In presentation 14, I began to look at what exactly constitutes consciousness and where it resides. I started by looking at brain consciousness, body consciousness, which includes etheric consciousness and finally emotional consciousness. I wish now to go on with a discussion of consciousness in our subtle bodies by looking at mental consciousness.

Mental Consciousness
Mental consciousness can be defined are the Self’s ability to perceive vibrations in mental matter and convert this into consciousness. We have previously talked about thought itself being constructed of matter. This is why it is called a thought-form.
So where are these thoughts occurring? They are occurring in the lower mental body. This body forms part of the three envelopes of incarnation. The mental body is one of two bodies, along with the physical body that is divided into two separate but linked envelopes. The lower mental body has four different degrees of consciousness. These correspond to four grades of mental molecules that inhabit the mental envelope. The grades, starting from the densest are 47:7, 47:6, 47:5 and 47:4. The last molecular level is important because it houses the permanent mental molecule that is a structure that survives the physical death of a person and stores the mental memories of that particular incarnation.

As as a monad evolves through the various planes of matter, when its focus reaches the mental plane, it begins to activate the mental molecules in this envelope sequentially. This allows the persona to process thought in different ways. Starting with the densest mental matter, 47:7, activation of these molecules allows the monad to engage in Deductive Thinking. This means the person can slowing and methodical deduce and infer information that it gleans from its environment. These thoughts are described as being concrete in nature. The monad apprehends what it sees and is able to describe it. This level of thought is active in all humans. In fact, the monad starts to develop this level of consciousness while it is still in the Animal Kingdom. It does this when it individualises. More on this later.
The monad gradually shifts its focus of thought into more subtle molecules and begins to develop the capacity to engage in Associated Thinking (47:6). This now allows it to discern common patterns its environment and associate them with one another. A monad at this level sees things in black and white. It also tends to make generalisations about the world of affairs it finds itself in. Such personalities tend to jump to conclusions and have very fixed beliefs. These thought patterns are very active in ‘intelligent’ people such as scientists and theologians. They seem unable to see other people’s perspective. I can think of a well known Oxford biologist who staunchly defends the theories of Darwin as though they are the ‘Gospel’ truth. He would be appalled that I equated his thoughts to those in the gospel, as you can imagine he is also a ‘Born Again’ atheist.
But there is hope. The monad eventually progresses its mental abilities until it can understand concepts from a different perspective. It has developed Conceptual Thinking (47:5). The monad now begins to see the bigger picture. Such personalities avoid drawing rigid conclusions. The sad truth is that very few people have reached this level of consciousness today.
The final level of thought that exists in the lower mental body is found on the 47:4 plane, the highest in the mental body. The thinking generated here is called Universal Thinking. When a monad reaches this level of thinking, it is able to comprehend entire systems of thought from a single abstract concept. Ever wondered how a genius thinks? Well, this is it. This type of thinking is a lower level of intuition than I will discuss shortly. What is happening here is that abstract causal concepts are being converted into concrete mental descriptions. When a monad reaches this level of thought, it is on the verge of ‘enlightenment’.
Belief Systems
Belief systems are capable of altering our perceived reality in the same way that our emotions can. They do this by colouring and distorting perception. It goes without saying that all belief systems constructed without a full grasp of all the pertinent facts is bound to be flawed. The thinker should be prepared to add new facts into the mix.
Mental consciousness combines inputs from our sensory mechanisms, with emotions and thought-forms and comes up with a unified perception of the environment. As mental consciousness develops, it begins to disentangle emotions and desires from the thinking process. In doing this, it begins to draw the upper reaches of the mental body into closer association with the causal body.
For most of us, we tend to think we are consciousness in our mental bodies. In reality, for the vast majority of humanity, we are actually focused in our emotional bodies and function through the permanent emotional atom, 48:1. Even if we are focused in our emotional bodies, we can still however think. I have already mentioned, this thinking started before we even entered the 4th, the Human Kingdom. So what is happening? Well the best way to describe humanity, when it comes to our subtle bodies, is as a complex of emotional and mental consciousness. The Sanskrit word for this is kama-manas, meaning desire-mind. In an ideal world, our thoughts should control our emotions. In reality, our emotions control our thought. We think with our emotions and desires. There is a path of development through the concrete lower mental body that does eventually lead to ‘enlightenment’. We have to work our way up the four levels of mental thought, leading from deductive thinking, through associated thinking, to conceptual thinking and eventually universal thinking. We are then able to take the next step in our mental evolution.
Causal Consciousness
When you examine the triadic structure of permanent atoms and molecules, it becomes apparent that the mental body is split between the 1st and 2nd triads. This poses a problem. What constitutes a human being is the possession of consciousness on the three lowest planes of matter. These are 47, the mental plane; 48, the Emotional plane and 49, the physical/etheric plane. Interestingly enough, animals have exactly the same bodies as well, with minor clarifications that have been discussed is past presentations. What truly differentiates humans from animals, is the splitting of the mental body into a lower concrete part and a higher abstract part. The latter is referred to as the causal body and this is located on the second triad.

Causal consciousness comes in two flavours. The first is Objective Causal Consciousness. This is the ability to see the cause of an effect in the physical, emotional and mental worlds. Why is this such a big deal? When you witness an event you firstly apprehend it with your lowest mental molecules and make deductions. You then make inferences about what has happened, by comparing it to other experiences you have had. You can then place the events you are witnessing in a bigger picture by conceptualising the event from different viewpoints. Finally, you can place the event in a general scheme of things. You are now thinking universally. What you have not been able to do is to deduce the real cause behind the event. Why is this? Because the trigger for the event may not even lie in the current series of events you see before you. This is because you do not know the destiny and karma that lead to this event occurring. This is the insight that objective causal consciousness affords you.
The second level of causal consciousness is subjective. This affords the recipient of this signal input, to receive information from the casual plane and interpret it via ‘intuition’. Think of this as an inner knowing. The differentiation of objective from subjective is worth emphasising. When you objectively ‘know’ something, you quite literally see it. Subjective knowledge is intuited in the brain. Subjective causal consciousness is gained prior to ‘enlightenment’. The monad now has access to the casual body and is able to activate the 47:3 and 47:2 molecules within it. Once objective causal consciousness is reached, the monad has managed to centre itself in the 47:1 mental atom, which resides on the 2nd triad. This is a huge achievement and marks the culmination of the passage of the monad through the 4th, the Human Kingdom.

What makes causal matter special? It is not affected by our regular thoughts and emotions. The net result is that causal thoughts are not illusory or fictional. Illusions are experienced in the emotional body. This is because this body feeds back to us what we wish to see. The lower mental body is a fictional environment because we are free to think what we will. Where is the truth in that? On the casual plane, thoughts are quite literally the truth. We talk a lot about truth in our daily lives. We can not know the ‘real’ truth until we understand the causes behind anything we may be considering in the world of affairs. It is not difficult to comprehend that causal understanding is a great source of knowledge. Causal consciousness has the capacity to see the big picture as well as focus on the minute details. It does this at the same time, merging with the object, rather than just observing it. An enlightened person can know the contents of a book without even opening it. They do not need to form judgments on the content of the book, as they know what is correct or not. It is even possible to know what was in the mind of the author as they wrote the book. This ‘knowing’ can be expanded further to include the thoughts of the authors that form the references within the book. Clearly, when you are functioning within the causal world, you are truly firing on all cylinders. This is only in relation to issues that are linked to the three lowest planes of matter.
As mentioned earlier, there are three levels of causal consciousness. These, as you would expect, are all linked to matter that is developed sequentially after enlightenment. The levels of matter are on the 47:3, 47:2 and 47:1 plane. Activation of molecules on the 47:3 plane affords the monad an objective waking consciousness of the physical, emotional and mental planes. This state of consciousness is reached just before enlightenment and should not be regarded as clairvoyance. Clairvoyance affords the monad objective consciousness on the emotional plane and no further. Unfortunately, this plane is regarded as the realm of illusions, so the ability to glean any meaningful truth from access to or knowledge of this plane is very limited. It is from this plane that channellers draw their inspiration and which leads to tremendous flights of fancy that abound in print today.
Levels of Causal Consciousness
Every subtle body has seven levels of matter within it. Six levels are made from molecules and the highest level is atomic. As the mental body is divided between two triads, the causal part of the mental body has three levels of matter. These are objective levels of consciousness and they span levels 47:3 to 47:1. Consciousness develops sequentially from the lower to the higher grades of matter. This occurs after enlightenment.
As already mentioned, the lowest level of causal consciousness is on the 47:3 plane. The next level, 47:2 confers clear access to knowledge and ideas on the causal plane. While the level of consciousness below conferrs the ability to move freely in the lower bodies of incarnation. It is on level 47:2 that real causal understanding of events occurs. At the atomic level, 47:1, the monad has the ability to merge with external objects and come to know everything about that object. It is now that the monad comes to appreciate the unity of all life forms. This unity is the beginning of the end of duality.
Causal consciousness is above and beyond normal consciousness, surpassing mental understanding as we know it. It was referred in the Gospels to the “peace that surpasses understanding”, (Philippians 4:7). Once a monad has reached the level of objective causal consciousness, it no longer sleeps in the causal body between incarnations. It has continuity of consciousness between incarnations. The monad also is fully conscious of its series of past incarnations. As these can span well over 100,000 separate embodiments, that is a lot of information to remember. The advantage of such a large database of information is that the monad now has the wisdom gained from innumerable incarnations. This includes triumphs and disasters. They all contribute towards a thorough understanding of the development of consciousness through quaternary matter, from a rock, all the way up to the 4th Kingdom.
Akashic Records
Casual consciousness is considered to be independent of time and space. This is is not exactly true. What this consciousness confers is the ability to recall events from the past. Causal awareness is obviously also aware of current events. What it does not do is allow us to ‘see into the future’ as these events have not occurred yet. An understanding of future events is possible when a monad is able to compute the most likely outcome from millions of variable. There are very advanced beings that can do this and they are known as the Lords of Karma, but that is another story. When an event is viewed from the past, it appears as if that event is happening in the present. Memories of these events are stored in a universal matrix known as the Akashic records. These records exist on every plane of matter. It is only when causal consciousness is reached is there clear and unequivocal understanding of an event. Clairvoyants who consult this record on the Emotional plane end up with a distorted picture. This understanding is like looking through a misty lens at an image that is reflected in a bowl of water, so the image is upside down. To top it off the water is moving! It is not possible for the Human Kingdom to acquire consciousness higher than causal consciousness, as this is their highest body. It is, however, possible for a monad to be subjectively consciousness half a plane above where it is objectively conscious. This will be discussed further in the next presentation when I look at the last four planes planes of matter in the solar system and the consciousness associated with them.
Although Laurency’s work has been available for some time, there do not seem to be many resources or even much interest in general on the internet.
This seems surprising considering the depth and scope of the subject matter i.e. life, the universe, everything, and the sheer volume of his work that can be accessed online.
Do you think that this is because people are just not interested or could it be that the promotion of this philosophy has not be encouraged as it is assumed that most people have not developed the capacity to really understand these concepts.
Laurency himself stated that those that understood Hylozoics would be remembering the principles ‘anew’. I have pondered this for some time and I hope that it is possible to introduce new concepts to poeple. If it were not, how does anyone learn anything? It is for this reason that I set up my website and started to make the YouTube videos. Each iteration of a set of principles is slightly different and new people are reached as a result. People are taking what I have presented and translating it into their languages and re-sharing it.
Where Hylozoics faces its biggest challenge is those people who have studied esoteric knowledge in the old schools of Theosophy and the Archane school of Alice Bailey. Laurency challenges some of their world views. The focus in the past of the soul is one that I feel needs to change. The concept of the Monad is not that difficult to get your head around. When you do, you have a much greater appreciation of the integration of the whole of creation.
Laurency started off in the Swedish language. Lars moved the game forward by translating it into multiple languages. One reason that Hylozoics may be difficult for people to grasp is that it is a mentally polarized presentation of the Wisdom. Most people are emotionally polarized. I am however optimistic. There must be a core of people that are ready to receive such information. We have to be patient and keep persisting in our efforts to make that information available in formats they can resonate to. Once they do, they will set up a vibration on the mental plane that will trigger more people and so the message will spread further and faster. Here is hoping!