In our journey through human consciousness, we have looked at waking conscious and our subconscious mind. We learnt that our waking consciousness is a small fraction of what constitutes our meta-consciousness. A much larger portion of consciousness lies below the threshold of waking thought. Although this reservoir of thoughts and emotions are not consciously registered in our brain, they play a surprisingly active roll in all that we do and think. In fact, this roll can be positively detrimental if we are not vigilant. We now come to the area of our conscious known as super-consciousness.

So what exactly is super-consciousness? From a matter perspective, it is the higher molecular types of matter in our emotional and mental bodies that have not been activated yet. In the case of the mental body, think 47:4 and 47:5 molecules for most people. These molecules represent the higher forms of refined thinking that most people are simply not able to achieve. When they do, they find themselves formulating thoughts in a much more conceptual manner. This is a step up from associated thinking, where thoughts are grouped together, leading to generalisations.

In the emotional body, most monads incarnate today focus throughout the lower two-thirds of this envelope (48:7 to 48:4). More refined emotions are conspicuously absent from many people’s interactions with their neighbours. What they would define as refined emotions such as love, are usually tinged with selfishness and limited to a very small circle of other people.

There is a higher-level thought that is called the super-conscious. It is located in what is known as the ‘higher self’ or causal body. Here we find intuitive and inspirational ideas that have the possibility of filtering down into our waking conscious, if we quieten our minds sufficiently to receive these refined messages. The thought-forms created in the causal body are abstract in nature. To look at the material form of such thoughts would be to see a complex geometrical shape. Contained within this shape could be the whole idea for a book or a painting, or even a whole philosophical concept. Thinking as we do in our concrete metal envelopes, it is difficult for us to begin to imagine how an idea can be conveyed by shape, rather than a set of linear instructions.

Super-consciousness, however, goes beyond our casual bodies into the higher kingdoms. In reality, the 5th Kingdom is the only one realistically within our reach in the foreseeable future. However, technically super-consciousness is all conscious above our current waking consciousness. So you could say it goes up to the ABSOLUTE. This is why the term meta-consciousness refers to what is realistically achievable by us in the foreseeable future. It, however, has not been achieved yet. The first step is to make contact with our causal body. Although we are talking about consciousness at present, the connection to the causal envelope is actually a physical one. This goes by the colourful name of the Rainbow Bridge. Remember, everything is rooted in matter, even consciousness.

We have previously defined consciousness development as moving through five phases. I described these as
- Young souls
- Community souls
- Cultured souls
- Compassionate souls
- Enlightened souls.
What differs in each of these groups is which molecules in which body are active at any time. In the middle stages of development, the monad begins to develop a sense of conscience and responsibility, among other things. At the 5th stage, the enlightened soul, intuition and inspiration begin to be registered in the waking consciousness. These attributes are a result of the molecules in the causal body being activated. In fact, this activation begins in the 4th stage, the compassionate soul.
It should be pointed out that inspiration is not from ‘God’ but the Causal and possibly the Unity body. The communications come into waking consciousness from your guardian angel, other monads dwelling in the 5th-kingdom or a member of the Planetary Hierarchy. What most people class as ‘inspiration’ in fact comes from the mental or emotional planes. The source of this inspiration is our sub-conscious or even telepathy between individuals. I have often spoken about the fact that most of our thoughts are not our own. They are just mental noise pollution from our surrounding environment. Coherent ideas can also enter our brains in this manner. If we are tuning in to a certain frequency of thoughts on a particular subject, we may find an idea just pop into our heads. We think these ideas originate from within our own brains. This is very often not the case.
Super-conscious thoughts can be blocked by false belief systems. This results in the inspirational idea taking a long time to battle its way down through the mental and emotional bodies before it can register in your physical/etheric brain. As has been mentioned before, consciousness flows along pathways. These pathways lead into our sub-conscious memories but also can be built into our super-conscious apparatus. If the conscious mind is not prepared to entertain the concepts of inspired thought at all, then where are the pathways for that thought to manifest?
Super-conscious thoughts are activated by high ideals, commitment to personal development and service to humanity. Until you can access the thought realms of the Causal and Unity consciousness objectively yourself, you are reliant on other more advanced monads to communicate ideas to you. This help has to be earned. This is done through your deeds. You can not pray your way into the super-consciousness realms.
Super-conscious thought manifests as inspiration, impulse, conscience, compassion, sense of responsibility, to name a few, but this requires a concerted effort. That effort starts with meditation. Meditation is not just sitting there trying not to think of anything. You can focus on a seed thought or contemplate an idea or ideal. Again what you are doing in this process is building a physical pathway down which ideas can travel.
Higher emotional consciousness is developed by expressing love and compassion. This must be rooted in a universal concept, not just to your nearest and dearest, although this is a start. Basic mental consciousness is developed by focusing on subjects such as maths and science. Causal consciousness is developed by meditating on a concept of your soul and contemplating abstract concepts like esoterics. You see, there is a benefit to listening to these presentations after all. Now just go away, print out the scripts and contemplate further.
A contributor to the forum on the website asked how our ‘still silent voice’ got in touch with us and the consequences of this. Could contact be negative as well as positive? I replied, do not look to your guardian angel for a continual stream of advice and guidance. If you do that you will never become a ‘god‘. Your objective in all your evolution is to become a self-activating monad, not a puppet. Having said that, some guidance is always welcome and this is usually couched in veiled ideas that you have to interpret for yourself. So there is bound to be a degree of mistranslation, but this is not a disaster. You are trying to refine your ability to tune into these ideas and it always leads to slight filtering of the information being gathered. This is your super-consciousness in action. This is not clairvoyance. That channel of communication leads only to the emotional plane. Your emotional world is hidden from you by your etheric web. As long as you do not try to reach this subtle body through your solar plexus chakra, there is no chance in being misled. Unfortunately, all channellers operate on this frequency of communication, so most of what they receive has to be treated with great scepticism. No highly developed monad would ever communicate to us, through a channeller or from the Emotional Plane.
This leads me to point out that what a person may think is their super-conscious thought processes in action, may just be sub-conscious activity. What the person is doing is remembering latent memories or guesswork. Intuition is above rationality, as it originates above the rational mind, in the Causal or Unity mind. True intuition develops with subjective causal consciousness and very few people have this. Remember that subjective causal consciousness develops half a plane ahead of objective casual consciousness. This means there is potential for there to be an exchange of ideas from a subjective abstract perspective, to an objective concrete one.
There are two levels of intuition. The first is causal intuition. This originates from the mental atom, 47:1, and is transmitted to the mental molecule, 47:4 on the 1st triad. The second is unity intuition and this originates from the unity atom, 46:1 and is transmitted to the emotional atom, 48:1 on the first triad.

I have repeatedly shown you a diagram of the triads, indicating to you the three layers of atoms and molecules. As the causal envelope is an extension of the mental envelope, it is logical that could be a link between them. But in the case of the Unity body and the Emotional body, this link is not obvious. After all, the unity body is in a completely different kingdom.

The answer lies in how consciousness is manifest in these four bodies. Once intuition is acquired, the logical mind, located in the metal body, is superseded by abstract thought. The mind is now relegated to performing the tasks relating to confirmation and clarification. The principle attributes found in the Unity Kingdom are those of Divine Love and Wisdom. I have always had problems with throwing the word love at everything and hoping it sticks. I agreed with Lee Bladon’s naming of the 5th Kingdom as the Unity Kingdom. This is not the term Henry Laurency uses. However, in the word ‘unity’ I understand what love actually means and what it achieves. I have mentioned that unity consciousness is when monads share their conscious experiences in a pool amongst other monads. In this way there is no favour, there is just unity. This is the higher aspect of love. Love in the emotional world is invariably conditional and usually prescribed to a defined person or persons. However, when a monad moves its emotional awareness into the 48:3 and 48:2 molecules, it begins to experience a love of God and humanity. These are the realms of the mystic and saint. You can now see how this relates to the Unity Kingdom, situated just above the Emotional Kingdom in the diagram. One love is for yourself and a few others. The other love is for all without limit. This is true love; divine love.

Genius vs Insanity
There is a fine line between being a genius and insanity. Why do I mention this? A true genius is someone who gets their ideas directly through their intuition or inspirational channels. This is a huge amount of energy to absorb when the circuits really connect. If the recipient of these energies does not marshal their resources carefully, they are likely to unbalance their mental and emotional bodies with resulting tragic consequences. It should also be noted that if the mental body is developed to the exclusion of the emotional body, there is a grave risk that the monad will lack compassion. This can lead callous disregard towards others and an arrogance that can easily lead to tyranny.
This ends my tour of the various kinds of consciousness we can achieve. Consciousness is a very big subject and the development of it is the primary function of this whole solar system. We therefore return to it in further presentations. In discussing consciousness, we have been talking about the second aspect of the Trinity. The Trinity being motion, matter and consciousness. Motion has other attributes. One of these is Energy and the other is Will. I wish to look at the Will aspect of the Trinity.
Will as already stated is energy. The energy aspect of the monad. How does this Will make itself known? It does so through the consciousness. So here we are back at consciousness. Will, like consciousness, is initially dormant in the monad and is developed slowly by engaging with other monads in groups. It also does so by being part of the body that is controlled by a much more conscious monad. Your monad is a good example of a high frequency monad. It affects all the tertiary and secondary matter that go to make up its various bodies of incarnation.
Just as there are 49 planes of consciousness, there are also 49 planes of Will. Human beings express three types of Will.
- Physical Will, which can be described as impulse.
- Emotional Will, which expresses itself as desire.
- Mental Will, which is our determination.
The development of the Will correlates to the level of consciousness achieved by the monad. So the subtle body best representing the monad’s level of consciousness has the dominant Will. That for most people today is the emotional body and wherever within that emotional body the consciousness has risen to. Choices, which are acts of Will, are determined by motive and the strongest motive wins.
In an emotionally focused person, the Will of the emotional body is dominant. An intellectual person has more control over their emotions because the mental Will dominates the emotional Will. The term Will-power is therefore the degree of control the monad has over its subtle bodies and hence its consciousness. Developing Will-power is vital for the evolution of the human monad.
Physical Will has insufficient power to overcome physical cravings and addictions. The reason for this is that there is an underlying emotional causes. Over-eating, drinking and drug-taking have an emotional root. But even emotional Will is insufficient to overcome addiction, as people are usually weak-willed. So if you wish to overcome a physical craving that has its roots in your emotions, you need mental Will, known as determination. This is the minimum requirement and few people have this in abundance. Treatments such as psychotherapy and hypnotherapy work by deprogramming the emotional causes, consciously or unconsciously. The person has not developed greater mental will-power. All that has happen is the trigger for the physical craving is removed.
This has been a quick look at Will and what it means in our lives. Developing consciousness is all well and good, but if you do not have the will to enact what you are thinking in a constructive and focused way, you have a problem. You have not progressed much further than when you were a monad sharing your mental body in the Animal Kingdom.
In the next presentation I wish to look at consciousness as it expresses itself. This can be in one of four ways, active and passive and objective and subjective.