our emotional ones. This is why physical existence is so vital for our consciousness expansion. On the emotional plane, we do not get to understand the pairs of opposites, as we can only ‘feel’ them down here on the Physical plane. By taking an elemental essence and incorporating it into an elemental structure, we are allowing it to vibrate, furiously, to the feeling we wish to experience. This is precisely what the elemental essence wishes to happen to itself. Its objective is to experience coarser and coarser vibrations, drawing it further and further down into lower levels of matter, ultimately aiming for the physical/etheric plane, which it will enter as tertiary matter. 

This desire for the elemental to involve causes us human monads a problem. We wish to evolve, so we wish to rid ourselves of these coarse elementals and the emotions that we generate out of them. They, on the other hand, are screaming at us, saying, don’t forget us, we need your attention. What settles the matter, Will-Power. Are you going to succumb to your negative emotions or are you going to move that pendulum of experience towards the positive end of the pairs of opposites? If you move to the right, rather than the left, by ignoring the elementals in the lower subplanes of your emotional envelope, you reduce their vibrational capacity and their ability to gain your attention to use them. This leads them to eventually drift out of your emotional envelope altogether. In their place, you will fill up your higher subplanes with essences that are vibrating in sympathy to the emotions that your thoughts are currently generating. You have moved your focus from hate to love, from sadness to happiness, from contempt to compassion.

These pairs of opposites are not ‘truth’ in any sense of the word. They are composed of temporary synthetic structures, that the presences of the elemental essences, allow you to generate. The lessons that you learn from all the chaos that courses through your emotional bodies during the trajectory of your evolution through the Human Kingdom, is to come to realise that things, in all the planes of matter below the 1st-Plane, are relative. Depending on your stage of development and where your monad is focused, your emotional body reflects where the bulk of your thoughts and emotions are being registered. 

So on the one hand, our emotions are a hindrance to us but also vital for our future evolution. This is because emotions express a lot of energy. They are a driving force. We talk about ‘passion’. This again can be expressed as a pair of opposites, but if you just have thoughts and nothing else, how do you ever get anything done? You need passion to motivate you towards a goal. There you see the value of emotions. Ultimately, it is from your emotional envelope that you make the final push to leave the 4th Kingdom of Nature and evolve into the 5th Kingdom. You can not do this from your causal envelope, even though your monad may now be focused there. The highest emotion is love and the Unity plane, 46, is all about love-wisdom. Notice how plane 46 sits directly above plane 48 in our triad diagram. These two planes are a reflection of one another. One represents the higher principle and the other the lower. Neither is better or worse. Each serves a purpose in helping a monad evolve and then expand its consciousness.

So to conclude, our emotional bodies are basically the main theatre of our operations. This is where most Human monads are currently residing in their 48:1 permanent atom. Depending on the contents of the six subplanes of this envelope, determines our character. The objective is to empty the lower subplanes and fill up the higher ones. Eventually, we start to replace all the essences on the molecular subplanes and just operate through the atomic root plane. That is a long way off for us at the moment, but at least we know what we are aiming at and the value of this envelope in getting us further along our path.

Notice how I have been using the term ‘thought’, juxtaposed with the term ‘emotion’. This is because they are linked. Thoughts generate emotions, but once those elementals start vibrating, they can influence thoughts. This is a problem, a very big problem! Currently, our emotions rule us and our thoughts comply. Where do our thoughts come from and how do they influence us? That is the topic for the next presentation.

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