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We have looked at the practice of meditation in an exoteric manner so far. We have defined some of the qualities we hope to develop within ourselves and we have come to realise that the abilities that meditation confirms on an individual are controlled by the Hierarchy. When you are accepted as a disciple, you are then instructed how to meditate to maximum effect. The saying that “knowledge is power” is only half the story. Knowledge stems from thought and it is these thoughts that have the real power. The sceptic would say, “but they are just thoughts”. They may be in your brain, but on their own plane of matter, the Mental Plane, they are very real beings called elementals. When you are just daydreaming, their effect is limited. You may be adding to the general pollution of the Mental Plane and this can have an effect. However, what you are sowing is a collective garbage pit that we will all have to clean one day. When you meditate, your thoughts are now much more focused. They contain much more energy and can do much more damage, if they are not handled correctly. So, let us look at the risks of meditation in today’s presentation.

As has already been mentioned. The forms of meditation, that were termed ‘abilities’, have not been revealed to the general public. Why? Because meditation confers power on the practitioner and for this reason, these techniques remain esoteric. When you have convinced the Hierarchy that you will not abuse this power, then you are instructed in the correct art of meditation. So, what are you doing when you meditate? You are increasing your capacity to vibrate elemental essences, which then go to form elemental thought structures. These can then be fired off towards a target. Even if you are no able to practice advanced meditation techniques, and very few of us can, you still nonetheless, set up vibrations in your mental and emotional envelopes. Therefore, if you are a 2. Community-based soul and you are focused in the lower half of your emotional body, if you are generally vibrating to energies of hatred, by meditating, you are going to strengthen these vibrations. Remember, meditation is not inherently good. It is a process of focusing your powers of concentration. If what fills your envelopes is dross, you just get more dross. To reiterate, meditation involves the handling of molecules, not just ‘consciousness’.

It is worth reiterating that meditation does not involve sitting for hours contemplating your navel. Beginners should not practice meditation for more than five minutes. After many years of sustained practice, you may be able to meditate for 30 minutes at a time. During this time of concentrated mental focus, you are vitalising your etheric centres. What are these centres? They are your chakras. But the chakras you vitalise are the ones that are already active. If a chakra is quiescent, leave it alone or suffer the consequences. If you overstimulate your currently active chakras, you run the risk of manifesting symptoms of diseases in the organs that correspond to these centres. In the case of the emotional envelope, it is your pancreas. In the case of your mental body, it is your adrenals or thyroid. Having said this, other parts of the body that seem to ground these discordant energies, include breasts and the uterine region in women and the prostate and colon in men. Let us step outside the realms of meditation and consider for a moment, why highly stressed people often develop cancers in certain parts of their bodies. What is stress doing?  It is taking those same molecules in your mental and emotional envelopes, concentrating them, increasing their vibrations and then grounding that energy somewhere. That somewhere is in your body and the rest becomes history. 

The branch of Hatha yoga teaches a series of breathing techniques. These are designed to activate your chakras. However, if you are under self-instruction, you are at serious risk of injuring the very centres you seek to vitalise. Esoterics teaches that you should not vitalise your chakras through breathing techniques but meditation techniques instead. The energies being focused must be mentally directed. Go the breathing technique or hallucinogenic drug route and you will spend several, subsequent, incarnations having to rebuild your damaged enteric envelope. It is also worth repeating that meditation strengthens existing tendencies and qualities, in which non-desirable ones are strengthened too.

Speaking of these non-desirable qualities, they generally relate to your interactions with other people. You, then, through meditation, enhance these negative frictions you experience and you end up in a positive feedback loop, of negative interactions. The occult literature is replete with individuals who abuse their meditation practices by strengthening their pet fictions (thought) and exacerbating their illusions (feelings). This results in the unfortunate soul enhancing their self-delusions and stoking their egoism. How often have you met one of these characters, who thinks they are in communication with some high, discarnate, being and they are their ‘channel’ on Earth. I say this to point out that meditation is for those people who have ceased to be the centre of their own circles. They need to be able to forget themselves in order to complete their mission in life. It is not being suggested here that one should completely refrain from speculation in your thoughts. Quite the contrary. Speculation is the only way ignorance can reflect upon itself. However, we should be honest with ourselves that these are just empty speculations and we should not assume that they equate, in any way, with reality. Laurency tells us that imaginative speculation is not exact thought. We should refrain from making these speculations the subject of our meditations. Why? Because these thoughts create elemental structures and these hang around in our envelopes, getting filed away in our subconscious. They then morph into complexes, which tend to mislead us, as they pop back into our conscious thought patterns. If you meditate on these illusory and fictitious complexes, you solidify them into fixed ideas. People may look at you as a result and think you are not quite right in your head. There are many examples of this to be found on YouTube, myself excluded, of course!

So, when is it safe to meditate on an idea? Only when you are reasonably convinced that the idea you are focused on is correct and that the problem you are contemplating, is a problem of reality and not fiction. If you live in a whirlpool of chaotic thoughts, try to ground yourself in physical work, nature or other useful practices before you sit down to meditate. 

Let us summarise where we have got so far. Meditation poses a risk to you if you do not understand that you have to purposefully utilise the energies you receive. Meditation can be, positively, harmful to you, if you do not have the desire to serve others rather than yourself. If the axiom, ‘energy follows thought’ is correct, then concentrating your thoughts can stimulate evil, as well as good. Since meditation is largely a mental process, the motives, which drive this process, are even more important. If your motives are selfish, the negative qualities you generate, are strengthened. This results in the individual falling deeper into a world of fiction, supplemented by lashings of illusionary thought. 

The Planetary Hierarchy has repeatedly warned us that we should not engage in meditation if we are driven by the wrong, and for wrong, read egotistical motives. Our goal should not be to become powerful and to become a celebrity and be considered important. Were you to ignore these warnings and seek to strengthen your personal power, fanning your glory, then beware. If such an individual has the slightest knowledge of the Laws of Life, they should be able to figure out the inevitable consequences of treading such a path in future incarnations.

That wraps up looking at the general aspects of meditation and where it should fit into your life. In the next presentation, I wish to focus on esoteric meditation, specifically. When you reach this stage in the meditative process, you should have a good working knowledge of the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Life. You should know what you are trying to achieve and the motive that should accompany such activities. See you then.

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