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In the last presentation, we started our journey into discipleship by looking at the seeker. Someone who releases that there has to be more to life than is currently explained, either by religion, science or philosophy. Such individuals usually end up being agnostic about life, a card-carrying atheist or simply a sceptic. But they are further along the path, even if they do not know it than someone who is religious or believes in whatever consensus thinking happens to be in favour at the time. With an introduction to esoteric thought in some form, the seeker may turn into an Aspirant to Discipleship. So, let us look at this concept in greater detail.

Having heard about the planetary Hierarchy, you may wish to become a disciple and may be wondering, how is it done? Well, it starts when a monad reaches the stage of 3. Culture. If in some form or other, you have come into contact with your guardian angel, this may not be conscious, rest assured, you are under scrutiny. There is no chance that you will fall through the net and be ignored. On the other hand, if you try and force your way into the party, you are showing your guardian angel that you are still too immature, you lack understanding of the whole process and do not trust in the Laws of Life to guarantee your further development. 

The game has moved along, with the general evolution of Humanity, so that subjective consciousness in the intelligence centre (47:3) of your causal envelope, is a minimum requirement. How does this subjective consciousness materialise? As intuition. There are caveats to beginning this process. You must be prepared to forget yourself; not focus on your development and be prepared to work for the evolution of Humanity. Laurency is adamant that an aspirant must also be absolutely free from curiosity about the private affairs of others and be “divinely indifferent” to your own destiny. In case you did not realise, Laurency had a thing about privacy!

The basic definition of an aspirant is someone who assiduously seeks knowledge of reality and life. Once you get to the 4. Compassionate stage of evolution, if you want to be an aspirant, you are one. Being an aspirant is one thing, becoming an accepted disciple is a different story. Over this, you have no control. You do not know anything about the pertaining laws that govern this process. You do not make up your mind to become an aspirant, you are one without knowing it.

The Planetary Hierarchy does not put out advertising banners, touting for applications to discipleship. Quite the reverse. They are at pains to point out just how difficult the whole process is. If, however, you are insistent to proceed, then you become a Probationer. This means you are being watched. Forget the Deep State, this is surveillance on steroids. A probationer is brought together with other members of their esoteric family. These are no new acquaintances, you have known them for thousands of incarnations. In fact, most of your karma is probably owed to them. The probationer may not have met any of these ‘family’ members in this incarnation. This is now your esoteric group. Molecules are then extracted from your causal envelope and brought into a separate envelope to make a soul-group body. The disciples are taught how to contact one another telepathically, using this newly constructed envelope as a router. Be warned that all your thoughts and emotions are going to be shared with the group. This is worse than Facebook. All future training is done via this group envelope. Think of this as an esoteric Zoom platform. Consider the advice you are given when you join a group on social media. Avoid criticism, no matter how peculiar or imperfect the ideas you are tuning into. All must be in harmony. See, I told you discipleship was not going to be a cake-walk.

So, let us look at our checklist: become an aspirant, check; acquire causal consciousness, check; get in contact with the Planetary Hierarchy; check; finally serve others not yourself; sorted. Not quite so fast. It does not happen like this. The first thing you have to achieve is solidarity with others. Then you have to be able to draw others into unity, as a stepping stone to drawing Humanity into unity. Are you beginning to sweat? The basic process is helping others. When you have achieved this and forgotten yourself in the process, you will then receive the help you need yourself. I think you can see why this is such a tough process and why so few aspirants succeed. Suspension from the path is a regular occurrence. But remember, failure never prevents success. It is by making mistakes that we learn.

A word of warning; Satanists know about people’s desire to “ascend”. You know the type. They tell you the planet is about to enter the 5th Dimension and somehow we will all be whisked to Nirvana. When presented with this scenario, I always ask “what about the rest of Humanity, what happens to them”? The Black Lodge can spot these people a mile off and welcome them into their lodges to meet the “master”. This is confusingly similar to what would happen if you walked the Right-Hand Path. The deceived aspirant thinks they have ended up on the Causal plane, when in fact they are firmly on the Emotional plane. Egos can be so easily deceived. The object here is not to discourage aspirants. It is just to warn them of people offering quick fixes.

Aspirants to discipleship are not waiting for validation from their masters. They have enough knowledge to help free others from their illusions and fiction. This does not involve advising people on personal matters, nor does it mean telling people what to believe about God or the Planetary Hierarchy. This is their own business. Engaging in this small share of common work indicates that the aspirant is fit for greater tasks.

How an aspirant lives their life is up to them. Their diet is their own business. They must listen to their inner workings and follow the messages they receive. Things change when you become an accepted disciple, however. Special rules come into force. Former initiates of secret knowledge orders seek instinctively to further their consciousness development. Without the right methods of activation, their efforts are haphazard but their heart is in the right place. Slowly, the aspirant comes to understand the needs and functions of their envelopes. They also see the blockages they are causing for themselves. They have to come to learn to dissociate themselves from their emotions, not yielding to their feelings and desires, realising that they can control these with their thoughts. If you can be hurt, you are identifying with your envelopes of incarnation. Focused in your causal envelope, you are free from the “slings and arrows” life throws at you. To get here you need to free yourself from all emotional reactions, such as sympathy and antipathy; likes and dislikes of people and things. Feelings of repulsion break your link to unity.

Care must be taken when it comes to indifference. The same indifference can manifest from hatred. You are not attempting to escape the responsibilities of life. “Divine indifference” only really manifests at the Essential/Unity (46) stage of development. As an aspirant be prepared to face disparagement and not let it worry you. If others forge ahead, so what. The value of an incarnation is not measured in a single life but as a continuum of the evolution of consciousness. 

There are three essential rules for aspirants: Practice “harmlessness” in thought, feelings, words and deeds, all day long. Desire nothing for yourself. Seek to discover the “divine spark”, the “soul” in everything and everybody. Learn to distinguish between an individual’s envelopes and their self; between their persona and their soul. An aspirant must take care not to deprive someone of their illusions and fiction. When they are ready, life will deliver them the true facts.

Remember, all knowledge is esoteric until it has been understood through the wisdom of application. A study of esoterics may afford an orientating vision of reality but this does not imply a higher stage of development. Knowledge of theory does not equal wisdom, which is the power of realisation. Laurency points out that the learned are seldom wise. 

To finish up our look at the aspirant, it is worth remembering that difficulty arrives if we do not use the energy of our knowledge. Remember the Trinity. Knowledge is the consciousness part. What are we doing with the “motion” component that is also present? If we do not realise this energy in action, it will find other outlets. This will be detrimental to us and possibly others as well. This is why esoteric knowledge has been kept secret from those who do not know how to put it into action.

The next presentation is all about the Disciple!

2 thoughts on “AM-137 DISCIPLESHIP (5)”

  1. Hi Kazim, I really appreciate this series of posts on the phases of development for a seeker turning esoteric knowledge and into action. Can you help me understand the distinction you are making when about midway through the post it highlights that Aspirants have enough knowledge to free others from fictions and illusions and this a share of the common work they can do, and then further down it states that aspirants need to take care not to deprive someone of their illusions and fictions? I can see there is a fine line between helping others see things correctly for themselves and forcefully pushing ideas on them, is that what this is pointing towards? Thanks!

    1. Hi Rich

      Yes there is a fine line. In another presentation that will air in August this year I talk about knowing when to speak and when to keep quiet. In presenting Hylozoics, as I have done, a framework is there for people to judge whether it makes sense to them or not. I am not depriving anyone of their fictions. They have to decide whether this makes more sense to them than their current paradigm. However, if I were to intellectually rip apart someone’s paradigm, then I am acting against their free will. We all know that is one of the seven commandments that should not be broken. Listen to your inner voice and use your common sense and act always with the best of intentions and I feel that you can walk that razor thin path easily.

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