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In my first presentation, I defined what esoteric knowledge was. In the past, this knowledge had restricted circulation. Today this knowledge is available to those that seek to understand their world. There are different streams of esoteric thought.   I subscribe to Hylozoics, a philosophy put forward by Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician. This has given me a working hypothesis to describes the whole universe and our position within it.

Hylozoics states that existence comprises of three things; matter, motion and consciousness. The fundamental particle in the universe was called the Primordial Atom by Pythagoras. This atom is also called the Monad. All matter exists in one of four states of Consciousness. Primary matter has Potential consciousness. This matter forms the background matrix to the whole universe. This is the first state matter takes as it enters the universe. Primary matter progresses to Secondary matter when it develops Passive consciousness. It can now respond to influences from outside but has no ability to act on its own accord. Tertiary matter is the next stage of development. Matter now has an active Active consciousness. It can remember simple actions and repeat them. Finally, we come to Quaternary matter. The monad has finally become Self-conscious and in time becomes self-acting. You may have noticed that I introduced four new terms here. They are Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary matter. All matter in the Universe vibrates in one for these four states. I will be returning to this definition and expanding on it again and again. It really is the foundation of Life, the Universe and Everything!

I concluded my last presentation by mentioning the term Chaos, a time before creation. I called this the Anti-verse. The Anti-verse has absolute density and absolute elasticity at the same time. There is no time or space in the Anti-verse, so it has always existed. I mentioned that out of Limitless Potential comes forth a being that we will call The Absolute. It is this entity that breaths forth our universe.

So now to the question….

Who or what is God?

I have stated that an entity, which I call the ‘The Absolute’ created the universe. I wish now to review what humanity has come to consider god to be in their daily lives. The reason I am doing this is so that we can get a handle on how we perceive God. Who or what are we addressing when we conceptualise god? What implications does this have on how we perceive ourselves and equally importantly, others around us?

Theological views of what God is are invariably fictitious. It may be an old man with a beard, who has magical powers. As a general rule, this entity is a single manifestation. There are other traditions such as Hinduism where god manifest as a trinity. This trinity goes by the name of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. The Hindu tradition also has a concept of a state of being that is beyond creation. They call this state Parabrahm. There is an entity called Brahman who brings existence into creation. Brahman and Brahma are not to be confused. One creates, the other is ‘breathed’ into creation. Brahman can be considered as the same concept as The Absolute. This is the entity that stands on the cusp of the universe and the anti-verse. It is the creator but is not created.

When we imagine a concept like a deity, people often see that emanation as being separate and aloof. What I am going to suggest to you is that God is not a single all-powerful being. Nor is God a trinity, although there is a valid idea behind the concept of a trinity. I wish to put forward a suggestion that God is a collective. This collective includes everything and everybody. This collective has three primary attributes. It is omnipotent, being all-powerful. It is omnipresent, being everywhere at once. It is also omniscient, being all-knowing. Looked at from this perspective, God is the entire universe. Now you may well say, “if I am part of this collective, I exhibit none of these attributes”? This is true. However, you are on a trajectory to gaining those attributes. In your journey from entering the Universe as a primary atom, to finally leaving it as a fully conscious quaternary atom, you are an integral part of the collective body of God.

If God is the Universe, then what is the source of god?

The Absolute is the source.

The Absolute is the un-manifested supreme consciousness. It has no form and is unchanging. If it is unchanging, it is not subject to the effects of time. It brings into creation all that is, but itself is not created. Monotheistic religions state there is only one god. This god not only creates and runs the Universe but has time to be very preoccupied with the affairs of humanity. Do you think that The Absolute is focusing its gaze upon us? It would make more sense that the focus of this unmanifest deity is on the whole of creation and not a tiny part of it.

There are vast structures in the Universe, including galaxies, star systems and planet. What do these structures represent and how do they impact on us? Should we be looking to them for a more intimate and direct connection with some creative force? In the past we did. We called visible planets and other celestial objects God.  Over time, some theologies constructed a metaphysical concept of God. One that is remote from us and creation itself. This became the one and only all-powerful god.  For some reason is all-powerful being seemed overly preoccupied with our sins!

Mother Earth

The composition of the universe includes different levels of organisation. These include galaxies, solar systems and planets. Let us assume that these levels of organisation also represent levels of consciousness. We know you can not have consciousness by itself. This was clearly stated when I said there are three components to all of existence. Therefore, all matter is conscious. When we look at a structure like a planet, we may be looking at a single, as well as a collective consciousness. There is always one superior consciousness that is leading the collective of other conscious beings. Together they constitute a living environment. Within this environment, life develops and expands its consciousness. Ancient cultures would talk of Mother Earth. A recent definition of Mother Earth is Gaia. Esoterics teaches that our planet is a collective of advanced beings. They dwell within the consciousness of an even greater being, called the Planetary Logos. This Being presides over all of evolution that is occurring on this planet. For the sake of completeness, there are seven streams of evolution occurring on this planet. I can name two, the human and the devic stream. The other five streams are unknown to us, at least at our current level of consciousness. I will go into the subject of who or what devas are at a later date.

Guardian Angel

I am going to suggest something to you. We do not need to worship The Absolute or the deity that may be in charge of our planet. They are not going to answer our prayers. We may be part of them, but how aware are you of individual cells in your body? If what I am speculating is the case, is anyone listening to us? Let me throw something out there. Someone is listening and that someone or something goes by the name of your ‘guardian angel’. I will be coming back to this entity many times. For the moment I wish to leave this thought as an answer to my question about who may be listening.

Thought Forms

Let us assume that thoughts are not only abstract imaging but in their own world, they can take a form. We will call this a thought-form. We will return to this concept in the future. For now, imagine that humanity has a vision of what they consider to be God. This vision has created a thought-form, which becomes an energetic entity in itself. We vivify this thought-form by concentrating on it in our imaginings and prayers. We see this occurring around the world. Throughout history, societies have created tribal gods. Jehovah is a recognisable example of such a being! If you read the Old Testament, this deity is very partisan, proud, aggressive and arrogant. Is the construct of this deity, by any chance, mirroring the thoughts of its creators? If such a synthetic deity instils fear in its creators, demanding sacrifices, what do you end up with? You end up with a true monster, as was the case of the Mesoamerican gods. They demanded, according to their priests, human sacrifices to quell their appetites. Frankly, if I was given this choice for a deity, I would continue to shop around for a better model!

The Hierarchy

We have to be realistic with ourselves. The levels of organisation we can see in the cosmos are vast. Even if we look at our Solar system or planet, the level of organisation is huge. We are not going to be able to communicate with such a complex entity. There are higher conscious entities that we can communicate with. This usually only occurs after we have reached a certain level of consciousness. If communication is possible with discarnate entities, who exactly are we communicating with? One possibility could be a collective of advanced souls that go by the name of the Hierarchy. I am using esoteric parlance. Who and what these souls are is for another discussion. I would also like to state for the record, that there are many other entities that one can have communications with. For the present, I have mentioned one team.


As a general rule, only ‘enlightened’ humans get contacted by the Hierarchy. Such souls number less than one in a million. It is possible to contact your guardian angel. To achieve this, you have to develop your mental abilities. Your mind needs to be able to function at an intuitive or inspirational level. These two levels of thought mean very specific things in esoterics. To understand them, I promise a detailed description in the future. At present, only one in a thousand people are capable of such contact. A much more likely source for any contact with a ‘higher’ entity, is an imposter. They come from a higher vibrational level, fooling a psychic that they are some sort of divine being. The psychic is usually communicating with a discarnate entity. This entity may be malicious or otherwise, from a phase of existence beyond death. Remember, being dead does not make you any brighter than you were when you were alive. Unfortunately, psychics can only contact beings from this ‘unenlightened’ realm of existence.

Synthetic Gods

Many religions claim to have a personal ‘god’. I would suggest that what they think is their god, is in fact, a synthetic entity. It is a thought form, something we have already considered. Collective thoughts from the particular god’s devotees, construct the image. This ‘god’ only offers back the thoughts and aspirations of its ‘believers’. This type of synthetic entity is more dangerous than an imposter claiming to be what it is not. The synthetic entity will always confirm the beliefs of its ‘devotees’. There have been many times in history that someone has felt that they have been in contact with a divinity. This often leads to the person suffering from a ‘Messiah’ complex. If humanity ignores these synthetic entities, they will dissipate slowly. I suspect that the fearful ‘gods’ conjured in the past have now dissipated. The Mesoamerican and Mesopotamian synthetic gods have gone. No one is feeding their synthetic identity, so the thought-form withers away.


So to summarise, humanity has tendencies to create synthetic constructs of deities.  This can be a single entity or a group of them. The tendency is for these gods, if they are a single entity, is to be masculine. This has been the case within the last five thousand years. These entities in the past have been very tribal in their affiliations. Some gods over time have grown into the status of a universal creator. Yet, these creators often display characteristics that are very prevalent in humanity.  Characteristics such as pride and anger.

“Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God’. Exodus 34:14

What all these mental constructs have done for us is to separate us from our source of creation. There seems to be a gulf between us and God. Rather than god the collective, we have god the ‘father’ and a pretty stern character he tends to be. The tribal aspect of a deity tends to make the allegiance to that deity a prerequisite for being ‘saved’. This has tended to split humanity into sub-groups. We should be seeing a single source of life that contains all and is all. Our current vision of a deity has allowed humanity to create division. We regard others with suspicion because they have ‘another god’!

10 thoughts on “AM-2 WHO OR WHAT IS GOD?”

  1. Hi Kazim. Just started to watch your new video and have a question for you. Are obsessive compulsive or addictive identities (or sub personalities) made up of quaternary or tertiary matter? Cheers Colin

    1. From what I understand Colin, neither. In your persona, there is just one quaternary atom involved and that is your monad. It is not actually there at all, but sitting in your 43:1 atom and focussing its presence into either your 48:1 emotional atom or into your 47:4 permanent molecule. Tertiary matter is found in the sheath of your envelopes. Your emotional envelope will be made of tertiary matter. The contents of this envelope are filled with secondary matter. It is this matter that will be vibrating to those compulsive and addictive identities. However, things are never quite that simple. Secondary matter only has passive consciousness and therefore can only react to outside stimulus. Where is that stimulus coming from? It is coming from your subconscious. Where is that stored? It is in what in Sanskrit is known as skandhas and nadis. These are your traits and habits and they are stored in your permanent atom (48:1). What is storing them there? It is a cluster of tertiary atoms. So in a roundabout way, the answer to your question is “tertiary” matter. But you can see why I had to go around the house to give you that answer.

      1. Thanks – lots to digest here ….. but would obsessive identities be elemental or deva substance – obsessive identities intention is to pull you down so its seems that they are elementals??

        1. Oh, I posted a reply and I could not see it. I guess I have to put my name and email address every time. Silly me. Well here goes again.

          You are giving the little Elemental a staus way above its pay grade Colin. The Elemental is passively conscious only. It can only respond to external input. It does not have an identy of its own. You attract Elementals into your emotional envelope when you think in certain ways. These Elementals are drawn into your orbit and thrill to the inputs you give them. They try to catch your attention and that is where habits are formed. If you cease to give them your mental energy, they will dissipate back into the pool of Elementals outside your envelope.

          Devas are a single quaternary monad. They, however, control the formation of secondary and tertiary matter. They even control clusters of quaternary atoms. What is termed their substance, is in fact other monads undergoing their own evolution.

  2. A great way of adressing ‘God’, as the idea of God is so diverse and has many emotional ties for so many different people, religious or not.

    The foundation that is being layed in this video hopefully will give rise to a better understanding of the relation between ‘God’ and its creation……..a universal language that has so many ‘translators’.

    Thank you Kazim!

    1. Thank you Karin

      However we perceive God, we should ask the question, is our vision of God inclusive or exclusive? The second question is, do we feel connected to this ‘Source’ or are we afraid of it? The important thing is to open dialogue between people so that we look at what unites rather than what divides us.

      1. Hi Kazim,
        I have just finished to read and translate Laurency’s chapter about Augoeides. I found it very interesting, even though I had troubles to understand some parts. Are you going to have a dedicated post about that?

        1. I will be returning to the issue of who or what is an Augoeides. However, it will not be in great depth in this first series of presentations. When I do my second series, I will focus much more heavily on the Laurency angle.

          I have had some direct communications with Lars, Laurency’s `original translator and he gave me some fascinating insights about Augoeides that Laurency did not speak about himself.

          May I suggest if you have specific questions about Augoeides, post them into the forum. I will answer them there. This may eventually generate contributions from others.

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