Welcome back. Today we will continue our discussion on the 4 grades of matter that inhabit our universe. We started our discussion by saying all matter starts from Primordial matter, which exists outside creation in the Anti-verse. This is brought into positive existence by the Absolute and the first grade of matter created is Primary Matter. This is composed of a single 1-atom and is also called a monad, the smallest and primal unit of being.

Secondary Matter
To continue our journey into matter, an examination is going to be made of the three remaining grades of matter. When Primary Matter has undergone sufficient cycles of involution and disintegration, it is ready to for its next evolutionary step. I wish to clarify that by involution I mean descending through the lower, denser planes of matter, from Plane-2 down to Plane-49. This next step in the evolutionary process of the monad begins all the way down at level 43. This is the start of the Cosmic Physical Plane.

For matter to be fashioned into complex forms, it needs a second influx of energy to convert it to Secondary Matter. Primary matter exhibits one element of motion. That of rotary motion.

Secondary matter exhibits spiral motion as a result of receiving the 2nd outpouring of energy from the second aspect of the Trinity, that of consciousness.

The Hindu’s call this deity Vishnu and the Gnostics call it the 2nd Logos. This outpouring of energy activates the potential consciousness inherent within Primary Matter. It now has Passive Consciousness. The monad has reached a point where it has its consciousness activated. It still lacks Will Power, so it can not act on its own volition. Instead, it responds to external influences. It can be transformed into temporary thought-forms, emotions or desires.

Thought-Forms only exist until the creative energy that shapes them dissipates, allowing them to dissolve back into their constituent components. An example using that creative energy is humanity. We think and create thought-forms. We are using secondary matter when we do so. Note the fact that I am saying here that thought is a form. If secondary matter is what it says on the tin, then it is made of matter. What we think as something abstract going on in our heads, is, in fact, a material phenomenon on the mental plane. This will be discussed in detail when I talk about the mental envelope.
Once dissolved, atoms and molecules of secondary matter are free to once again. They have been minutely evolved by their experience. Therefore, secondary matter needs to be used by advanced life forms to further their development.
What I want to draw to your attention here is that simpler forms of matter are being evolved. Firstly, the effect of having an outpouring of energy from a creative force that pulses through the universe. This force is called the 2nd Logos. The 2nd Logos gives the monad, the primary atom, not only a rotary motion but a spiral motions well. This activates a passive consciousness in the atom. These monads are stimulated further by more evolved monads, which use them in a number of processes. An example of such monads are humanity and an example of a process is a thought-form.
In esoterics, Secondary matter is known as Elemental Essence. The temporary forms that are created, when these elemental essences are formed into complex aggregates, are known as Elementals.
Elemental essence is involving downwards from Plane-43 to Plane-49. Its descent exerts resistance to evolving life forms such as us. Why does this matter to us? Elementals don’t have self-will like us, so they are not inherently evil. They can, however, “lead us into temptation”, causing cravings, desires and negative emotions. This will be examined more closely when we discuss the make-up of the human envelopes of incarnation. I just want to flag here that controlling the elementals that go to make up your various bodies, is one of the biggest challenges we face in our own evolutionary process.

Tertiary Matter
When Secondary Matter reaches Plane-49, it begins to actively express consciousness and starts its ascent back to Plane-43. Tertiary Matter develops its consciousness by being part of a more advanced life form. This is what elemental do as well. It is no longer part of transient forms that are created by the will-power of more advanced monads. It now starts to be a part of the permanent structure of our subtle bodies and also a part of our physical bodies. You may be asking, what do I mean when I say subtle bodies? I will eventually get round to talking about what exactly constitutes ‘us’. For the present, I wish to emphasise that matter evolves. As it does so it expands its consciousness. When it evolves into Tertiary Matter, it possesses memory and can be incorporated into our bodies. This is what constitutes our physical bodies. It can also be incorporated into structures we can not see with our physical eyes. These structures are just as much a part of our being, as is what you can physically see.
The important point to have in mind is that Tertiary Matter is capable of learning to perform automated tasks. This grade of matter can also learn behavioural patterns, which it will follow until it is told to do otherwise. Ever driven down a familiar road and found you can not remember actually during down it? You have Tertiary Matter to thank for the fact that you have not crashed into a tree. The cells of your body knew how to automatically drive down that road. Your body had a memory of what it had to do, even if your focused attention was somewhere else!

There is a downside to this automation. It is the fact that we tend to respond to stimuli, without having complete control over our responses. We need to catch automated responses like anger and reprogram our behaviour. In this way, we rule our tertiary matter and not the other way round.
To clarify, our physical body is composed of tertiary matter. It acts within cells and organs performing basic functions, which we do not consciously control. You do not control your digestion or your kidney function, yet it happens. We do however oversee these functions to a degree and in time we can learn to control them. Take the instance of yogis. They are able to slow their heartbeat down to rates that science says should not be possible.
The permanent consciousness of Tertiary Matter allows storage of memories. This is why transplant donors can sometimes experience memories that have come from the donor of those organs. Traumas and phobias from past lifetimes may be carried from incarnation to incarnation in specialised atoms and molecules. These do not decompose at death and carry the blueprint for our next incarnation.
The main point I wish to get across to you is that we have a grade of matter that makes up most of our physical bodies. This matter is also found in our subtle bodies and for the time being, just let’s call it your aura. What is important to note is that there is a clear distinction between secondary and tertiary matter. Secondary Matter has gained consciousness but that consciousness is passive. It can only be acted upon from outside. Tertiary Matter has limited memory so that it is now able to learn simple repetitive tasks. In this way it gains experience through the uses it is put to.
Quaternary Matter
We now come to the last grade of matter, known as Quaternary Matter. This matter possesses its own will. It is therefore responsible for its actions and evolution, guided by advanced beings. Where does this will-power come from? We have already spoken about the 2nd logos and 3rd logos. Quaternary Matter receives it’s ‘will power’ from the 3rd outpouring of energy that comes from the 1st Logos. This is the case of the last being the first. The 1st logos dispenses the Energy aspect of the Trinity and is known as Shiva in the Hindus tradition.

The whole scheme for the evolution of matter is presented below. I will talk through what this diagram is representing. On the left margin of the diagram are the divisions between negative and positive existence. The major division in the process of involution and evolution occurs at the boundary between the cosmic planes and the solar plane. Primary Matter traverses all the planes of the universe, from Plane-1 to Plane-49. It does this three times. It then enters into the Solar system as Secondary Matter and continues to involve downwards towards Plane-49. Secondary matter then evolves further into Tertiary Matter and begins to evolve back towards Plane-43. Tertiary Matter then moves back through Planes-43 to Plane-49. It is not involving anymore, it is just moving from plane to plane. Here it is incorporated into the structure of the triad chain. Finally, on reaching Plane-49 again, matter evolves into its last form, that of Quaternary Matter. It now begins its journey home. It traverses through all the 49 planes of the Universe until it reaches Plane-1. There it finally sees itself as a completely liberated monad. It is now omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent on all 49 planes of the Universe.

Quaternary matter beings its evolution as a 43:1 atom on the monadic sub-plane in the Solar System. It descends to the 49 plane so that it can self-consciously evolve through all 49th plane back to 1st Plane.

Tertiary matter is also considered evolutionary. It has also descended to the 49th plane. It will evolve back into higher planes to be incorporated into subtler bodies. When it returns to the 43rd plane, it receives the 3rd outpouring and continues its evolution as quaternary matter. It should be remembered that all this time we are talking about the humble monad. This is the 1-atom that started its journey into the universe on the 1st plane, a very, very long time ago. I wish to also clarify here that the nomenclature 43:1 is stating that the monad is now located on the highest sub-plane of the 43rd solar systemic plane.

How does the monad, having gained the initial spark of will-power, go about evolving further? It does this by assembling a chain of nine atoms and molecules in three triads.

These atoms and molecules are made from Tertiary matter. The monad focuses its consciousness into these six atoms and three molecules. It sequentially uses these focal points of consciousness for its entire journey through the solar system. I wish now to draw your attention to the phrase ‘focal point’. The monad may be a tiny little atom, but it is mighty powerful and can not descend any lower than the 43:1–plane of matter. If it did, it would quite literally fry anything it came in contact with. So it sits at the top of the Cosmic Physical plane. There it directs its focus into these 9 centres of consciousness, known as the triad atoms and molecules. How can it be two places at once? It isn’t really. It just focuses its attention down into lower levels of matter, where it gains experiences. This allows the monad to be able to have experience of the Cosmic Physical Plane and in this manner expand its consciousness.
It is a mistake to look upon the monad as an all-knowing conscious being. When you consider a few minutes before it was just a tertiary atom. It had limited memory, so where did all this wisdom come from? It didn’t. That is the whole point of focusing its attention into these triad bodies. In this way, it gains knowledge and wisdom. We discuss this long and drawn-out process soon.
Our real self is a single monad; an atom of quaternary matter. It should be noted that the ensouling monad of minerals, plants, animals and angels are also a single quaternary atom. Each monad is on a journey to expand its consciousness.
To finish off this presentation I wish to look at two more topics. The first of these is:
Physical Matter
The 49-atom or to be precise, the 49:1 atoms, are the fundamental particles of the physical plane. These atoms go to make up all physical and etheric matter around us. Science is still looking for this atom and they will never find it, the reasons for which are too complicated to discuss at present. As has been previously stated, each lower plane is composed of atoms from the previous plane. As a result, 49-atoms are composed of forty-nine 48-atoms. Simplified, the matter of lower planes is composed of matter of higher planes. This explains how all planes occupy the same space and interpenetrate one another.
Phases of Matter
Lastly, I wish to talk about the phases of matter. The ancients said there were 5 phases of existence. These were Earth, which was solid. Liquid, Water. Air, which we know as a gas. Fire, we would interpret as being plasma, which are disassociated atoms. Finally, there is Aether, which science terms ether.
Ether is a subtle matter filling all space. It supports the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
It should be noted that there is nowhere in the entire universe that is not filled with matter. Interstellar space is composed of 1-atoms, all the way to 42-atoms. The space that occupies our solar system is composed of 43-atoms down to 48-atoms. All manifest matter dissolves back into 1-atoms, which go back into the anti-verse to begin manifestation again at a later date.
Whenever I present a table of planes of matter, they are always seven in number. The categorisation of the five types of matter that has its roots in the past. What I am suggesting in these series of presentations, is the assertion that matter vibrates at a different rate on each plane or sub-plane. The lowest three phases, 49:7, 49:6 and 49:5 correspond to solids, liquids and gases. The four higher phases, 49:4, 49:3, 49:2 and 49:1 are all called etheric and science refers to these as sub-atomic particles and Dark Matter.
This ends our initial look at the structure of the Universe. I felt it was important to start from this lofty perspective. I wished to outline a matrix into which all further discussions could be moulded. We have started from a state of Infinite Potential and through the focused will of the Absolute, a universe is created. Into this universe comes the most fundamental of all particles, the 1-atom, which is also known as a Monad. It is the further adventures of this monad that are going to form the basis of future presentations. I thought however it was worth presenting how this monad progresses through the three previous states of existence. These states are defined as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary matter. The monad finally becomes a quaternary atom. It is now conscious and has memory but more importantly, it can develop will-power. That is a huge achievement and it has taken unimaginable amounts of time to get to this point. This process has been aided by the fine services of Third Logos, the Second Logos and the First Logos. They collectively bring about all the states of matter and consciousness found in the universe.
The focus of the next series of presentation is the multi-dimensional human being.
After a question raised by a subscriber, I outlined the process of involution and evolution of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary matter. I include this in the script here, although it is not what is spoken in the presentation. After the initial outpouring by the Third Logos, there is the Second Outpouring, which converts primary atoms into secondary atoms. This event takes place in the Cosmic Physical Plane (43-49). Three classes of secondary matter, known as Elemental Essences, begin to evolve from Plane 43 towards Plane 48. They do not enter Plane 49. Due to the Solar system’s evolution stage, the three Elemental Kingdoms exist on planes 47:1-3, 47:4-7, and 48:1-7.
Secondary matter becomes denser matter when it reaches Plane 49, transforming into Tertiary matter. On this plane, it serves as the general matrix of all matter around us. All matter is tertiary, but within that matter, there will be one quaternary monad, which is the controlling consciousness. On all the other planes, going up to 43, tertiary matter plays the role of the envelope that surrounds other matter. For example, in the case of the Emotional, Mental, and Causal envelopes, tertiary matter is the envelope. Within itself, there is secondary matter. Another place tertiary matter can be found is in the permanent atoms and permanent molecules found on each plane of the triad structure, all the way up to 43:1. After tertiary matter evolves all the way to 43:1, it drops straight down to the Mineral Kingdom on Plane 49 and becomes a quaternary mineral monad. From here, the monad evolves all the way back to Plane 1.
Hello Kazim,
Brilliant presentations – thanks!
It is a bit unclear when you talk about the monad starting out as a 1-atom of primary matter (and ultimately fully evolved quaternary matter) and the solar/quaternary “monad” beginning it’s pilgrimage as a 43-atom. If my math is correct, a 43-atom will contain 49^42 1-atoms which is 9.7 followed by 69 zeros. Are you/Laurency suggesting that our true self is just one out of those other unimaginably large number of 1-atoms constituting the “monad” in the solar planes? If so, what is the status of those other 1-atoms constituting the 43-atoms? How can the “monad” eventually ascend to the 1st plane without losing all its companion 1-atoms along the way?
Hi Lyn
Sorry for the late reply. I do not get notifications that a message has been posted. Not quite sure how to rectify that. You ask a very perceptive question. The answer to the first question is “yes”, your monad is just one monad out of that innumerably large number of monads. So what is going on here? The vast majority of monads on the Universe are primary atoms. They fill all the intergalactic space and make up all the substrate of the galactic space as well. As we know, or perhaps we don’t, the only selves capable of dealing with the phenomenal energy that the primary atoms displays are the guys at the top of the tree. We are talking about those monads that don’t even get involved with galaxies. These are the really big beasts of the Universe. It is they that work on the primary atoms, slowly waking them up. This is the work of the 3rd Logos, otherwise known as Brahma. At the same time, these primary monads get entangled in all the planes of matter and all the atomic structures found there in. What is happening here is that the controlling consciousness of that particular cluster, be it atomic or molecular, as in the case of the Cosmic Physical plane, has an activated consciousness. So even if it is a secondary atom, if it is the centre of the cluster of primary atoms, its consciousness is affecting the primary monads.
So now we get to the quaternary monad located on the 43 plane. This can be a mineral, plant, animal or human monad, not to mention a 5th or 6th self. They are all sitting in a cluster of these other monads. On this plane, they must be primary monads, but within the solar system, they are also tertiary atoms, as your permanent atoms and permanent molecules are made of this 3rd order monad. But back to Plane-43, once you have dissolved your whole triadic structure and you are ready to go cosmic, you actually keep this 43-atom with you, in a chain, all the way back to Plane-1. It is a history of your entire journey through the Universe. Imagine how many terabytes of information are contained there in. You are increasing in consciousness as you ascend from plane to plane and these monads are getting higher and higher voltages coursing through them. It takes a long time for you to ascend back to Plane-1 and it takes a long time for the to wake up. Win-win situation.
Now here is something else to consider. We may think of a chain of atomic structures that represent our ascent through the higher planes of matter, as a string of pearls on a necklace, but in fact it is better to think of a Russian doll scenario. Sitting right at the centre of this collection of onion rings is your monad.
I hope that brings some clarity to your question. If not, please feel free to to send me another message and I may just pick it up quicker next time.
Thank you
Hello Kazim!
There is one thing that is not clear here for me. That is the moment of transfer Tertiary Matter to Quaternary Matter on plane-43 after 3rd outpouring.
You write “Secondary matter then evolves further into Tertiary Matter and begins to evolve back towards Plane-43. Tertiary Matter then moves back through Planes-43 to Plane-49. It is not involving anymore, it is just moving from plane to plane. Here it is incorporated into the structure of the triad chain.”. Then below you write: “Tertiary matter is also considered evolutionary. It has also descended to the 49th plane. It will evolve back into higher planes to be incorporated into subtler bodies. When it returns to the 43rd plane, it receives the 3rd outpouring and continues its evolution as quaternary matter.”
It turns out that the Tertiary matter, having reached plan 43, first moves back again to plan 49 to participate in the creation of triad chain, and only then receives the 3rd outpouring and becomes Quaternary matter?
You make a good point here Alexey
I have not been very clear. The involution of secondary matter ends at Plane-48. It then somehow gets converted into tertiary matter on Plane-49. This is all still under the remit of the 2nd Outpouring. This tertiary matter is what makes up our physical bodies. It then evolves into the higher planes, acting as the matter that makes up our envelopes and also the atomic structure of the permanent atoms 48 & 49, as well as the permanent molecule 47. All envelopes in the Cosmic Physical Kingdom are made from tertiary matter. When you go into the next kingdom, envelopes there are made from primary matter alone.