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In the last presentation, we looked at the consciousness found within the Hierarchy as well as the constitution of the Planetary Government. Let us now look at this august body’s past. When we look at the evolution of our chain, seven globes form and the lifestream passes through these globes seven times. On each pass, kingdoms appear and begin to evolve. It naturally starts with the Mineral Kingdom but soon plants and animals are added into the mix. Finally, the time arrive when monads, who had evolved through the Animal Kingdom, on the previous chain, begin to incarnate into bodies that will allow them to evolve further through the 4th Kingdom; our Human Kingdom. This event occurred on the 4th globe, in the 4th round, in the 4th chain of our planetary scheme. Ok, so we were under starters orders and the gun was about to be fired. What happened before the trigger was pulled?

The answer to this question lies on another planet, not our own. In days of old, when knights were not bold because they had not been invented yet, those in the ‘know’ called the planet Venus the Morning Star. Others, later, called it the Evening Star, but originally it was called the Morning Star. It was also called Lucifer; “he who brought the light and for light read knowledge, to our planet. Who authorised this? It was the Solar Systemic Government. They instructed the Government of Venus to relinquish some of its members to go “overseas” and instigate a management buy-out of our globe. Does this mean the local team was underperforming? Absolutely not. It was just that a special experiment was being undertaken with the help of our friends the Solar Devas, to drastically speed up human evolution. Biological evolution had reached a stage where the brain of ape-men was advanced enough to begin to mentalise. This allowed the ape-monads from the Moon Chain to begin to causalise on Earth. This event took place 21 million years ago. Anthropologists today get worked up over fossils less than 5 million years old. Clearly, they are not looking at our ancestors.

How could the Venusians waft over and take up the reigns here on Earth? Why would they want to? Clearly they were not able to see far enough into the future to realise what a complete basket case we would turn out to be. The answer to some of these questions lies in the fact that the monads on Venus are much further along their evolutionary path than we are. They are a planetary scheme full of attractive monads. Our scheme is full of repulsive monads. By the way, our planet is known as Tellus by the Venusians. Laurency tells us that the 4th Kingdom evolution of Venus is about to conclude in this aeon. The only scheme in our Solar System to be this far advanced. In case you had forgotten, an aeon, as used in this context, is 4.3 billion years and is the time it takes our seven globes to complete one round. So think of the Venusians as our older siblings. We are the snotty-nosed brats they came to babysit for a while.

As we have reviewed so far, to qualify to become a member of the Hierarchy you need to have reached the 5th Kingdom. This applies to the lowest grade of Venusians that came over to Tellus as well. To the Lemurians and Atlantians, they must have seemed like gods. When the Kingdom of God is mentioned in the Bible, the book is referencing the reengagement of the Hierarchy on our globe. The gods will have returned. Except these ‘gods’ will not be Venusians, they will be monads from our own evolutionary stream. They have graduated ahead of us and are stupid enough to come back to Earth for more punishment.

As an aside; when the original hierarchy moved among us, they founded mystery schools that were run by an elite priesthood. This priesthood taught us about the motion aspect of the Trinity that confers great power to whoever uses that energy. Naturally, we abused this power, strengthening our fear, ambition, greed, envy and vengefulness, until it was impossible for the Hierarchy to let this continue. D.K. tells us that the expression “sin against the holy spirit” has, as always, been misinterpreted by theologians. Its meaning was “hatred in all its life expressions”. What happened next you all know. This left us in a bit of a bind. We thought we could manage the shop by ourselves but the results speak for themselves. The Hierarchy decided that knowledge of the Motion aspect of the Trinity was too dangerous to allow to enter general circulation. Since 1875, they allowed the publication of information that related to the Consciousness and Matter aspects and no more. The Hierarchy thought this much information would be received with open arms. Boy were they wrong. They tried again with the Blue Books and now, finally with Hylozoics. You can’t fault the Hierarchy for its persistence.

Prior to 1875, only those who had been initiated into a knowledge order knew of the existence of the Hierarchy. After Blavatsky’s publications, Laurency tells us that “more and more facts belonging to the esoteric knowledge have gradually been allowed for publication.” Regrettably, writers who were not qualified for this task tried to compile this limited information into systems of thought. The result of this was a series of exposés, which were read by people who thought they could rely on their own authority, who then dogmatised what they read. This led to organisations like the Theosophical Society splintering into several bodies, through sectarianism.

It should be borne in mind that the Hierarchy did not restrict itself to instituting knowledge orders for the elite. Its members have tried to present Humanity with systems of beliefs that would allow them to live lives where they minimised friction with each other and expanded their life and world views. What Laurency calls enterprising “spiritual leaders” made these views systems and turned them into religions. These became inflexible systems that lead Humanity, most of whom are focused in their lower emotional bodies, in directions that defy all common sense. Both, currently practised Buddhism and Islam, are misinterpretations of their founder’s original ideas. But when it comes to getting the wrong end of the stick, the first prize goes to Christianity. Buddha warned Humanity about so-called “sacred” writings. I guess the “people of the book”, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, were not paying attention.

Buddhism was the first attempt to try and mentalise religion. Everything preceding it, Taoism for instance, belonged to the mystical tradition. Christ-Maitreya tried to make use of the prevailing Piscean energies to forge a path of communication between emotionality (6th Ray) and Unity Consciousness (46), which is 2nd Ray. It is generally understood in esoteric circles that both avatars failed in their principle objectives.

In our times, an attempt was made, through Blavatsky, to awaken the intelligentsia. There were many who realised that our intellects were not cracking the enigma of existence. But this effort met with the usual backlash from theologians, philosophers and scientists. What cards do the Hierarchy have to play now? Laurency tells us that “the Planetary Hierarchy has decided to let entire clans of old initiates incarnate and to take up the battle itself against the Satanists, who have hitherto been all but sovereign masters in the physical and emotional worlds. Mankind shall not need to grope in the dark anymore. The knowledge of reality shall be given to the seekers so that nobody needs to be ignorant anymore that such knowledge is obtainable.”

For the Hierarchy to reengage itself, the intelligentsia of our planet has to realise that we are not able to solve our problems, alone. We need help. This will involve esotericians embedding themselves in every institution in society and increasing awareness of right-living until it becomes the basis of public opinion.

It is generally understood in esoteric circles that the Hierarchy never left us. They always existed in the physical world. They did not retreat atop a cloud and look down on our misery. Laurency says that “all the higher worlds exist in the physical world of our planet. The place where the planetary hierarchy resides will remain unknown to incurable curiosity.” The Jews decided to monopolise God and decided his city was Jerusalem and his chief agent, the king, was called Melchizedek. Wrong name and wrong location but let’s not be picky.

In the next presentation, we will start by looking at the tasks of the Planetary Hierarchy and we may even get onto the “the Plan”.

4 thoughts on “AM-149 HIERARCHY (4)”

  1. Hi Kazim,
    Glad to hear you are planning to do a series on The Science of the Antahkarana. As you might know, Laurency/Adelskogh has criticized quite strongly Bailey’s approach to the building technique put forward in her book “Rays and Initiations”, so I look forward to your presentation.

  2. Hi Kazim, thank you for this latest series on the planetary hierarchy and government. It’s good to know qualified individuals are actually in charge of this world if we look deep enough. Hope all is well!

    1. Hi Rich,

      Yes all is well. I am back in the USA at the moment filming and editing my next set of presentations, which will air from July onwards. The next eight presentations are about Humanity and their Solar Devas. After that there are 27 presentations about The Science of the Antahkarana! I return to Laos in June.

      The Hierarchy may be in charge of our macro environment, but we have free will and are perfectly capable of soiling our pants and our environment, if we choose to do so. Their ultimate sanction is to call time on a Root Race. Let’s just hope they do not do it to ours any time soon!

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