In the 12th presentation, I covered a topic which I called Gods and Angels. I reviewed the Gnostic view of the Trinity. This view talks of the Father, Son and Mother. The early church changed this to Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I discussed how this view of God could be related to the Esoteric concept of the ‘Self’. This ‘self’ is a monad at a particular level of consciousness. More than this, the ‘self’ refers to a whole triad. These are the atoms and molecules that the monad uses in the Cosmic Physical Plane to focus its consciousness in order to evolve.

I also discussed the relationship between the human monad and two guardian angels. One was called an Augoeides by Pythagoras, the other a Protogonos. These two lofty devas lend us one of their bodies, so that we may have a place to store our memories. We also rest in these bodies between incarnations. In fact, the Spirit Body provided by the Protogonos is used to rest between incarnations of the planet. This is a whole new rabbit hole I do not wish to go down at present. Lastly I mentioned that other groups of devas were responsible for building and running the various envelopes that go to make up our body of incarnation.

Consciousness Defined
I wish now to look in detail at one of the basic tenants of life, that of consciousness. I have repeatedly discussed that there are three aspects of existence. These are Energy/motion, consciousness and matter. All three are present in every life form, be it an atom or a galaxy. All structures have these three components. The reason for this is that these three components are found in the basic building block of the entire Universe. This is the 1-atom, called the monad by Pythagoras.

Therefore, everything that exists must have consciousness. This is worth repeating again and again. All consciousness must be linked to a material aspect. It can not exist by itself. Consciousness is not a thing in itself. It is part of a trinity. We think of consciousness as thought. Indeed this is one of the manifestations of consciousness. Emotional thoughts/feelings are aggregations of emotional molecules (48:2 – 48:7). You notice I always use a numbering system when I talk of a body. In this case, it is the emotional body. The numbers denote the body itself and the sub-planes of that body. When numbers are used, ambiguity is avoided.

Rational thoughts are aggregations of mental molecules (47:4 – 47:7).

Conceptual thoughts are aggregations of causal molecules (47:2 – 47:3).

I wish to draw your attention to the fact that we are only talking about molecules, not atoms, which always occupy the highest level of any body. At our present level of evolution, Humanity does not have atomic consciousness.
Energy & Intensity
All forms of consciousness have an energetic aspect and an intensity. These are directly related to will power. Think of will power as the vibrational energy that created it. The whole concept of will is a fascinating one and relates to the motion/energy aspect of the Trinity, not to consciousness directly.
When we think, emotional and mental matter is shaped into thought-forms and ejected from our subtle bodies. These thought-forms have a shape. This shape is dictated by the subject of those thought-forms. The thought-form can appear sharply defined or more diffuse in nature. It is the clarity with which the thought-form is produced that will determine its definition.
The colour of the thought; yes thoughts have colour as well, determines the quality of the thought. It is by no accident that we portray anger and passion with shades of red, love with shades of pink and jealousy with shades of green. Were you able to objectively view the subtle bodies of a human, you would know what they were thinking about without them having to utter a word.

The chart presented is the Meanings of Colours that was drawn up by one of the most prolific and respected of esoteric teachers. His name was Charles Leadbetter. Take the time to study this chart. It is also available to view in the script of this presentation on my website. It is fascinating how certain colours and emotions are linked. What is slightly depressing is what we must truly look like to those that can see us for who we really are.
As we entered the 4th, the Human Kingdom, our thoughts were originally seen as dull clouds. As we evolved, more colours were added to this thought-cloud. If I showed you a blurred picture, you may be able to guess the subject matter. If the image is sharp, you are much more likely to identify that image. The same goes for your thoughts. The clearer the image you can form when you assemble your thoughts, the more intricate an idea can be conveyed. People do not just hear what you are saying, they imperceptibly perceive your thought-forms as well. This supplements the ideas you are trying to convey.

Thought-forms have three main functions:
1. They provide the material form for thoughts. This is the matter aspect of existence.
2. Thought-forms transfer information between subtle bodies. These bodies being the mental, the emotional and the etheric bodies. This is the consciousness part of the thought-form.
3. The primary job of a thought-form is to carry out a specific purpose. This is the will aspect of the trinity.
Again notice how the three fundamental aspects of existence are made manifest in every activity we engage in. I used thought as an example. If anything occurs, it must have all three components present. I use this modelling to gauge any activity. If someone claims that a supernatural event has occurred and should be regarded as a miracle, my first response is; it happened. It, therefore, can happen and it is therefore not a miracle! The second question that comes to my mind is, how did it happen from the “matter” aspect. If I can not work that out, then for me it is not possible. That is not to say that it cant be done. I just have not managed to work out the matter aspect to explain how it happened.
Expressions of consciousness
Every expression of consciousness can be thought of as a cause that has a corresponding effect. The effect a thought can have maybe influential or creative. Consciousness influences everything it perceives. At the same time, everything imagined by consciousness takes on a shape.
- be it a thought
- an idea
- a visualisation
- an emotion
- a desire
- or an intention
Where do these thoughts come from? They are an expression of mental and emotional consciousness. They are a temporary ‘form’ and their intensity is directly related to the vibrational energy used in their creation. Ever wondered what separates an achiever from a non-achiever? Here is a possible answer. Achievers tend to be able to focus in a single-pointed manner much more intensely. Thoughts contain energy and they determine outcomes, because they are composed of matter as well as consciousness. Again I am emphasising the presence of the famous three components to everything!
Emotions are expressions of emotional and etheric consciousness. They are constructed in the same was as thoughts. When a thought-form or an emotion has served its purpose, it disintegrates and frees its constituent molecules. These molecules are not just random matter floating about on their respective planes of existence. These are Elementary Essence, also known as Secondary Matter. When they form an aggregate such as a thought or desire, they are then known as Elementals. They are going through their own cycle on involution, which is a downward arc into matter. By our monad using these elementals to construct thoughts and emotions, we are helping them evolve further along their involutionary pathway.
Great quantities of uncontrolled thoughts and emotions create a smog around the Earth. To repeat, every thought or emotion is a passive entity. Why use the word passive to describe them? This is because Secondary Matter is not able to think for itself. It can only respond to external influences and faithfully reproduce them.
Powerful thoughts and emotions like hatred survive a long time. A lot of energy goes into their creation and also in sustaining them. This is why feuds and grudges create large and powerful emotional forms that become self-sustaining. The very presence of these forms perpetuates hatred. The hatred generated in the body of humanity then gets fed back into the thought or emotional forms and strengthens them further.
Similar kinds of thoughts and emotions have a tendency to cluster together. This can create a massive entity called an Egregore. These entities are collectives of thought-forms, composed of multiple influences, which are united around a common centre. These can be such things as lust and hatred, or they could be peace and unity. Egregores do not always have to be negative in their manufacture and influence.
Egregores, as already mentioned, are composed of secondary matter. They are therefore Elementals. They are however synthetic elemental beings. They have no guiding life of their own. Humanity has created egregores to represent their gods. I have discussed this in a previous presentation. Egregores have no will and therefore can not be considered as being evil. They just reflect and intensify feelings already present in people. This has very dangerous outcomes, as egregores can intensify emotional vibrations. These vibrations can be so intense that they are able to incite evil behaviour in weak-willed people and groups. Notice I use the word ‘weak-willed’. Will is the first of the trinity of elements that govern the existence of everything in the Universe. Will is the creative force that when acted upon by consciousness, transforms matter. Weak-willed people draw into themselves the energy stored in the egregore. The collective will of the mob then drives them to act abominably. We see this at football matches. We have seen this in Bosnia, Rwanda, Cambodia, and Germany in the past. We are seeing it in India today. What makes people take leave of their senses and behave so irrationally?

I hope I have helped to give you an explanation of how this can happen. But remember, we create these egregores ourselves and we then reap the whirlwind. It should be noted that very often a strong-willed person taps into this energy source and directs it to a very negative end. Remember Hitler or Pol Pot?
Source of thoughts and desires
Where do these emotions and desires emanate from? They are created by the emotional atom. This atom has the designation 48:1 in our numbering scale. So this is the highest level of emotional consciousness.

All the other levels within the emotional body are molecular in nature. Although emotions and desires may originate in the emotional body, they are perceived in our physical/etheric body. Thoughts and ideas are created by the mental molecule (47:4) and also perceived by the physical/etheric body.

The permanent atom in the emotional body and the permanent molecule in the mental body is considered the originating points for these desires and thoughts. This is because this is where the monad is focused. I have mentioned previously that the monad does not actually enter the Cosmic Physical realm. It embed itself in a permanent 43:1 atom at the highest level of matter in the Solar System.

From here it projects its consciousness into a series of triad atoms and molecules. These are the only focal points available to it. So as the originator of any desire or thought, the monad focuses its ‘will’ through one of these units of the triad. In the case of emotions and thoughts, it is the emotional and mental envelopes of incarnation.
Although the desire or thought may emanate from the highest plane in the respective envelopes, the quality of the emotion or thought is determined by the grade of the molecules that go into creating the desire or thought-form. These molecules exist on one of the six lower planes within the emotional envelope and three lower planes in the mental envelope. Depending on where the monad draws most of its reserves of molecules, will determine the size and importance of any sub-plane within the envelope and linked to this, the charter of the persona involved.
The intensity of the emotion or thought is determined by the vibrational energy of the molecules involved. Remember, these molecules are Elementals. They are monads in their own right, undergoing their own evolution. At present, this evolution is in fact involution. Their aim is to quite literally reach rock-bottom and enter the Mineral Kingdom. The 1st Kingdom of Nature. The intensity of vibration is also aided and abetted by the quantity of molecules involved. If you really have a powerful emotional response, the sheer number of molecules activated is going to also determine the intensity of the ‘feeling’.
Every time an emotion or thought is repeated, our emotional atom and mental molecule learn a pattern of behaviour. How can they learn this pattern? The reason is that the emotional atom and the mental molecule are composed of tertiary matter. The defining characteristic of this grade of matter is that it has a memory. So not only does it respond to a consciousness input, it remembers it and can repeat it of its own volition. This is what ends up happening. These two centres of action end up responding automatically to stimuli with no input from us. We end up losing control of our lives.

How often do you find that certain events or people just trigger certain emotional or mental responses in you? These are the tertiary monads that make up these two permanent structures, doing what you have programmed them to do. Don’t blame them. Blame yourself. You programmed them. All is not lost, however. You can reprogram these focal centres to respond in a different way. However, you have to reprogram them. It is much easier to set up a response than it is to undo it. This is why habits and beliefs are so hard to change. But it can be done and it must be done. Replace your bad habits with good ones.

In my next presentation, I look at human consciousness is greater detail. I define different grades and where exactly they reside in our various envelopes that go to make up our being.
I’ve read Lee Bladon’s book and some of Laurency’s work and these lectures really help to reinforce Hylozoic concepts.
Have you any plans to publish a book? Also, do you have any any advice about meditation/personal development or will you be covering these topics in a future presentation?
I feel the books are out there that explain hylozoics. I took that information and converted it into a more accessible format. That is my contribution to the topic. For myself, I feel I could also convey esoteric concepts to a live audience effectively. That opportunity has not arisen yet but I hope it does. I note from the feedback questions I am asked, that although I have conveyed a concept as clearly as possible, some people simply have not joined the dots together. This I have corrected when I have been able to speak to them in person. I do this on a Monday with some friends on Skype. Interacting with someone in a live consciousness field definitely has its advantages.
There will be limited advice given later in the series of how and why certain processes of development are beneficial. However, this is not a core part of this series of presentations. I personally do what is known as the Rainbow Bridge meditation. I have expanded this to include other things such as contemplation. was my starting point
What I do through another website of mine is offer a Soul Contract reading. In this form of numerology, I talk directly to a person about the road map they chose for their incarnation, explaining the challenges they will face, the talents they have to overcome those challenges and the goals they hope to achieve in this incarnation. I do this on Skype and record the meeting, so the client has a reference to go back to. If you are interested, check out the website at
P.S. I like your screen name! LOL