In this presentation, I wish to continue my journey into the topic of reincarnation. Previously we discussed how a monad assembles and disassembles its envelopes of incarnation as it descends from and ascends to its Higher Causal Body. Going in one direction takes 40 weeks, coming back the other way usually takes centuries. The whole reason for this merry-go-round is to allow the monad to enter into the lowest planes of matter, to experience lessons objectively and expand its consciousness. At the end of my last presentation, I mentioned that the monad had no real option but to incarnate. It can not further its goals by remaining asleep in its causal envelope. This begs the question, how long are the intervals between incarnations? The answer to this, as is always the case, depends on how evolved the monad is.
Time Intervals
The list I am about to present is notional and should not be taken as being cast in tablets of stone. The average time between incarnations for a soul that is in its 1. Young stage of development is approximately five years. The time interval increases to about 300 years when the soul reaches the 2. Community phase. At the 3. Cultured phase this can expand out to 1,000 years but consider this more of an upper limit. By the time a soul reaches the 4. Compassionate phase, it has taken the (i2), moved its focus to the 47:4 permanent molecule and become semi-conscious in its causal body. It may now choose to incarnate, approximately, only once every 1,500 years. Finally, we get to the 5. Enlightened soul. The (i3) has been taken and the focus of the monad has moved to the 47:1 permeant atom, located on the 2nd Triad. The soul is not fully in charge of its destiny yet. Its guardian angel is still calling the shots, but the monad now knows what karma it has left to pay off. It can therefore plan with its guardian angel how it wishes to tackle these remaining lesson. It is also worth noting that the evolution of consciousness is not just about racing to the top of the tree. In fact, if you wish to receive support from our more evolved brethren, you have to be willing to engage in their projects. This means you have to be prepared to dedicate your life to the service of others, not yourself. In this vein, the enlightened soul may choose to return into incarnation almost immediately after the last one, or it may turn up 3,000 years later. For these monads, it is a matter of what needs to be done for the rest of humanity that is really going to determine what they do and when they do it.
It is fair to say that when it comes to reincarnating back onto the physical plane, there are no set rules. Most monads incarnate when a ‘thirst’ to incarnate into a physical experience awakens them from a dream-like state. More advanced souls have more control over the timing of their incarnations. It is worth repeating that a monad is conscious only to the highest level where its monad is able to focus when it descends into incarnation. For most of us that is in the 48:1 permanent atom. Even then it may not be conscious on all the subplanes of this body. When it is fully conscious on that plane, then and only then, are all the molecules of that body accessible.
The table presented is a summary of how much time a monad spends on each plane. This is for the homeward journey. For the 1. Young soul, it may spend five years on the emotional plane in a dream-like state. It is unconscious on all the higher planes, as it is focused in its 49:1 permanent atom. It does not even return to the causal body but comes straight back into incarnation. A 1. Young soul may spend 40,000 incarnations at this level of consciousness. However, you can see it hardly processes any incarnation. It does not have the mental capacity to do so. This body is unconscious at the moment. So it cycles down again to gain more experiences and incur much more karma in the process.

Once the monad moves into its 2. Community phase, it has transferred its focus into the 48:1 permanent atom. This means it is conscious in the Emotional World now. The time spent in the Mental World is subjective in a dream-like bubble. I have spoken about this before and what happens here. It is unconscious in its causal body, awaiting a new incarnation. The same applies to the 3. Cultured soul. What changes here is the time spent in the Emotional World lessens, from 40 years to 20 years on average. The reason for this is that the monad realises sooner that it is in a world of Fantasy and move more quickly onto the next plane of consciousness. Here it spends more time; three times as much on average. Why? It has led a fuller life, gained more experiences and hence has more to process and assimilate in this phase of its reincarnation cycle.
The 4. Compassionate soul spends very little time on the emotional plane and heads straight up to the Mental World. Note, however, it is now conscious on this plane and not in a dream-like bubble. Why? Because it has moved its focus into its 47:4 permanent molecule. It has a lot to process and spends a fair amount of its time here. The monad also receives training from more advanced monads, while on this plane, finally, it rests for a while in its causal envelope. Note, here the monad is now in a subjective bubble, not unconscious, as it has been up until it reached this stage of its evolution. Finally, we reach the 5. Enlightened soul. What marks this soul out is that it has reached Continuity of Consciousness. Note, also, it spends no time on the emotional plane on its way back. Why should it? By this stage of its evolution, the monad is focused on reality, not fantasy and illusion.
Reasons for Incarnating
Popping back to earth to experience an incarnation is not as simple as just booking a womb to be born into. Karmic relationships draw us back into incarnation. We have to find parents who are at a similar stage in their evolution to be of assistance to us. Now I may hear people say, my parents were a dead loss and did more harm than good. I would remind them that they chose their parents, not the other way round. The guardian angel chooses a suitable environment for its charge to incarnate and gain the most benefit from returning to Earth.
Reasons for Incarnating
Popping back to earth to experience an incarnation is not as simple as just booking a womb to be born into. Karmic relationships draw us back into incarnation. We have to find parents who are at a similar stage in their evolution to be of assistance to us. Now I may hear people say, my parents were a dead loss and did more harm than good. I would remind them that they chose their parents, not the other way round. The guardian angel chooses a suitable environment for its charge to incarnate and gain the most benefit from returning to Earth.
If planetary conditions or levels of civilisation are not optimum for the monad’s development, time spent in the Causal World is longer. It is worth remembering that time passes much faster in the higher worlds. It may be that 10,000 years have passed on earth, yet on a higher plane, it may seem like a day. Some Hindus and Buddhists have mistaken the state of ‘nirvana’ as being something more than the blissful sleep that a monad experiences when it transitions back into its causal body. Therefore, ‘nirvana’ is a temporary state of unconsciousness, not a permanent annihilation of consciousness. A higher level of nirvana exists on the 45th plane, known as the Spiritual Plane. This is where the 2nd Triad rests between its long ‘incarnations’ in the 5th Kingdom. Note, this is two kingdoms higher than where we are at present. These long rests are linked to the rest periods of the globe we inhabit, but I am not going there, I promise! Nirvana does not stop there. It exists on the Upper Monadic plane (43). This is where the 3rd Triad rests between long incarnations in the 6th Kingdom. So I hope you get the picture. Nirvana is about rest, not disappearing into oblivion.
Selecting a Physical Body
How does the whole process of incarnating begin? Developing foetuses call out to discarnate monads and their guardian angels to let them know it is available for ensoulment. This is not a general call. It is quite specific. It informs prospective monads the type of body it is and only those with whose specific requirements are met, are attracted. Such calls going out from Earth can prematurely awaken monads, who are sleeping in their causal bodies. This is one negative consequence of the current high birth rate. Souls are dragged back that really should have stayed asleep longer. You end up with a fractious toddler on your hands for the whole of their incarnation! It still never ceases to amaze me how the Lords of Karma manage to string together a series of connected incarnation. They synchronise karmas and destinies from a myriad of variables and somehow put together a coherent whole.
Our development in the Human Kingdom is largely managed by our guardian angel. They select the time, place, sex, body, parents and country, to name just a few of the variables that are considered. When we are more advanced in our development, we can exercise our free choice. We may choose not to follow the advice of our guardian angel. If we choose this path, things are unlikely to be as conducive for our further development. If disabilities were to present in the foetus, the guardian angel can choose not to connect the Life Thread. This spares the monad a life where its goals could not be achieved. If the monad decides to choose its own incarnation profile and a mistake then occurs in the developing foetus, the guardian angel will connect the chord. Be warned! In such circumstances, the life would not be wasted but less would be learned. This would be a salutary lesson to the monad to not be so arrogant and listen to sound advice in the future.
Designing the Template
By a certain stage along our evolutionary path, the Lords of Karma, also known as the Lipika Lords, along with the Agents of Destiny, carefully design our etheric templates. This ensures that the monad follows a carefully planned path. Monads that are at the latter stages of their journey through the 4th, the Human Kingdom, have less to learn, so need specific experiences to complete their portfolios. Think of this in the context of a pack of cards. We start our journey in the 4th Kingdom having picked no cards at all. Consequently, any of the 52 cards in the deck will suffice. As we evolve, we acquire cards in our hand. We now need specific ones to complete the set. Once we graduate from the Human Kingdom, we can choose our own lives and build our own bodies.
The Descent
As you have seen from the previous table, the time it takes to ascend through the subtle worlds after an incarnation depends on our level of development. However, in all cases, the descent takes approximately 40 weeks. The monad, sitting its Higher Causal Body begins its descent when the guardian angel separates a portion of causal matter. This goes to form the Lower Causal Body, also known as the Persona. For 1. Young souls, it does not matter what which causal molecules are chosen, as they are all undifferentiated. More developed monads need carefully selected causal matter. This allows them to bring forth specific abilities. This is linked to the seven ray types I have spoken about. Each envelope can be under the influence of a specific ray. This allows the monad to focus on specific life objectives.

The higher the monad’s level of consciousness, the earlier it awakens and the greater its involvement in the pre-planning of certain aspects of its future physical life. Our lives are not completely predestined. However, overall life plans and goals are set. This enables us to maximise the opportunities the incarnation affords us. A life plan is usually designed to maximise the development of our consciousness. It can, however, also include a specific mission in life. To achieve any goal, key events need to be pre-planned and coordinated with the life plans of other individuals. But as we all know, where free will is involved, life plans can alter. This requires adaptation and evolution. We are never helpless victims of fate. Our guardian angels may show us a brief preview of a few possible life-plans. This affords us the opportunity to choose whichever one we think is more appropriate for us.
As was presented in the previous presentations, once the Lower Causal Body separates from the Greater Causal Body, the formation of the Persona’s subtle bodies begins. The show is about to start. Elvis may not be on stage yet, but he has left the bedroom and entered the dressing room. The Mental Molecule, 47:4, is the first to awaken. Its vibrational activity attracts appropriate types of mental molecules from the surrounding Mental World. This reflects the level of development of the monad. Our friends, the building devas, known as the Agnishvattas, supervise the construction of our mental envelopes. After our mental body is completed, our 48:1 permanent atom awakes. It already resides in the mental body. The Agnisuryans set to work and build this emotional envelope for us. Last but not least, our physical atom 49:1 awakens and the construction of the etheric envelope begins. Regardless of the evolution of the monad, it contains all the molecules 49:4 to 49:6. However, the higher molecules are not activated in most people. The Agnichaitans assist in this process. This etheric envelope is part of the monad’s subtle bodies. The etheric envelope surrounding the foetus at the present time is not. If you were to look at our subtle bodies prior to our birth, they would appear shapeless. At birth, when the Life Thread is attached, the envelopes align with and take on the shape of the physical body.

Physical Birth
During the time the monad is descending from the Causal plane, the foetus grows inside the mother’s womb. This is a physical-etheric being. It is constructed by another group of devas in accordance with the blueprint supplied by the etheric template. This template is designed by the Lords of Karma and the Agents of Destiny. Neither the guardian angel nor the monad has any involvement in the foetus’ conception or prenatal development. They become interested when the pre-destined time of birth approaches. Note the word ‘pre-destined’. The time of birth is governed by the guardian angel in accordance with our destiny. Think of this as your horoscope. As an aside, your date of birth corresponds to your date of death from your previous incarnation. The reason for this is that a monad is on a continuing journey. It starts off from where it left off. This may seem strange, as it has a new set of subtle bodies, unlinked to the previous set. It may even be a different gender. However, from the monad’s perspective, the character in the play may be different, but the script has the same author.
As soon as the baby is born, the incarnating monad’s guardian angel connects the Life Thread. It is at this time that the symbolic relationship between the body and the monad begins. The Life Thread links the ensouling monad’s etheric envelope to the heart chakra of the physical-etheric being. I use the term ‘being’ because this physical-etheric envelope is an entity in its own right. The monad has taken it over and animates it going forward, but this envelope has an overall evolutionary objective itself. It functions to advance the evolution of the tertiary atoms that go to make up its structure. This is a symbiotic relationship. Both parties, the monad and the physical-etheric being, evolve to a degree. This is linked to the fact that neither one can evolve by itself.
So what does the monad bring to the party? It supplies, via its Life Thread, life-sustaining energy. Just being in the envelope of a much more evolved monad helps the tertiary monads to evolve themselves. It is interesting to note that the birth trauma experienced by the physical-etheric being, is stored in the energetic patterns of the etheric body. Even though the ensouling monad is not involved in the birth, memories of this process are stored in its subconscious. These memories can affect waking consciousness with irrational fears like claustrophobia.
We have finally made it out of the dressing room and Elvis is now on stage. What happens next? That will be the topic of my next presentation.