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When people consider the construction of anything, they realise this it must happen in a step by step process. The universe is no exception to this rule. We have already discussed the concept of positive and negative existence. In our case, the universe as we know it is positive existence. The Anti-verse lies beyond the bounds of our universe. It exists beyond time and space and is termed negative existence.


In Kabbalism, the Metaverse is called Ain Soph. The Metaverse is the sum total of all existence, both positive and negative. This is because negative existence is all-pervasive and positive existence exists within it. In Hinduism, the equivalent term   for the Metaverse is Parabrahm. This is the realm of Limitless Potential. The God of Gods. This god, negative existence, is passive and presides over Primordial Matter, the building blocks of the universe.

When Energy, which we can think of as the Father and Matter, which we think of as Mother unite, an infinite number of primordial atoms, designated ‘sons’ are born. These sons, known as monads, are the smallest units of existence. They are initially unconscious. However, they also are potentially Absolute. They have the power within themselves to be Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. These are the attributes of the Absolute, into which they are born.  

The term ‘Limitless’ indicates that there is no beginning and no end, so it is always there. This is a concept that as a child I always use to get confused about, to the point of having nightmares. Where and when did it all begin? How can something be coming out of nothing? Well, in this definition of the Infinite that I am suggesting to you, consider this fact. If there is no beginning and no end, then we have to accept that there always was something there.

To make matters even more complicated, the Kabbalah talks about a state of Infinite Nothingness and calls it Ain. Yet there can be nothing outside Ain Soph, which has no beginning or end, so Ain is not even nothing. Confused…. I am, but let’s just give our brain cells a break and recap.  

We start with No-thing, Ain, as a state we simply can not comprehend. Within No-thing lies Absolute Potential. This Limitless Potential, which is infinitely dense yet infinitely elastic, has no beginning or end. From this Limitless Potential emerges the Absolute, so what is that?

The Absolute is the creator of our universe, the Ain Soph Aur. This can be thought of as Infinite Light. The Hindus call this force Brahman. The Absolute, our universe’s god, is a perfected Monad, liberated from the illusions of any universe. The perfected monad is a grownup, un-manifested god that can make its own universe, spanning negative and positive existence. Sounds like an impressive dude.

Monotheists talk about there only being one supreme creator and in one respect they are right. They go on to then state that this creator not only creates everything and knows everything but somehow has time left over to be very inquisitive about the sins you are committing!

What is being proposed here is something completely different. The Absolute may create the universe but is not of it or within it. Other, unperfected monads, who nevertheless have the ability to direct matter themselves, use the energy provided by the Absolute. They use this energy from the Metaverse, to create an environment within which all other monads go through the process of consciousness expansion. In this way, those monads attain their own goal, which is perfection.


The Absolute can focus its attention inwards towards the universe itself or outwards towards the metaverse. The inward focusing of the Absolute’s attention is called in Gnosticism, the ‘Mind of God’. What is being said here has mind-blowing implications; excuse the pun. When we think of subjective reality, we are imagining something is in our mind. It is not out there to touch, see or smell. If our universe is in fact, the mind of God, then we are part of the Absolute’s thought processes. Esoterics’ says there is only one consciousness. I use to get confused about this. I can see now that if ‘reality’ lies outside positive creation, we may be real to ourselves but we are also contained within the subjective mind of the Absolute. This universe is created from a focused thought pattern. I think I may need to go and lie down for a while!

Let’s look now and consider the Absolute in greater detail. There are three aspects to the Absolute:

The first is Energy. This energy comes from the Metaverse. This is a sea of Limitless Potential and it is this energy that powers all of creation.

The second aspect, Consciousness, is the universal mind, uniting all of creation. This lies within the collective consciousness of the Absolute, who is in a meditative state of contemplation. When that focused attention ceases, all of positive existence dissolves back into negative existence. If you ever wanted a reason to never lose attention and keep focusing on something important, then this is it!

The last aspect of the Absolute is Matter. There are 49 grades of virgin matter that go to make up the various planes of the universe. This is the cosmic womb within, which the evolving monads develop their consciousness. 

Let us look at the Absolute from a standpoint relating to energy. The Metaverse is a source of this infinite energy. How can it be infinite? Well if the Metaverse has no beginning or end and it has energy within it, then that energy must be infinite! So the Absolute is manifesting three aspects of itself into the universe. The first, energy, comes from a limitless external source that lies beyond the universe. It can also be said that the universe actually lies within the Metaverse. From our perspective, there are two states of being, positive and negative and it is from this negative state that this energy arises.  

The Absolute uses this energy to bring Primordial Atoms into positive existence. This comes from Primordial Matter, which is negative existence. What is the difference between Primordial matter and Primordial atoms? The former, if you remember is infinitely dense and elastic. The latter, the primordial atoms, are now discrete units of matter. They will never touch another atom as long as they inhabit positive existence. These primordial atoms are monads, the smallest unit of existence in the universe.

So how does the birth of a primordial atom take place, from negative to positive existence? Imagine that tiny vortices form in the infinitely dense, fluid and homogeneous Primordial Matter. This causes a unit of primordial matter to flip inside out. This then creates spinning bubbles of emptiness. That emptiness is in a relative state to the anti-verse. However, to us, that Primordial atom is now in our manifest universe. The image presented here is a vague attempt to show this. Imagine the blue substrate is the Metaverse. The positive universe inverts itself out of that substrate. In reality, the blue substrate, the Metaverse, completely surrounds the universe. Notice that there are also multiple universes!

Let us give this primary atom a designation and call this a 1-atom. Not only does it initially exist on the highest and first plane in the universe, but it is the smallest unit of matter found anywhere. Think of this 1-atom as a quantum of energy that distributes, what scientists call Zero-Point Energy, throughout all the 49 planes of the universe. The Greek philosopher Plato called this unit of energy ‘Dynamis’ and in Sanskrit, it is called ‘Fohat’. 

Inter-Galactic space is composed of these 1-atoms, continually manifesting from the Meta-verse into the Universe. This continuous input of energy stops the universe from vanishing. The flood of these 1-atoms entering into positive existence  is what forces galaxies apart.  

We have talked about there being 49 planes of matter. What makes these planes unique to each other is the matter that they are composed of. The highest plane is composed of 1-atoms. The plane directly below it is composed of a composite of forty-nine 1-atoms. They combine to form a 2-atom. The next plane below is then composed of forty-nine of these 2-atoms.  They coalesce to form a 3-atom. Each plane is denser than the one above it, however, the term above is misleading. All  planes inter-penetrates all other planes. It is their atomic structure and rate of vibration that keeps them apart. This process over aeons of time, leads finally to the lowest plane of cosmic matter coming into existence. Here again, forty-nine 48-atoms combine to form the 49-atom. If you do the maths, each 49-atom contains an awful lot of 1-atoms that go to make it up. To be precise, it is 1.34 with 81 digits after the number one! That is an inconceivably large number.  

There are two things I want you to notice here. Firstly, everything that exists within the universe is made up of 1-atoms. This is the basic building block of everything that manifests. Notice also that when the next lower level is constructed, it is always made from a multiple of 49 atoms. This is 7 times 7. Everything in our universe seems to revolve around multiples of this number. This is something we will meet again and again in these presentations.  

What happens next?

Hierarchies of advanced monads, who enter into this universe along with the primary matter, begin to create galaxies, stars, planets and life forms. They do this in much the same way as the Absolute created the universe in the first place. They achieve this by combining Primary Matter into more complex structures, at lower vibrational rates.

You may well ask, where did these advanced levels of consciousness suddenly appear from? Imagine a previous universe completing its cycles of evolution. When that ends, there will be a myriad of monads on all 49 planes of consciousness. They go into a state of suspended animation called pralaya. They are awaiting the birth of a new universe. They will then continue their journey towards achieving omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience within a universe. All manifest matter dissolves back into 1-atoms.  These then go back into the metaverse to begin again at a later date. This is a complex process and it will be developed further. For the present, consider these 49 planes of matter/consciousness as places where less developed monads get the opportunity to train and gain experience. They are developing their consciousness further.


To recap. The Absolute utilises Zero-point energy to bring Primordial Matter from negative existence, into positive existence. It is now called Primary Matter. This is the 1-atom; the monad. The Absolute conceives the universe in its mind and subtle matter instantly responds to this creative thought. You now have the building blocks of a cosmos beginning to manifest into the universe.


I wish to return to a diagram I presented in the previous presentation. I start by listing all 49 planes of matter on the left. This is seven times seven, that repeating pattern I have just spoken of. At the bottom of the series of numbers, I have highlighted levels 43 to 49 in blue. This is the last set of seven planes known as the Cosmic Physical Plane. These planes also correspond to the planes of existence within our Solar System. I expand this plane out in the next column and you see the pattern of seven planes more clearly. Each one of these planes is given a name. These names correspond to the names given to the cosmic planes of matter.

The column next on the right are these seven solar systemic planes expand to reveal yet another layer of complexity. Each of the seven solar systemic planes has seven sub-planes. The last column on the right shows the names of the three lowest planes, but now you see an extra two names. This is because the physical and  mental planes are subdivided. In the case of the physical plane, the upper four levels, 49:4 to 49:1 are called the Etheric plane. This subdivision has a significance beyond the fact that we can’t see it, even though it is considered physical. The etheric planes of our physical body are considered as being part of the principal bodies of us as human monads. The lowest three planes, 49:5 to 49:7 are just a physical organism. They are a virtual reality suit that we clothe ourselves in, in order to experience life in the lowest three planes of matter. I will be explaining the relationship between these bodies in greater detail in later presentations. For the time being, just be aware that there is a division of the physical plane, yet both halves of this plane are still considered physical. Plane 49:7 is physical matter, plane 49:6 is liquid and plane 49:5 is gas. Plane 49:4 is known to science as plasma but it is much more than that. I don’t want to go into explanations of the three highest etheric planes at the moment.

The mental plane is also divided into two portions. One is called the mental plane, the other the causal. Again, a more detailed description of these planes is to follow. For the time being, just catalogue that the three lowest planes of matter have five sub-divisions. In our evolution as monads that have reached the 4th Kingdom of Nature, you can see that we are only conscious on the three lowest planes of matter. In fact, for most of humanity, they barely function beyond the lowest two, the Emotional and the Physical!

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4 thoughts on “AM-4 MECHANICS OF CREATION”

    1. Kazim Kemal-ur-Rahim

      Thanks Colin. I have three more presentations on creation before I move onto humans and how they get their act into gear.

  1. Great, Kazim. It is quite all clear up to know. I am translating your posts into Italian, so I can discuss them with my wife.
    I m going to forward the Italian version to some friends, in order to start new discussions with them. I hope to be able to spread these concepts, because I think this is something that will bring awareness to people in the future. Thank you for your time.

    1. I am very pleased that you are finding the information helpful. Esoteric knowledge belongs to all and the wider it spreads the greater the transformative effect it will have. This effect is not just in the transfer of information from one person to another but in the increase in the positive thought vibrations on the mental plane. This effects even more people without them realising it.

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