To add my discussion of the subtle bodies of humanity, I wish to continue to examine the stages of evolution that lead up to where humanity is today. We see ourselves as individuals. This is partially true. However, we started our journey as a Quaternary monad as part of a Group Soul. This is now be examined further.
Reason for Group Souls
The term soul refers to a totality of a being. The main reason for the existence of groups souls is that they allow monads to develop their subtle bodies, one at a time. They do this through the lower kingdoms. Another reason is that there is safety in numbers. The monad starts with a very low level of consciousness. A group environment affords some degree of protection. Sharing a group body allows telepathic communications between the group. This is witnessed in what is called herd instinct. Ever wondered how a flock of starlings seem to wheel around in the sky as one organic unit?

An individual rock would have a very limited experience of its environment. However, through group experiences, it speeds its evolution up considerably. Even if that evolution seems to occur over aeons. Humans don’t need this shared experience to the same degree, because they have the option for much more varied experiences, due to their mobility.
After going through the three lower kingdoms, the monad condenses into individual consciousness. It does this first as a higher animal, such as a domestic pet and finally as a human. If you look at the diagram, the higher animals, have completely separate etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

Looking at the diagram of the group animal souls, you can see I have drawn a faint white line to indicate that individualisation is beginning to occur.

Finally, the monad reaches the 4th kingdom. It has condensed into individual consciousness. This was represented in a diagram that shows the various bodies of a human being, including its causal body. A full description of this diagram is given in the previous presentation.

To continue the story of the evolution of the monad, the human evolves further. I mentioned that humanity occupies a level on the 49 planes of matter and consciousness called the 4th Kingdom. The next step on the ladder is to move to the 5th Kingdom. A description of this kingdom is cursory, as it relates to the evolution of the soul. After gaining its individuality, the monad remains an individual consciousness moving forward until it graduates from the universe. This it does as a liberated monad, being omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient on all 49 planes of matter and consciousness. The major step the monad takes when entering the 5th Kingdom is to share its consciousness with others of its group. This starts with a small group of up to nine individuals but expands rapidly beyond this group. The monad has gone from being part of a group soul to being an individual soul. It eventually ends up being part of a soul group. Note the different order of the word soul and group. A group soul refers to the three lower kingdoms, below the 4th Kingdom. The soul group to all levels of consciousness higher than the 4th Kingdom.

What is occurring here? The monad has evolved slowly condensing its subtle bodies, till it eventually has a self-identity. Its ego or soul. In the 5th Kingdom, it releases this ego, this sense of self-identity, unselfishly back to the group. However, it does do so consciously. In the first three kingdoms, it was unconscious of itself. The monad has always been an individual unit of existence. What it has lacked as a primary, secondary, tertiary and even as a quaternary atom was a sense of that individuality. This it developed as it passes through the 4th, the human kingdom.
One misconception that is often expressed is that somehow when you enter “Nirvana”, which is how Buddhists refer to as the 5th kingdom, you lose your identity. I wish to make it crystal clear that Hylozoics states that a monad is always an individual unit of consciousness. It is in one of four states of consciousness. These states being, ‘potential’, ‘passive’, ‘active’ and ‘self-conscious’. Joining a soul group does not mean you lose yourself. What you do is share your experiences with the group and benefit from the groups’ experiences. A modern-day analogy is that you join the World Wide Web. As you evolve further you increase your bandwidth and the power of your search engine. This increased capacity is shared with the group and always for the benefit of the group in Divine Law and Order. The significance of this statement becomes clear at the end of this series of presentations.

Overlapping Planes of Development
The final stages of a monad’s development is a particular kingdom allows it to develop faculties in the next kingdom. The reason this can occur is that planes of matter overlap. This allows the subjective consciousness of the monad to precede objective consciousness. In this overlap lies the evolutionary pull that drives development in the whole universe. This is discussed further. A point of interest is that in the last few incarnations of an animal monad, it benefits greatly to be in contact with humans. I am referring to monads such as cats, dogs, horses and elephants. It is vitally important how we treat animals of this higher nature, as we are affecting the psychology of the next wave of humans. In a similar context, the human kingdom receives help from monads from the 5th Kingdom, to advance our evolution. This help can be given to society in general, if they choose to walk among us. It can also be given more specifically to help those humans that are reaching the point of ‘illumination’. This helps allows the eventual transfer of the human monad to the 5th Kingdom. To graduate from one kingdom to a higher one, monads need to perfect all their subtle bodies. What perfection implies is discussed shortly.
Refining the subtle bodies
The processes of refining our subtle bodies are like breaking own rocks. In the Plant kingdom, the shared emotional body is filled with 48:7 molecules. These are the lowest vibrating molecules of the emotional envelope.

Plants can respond to fear; fear of being harvested or eaten. This emotional reaction can not refine the emotional experience. Experiencing sunlight or rain induces higher emotions and in this manner evolution of the monad begins to occur.

In the animal kingdom, heavy 48:7 emotional molecules begin to get replaced by more energetic 48:6 and 48:5 molecules. These molecules engender greed, pride and aggression in animals. Higher animals begin to exhibit loving care towards their offspring and the group in general. This attracts higher emotional molecules.
In the case of humans, 48:4, 48:3 and 48:2 molecules engender feels of love, kindness, forgiveness and courage. It is the balance of these molecules, from the lowest, 48:7 to the highest, 48:2, that will determine the overall emotional state of the envelope. It should be noted that the capacity to hold and resonate with the vibrations of the various grades of molecules differ in each kingdom. The plant kingdom can only accommodate the lower vibrating molecules in its collective emotional envelope. Animals can, depending on their level of evolution, accommodate much more refined molecules. Humans have the capacity to hosting the full range of emotions. However, in reality, today there is little evidence that the highest grades of emotional matter are resonating in many souls incarnated today. We are trapped in fear, pride, jealousy, anger, hatred and rarely venture into the realms of genuine love, devotion and compassion.
What this should tell us is that the collection of higher molecules of emotions is an active process. We have to work to transform our emotional bodies. This has just been a general look at the process of refining our envelopes of incarnation. The example I have used is that of the emotional body. There are two points I wish to briefly mention here. Firstly, you notice when I mention matter within the emotional body, I never mention the permanent emotional atom. The reason for this is that in our entire journey through the first four kingdoms of evolution, we are not able to interact with this atom directly. This does not occur until we enter the 5th kingdom. The reasons for this are many and varied and not for discussion in this series of presentations.
The second point is where all these molecules come from in the first place. Each plane is made up of atoms of that particular plane. These arrange themselves into atoms and molecules. An envelope of incarnation is a discrete unit, where an assortment of grades of matter can be collected. This envelope may be a group envelope. This is the case of a plant emotional envelope. It may be an individual envelope in the case of animals and humans. Surrounding this envelope is a mixture of all the potential atom and molecules that could enter an envelope. This they do as they are attracted into an envelope, by the magnetic pull of the monad or monads controlling that envelope.
Why would these molecules choose to enter the envelope in the first place? Because they are evolving too. They are the Elementals. They are composed of monads who are passively conscious. They are secondary matter. These elementals are attracted into an envelope that is vibrating at their frequency. They are activated by the monad that wants to experience the vibrations that elemental resonates at. When the monad, whose envelope the elemental has entered, no longer wishes to feel that ‘vibration’, the elemental leaves the envelope.
Causal Body
As the human monad journeys through the three lower kingdoms, it acquires an individual etheric, emotional and mental body. However, to become a human and enter the 4th kingdom, we need a causal body but we can not create one ourselves. Fortunately, help is at hand in the form of a deva that goes by the name of a Solar Angel or Augoeides. This solar angel lives on the 4th, the Unity Plane. I wish to make a distinction between the 4th or Unity plane and the 4th Kingdom. We as humans live our lives across the three planes of matter, the physical, emotional and mental planes.

The solar angels engulf our first triad with their causal bodies and become our Guardian Angels. A quick reminder; the first triad encompasses the physical, the emotional and the lower mental body.

The Guardian Angel supervises our incarnation, gently guiding us. It is known in Western literature as the “Voice of Silence”. They can not encroach on our freedom and can do little for us until we reach a level of civility and morality. Baby-sitting us for several billion years is a sacrifice for these advanced devas. However, it is part of their evolution as well. There is a second group of angels called the Protogenoi that take charge, overseeing our development, as we transition from the 2nd to the 3rd triad.

What the interaction of these two groups of angels or devas indicate, is that the evolution of consciousness is a group effort. I have mentioned previously that there are seven streams of evolution linked to this globe. We only have knowledge of two of them, the human and the devic streams. It can be seen that for us as humans, the Augoeides and the Protogenoi are vital for furthering our evolution. Devas are involved in the management of all our envelopes and the development of the three lower kingdoms as well. More on this later.
Higher Causal Body
The Higher Causal Body is the lowest subtle body of the 2nd triad and is a bridge between the 1st and 2nd triads. Bridging the 1st and 2nd triads are the primary goal of the human monad and are accomplished by refining our subtle bodies.

The building phase involves filling the Higher Causal Body with 47:3 and 47:2 molecules and finally with 47:1 atoms. This process takes thousands of incarnations.

In every incarnation, a small portion of the causal body breaks away and descends to create an envelope around the mental, emotional and physical bodies.

At the start of an incarnation, the lower causal body returns to the higher causal body and deposits its life experiences in the memory of the higher causal body. These memories are not catalogued as being specific to the incarnation that they have just come from. The memories are more to do with the lessons learnt from that incarnation. They merge into a general pool of experiences. The type of memory that can return to the higher causal body can only be constituted in causal matter. This is a finer grade than ordinary mental matter. Lower mental matter ranges from 47:4, down to 47:7. There is certainly no emotional matter stored in the higher causal body. So any unprocessed lower mental and emotional energy has to be stored in the emotional permanent atom and the mental permanent molecule. These are your traits and habits that you carry with you from incarnation to incarnation. You can think of them like a millstone around your neck. I mentioned earlier that you have to refine your envelopes. This means that they only contain the highest grade of matter possible. In the case of the physical and emotional bodies, this is a permanent atom. In the case of the lower mental body, it is the permanent mental molecule. All other molecules have been purged out of your envelopes. This comes to pass further along our evolutionary journey but it is worth a mention.
New experiences colour the tonality of the higher causal body for better or worse. When you begin your next incarnation, a portion of causal matter, which has now been slightly altered by your last incarnation, descends and forms the lower causal body, also known as the persona. The lower causal body acts again as the collector of the new life’s experiences. This body is the “Silent Witness”, hearing, seeing, feeling and recording every aspect of the incarnation. The higher causal body is the storehouse and sum total of who we are. We incarnate with the part of our total soul essence that suits our purpose for that life. The primary goal of any incarnation is to develop our consciousness, acquiring new faculties and rectifying deficiencies collected from previous incarnations.
The goal of an incarnation is never couched in terms of material gain. However, material aspects may assist in us achieving the level of consciousness we desire. To develop and refine our causal body, we need to pay attention to our ‘inner awareness’. Introspection and meditation help us to begin to build a connection with our higher causal body. Character traits such as unconditional love, compassion, unselfishness and charity help in refining our emotional and lower mental envelopes.
The causal body comprises the three highest levels of mental matter. To function on this plane of consciousness, we need to use our minds differently. We need to listen to our intuition, rather than just relying on logic to guide us in the decisions we make.
In the next presentation I examine what constitutes the ‘self’. We have three of them as we traverse the Human Kingdom.
If plant’s group emotional envelope consists only the lowest molecules 48:7 then it turns out that plants can only “feel” as repulsive emotions as hatred and fear? How then plants can experience such positive emotion as the joy of the sun and warm rain, or from our care for them?
For Plants to begin to activate their emotional bodies they need as energetic vibrations as possible. These would come from elemental essences that are found on subplane 48:7. This is about a process of activation, not about understanding the meaning of a vibration. That only materialises when you are able to understand the pairs of opposites and I do not think the plants are there at an emotional level. All their pairing is done on the physical plane thought their sense receptors.