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In our journey along the path to discipleship, we have outlined what the Hierarchy is looking for in a candidate. Let us flesh out how a candidate actually gets to this point. Our mental body is split between the 1st and 2nd triads. This results in it being called by two names. The first, the mental body contains four molecular sub-levels. These can be broken down into two further subunits. The lowest two levels are known as stage 2. Community and 3. Culture. Numerically, these are sub-levels 47:6 and 47:7. The next sub-division contains two more sub-levels, 47:4 and 47:5 and is called the 4. Compassionate stage of evolution. We then jump into the 2nd Triad, where the mental body is now referred to as the causal envelope. This contains three sub-levels but only two are accessible by us in the 4th Kingdom of Nature. These are sub-levels 47:2 and 47:3. This is the 5. Enlightened stage of development. You will have noticed we have left out the 1. Young stage of development, as a monad at this level, is barely into its human cycle of development and would only have access to the lowest level of mentality. Higher stages of mental development are underpinned by higher stages of emotional development. For this reason, in order to attain stage 4. Compassion, it is necessary to have already acquired the power of emotional attraction, 48:2 and 48:3. This equates to the 3. Cultured stage of development. 

If you remember back to the seven Laws of Life, one of them, the Law of Self-Realisation states that an individual must undergo all the preparatory activities that will lead to higher stages of development. There is a catch, however. Most of Humanity is at the stage of 2. Community (47:6 & 7) and do not have access to esoteric information, which has not been revealed yet, to vitalise their chakras correctly to facilitate further advancement. This is why the Hierarchy has initiated a course of instruction, through a process of discipleship. Many presentations ago, a table was presented that outlined the stages of initiation. The first two of these, the (i1) and (i2) happen automatically, without the participant being any the wiser. Clearly, something has happened and that something is the movement of the monad’s focus in their emotional but not their mental envelopes. These mental steps have already been highlighted. The (i1) sees the transition of the monad from the 2. Community stage to the 3. Cultured stage of development.  The (i2) witnesses the monad move its mental focus from the lowest two sub-levels to the higher two, but more importantly, it moves its entire focus from the 48:1 Emotional permanent atom to the 47:4 permanent molecule. Finally, the (i3) moves the monad’s focus once again, from the 47:4 permanent molecule to the 47:1 permanent atom. This jump is a big deal, as the monad has not only changed location within its mental envelope but has changed triads as well. The monad has finally reached the 5. Enlightened stage of development. The monad is now a causal self and is admitted into the brotherhood of the Planetary Hierarchy. Full membership only occurs when the monad acquires its Unity (46) and Lower Spiritual (45)  envelopes. Before one gets any illusions of grandeur, when you have acquired these higher envelopes in the 2nd triad, you are part of the team but not an officer in that team. The Hierarchy itself, accordingly to Laurency, only comprises about 36 monads. Nevertheless, if you have made it as far as focusing into your 47:1 permanent atom, you have concluded your consciousness development within the Human Kingdom. Congratulations; pick up your scroll, your mother would be proud of you. In fact, all of your mothers would be proud of you.

In further discussions about discipleship, when the term Humanity is used, we are referring to a majority of human monads but not to the youngest class, the 1. Young souls. Generally speaking, Humanity can be described as being at the emotional stage. This includes the intelligentsia who have reached the stage of Principle/Associated thinking (47:6). They are on their way to becoming mystics and saints (48:3 & 2). This leaves the study of esoterics with a very small minority. Once you reach stage 4. Compassion, you have left the stage of the saint well behind you. However, being at this stage and knowing you are there is not always the case. This is a pain. When you are at the 4. Compassionate stage, you are never going to be satisfied with the fantasies and fiction of religions and philosophies but what do you have to put in their place? Many end up being sceptics, agnostics and atheists. Laurency tells us that this is all about to change in the future when having reached discipleship, the student on the path will also be gifted continuity of consciousness. In this manner, they will be able to retain their identity throughout their subsequent incarnations. How is this to be achieved? Apparently, a common super individual “group soul” will be generated that all disciples will belong to. Sounds exciting.

If you look at the occultist, who is invariably still focused in their emotional body, they are happy to accept all manner of fiction, whether it be communications from outer space, to the correct etiquette on how to don your druid’s cloak and chant incantations. There is a small minority at the 4. Compassionate stage, who were previously initiates from knowledge orders. The latent knowledge they possess somehow finds its way into their consciousness and they find themselves seeking out better explanations about life, the universe and everything. They exhibit common sense and challenge everything they come across. Such individuals are under no illusions that Humanity is the crowning glory of creation and its end product. When such a person meets genuine esoteric knowledge, it will seem obvious to them.

The objective of this series of presentations is to outline the path taken by a monad entering into discipleship. So far, we have looked at where the monad is focused at its various stages of development. We have linked this to three stages, called initiations, that every monad will take on its way through the 4th Kingdom of Nature. We have done a preliminary survey of why a person may wish to become an aspirant, the fact that they seek answers to the laws of Nature and Life. However, there is a stage before becoming an aspirant to discipleship. The person at this stage in their life is called a “seeker”. Who or what is a seeker. Tune into the next presentation to find out.

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