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I wish to discuss the significance of the Great Invocation, but before I get to that I wish to draw your attention to three words, Contact, Impression and Relationships. From an esoteric perspective, ‘contact’ can mean the brain’s contact with super-physical consciousness. At the start of each new incarnation, you have to learn to communicate with others. If you were able to achieve super-physical contact in a prior incarnation, this has to be relearnt until eventually, it is ‘inborn’ in you when you arrive down here. Super-physical contact gives one the ability to influence others in a productive manner. As we know, most of humanity has no concept of what awaits them when they are not conscious in their physical body. If they venture into the Emotional World during their sleeping hours, they are confused and have little opportunity to make sense of what they witness. The esoterician, on the other hand, has a much better idea of what is going on and can study it with some insight. They can also assist those that have passed over at the end of their life and help to orientate themselves.

The modes of ‘contact’, ‘soul’ impression and ‘relationships’ are intimately connected according to Laurency. ‘Impression’, is the reaction of one’s consciousness to an ‘inner’ contact and an outer ‘relationship’. Laurency tells us that the ability to apprehend impressions correctly is the prerequisite to solving psychological problems. You then have the power to make an impression on others, if they are willing to receive the help you are sharing.

It should be noted that you can make contact with your super-physical consciousness if you are prepared to devote the time and energy through exercises. You need to continually direct your attention to what you know about the Causal and Essential (Unity) worlds. In this manner, a line of contact is slowly formed between the subplanes 47:2 and 47:3. The latter is the link to the Causal World and the former is a link, eventually, to the Essential (Unity) World. These links are channels that supply matter to you if you are prepared to use that matter in the correct way. Remember, everything is, after all, matter. If you have an idea and share it, you are sharing matter.

Ok, now on to the Great Invocation. What exactly is it? It is a formulation dreamt up by the Planetary Hierarch and here we are talking about the 2nd Department of a collection of monads, to facilitate the development of disciples. Where does that leave us, mere mortals? The Great Invocation is also intended for the whole of Humanity. It is a synthesis of an emotional and mental mediation that is aimed at uniting hundreds of thousands of esotericians, who join, every day, with the Planetary Hierarchy in building a might thought-form. It is, basically, an egregore. It acts as an accumulator of mental (47:4-47:7), Causal (47:1-47:3) and Essential/Unity (46:1-46:7) energy. This energy is there for the whole of Humanity to draw upon if they so wish. How is this done? It is formulated as a mantra.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men

May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men –

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Is this the mantra I use? No. I am uncomfortable with the term ‘men’ and ‘masters’ and ‘Christ’. This formulation was given to us by the Master DK, through his amanuensis Alice Bailey. She lived in an age where everything was couched in a masculine terminology and Christianity was the only game in town. I, therefore, have modified the invocation as follows:

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of Humanity

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of Humanity

May The World Teacher return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of Humanity –

The purpose which the Hierarchy know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

I can live with that. Now, what does this mantra, actually, mean? Let us break it down together. 

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of Humanity

Let Light descend on Earth.

‘Light’ here represents matter. The Brahma aspect. The 3rd Logos. So from the point of ‘matter’ in the mind of God, is saying from that part of the infinite Anti-Verse that is contained within the mind of the Absolute that is our God. This is a fully conscious monad having a dream and voilà, we have a universe.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of Humanity

May The World Teacher return to Earth.

The ‘point of love’ is the unifying consciousness that pervades the whole of the Universe. There is only one consciousness, that of the Absolute, which is also all of creation. In the mantra, we are asking for the unity that is the Absolute, to also manifest within our hearts. We are also calling on the current  World Teacher, Christ/Maitreya, to return and actively govern over us again. ‘Love’ is the aspect of the 2nd Logos, Vishnu.

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of Humanity –

The purpose which the Hierarchy know and serve.

The  ‘Will’ is the 1st Logos, Shiva. This is the Motion/Energy aspect of the Holy Trinity. In our passage through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, we are endeavouring to develop our wills’ and aligning that will with the Will of God. Will relates to Power. It is an active force, one that is managed by the Hierarchy on behalf of ‘God’.

From the centre which we call the race of Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

The mantra default to us now. We, as Humanity, have a collective centre, just as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd logos’ are centres of the three principal forces of creation. We are invoking these energies to help us organise our ‘matter’ and ‘consciousness’ components into some kind of meaningful harmony. Now comes an interesting phrase:

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

What is meant here? The ‘door where evil dwells’ is our sacral chakra. It is from here that we initially express our ‘will’, very often through sex and that can and does get us into very hot water, individually and collectively. In fact, the problem is so great that it actually aborted the whole Moon Chain, prematurely, but that is another and very complicated story. The basic takeaway is, get a grip of yourself and your sexual urges. Seal that door where evil dwells. Evil is not some external maleficent force. It is just selfish and misdirected energies that eventually have to be set right through the agencies of karma and destiny.

We end up with the final line:


Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

In this last line, you have the Holy Trinity restated. Everything boils down to these three aspects, found in one place, centred in and around a monad. Many students know of this invocation and recite it regularly but do not understand the underlying theme that has just been elucidated. Now you know, so, I urge you to ponder on these words and their significance. If you choose to recite this mantra daily, realise that you are contributing to the construction of a massive egregore. It is there for all of Humanity to draw upon as it blindly feels its way forward.

Now that I have finished the topic of mediation I have to ponder what to present next. Find out next time.

2 thoughts on “AM-117 THE GREAT INVOCATION”

  1. Hi Kazim
    I enjoyed the recent videos on meditation and have a couple of questions
    1. You didn’t talk about the rainbow bridge meditation that you mentioned in a previous comment. Do you think it is not suitable for a wider audience or is there another reason?
    2. There is an excellent YouTube channel called “Simply Always Awake” that has many informative videos but focuses on self-enquiry meditations and practices in particular. What are your thoughts on this type of meditation?

    Kind Regards



    1. Hi frank, in answer to question 1. The rainbow Bridge meditation is a technique that I read about on the web and have practiced it for years now. Have I achieved anything as a result? Not that I am aware of, but I soldier on. When I talk about mediation on the channel, I am presenting information that I feel is being transmitted to us by an initiate, who himself is reporting the teaching that of an avatar, the master KH. So let’s call this “tried and tested’ methodology. The rainbow bridge was communicated to us by a couple, who described themselves as disciples. Now, Laurency tells us that a true disciple would never attest to themselves. Make of that what you will. So although I carry on with the Rainbow Bridge mediation, I have no clue if what I am doing is having any effect. I, at least as a consolation, know that by returning to a practice daily, I am at least adhering to a tenant of mediation, which is to set aside some time daily to contemplate one’s navel!

      Thanks for the heads up on the channel. I will take a look and report back in about 15 years! LOL

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