To date, I have defined what reincarnation means. I have pointed out where the process starts, which is the Causal body. The monad ends up back in the Causal body centuries later. During this process, the monad constructs a series of envelopes and then proceeds to inhabit them. Its final destination is the Physical plane because it is here that it can most effectively expand its consciousness. It does this, not only by learning and experiencing from life but by implementing what it has learnt. In this virtuous cycle of discovery, the monad slowing expands its awareness of its environment and its role within that environment. Although I have mentioned that the mental, emotional and etheric envelopes are constructed and then deconstructed, I have not elaborated on the deconstruction process. I am about to rectify this gap in our knowledge of the reincarnation cycle.
Three Stages of Death
The first thing I wish to clarify, as I have on many occasions, is that the monad is immortal. So when we talk about death, it can not apply to the monad. So what does death then apply to? Death can only apply to the dissolution of various bodies of incarnation. How many bodies do we have? Effectively three. Consequently, death can be divided into three stages.
Physical death is when the monad permanently abandons its physical-etheric body to continue life in the Emotional World. Two envelopes have ‘died’ here. The organic ‘reality’ suit and the etheric envelope. As they can not exist separated from one another, this is characterised as the death of one body. Let’s call this process the ‘First Death’.
The ‘Second Death’ occurs when the monad permanently abandons its Emotional body. It entered this body after the First Death because this is the next encasing sheath around the physical-etheric body. It is misleading to think of the Emotional body as being somewhere else. It is around us and within us at all time. We are just not objectively aware of it at the moment. When we complete our First Death, then the Emotional body and the Emotional World in general becomes a very objective reality. The Emotional World is just a staging post for the monad. Remember, its final destination is its Causal body. So after a protracted period, the monad abandons its Emotional body, as it did its physical-etheric body and ascends to its next envelope, the Mental body.
After an even longer period focused in its Mental body, the monad finally moves on from its focus in the 47:4 permanent molecule. This allows the Lower Causal body to rejoin with the Higher Causal body. This last transition is called the ‘Third Death’. Life has not ended. It is just in suspended animation, soon to leave this highest of its active envelopes, the monad begins its cycle again.

Gnostic View
As is so often the case, esoterics takes one set of concepts and transcribes them to other sets of actions. This can be confusing for the student but remember all good things come in three’s. The Holy Trinity, always the Holly Trinity. So, our friends the Gnostics came up with an alternative definition of the First, Second and Third deaths.
- The 1st Death refers to the dissolution of all the bodies of incarnation. This is effectively the death of the persona.
- The 2nd Death is the destruction of the loaned Higher Causal body. Remember, this was a gift from a group of 13 solar devas, the highest of which I have called our guardian angel. We carry out this act of wanton destruction as we leave the 4th Kingdom for the 5th Kingdom. The monad shifts if focus from the 47:1 atom to the 46:1 atom. We can proudly say of ourselves, we are no longer human.
- Finally, we come to the big one, the 3rd Death. This occurs when the monad has evolved its consciousness through the entire triadic chain and worked its way back up to the 43:1 permanent atom, where it was lodged through its entire sojourn in the 7th, the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. The monad now dissolves its entire triad chain and moves into the 6th, the Cosmic Emotional Kingdom. The monad now functions of the 42nd plane of matter and is said to have achieved Cosmic Consciousness. The Lord Buddha achieved this feat at the end of his last incarnation on Earth 2,500 years ago.
Physical-Etheric Death
Let’s now go back to our original description of the three stages of death and look more closely at physical death. This is said to have occurred when the Life Thread or Silver Chord is severed. This detaches the monad, located in its triadic structure, from its physical-etheric body. This can be considered the only accurate definition of death because when the Chord is cut, there is no way to reconnect it. Your heart can stop but that can be restarted. Cut the chord and the show is over. Our guardian angel is responsible for severing this chord. It was this same deva that connected it in the first place. In this role, the deva is now cast as the ‘Angel of Death’.
“…the Silver Chord is severed…and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the Spirit returns to God who gave it” Ecclesiastes (12:6-7)
The monad, triad and subtle bodies usually remain in the physical body for several houses after death, while the etheric body detaches itself. Let me just unpack the list I have given you of the ‘monad, triad and subtle bodies’ You know what the monad is all about, or at least I hope you do! By now you should have a very good idea of what a subtle body is, but what do I mean by the ‘triad’? Any ideas? The triadic structure is the cluster of Tertiary matter the goes to make up your 49:1 and 48:1 permanent atoms and your 47:4 permanent molecule. This constitutes a triad. These clusters of atoms and molecules are what survive each stage of death and end up being stored in your Higher Causal body. It is these structures that you were gifted at the start of your journey, when you evolved into a quaternary atom. It is this series of structures that you dissolved when you finally leave the Cosmic Physical Kingdom at the 3rd, ‘Gnostic’, death.
Ok, back ‘death’ in all its glory. This detachment process from the physical body is assisted by the good offices of your guardian angel. It does not just turn up with a big set of shears and perform the ‘snip’. As the monad departs its physical body, its etheric sense gives it an awareness of the external environment. This sense is however detached and dreamy. It takes about 12 hours for the etheric chakras to detach themselves from the nerve plexuses and endocrine systems. This process can extend to days if the death was traumatic.
It is not surprising that this disentanglement takes time. The etheric envelope and physical body were heavily intertwined. They had to become a fully integrated unit to stand a chance of functioning properly. This can not be undone in minutes. This is why it is kind to leave a recently dead person in the same place for as long as possible. This allows the disentanglement process to occur naturally and peacefully.
As this process is taking place, the monad is exposed to all the memories it has generated during its physical incarnation. These flashbacks occur in minute detail and the monad it treated to how its interaction affected others. It does not see these events from its own perspective. If it did, there may not be any learning gained from it. If you are exposed to how you made others feel, then this process could be considered an ‘enlightening’ experience. It should give one pause to reflect on how you interact with others. You want this remembrance process to be a pleasant one, don’t you? This recapitulation of your life’s events does not just occur at this stage of the death process, but it starts here.
As soon as the etheric body has freed itself from the physical body, the emotional body separates from the etheric. This is an easier task to accomplish. There are not all those carefully constructed knots that have to be untied. This was the case with the physical-etheric complex. What is more, the monad is used to detaching the emotional body from the etheric body, as it does this every night when it goes to sleep. If someone is reluctant to leave the physical world, they can remain in the etheric body for a few hours or sometimes days and weeks, if not longer. However, once the emotional body detaches, the Life Thread that use to supply it life energy is no longer connected. This leads to the slow decay of this etheric body unless it can find a way to recharge its batteries from an external source. This is why people often describe ‘ghosts’ as having tattered looking bodies. This is a very good reason not to become overly attached to physical objects or places. If, however, you have spent your whole existence thinking this is all there is, then it must be difficult to extend your vision to the horizon.
The next stage of the journey occurs when the monad moves its focus completely out of the Etheric body, dropping it as it enters its Emotional body. As this happens, the monad momentarily loses consciousness. Why? During its incarnation, the monad was potentially objectively conscious is all its etheric molecules, 49:4 to 49:2. However, as has already been discussed, the monad is not conscious in its atomic structures at the top of each envelope until it reaches the 5th Kingdom of Nature. So the 49:1 subplane remains a mystery to almost all of us.
So just a quick recap. The uninhabited etheric body remains close to the physical body and usually decomposes as the life force within it is exhausted. It is recommended to leave the body in place for 12 hours if possible, to allow the etheric to detach from the physical form. If 12 hours is not feasible, a few hours is better than nothing. Emotional displays of grief should be avoided near the corpse, as this creates attachment in mind of the ‘dead’ person. This causes them to linger. It is natural for those present at the death or coming to it soon after, to be very distressed. But if at the side of the body composure could be maintained, you are really helping the one you love transition quickly and peacefully. They are in a dream-like state anyway, but still, it is better to leave the deathbed scene as calm as possible. Cremation of the now-discarded ‘reality’ suit is recommended. This is because the rapid destruction of the physical and etheric bodies expedite the passage of the monad to the Emotional World.
Emotional Life and Death
The transition to the Emotional plane is a major event. The monad has gained an extra dimension to deal with. This is a whole new plane of matter, not just an increase of a subplane. So what does the monad do when it gets here? Focused in its Emotional body, it is free to arrange the molecular content of this body into concentric circles. This happens automatically, with the densest, lowest vibrating molecules on the outside. Why is this stratified organisation important? Because the densest outer layer determines which subplane of emotional matter we regain consciousness in. This occurs after we pass through the 49:1 permanent atom unconscious.

As a quick aside, next time you contemplate dying, when you arrive on the Emotional plane, don’t let your emotional matter organise itself. It will form these onion rings I have spoken about and this causes you a headache. The reason is that you end up on the lowest level linked to the outer layer of your stratified envelopes. Why is this not a good idea? Because these are your lowest vibrating emotional molecules. This is not a pleasant environment to be in. Remember, Hell and Purgatory? If you can keep your emotional molecules from stratifying, you will end up on an emotional plane that is an ‘average’ buoyancy of all your molecules. This is going to be on a higher subplane and this is a better environment to start the process of shedding all these pesky elemental essences. Got on, give it a try, the next time you die. If it doesn’t work, come back and haunt me.
Stages of Development linked to the Emotional Plane
1. Young souls do not regain objective consciousness in the Emotional World. Why? Because they are focused in their 49:1 permanent atoms. All levels above this are subjective. The net result is that they ascend into the Emotional World in a dream-like state, or nightmarish, before eventually slipping into unconsciousness for the remainder of a very short after-life.
2. Community souls have a very vibrant ‘lower’ emotional life. Consequently, they have a large proportion of 48:7 to 48:5 molecules in their envelope. This mandates them to wake up in the lower subplanes of the Emotional World. These souls are the ones that do not tend to stray far from their physical bodies when they sleep. Consequently, they are not used to operating in the Emotional World. This means they tend to be disorientated when they arrive on these subplanes.
3. Cultured souls have a greater preponderance of 48:5 to 48:3 emotional molecules in their subtle body’s. As a result, they wake up on the mid-planes of the Emotional World. They do have experience of the Emotional World, as they visit it at night. They are not, however, use to its illusory nature. They make of their environment what they want to, rather than what is actually there to see.
4. Compassionate souls have a preponderance of 48:4 to 48:2 molecules in their envelopes, so they waken on higher subplanes than 3. Cultured souls. They are accustomed to operating on the Emotional plane and realise that this world is illusory. They aim to get out of it as quickly as possible.
5. Enlightened souls only have 48:4 to 48:2 molecules in their Emotional envelopes. This is different from the 4. Compassionate souls, that have a preponderance of them. There is no processing to these molecules that need to occur. There is no attachment to the desires and feelings, so the 5. Enlightened soul just passes straight through the Emotional World on its way back to the Mental World and its Causal body.
Emotional Life
As most of the souls incarnate today are younger one, it is fair to say that most arrivals to the Emotional World after death are disorientated. They are not used to operating in this environment objectively. It is usual for such arrivals to be greeted by recently departed friends or relatives. It is even possible for them to be met by ‘sleeping’ friends who are still incarnate. If you were strongly attached to a religious belief during your life, you may be met by a religious figure. Alas, this is never going to be the actual individual who is the focus of your devotion. The reason that what you see is not what you get, is because advanced beings do not (a) live in the Emotional World, (b) don’t know us and (c) they have better things to do. Therefore it is safe to assume that religious figures are always synthetic creations of the person’s mind. The other possibility is that this figure could be a synthetic creation from the collective beliefs of other devotees.
It should be noted that the Emotional World is not just composed of a range of consensus environments. Part of this world is a counterpart of the physical-etheric world. This can lead to some new arrivals thinking they are still alive. This results in them continuing to live ‘normally’. Departed souls tend to look the same in the Emotional planes as they did, physically, when alive. They even carry their physical disabilities with them. This, however, soon fades and the soul realises that it is no longer burdened with the constraints carried in the Physical World. You can quite literally say, you look as old as you feel.
What is the purpose of life on the Emotional plane? That will be the start of the discussion of my next presentation before I go on to discuss the transition to the Mental and Causal worlds.
Hi Kazim,
Really excellent, you’re brilliant.
Thank you Peter for your vote of confidence.