In my previous two presentations, I outline the six stages of consciousness a monad passes though as it traverses the lowest, the seventh Cosmic Kingdom. This kingdom is also referred to as our solar system. This is our home and this is where we have causalised, becoming human beings. We started life as primary matter, the famous 1-atom, otherwise known as the Monad. This happened when the 3rd Logos brought about what is known in esoterics as the 1st Outpouring. We have passed through all the cosmic planes three times and at the Second Outpouring, we acquired passive and then active consciousness. This was a gift from the 2nd Logos. We finally reached self-consciousness when our monad evolved to the quaternary level. This happened when the 1st Logos delivered the Third Outpouring. We then proceeded to migrate our consciousness, with a lot of help from the Devic Kingdom. We passed through the three lower kingdoms of nature until we finally reached the 4th, the Human Kingdom. I now wish to continue our exploration of consciousness as it pertains to us humans.

I start by first defining what it is to be unconscious. I am not referring here to primary matter, the 1-Atom, which is potentially conscious. I am referring to the monad, the Self as it is now functioning in the Human Kingdom. The monad is always conscious during incarnation but not always present in the physical body. When it is not present, the body is said to be unconscious. This could just be considered a simple definition and we can carry on, but I wish you to think about this state and what it implies. What is going in when you are unconscious? I have said the monad is not present. How is the monad present in the first place if it can not enter the Solar System? It has to focus itself through a triadic structure which I have described in detail. So the presence of the monad is really referring to the focus of consciousness. We have discussed that the monad, for most incarnate humans today, focuses its consciousness into the permanent emotional atom. What then is going on when the physical brain itself loses consciousness? What it means to be awake is what is going to be discussed through the rest of this presentation.

Meta-consciousness is the totality of the monad’s consciousness and is not separate from waking consciousness. It is an expansion of that consciousness. Waking consciousness is a restricted aspect of meta-consciousness. Our full, our meta-consciousness works in the background and can provide solutions to the waking consciousness. So what exactly is meta-consciousness?
Firstly, it includes most of what is termed the sub-conscious. This is the active consciousness of the first triad and its subtle bodies. Secondly, meta-consciousness is composed of super-consciousness. This in our case is primarily our causal consciousness. However, super-consciousness technically refers to all consciousness above where we are objectively conscious.

Monads make full use of their subtle bodies. However, not all of the consciousness that we thinks makes up our thought patterns are our own. Remember, these subtle bodies have an inherent consciousness of their own. They are stuffed full of developing monads. We know them as elementary essence or secondary matter. Your envelopes of incarnation are ‘beings’. It is the collection of three bodies, the physical/etheric, the emotional and the lower mental, surrounded by a persona that constitutes an incarnated human being.

Although other life forms are dwelling within our subtle bodies, our meta-consciousness is only interested in the conscious activity that is initiated or perceived by the monad itself. The human monad is not interested in the limited consciousness of the secondary matter that constitutes elementary essence. For the monad, providing a home for this secondary matter to evolve is a win-win situation. The monad is able to function on the Cosmic Physical Plane and evolve by developing its consciousness further. The elemental essences are acted upon by our much more powerful conscious energies. In this way, they evolve as well.
So the meta consciousness has three components, as can be seen in the diagram. We start in this presentation by focusing on the middle component, the waking consciousness.
Waking Consciousness
Our waking consciousness is only a small part of our meta-consciousness. This goes a long way to explaining why we have such a big brain and seem to use so little of it. It would seem that the brain is designed to hold a lot more consciousness than we have access to at the moment. Our waking consciousness is active in the physical/etheric brain. When we go to sleep, we fall unconscious. The reason this happens is that the focus of the monad, in one of the triad atoms, or the permanent mental molecule shifts. It withdraws its focus into the emotional body and in some cases, into the mental body. It is not only the focus of the monad that shifts. The emotional, mental and lower causal bodies leave the physical/etheric body as well. “Elvis has left the building”!

So to to recap. Only a small percentage of a monad’s consciousness reaches the physical brain. The rest is meta-consciousness. This includes a portion of the sub and super-consciousness. The reason for this as follows:
- Our subtle bodies are much larger structures than our brains. Just to visualise it, when I draw a representation of our subtle bodies, they encompass our entire physical form. Our brains, such as they are, comprise a small portion of our entire physical body. For this reason, a large portion of the activity of the subtle body does not reach or can be contained within the brain.
- Most conscious activity is too subtle to be detected by the physical brain, anchored in matter as it is.
- Our brains process information in series, one event after another. In this manner, most events that are witnessed are not recorded, at least not consciously, as they are occurring in parallel.
- When we are awake, the chatter we experience in our brains drowns out any ‘higher’ thoughts we may be having. This is why meditation is so important if you wish to connect with more of your meta-consciousness.
Etheric Web
I have not spoken of this in detail yet, but around every incarnate human, there is an ‘etheric web’, which acts as a protective shield. This stops the conscious brain receiving messages from the emotional, mental and causal subtle bodies. Now you may well say “why should this be a good thing”? Surely we want to be in contact with our higher subtle bodies. While the general answer to this question may be yes, the specific answer is no. If you have objective consciousness on the Emotional Plane, then you would not only be aware of the contents of your emotional body, but also the whole emotional plane as well. Vision into this plane would be disorientating, as it operates in four dimensions and we are not use to that. This plane of consciousness also manifests your thoughts and desires, so you would immediately land yourself in a world of illusions. Your desire world would manifest before your eyes. It might be amusing for a while, but this is not exactly evolving your consciousness any further. There is also the unpleasant fact that our thoughts are not always full of love and light. What happens when a negative thought emerges? Those unsavoury thoughts would now become a living nightmare that would engulf you. Not a pleasant thought at all.

Last but not least, other discarnate entities on this plane would then have direct access to you. If you think you have problems with your social media contacts expanding, imagine what would happen here. The emotional plane is also the home of a group of discarnate entities known as the Black Lodge. They are the ones that work very hard to ‘lead us into temptation’. They also feed off our fears and anxieties and help to exacerbate them for their own advantage. I may return to this topic in greater detail in the future, but for now just take home that not all is sweetness and light in the ‘Garden of Eden’. So this etheric web protects us from a host of unwanted interference until we are ready to meet that challenge. The down side of possessing a web is that our objective consciousness is then limited to the physical world.
The majority of the stimuli from our physical and subtle bodies go unnoticed, because the consciousness of all our subtle bodies, including our sub-conscious is not ‘loud’ enough to be heard. Our physical brain only hears messages from our subtle bodies when these messages are ‘shouted’ at us. It should be noted that the human monad, focuses into the first triad in one of three places. These are the permanent atoms of the physical and emotional bodies (49:1 & 48:1), or the mental molecule (47:4). It is aware of all the activity occurring in its three envelopes of incarnation, even if the physical brain is not.

It is only when the conscious mind has total access to all the information being processed by its subtle bodies, can it be in a position to develop a coherent picture of reality. If you can image a series of semi-autonomous beings that go to make up your subtle envelopes, somehow your monad has to make its wishes known through them. In any situation, the monad has to decide how it wants to respond and then makes those wishes known to the brain.
The technical difficulty for the monad to make its wishes known to the mental brain should not be underestimated. It has a series of envelopes that it functions through. We know these as the etheric, emotional and mental envelopes. The physical body however, is not part of the envelopes of incarnation of the monad itself. It is just a virtual reality suit that the monad puts on every time it wishes to incarnate into matter. If you thought your etheric web was spoiling your party, now you find that your main service unit is not actually a part of you. So yet again you have to find a way of communicating through indirect channels. The monad uses yet more subtle intermediaries.

Before sensations, emotions and thoughts are registered in the waking consciousness, the signals that are received from these bodies, have to be boosted in the etheric brain, till they are able to cross the threshold into waking consciousness. Even though the meta-consciousness is much faster than the brain, it has to go though the final link of the etheric brain to interact with the physical body. The problem is that meta-consciousness is very subtle. Our waking consciousness is anything but subtle. It is very loud.

To get the brain to work as a physical unit, you need much stronger electrical and chemical signals to activate the chemical and biological processes in the brain. The brain itself is inefficient, insensitive and slow. It is a dim shadow of the meta-consciousness. To put this into some perspective, the physical brain has a consciousness level about one millionth of what our monad has. In the case of some individuals, whole lot less than that!

Our waking consciousness is part of our meta-consciousness. In this manner it is able to direct the emotional and mental bodies to produce thoughts. These impulses generated in our physical brain go to form our thoughts and feelings. When the brain sends up signals to the mental plan, the monadic focus located in the mental body uses the 47:4 mental molecule to interact with the physical/etheric brain. This is the start of a thought-form making its way into your consciousness. To this thought-form is added the impulse of emotional motivation, which comes from that particular envelope. The 48:1 emotional atom supplies this energy. Finally to get a thought to the brain to be used by the physical body, the monad uses the 49:1 permanent atom to vivify the etheric thought-form.
You can see now how complicated this process is. At each step, energy is lost and mistranslations can occur, especially where the emotional body is involved. Once the thought gets to the brain, it is like walking into a disco. The lights and music distract your brain before the thought-form even gets a chance to register and drive home its command. Is it any wonder that we find it so difficult to concentrate and more importantly, hold that concentration in a single-pointed focus. Those of us who can, achieve much more in our daily lives than those that don’t.
Clearly, what we think is the whole of our consciousness, is a fraction of the whole story. We think of consciousness as a thought in our brain, yet our brain is just a translating agent. It is at the end of a chain that starts for most of us in our lower mental bodies. These thoughts are not just thoughts for most people, but feelings as well. In fact, the impulse that we call a thought often starts with a feeling. This drives the mental thought. It should be the other way round. Even when it is, the thought has to wade its way through the emotional body before getting to its final destination in the physical/etheric brain. When it finally gets there, it is likely to be missed all together due to the other thought-pollution that clutters up your mind.

If this is not depressing enough, there are many thoughts, feeling and impulses that are not generated by the waking consciousness at all. They originate from our sub-conscious patterns in our emotional and mental bodies. These are also presented to the waking consciousness by the etheric brain. This will be the subject of my next presentation.
Hello Kazim! I’m very glad that I found your presentations. Thanks for your job.
I have a question.
You wrote: “Our waking consciousness is part of our meta-consciousness. In this manner it is able to direct the emotional and mental bodies to produce thoughts. These impulses generated in our physical brain go to form our thoughts and feelings. These impulses generated in our physical brain go to form our thoughts and feelings. When the brain sends up signals to the mental plan, the monadic focus located in the mental body uses the 47:4 mental molecule to interact with the physical/etheric brain. This is the start of a thought-form making its way into your consciousness.”
I don’t understand why thought-form making its way BACK into my consciousness if it (thought-form) was already there initially?
Could you describe in more detail the mechanics of conscious thinking in conjunction with subtitle bodies?
Hi Alexey
Nice to hear from you and to receive your question. I wish to start by saying that no thoughts originate in your head/brain at all. The brain is just a relay system to transfer signals from your five senses, via your chakras, into your etheric, emotional and mental envelopes.
All mental activity starts in the mental body. This generates an elemental structure, which is an aggregate of elemental essences. These elementals are physical entities, even if to you, your thoughts appear to be subjective. This is why we are warned to watch what we think, because a subjective thought in what appears to be your head, could be a murder on the Mental Plane. Thinker beware!
Once you have a thought, it has to work its way through your emotional envelope. This is where it picks up momentum, because it is through your emotional connection to your thoughts that you develop enthusiasm for them. The problem with most of humanity is that they start their their thinking process from their emotional bodies, not their mental ones. This means they ‘feel’ first and think later. This can lead to disastrous consequences as we are all well aware of.
The thought finally cascades through the etheric envelope and lands in our organic brain, which then sends the signal on to our endocrine system, where we secrete hormones that trigger responses in our bodies. This may also lead to physical activity.
As most people are located in their 48:1 permanent atoms, they are ruled by their desires. These desires are a manifestation of will-power. This is the energy that drives whatever we do in our lives. When we drive our actions from our 47:4 permanent molecule, we call this power determination. At earlier stages of our evolution, when we were focused in our 49:1 permanent atom, will-power is expressed as instinct.
As you work your way through my presentations, all these concepts are expressed and systematically outlined. I am repeating them again, in newly configured formats, in presentations that I am currently recording that will air next year.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. I hope that helped.
Kazim, thanks a lot for your feedback. If you don’t mind, I’ll continue a little more.
Could you explain with an example: When I am reflecting (thinking) about your presentation (or something else), how is my physical/etheric brain involved? At the same time I do not transmit any signals from the senses (I’m just thinking – sensory deprivation).
When you are reflecting, that process is not occurring in your brain at all. It is occurring in your mental body. News of this processes transferred through your chakras into your physical-etheric brain. This signals to your objective environment that you are having a subjective experiences. You place it in your head, but in fact it is remote.
Having said that, our envelopes are nesting within each other, so although each plane is on a higher or lower vibrational frequency, it is intrinsically linked to all the other envelopes. This is the beauty of the triad structure on each level, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. There is instantaneous communication between all envelopes on each triad. The challenge is connecting to the triad above you.
Something else to consider is the process called telepathy. What is going on their? Something for you to ponder.