In the previous presentation, we looked at the triads and how the monad uses the First, Second and Third triads to navigate its passage through the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. We also looked at how each triad was composed of two permanent atoms and one permanent molecule. I talked about what exactly constituted a ‘Self’ and that we passed through three ‘selves’ as we evolve. Associations were drawn between the various molecular and atomic levels of our five bodies incarnation. This led to an explanation of the precise atomic structure that goes to make them up.

What is the value of knowing this? I could answer this by asking a similar question. What is the value of knowing you have a heart? Knowing what goes to make up your human body and how that function is useful. It is a valuable foundation for living a healthy and effective life. I introduced an important concept by saying that each envelope of incarnation, whether the Physical, Emotional or Mental, were all conscious entities in themselves. They were a collection of evolving monads sharing a common space with us, each party benefitting from the presence of the other. I will return to this theme in the future.
Father, Son & Mother (Holy Spirit)
In discussing the triads and the fact that there are three of them, the concept of a hierarchy of consciousness has been postulated. I have used the term ‘Father’ and ‘Son’ before and pointed out these are terms used by the Gnostics to describe certain concepts. I wish now to briefly look at the meaning of the terms, ‘Father’, ‘Son’ and ‘Mother’ and how they have come to be perceived. I hope to show how these terms refer to the three triads and our three “selves”.

One of the central creeds in Christianity is that the only way to get to heaven is to believe in Jesus Christ, who is known as the Son and the Saviour. Note the use of the word ‘Son’ in relation to Christ. I keep referring to terms from a Gnostic perspective. The reason for this is that the four gospels that ended up making the core of the New Testament, are Gnostic manuscripts. Their use of words was usually allegorical. So the use of the word ‘son’, actually denotes the ‘Second Self’ or the Soul Triad. The ‘literalists’ who came to found Church, took these allegorical writings and interpreted them literally. So the ‘son’ became the literal son of a father, who was in heaven. This is not what was meant at all. So when you get a verse such as that in Mathew, 11:27, where it says
“No one knows the Father except the son”,
the implication is only Jesus knows his father. What was meant by the Gnostics was that to know the ‘father’, you need to pass through the ‘son,’ which is the Second Triad. We have already discussed the three triads and that we are presently functioning on the First Triad. When we leave the 4th Kingdom and enter the 5th, we become ‘sons’ of the ‘father’
“No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
This is a similar message that the Church misinterprets as well. This saying is a mistranslation anyway. It originally read, “no one comes to the ‘Father’ except through the ‘Son’”. Looked at through the Gnostic lens, this a clear statement. The way it has been interpreted through the ages has made Christianity intolerant of all other faiths, with attendant tragic consequences.
I have been using the term ‘Father’ a lot. What does this denote? Gnostic tradition denotes the ‘Father’ as being the 3rd or Spirit Triad. So when Jesus says,
“The Father and I are one” (John 10:30),
he is not talking about a personal relationship between himself and the creator. He means that his spirit is centred in his 3rd Triad.
As humans are centred in the First Self, we must pass through the ‘Son’, the Soul Triad to get to the Father, the Spirit Triad. Suddenly the verses in the Bible are not centred around the being of one person. They are an allegory of humanities evolution through their three levels of the triad atoms and molecules in the Solar System.
Gnostics use the term “Mother” to denote the Self or persona. We have discussed the collection of envelopes that go to make up our being here on Earth. It starts with the lower causal body, which surrounds the mental body. Inside the mental body are the emotional, etheric and physical bodies. These bodies are all located on the 1st Triad and make up what we have called the First Self.
The word ‘mother’ originates from the word ‘mater’, which is equivalent to ‘matter’. The mother, which is matter, gives birth to the son, which is the soul. The soul goes on to become the ‘Father’, which is Spirit.
“It is sown a soul body; it rises a spirit body”; Corinthians (15:44)
The term ‘mother’ is confused with the Holy Spirit. This term actually refers to our ‘Guardian Angel’. This advanced deva stands in for our ‘soul’ until we are able to take conscious charge of it. This occurs when we reach ‘Enlightenment’ at the 3rd Initiation. We can think of our guardian angel as our personal ’Holy Spirit’. It guides us through our evolution in the Human Kingdom. It knows our thoughts and hears our prayers. It is the ‘Still Silent Voice’ that may contact us if we ever cease the endless chatter that constitutes our mind at present.
I hope this brings the phrase, much used in Christianity, “Father, Son and Holy Spirit”, into a clearer understanding. This is not about one person, who is going to save our souls. This is us and our relationship with our three triads and our journey through the Solar System. This journey leads us eventually back to the SOURCE, our true “Father, who art in Heaven”.

The table shows the Aspects of Being, referencing the three triads to the terms commonly used by Christianity and the Gnostics. Spirit to Father; Soul to Son; Body to Matter or Mother. Each of these three divisions can be further subdivided into the various envelopes the Monad uses as it evolves through the Solar System. This is shown in the second column.
Guardian Angels & Forefathers
We have talked about Guardian Angels and their significance to human development. I wish now to look at these solar devas in greater detail. The monad passes through three states of consciousness before it reaches the final stage of its evolution. It becomes Quaternary Matter and has a wilful active consciousness. This to most people’s surprise starts when we evolve into the Mineral Kingdom. This may initially sound preposterous but it can begin to be understood when you examine the role played by the Group Soul. A rock may not be particularly conscious, but its group soul on the Mental plane is.
The monad requires four things before it can incarnate into a human body.
1. An intelligent being to guide it through the Human Kingdom. In the three lower kingdoms, the monad is guided by its group-soul. This group-soul is itself guided by an advanced deva.
2. A causal body, or soul, in which to store life experiences from the human kingdom. This causal body is made of an envelope composed of tertiary matter. The envelope itself is filled with Secondary Matter. You can think of the tertiary envelope as being the case of a hard drive and the secondary matter, also known as elementals, as the magnetic particles that cover the memory disks.
3. Blueprints for the monads bodies of incarnation. These bodies are the mental, the emotional and the etheric/physical. Ever thought where the design for your body came from? More on this in a minute.
4. Devas to build the monad’s bodies of incarnation. Nothing ever happens in matter without assistance from devas. Like all other monads, they are comprised of matter, which is in motion and therefore has consciousness. However, their particular talent is to control other matter, vibrating at lower frequencies. These are the secondary and tertiary atoms. Control of primary matter is much more difficult as it is not conscious let. This is done by much more advanced consciousnesses and are not dealt with here.
When an animal monad has partitioned itself from the mental group soul it has its own mental, emotional and physical/etheric body. It, however, does not have any of the four requirements mentioned above.

So what does it take to finally become human? We need to be adopted by two guardian angels. The primary guardian angel, also known as a solar angel or Augoeides, is a deva. This deva has evolved to a consciousness level that means it resides in the 5th Kingdom. This is not some remote location on top of some clouds, but the next plane of matter above the mental plane. Some guardian angels are from even higher kingdoms, but for the vast majority of us, our guardian angel is one rung further up the ladder. Also remember, these rungs have seven sub-divisions and the solar angel is right at the top of that tree.

What exactly do these angels do? They provide us with a causal body, otherwise, known as a soul. They act as a caretaker ‘higher self’, until we reach the 5th Kingdom ourselves. I often hear people speak about their ‘higher self’, as though it is them. Somehow there is this other part of them that is all-wise and all-knowing. The question I would then ask, is how did this wisdom arise? Did a human just start with it? Clearly not. When an animal soul transitions from the 3rd to the 4th kingdom it does not suddenly again superior wisdom. It takes tens of thousands of incarnations to build up experience of life, to gain the wisdom that is known as the ‘higher self’. In the meantime, your guardian angel stands as a higher self in relation to you.
From our list of four requirements, our guardian angel has taken care of the first two. It is an intelligent being guiding us. It has also provided us with a causal body. What else does it do? Well, it schedules our incarnations according to our destiny. This deva is tied to us until we no longer need it. So it has a vested interest to make sure we effectively use each incarnation to expand our consciousness. It chooses the most appropriate scenarios to allow us to achieve our objective in any incarnation.
Another vital service our guardian angel performs, is to attach our life thread to the etheric heart chakra at the moment of birth. I have not delved yet into chakras and two primary connections that we have to the rest of our bodies. The life thread, also known as the Silver Chord or Sutratma, connects the three levels of our triads together. This feeds life energy into our bodies. The attachment of this thread brings life into the body. The detachment of it signifies death. Your guardian angel is responsible for both. It should be noted that our guardian angel does not concern itself with what is going on in our daily lives or the general state of our health. We are responsible for that.
Our second guardian angel is again a deva that functions on the 6th plane. The name given to this illustrious being by Pythagoras is Protogonos. This means ‘firstborn’. They were among the first to be born into our solar system. I have placed them on the 6th plane and also add that their consciousness level is at atomic levels 44 and 43. They look after our third triad.

They pass energy down from our monad, which is lodged in the 43:1 atom on the 7th plane.

They have very little to do with us while we are in our human phase of evolution. Their direct role is to provide us with an upper spiritual body, known as ‘spirit’ in Gnosticism. Once we have taken charge of our own causal body and moved through the 5th Kingdom, they will assist in our further evolution in the 6th Kingdom. In this sense, they play the same role as the 1st guardian angel.
3rd Requirement
Continuing our list of four requirements we come to number three. Where does the blueprint for our mental, emotional, etheric and physical body come from? Poetically it is said that this was fulfilled by our forefathers. Who are they? They are monads that have passed through the human kingdom in a previous cycle of evolution. They go by the name of Barhishads or Lunar Pitris. The second name means Lunar forefathers. Where did this previous cycle of evolution occur? The clue lies in their name and I leave it there for the time being.
The Lunar Pitris refined the design of their human bodies, adapting them for use on Earth. I just want to point out here that the humanoid form was designed by the ‘God of the Solar System’. It is an archetypal design that is used by all advanced beings in this solar system. I have mentioned before that there is a whole hierarchy of creator gods. Well, it may come as no surprise to you that we have one of our very own. He goes by the name of the Solar Logos.
“So God created man in his own image” (Genesis 1:27).
Note also that I use the term ‘God of our solar system’. I am not referring here to the Absolute. The work of the Lunar Pitris was to adapt this form to suit our needs on this planet.
Fourth Requirement
We have spoken about the three envelopes that go to make a human being. These are the mental, emotional, and the physical/etheric. These envelopes are constructed by three groups of devas. Each time a monad incarnates, it needs new subtle bodies. This is obvious from the fact that upon death, your physical/etheric body starts to decompose almost immediately. The same is true in its own time, of the emotional and mental bodies.
I give the Sanskrit names here for fullness but they can also be simply called mental, emotional and physical devas.
1. Agnishvattas: these are the builders of the mental/causal plane.
2. Agnisuryans: they are the builders of the emotional plane.
3. Agnichaitans: who are the builders of the physical/etheric plane.
I wish to draw your attention again to the realisation of just how important devas are to not just our, but all evolution on this planet. Basically, the devas control the planes of matter at all levels. Many religions give angels a central role in the processes surrounding creation. Archangel Michael, whose name means “who is as God” is chief amongst the Solar Angels. They are the providers of our causal bodies. Archangel Gabriel, “mighty man of God”, represents the Lunar Pitris, the providers of our mental, emotional and physical/etheric templates.
So you can see, quite a team is involved in getting and keeping our show on the road.
This brings to a close, for the time being, the human being and its envelopes of incarnation. In the next series of presentations I wish to look at consciousness in all its aspects, as it pertains to our further evolution.
Is it possible durning human life the monard is severed if this happens is it ever possible to get back in my case I was taking under quantum hypnosis showed all sorts of visions they weren’t true separated from family and loved ones my mind was basically taking over and I did a lot of things that wasn’t aligned with my spirit I was completely manipulated through using my own free will by so called quantum healers it was like my body was completely highjacked I had all my Ka = siphoned from me through my sexual organs and my body feels dead my heart feels dead like I have no soul my nervous system is pretty much non existent so if the monard is severed is there ever anyway to reconnect to it
If you are aware of yourself and that you have engaged in something that has harmed you, then you are very much still connected to your physical organism. What you have probably done is damaged your etheric web.This leaves you vulnerable to influences from the Emotional Plane, where there are entities who would seek to draw energy from you. This may be why you are feeling so depleted in energy.
My advice to you is to refrain from ever engaging in such activities again and try and balance your chakras as best you can. I do an exercise every night with two quartz crystals. I hold a female crystal in my left hand and a male one in the right. With the crystal in the right hand, I rotate the crystal over all seven of my chakra centres. Starting at the crown, I rotate 20 times clockwise, alternating anti-clockwise, then clockwise again down my chakras. As I do this, I visualise my chakras coming into balance and I ask my devas to help me balance them. This keeps me in very good health. I have not had a cold since 2010 and although I travel extensively in planes all over the world, I am in Laos at the moment, I have not caught covid. I do not wear a mask either.
You are a monad and so there is no way you can disconnect from yourself. Black Magicians voluntarily severe the link to their causal envelope and that is why they need to seek energy from us, as they no longer have a connection with the Source of all energy, as they have chosen to follow the Left-Hand Path of involution, rather than evolution.
I hope you regain your composure soon.
Thank you for helping organize the varying terms from the different systems in a common framework. It has been an impediment during my journey to align the varying historical terminologies. You highlighted that the human evolution is necessary to allow the monad to self-identify, does this prepare these monads to take different roles than other evolutionary paths such as the devic?
All monadic streams passing through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, learn to self-identify. Remember, there are seven streams and humans and devas as just two of them. The devas focus on being masters of matter and humans focus on consciousness development. Once we enter the 5th Kingdom of Nature, we begin to specialise and some of us work with future consciousness development in humans, others go toward animals and some even work on plants. There are other paths to follow and these are discussed in other presentations, briefly.
Thanks Kazim 😇