What I have described to you in my previous presentation on the Basics of Creation may well sound very alien. Let us compare it to what is said in the Bible and how this document talks about creation. The story starts before creation itself. We are told in Genesis (1:2) that there was a state of formlessness and emptiness that existed before the universe was created. There was darkness over the surface of the ‘Deep’ and the Spirit of God was hovering over the Waters. The ‘Deep’ and the ‘Waters’ mean the same things, as do ‘God’ and the ‘Darkness’. The Absolute has not manifested anything yet. The Deep and the Waters both refer to Primordial matter.
Day 1 of Creation
On the first day of creation a proclamation goes out, “let there be light”. This is positive creation, manifesting out of negative existence. Vast numbers of 1-atoms, which we call monads, come into positive existence. They begin the foundation of our universe. There is then a separation of the light from the darkness. Here again, we are talking about positive and negative existence. The term ‘day’ refers to the active period of the universe and ‘night’ refers to the inactive period. We have also called this state Pralaya. Think of this unit of time as a cosmic day and it represents aeons and aeons of time! When I say aeons, I mean trillions of years. From an esoteric point of view, the current estimates of the age of the universe are laughably off the mark!
Day 2 of Creation
On the 2nd day of creation we are told, “let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water”. This is telling us that the original 1-atoms that have entered into positive existence, are now being differentiated into different planes. These are the planes of existence I spoke of in my previous presentation, comprising 2-atoms, 3-atoms etc. The one sea has become numerous seas. The structure of these various planes is dealt with in greater detail at a later date. I want to go on and complete the narrative. This will help us link the Biblical story to the one presented by Esoterics. The comparison aims to help us understand the universe we live in. For the time being, I wish to draw your attention to the statement that “waters are separated from waters”. Clearly, this is an allegorical statement. However, when viewed from a Hylozoics perspective, what is being said makes sense.
Day 3 of Creation
In the Bible, from Day 3 onwards the processes of creation deal with the Earth itself. This whole process is dealt with by the ‘lesser’ gods, who are evolving themselves. What evidence is there to link the lesser gods to the processes of creation? This is a relevant question as monotheists attribute creation only to the ‘One’ God. I discuss this shortly. The number of ‘seas’ in this Universe number 49. They are divided into seven groups known as Cosmic Planes. These are presented here. All the processes relating to the creation of our solar system start from the Cosmic Metal plane and work downwards. That is a total of three cosmic planes. This is important to us, as it is our world, our universe you could say. It is however humbling to then realise that there are four whole cosmic planes above that. Most of the discussions, if not practically all of them that we will have during this series of presentations, do not focus outside the lowest, the Physical Cosmic Plane.

The story continues with; “Let dry ground appear”, which means that the physical earth has come into existence. We are now in the realms of the Cosmic Physical plane. The phrase “let the land produce vegetation” is out of place. This is because there is only one kingdom of nature that is produced per ‘day’. In this instance, a day means an aeon of time. How long is an aeon? Well, that can depend but let’s just say a very long interval. Later more precise scales will be given.
Day 4 of Creation
On the 4th day, “God created two lights – the greater to govern the day and the lesser to govern the night”. This statement alas also seems to be out of place. The greater is the sun and the lesser are the stars. This creative process would have happened on Day 3, along with the formation of planets, which at the time were regarded as stars. The 4th day is the day that the vegetable kingdom would have been created.
Day 5 of Creation
On the 5th day, the instruction was given “let the waters team with living creatures and let the birds fly above the earth”. This statement could be taken to mean that the general orders of creatures of the earth came into being, including fish, reptiles and insects.
Day 6 of Creation
On the 6th day “God made wild animals”. Let us assume these mean the mammals and then God finally “created Man in His own image”. This is the human kingdom into which our 1-atoms, our own monad would eventually incarnate. Our ‘true selves’ are individual 1-atoms that were created aeons ago when the Universe first came into existence. What is animating the physical organism you think you are? At the heart of this organism is one absolutely tiny 1-atom. We know this 1-atom to be a monad and that monad is you. This is why I subtitled this series of presentations the “Adventures of the Monad”. If you look at the ladder of creation, the Human kingdom is considered the 4th Kingdom of Nature. There are two more kingdoms associated with our solar system. They are the Unity Kingdom and the Spiritual Kingdom. These are the 5th and 6th Kingdoms, that complete the set of kingdoms that evolve within the safety of our Solar System.

Numbering from the first plane, where the monad enters the universe, humanity occupies the 47 to the 49 planes of existence. This puts us, humans, into perspective. Religions, in general, place our planet and Nature beneath us and God above us. There is nothing in-between, except a few angels. Well if we are only occupying three out of 49 planes, that is an awful lot of planes for nothing to be happening in. This is the case, if you assume our God is at the top of this ladder of 49 planes. Clearly, the cosmology of the Bible is much more compressed. In the same way, you have the seven days of creation, you could postulate seven planes of existence. Indeed, seven planes are what does go to make up our Solar System. So most of our mythologies do not focus beyond the nursery ground of solar systemic existence.
Day 7 of Creation
On the 7th day, “God finished the work he had been doing; so on the 7th day he rested from all his work”.
Let’s recap what has just been outlined here. On Day 1 and 2, we had the Absolute creating the multi-dimensional universe. Days 3, 4 and 5 was when the ‘lesser’ gods kicked in with creating the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. We are still actually in Day 6. Day 7 refers to humanity evolving into the 5th Kingdom. What the 5th Kingdom is will be elucidated later but it is referred to in the Bible as the New Jerusalem.
To conclude this section I want to repeat an adage:
The Breath becomes a stone
The Stone becomes a Plant
The Plant becomes an Animal
The Animal becomes a Man
The Man becomes a Spirit
And finally, the Spirit becomes a God
This is a very profound series of propositions. I hope to indicate to you how they underpin the whole process of development within our universe. We are all climbing ‘Jacob’s Ladder’. We become increasingly conscious until we eventually achieve the realisation that we are gods – the Spark of the One God.

Who are our Gods?
To answer this question I want to start by pointing out that one of the names of God given in the Bible is ‘Elohim’. This term for God is plural. When God said “let us make man in our own image” Genesis 1: 26, who was the ‘us’? Esoterics states that there are three main groups of collective gods, who have a shared but also individual consciousnesses. These ‘gods’ relate back to the fundamental building blocks of all creation, those being Energy/Motion, Consciousness and Matter.
The first aspect of the deity is Energy. This force can also be referred to as Will. It is referred collectively to as Shiva or in Gnostic parlance, the Father. This aspect of the lesser gods is responsible for maintaining balance and harmony. They ensure that material forces do not get out of hand and cause chaos. It is also this first aspect of the deity that is responsible for overseeing karma and destiny. I do not mean this solely from a human perspective, but also from a cosmic perspective.
The second aspect of the deity is Consciousness. This is known in Hinduism as Vishnu and in Gnosticism as the ‘Son’. The second aspect supervises the evolution of monads, inspiring them to proceed along their own paths of evolution.
The third aspect of deity is Matter. This goes by the name of Brahma. The Gnostics termed this aspect as the ‘Holy Spirit’, but it is also known as the ‘mother’ aspect. This aspect of the deity fashions matter into galaxies, solar systems and planets etc. On a smaller scale, the third aspect develops the kingdoms of nature that allow monads to develop their consciousnesses and therefore evolve.
These three aspects of deity work as a collective at the galactic, solar systemic and planetary level. To give you a basic idea, the origins of minerals, plants, animals and humans begin to take shape in the Cosmic Mental planes (29-35).

Note the use of the numbering system to also describe the Cosmic Mental plane. These numbers refer to the scale of 1 to 49. All forms of life in the Solar system are originally conceived here. They start as a mental construct and gradually condense down onto Plane 49. Each step down in consciousness sees minor alterations to the matter aspect as well. What finally manifests that we can physically see, is on a sub-plane of a sub-plane. The 7th sub-plane of the 49th cosmic physical plane, itself can be divided into seven further sub-planes, as you can see from the diagram. The lowest three sub-planes are minerals, liquids and gases. If anyone was interested in how this all happens, I could go into it in the third series of presentations, presuming anyone is interested in a second series before that!

What I hope you take away from this particular presentation is that there are endless cycles of creation that gradually refine and improve life forms. This leads to monads graduating from one kingdom of nature to the next. In the process, they leave behind a blueprint for the next wave of monads to build upon. Evolution is not a blind force but the result of aeons of work by intelligent beings far beyond our comprehension.

Adam & Eve
To end this presentation I just wish to say that Adam and Eve were not created by magic. They were not the first two humans, as their sons married girls from the local village! There was no original sin or fall from paradise. There was however an ordered descent into matter to expand our consciousness. ‘Eden’ was a subtler world. This meant descending for us had unpleasant consequences, such as birth and death. Eve did not originate from Adam’s rib. This was a mistranslation. The word should have been translated as ‘rift’, the splitting between the sexes into male and female.
The bible has presented us with a poetic outline of how creation happens. In the 6th presentation, I wish to dive into the mechanics of the creation process as outlined by Hylozoics.
Hello Kazim!
Here are some of my questions:
1. Please define a plane / explain the term plane in simple terms. i mean, you said solid liquid and gases are also plane, i dont understand this
2. in Hinduism they describe 14 world, 7 above us and 7 below us. Above must mean higher plane and below must mean lower plane. what do you think about this?
3. You said eden was a subtler world, descending from which caused unpleasant consequences like birth and death. what do you mean by that (I am not a Christian so I don’t get it.)
4. What do you think about death?
A plane of matter has an atomic structure that vibrates within a range of frequencies. If you take soil, it is solid. Water, when poured on soil is absorbed by it, because its molecules are able to pass between those of the physical molecules of the soil. Gases can dissolve into liquids because they can pass between the molecules of the liquid.
In esoteric studies, what is deemed to be the physical plane (49) is divided into seven sub-planes, the highest of which is atomic and the rest are called molecular. The lowest three of these, 49:5, 49:6 and 49:7 equate to gases, liquids and solids. Above gases come plasma (49:4), which is the start of the etheric component of the Physical Plane (49). As you go through my presentations I return to this topic again and again, because Hylozoics uses a numbering system to avoid the confusions that often occur with using words, which can be misinterpreted.
In the Universe, there are 49 planes of matter, each one of those planes having seven sub-planes within it. You notice how seven is a recurring theme.
When you say that Hinduism speaks of seven worlds, this is where language becomes vague. Which specific world is being referred to here? If the seven lower worlds are 43 to 49, otherwise known as the Cosmic Physical World, then there are only six higher Cosmic Kingdoms. I discussed this with a friend and he pointed out that what may be referred to here is that there are seven evolutionary worlds and seven involutionary worlds. To know what I am talking about you have to listen to the appropriate presentation on the subject.
Eden is not a mystical garden. It is an allegory to a state of existence for us in our evolution through all 12 kingdoms, six solar systemic and six cosmic. Before we incarnated into matter, we were evolving through planes of matter that did not involve us needing to enter into a virtual reality suit, which is what our body is. The reason I have written nearly 300 presentations, is to take anyone interested, systematically through how a monad evolves. If you don’t know what a monad is, you need to go back and listen to some of my earlier presentations. LOL
There is no such thing as death. There is only transition and transformation from one plane of matter to another. So when our allotted time in any particular inaction is over, we exit our physical organism and return through a series of stages to our causal envelope, where we rest, before embarking on another adventure down on the physical plane. Needless to say, I have done a whole presentation on this topic.
Thanks Kazim – loving this 🙂
Great. Two more presentations on creation before I go onto humanity in detail.
Hello Kazim, when you say ” In the process, they leave behind a blueprint for the next wave of monads to build upon”, do you mean that monads leave “instructions” to newborn humans before they incarnate, for example?
In this view, why are some humans born with deeply impaired abilities? Shouldn’t “sutratma” be disconnected (or better, non connected) by Augoeides when the etheric template is not properly shaped or attached to physical body?
Excuse for my English, sometimes I realize it is not enough accurate, I hope not to be misunderstood.
Roberto, your English is perfectly understandable. I get the gist of your question and will answer it.
First I want to separate the work of the Barhishads from that of the Lords of Karma. It is the latter group that provides the incarnating soul with an etheric template that corresponds to their karmic debt. The Augoeides does not have any control over this etheric template. As the soul descends, it constructs its mental, the emotional and finally its own etheric body. It is this etheric body that is united with the etheric template, by the connection of the Sutratma, at birth.
The Augoeides can reject body that was gestating in the womb if it thinks it would not suit the purposes of the incarnating soul. The Lords of Karma are the balancers of Univernivsal energy and it is they that exact the price of every incarnation, in the design and execution of the etheric template. The developing foetus is presided over by devas that build the infant’s body on the template approved by the Karmic Lords.
Now to the blueprint that is left to us by the previous stream of consciousness that went through the human kingdom. This stream of humanity had its home on the previous chain, before the Earth chain. This is known as the Moon chain. The bodies that were slowly built up over aeons of time in this chain became the blueprint for the bodies we would eventually inherit as we moved from the animal to the human kingdom. Life on the Moon chain was quite different from what we are experiencing on Earth in the fourth Globe of the fourth Round. Nevertheless, the underlying template of limbs and nerves, along with our brains were designed and implemented in this distant era.
The Barhishads are also known as the Lunar devas and now you know why.