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Welcome to the Continuing Adventures of the Monad. In the Adventures of the Monad, I attempted to cover a wide range of topics around Life, the Universe and Everything. In the Further Adventures of the Monad, I returned to specific topics of interest and went into greater depth. I rounded this off with a series of recaps. Pondering where my continuing adventures may take me, I decided to go to the source material for the information we know about Hylozoics. These are the four main works of Henry T Laurency that have been translated into English by Lars Adelskogh. However before I start this new series, I wish to share a reply I wrote to a subscriber. His question related to how monads cluster together and how this relates to the formation of the Planes of Matter. This is a complex topic and worth revisiting.

Thank you, Sergey for your interesting question. I wish to start by saying that the only thing that exists in the universe is primordial atoms that have inverted themselves and come into positive existence. They now function as primary atoms and it is this singular atom that is called a monad.

Initially, when a monad is transferred, by the Absolute, from Primordial Matter in the Anti-Verse, it is unconscious. It remains like this for a very long time. It is very difficult to activate consciousness, so how is it done? Every newly arrived monad circulates around the universe, through all 49 planes of matter, carrying with it ‘Fohat’. This is the universal, unlimited energy that resides in the Anti-Verse. How does it have access to this energy reserve? Well, remember, it is still a primordial atom that just happens to be inverted within the subjective thought processes of another monad, called the Absolute. The primary atom is slowly woken up by being in the vastly greater consciousness fields of quaternary matter found on that particular plane of matter.

On the 1st Plane of matter, you not only have a mass of primary atoms, in fact, all the primary atoms that will actually combine to make all the 49 planes of matter, you also have a certain number of monads that are called the Logoi. This is a group of monads. They are collectively known as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Logoi. Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, in the Hindu tradition.

The 1st Plane of matter is divided into seven subplanes. Each subplane still contains monads that are not attached to any other monad. This is a vastly different state than existed in the Anti-Verse, where every monad was attached to every other monad, in an infinitely dense structure called Primordial Matter. This structure is infinitely dense, yet also infinitely elastic. So what differentiates a subplane on Plane-1? The answer lies in its energy quotient and orientation. You remember the seven rays that govern everything in the Universe. Well, these seven rays start here, the 1st Ray being on the highest subplane and the 7th Ray being on the lowest. What is important to bear in mind is that there are no molecules to be found in the Cosmic Universe. Molecular structures only form in solar systems, in what is known as the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. This kingdom is not a principal kingdom in the Universe and for this reason, it has a different matter structure. 

When the time comes and this time arrives after a very long period, a new plane of matter is created. This process is overseen by the most powerful monads in the universe, specifically, those called the 3rd Logoi. They are the controllers of matter and they build out the lower planes of matter. Sitting on the 1st plane, they are omniscient and omnipotent throughout all the subsequent planes of matter that will eventually unfold. 

To create this new, denser plane of matter, the logoi string together 49 monads to form a chain. This chain effectively creates an envelope. This envelope shields some of the monads innate energy. It also veils the monads from seeing themselves, as they are now shielded from other monads and their environment, by this envelope. At this stage of the game, there is no loss to the monads as they are unconscious anyway. However, also on this plane are other monads that exist in a 49-chain ring, of which one monad has expanded its consciousness to the stupendous level that is to be found when a quaternary monad reaches this level of consciousness. So who or what are the other 48 monads in this particular ring? They are just your humble primary atom. Why does the quaternary monad need this ring? Because it has not reached the level of consciousness that will allow it to move to the highest plane in the Universe, Plane-1, where it can stand naked and unadorned, for all to see. What are the benefits of being in this ring for the other 48 unconscious monads? They are being exposed to a phenomenal amount of energy from being in close proximity to the single quaternary monad. It is continual exposure to these energies that will eventually lead to these monads waking up and gaining passive consciousness. This transformation is performed by the second group of Logoi, known mythologically as Vishnu.

I just wish to make a point here to say that the 3rd logoi  are part of the lifestream we know as devas. The 2nd logoi are the head of the stream we humans are on. There are opportunities for a monad to swap out of one stream and into another but that is for another discussion.

When the time comes to form an even lower and denser plane of matter, the devas of the 2nd Plane take the atoms of that plane, which already consist of 49 atoms from the 1st-Plane and stitch them together into another ring. This new envelope now has a series of sub-envelopes within it, composed of atoms from the 2nd plane of matter. What is lost when a lower plane is formed is a degree of freedom. This loss is called a dimension. On the 1st Plane, there are 49 dimensions, one for each plane of matter below it and two extra dimensions, as we start off with three dimensions on Plane-49. If you add ‘Time’ into the equation and you should, you actually end up with 52 demotions present in our Universe. Time is found on all planes of matter. It is just more compressed as you move up the planes of matter. To the Logoi on the 1st Plane, the entire evolution of the Universe may just be a day. Imagine that if you can. So a monad on Plane-1 exists in 52 dimensions but only the logoi of this plane know that. The rest are all unconscious monads.

So where do those highly evolved monads that control each plane of matter come from? They come from a previously formed and dissolved universe. In that universe, they had reached the level of consciousness expansion that places them on whatever planes they had risen to. At the dissolution of that universe, they went into a state of suspended animation, called pralaya in Sanskrit. When that particular plane is formed in a new universe, they reenter that plane of matter and carry on where they left off.

So I wish to reiterate, every plane of matter in the cosmic kingdoms are composed of clusters of monads that are arranged in rings of 49. Why 49? Because this universe functions on the primary division of seven, which links back to the seven rays that govern everything in our universe. Are all the trillions of universes in existence operating on this seven-fold division? Very unlikely. This just happens to be the way our Absolute decided to shuffle his deck of cards before dealing them.

If you start off with 49 monads being joined together on Plane-1 to form Plane-2, when you get to Plane-49, you have 49⁴⁸, which is 1.347 x10⁸¹ monads present in the atom. This is an awful lot of monads. They form the atomic structure of Plane-49. Let’s go back to plane 43. On this plane, you also have the base atomic structure of this plane and it comprises 49⁴² monads, which is 9.732 x 10⁷⁰. What changes when you get into  the Cosmic Physical Plane, is that it start to operate in World. On Plane-43, you are in the World of the Solar Logos. The vast majority of 43-atoms found in this world are just clusters of 9.732 x 10⁷⁰ primary monads. They are the backbone of this World. However, there are other 43-atoms that have embedded in them, one quaternary atom that has become what is known as a 43-Self. Christ/Maitreya is a good example of such a 43-self. There are many other of course. When I  say many other, I am talking about all the quaternary monads that are evolving through the Mineral, the Plant and the Animal kingdoms, plus our Human Kingdom and the 5th and 6th Kingdoms. They are all present in the 43rd World, contained in our Solar System. What changes in the Cosmic Physical Kingdom is that the seven subplanes are not atomic, just vibrating at different frequencies, but they are now, what is called molecular subplanes. This is not like any molecule we know but still, this is its designation.

Now, whether you are on a cosmic plane, with its seven subplanes or on a molecular subplane in the Cosmic Physical Kingdom, you still have a vast collection of monads, most of which are primary. Some of these atoms/molecules may be interspersed with Secondary, Tertiary or one Quaternary monad. I am not going to get into the complexities of how these grades of matter interact. Although we say there are seven subplanes on each plane of matter, in reality, there are subplanes within each subplane. It is however not fruitful to dig any deeper. Just know that each of these subplanes, within subplanes, represent degrees of consciousness evolution.

We will continue our adventures in the next presentation. 

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