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We have talked about a plan for the development of Humanity. It sometimes goes by the grandiose title, ‘The Divine Plan’. Can there be anything so structured as a ‘plan’? We know that we all have free will and this is an inalienable right. However, we do live within the envelope of much more evolved monads and they have their own objectives. They have a plan and we somehow have to fit in with them. If we choose not to, then we just will get shunted sideways into someone else’s envelope and continue our evolution there. So what you end up with is a series of objectives that each monad has for its own development. At certain stages of their involutionary and evolutionary cycle, these objectives are scripted by other monads, who hold the development of their charges in ‘trust’ until such a time when they are able to take the reigns and begin to chart their own course. 

The higher you ascend the ladder of consciousness, the more your focus turns to the service of evolution itself. In a way, that is the plan. To evolve. How each monad does this is a variable that somehow factors into other monad’s plans as well. Take for example a 45-self. This monad may decide there is useful work that would benefit humanity and work towards illuminating them. What does this 45-self do? They look around for a monad, evolving through the Human kingdom, who possesses sufficient abilities to help bring these ideas into existence. Is this the divine plan in action? Well, you could say it is a line in an annexe of a sub-document that is part of a larger manual.

The Hierarchy is not a monolith. It is a collection of individuals, with their own quirks and talents. It is fortunate for us that the common consciousness they share precludes them from getting the wrong end of the stick. That does not mean that the stick they want to grasp is necessarily the right stick at the time. As an example, as has been stated before, when the first tranche of esoteric knowledge was made exoteric by Blavatsky, the vast majority of the Hierarchy thought this was a bad idea. The Planetary Government adjudicated on the matter and the go-ahead was given. The experiment was deemed a failure within eight-odd years. Was it part of the Divine Plan for this failure to occur? I rather think not. It is more likely to be the case that this was one possibility of outcomes that fell within the purview of a larger plan. Certain members of the Hierarchy thought they could pull the plan off. They had to go back to the drawing board and came back with the ‘little blue books’! In this way, the Plan is a living document with lots of codicils.

So we can conclude that the Hierarchy is a collection of individuals with divergent opinions. They instigate activities that may or may not go as planned. What is not debated is that there is an overall objective, that of the evolution of all within a system. In our case, the plan that governs our evolution is one that we continually seek to screw up. We have every right to do so and we do. We then suffer the consequences and feel very sorry for ourselves. The net result of this is that the Hierarchy can not predict when some aspect of the Plan will come into force, nor the result of that plan being put into action. Doesn’t that just make life very exciting? It is ironic that large swathes of Humanity pray to their deity to bring about certain outcomes when the only entities responsible for the outcomes are themselves.

The Planetary Hierarchy are always full of ‘cunning’ plans to help us. These plans affect races, nations, cultures and science. They are trying to bring about consciousness development and looking for ways to facilitate it. They however come across two impediments that they can not change. These are the laws of Freedom and Self-realisation. It should be remembered that the law of Reaping and Karma falls outside the remit of the Hierarchy. 

Laurency tells us, “disciples, especially those having the first department in their 

envelope, often make the mistake of thinking out their own plans according to the kinds of services they are able to offer. They learn eventually to appreciate the wisdom of working with the overall plan for the organised work, which the planetary hierarchy alone can mark out.”

The overall plan of the Hierarchy is quite simple. It is to take us to a point where we realise the universal unity that is the overriding truth and reality in the entire cosmos. We don’t need lashings of mysticism, just a focused application of common sense. There is no need to “unite with God”. We are already co-partners in the unity, which is the total cosmic consciousness of our universe. To realise this divine state, we just have to recognise the unity of all life. In this way we will fulfil the prophecies and the “New Jerusalem” will descend upon us, bringing heaven to earth. Let’s just hope we don’t get flattened in the process.

It is safe to say there is an overall plan that the Hierarchy is seeking to further. This plan materialises from the Planetary Government, which itself is following blueprints laid down by ever higher levels of consciousness. So, what about the future? The obvious place to start is the current plan, which is evolved. The one unalterable factor is the evolution of consciousness for all. This plan is affected by how we receive the plan and how much influence the Black Lodge has over us to thwart these planes, as a result of our rampant egotism. So, local outcomes and timing are variables that make exact outcomes difficult to predict. As an aside, Laurency informs us that about 10 per cent of Humanity is not repulse in its nature. Do you know anyone who fits this bill? Names and addresses, please. 

What stymies us is the way we look at the possibilities in the future and then tie them to actions in the past. Life is about change. Our current paradigms are temporary illusions. No higher kingdom sets the tempo for our evolution, we do that. That may be the case but that does not mean we can sit in our sandpit with our bucket and spade and refuse to budge. The Hierarchy seek out those amongst us who have made the effort to advance their game and become co-workers in the development of Humanity. Through these individuals, they seek to influence us. Remember, we are in someone else’s envelope. When that entity decides to move on, we either move with it or we move somewhere else. This is what is referred to as the Day of Judgment. That somewhere else may be another planet or another solar system.

Laurency tells us that it is a “common misconception is that Humanity’s cry for help rouses higher kingdoms to intervene. As if they had not foreseen the need long ago! Mankind has nothing to teach them. It is not worthwhile to take extra measures, however, unless Humanity is ripe to perceive the help given, wherever it comes from, and use it rightly. Higher kingdoms are willing to help, but the help given must further evolution.” We must remember that ‘salvation’ is always collective. If your paradigm is that you belong to the ‘chosen few’, you are barking up the wrong tree and the 5th Kingdom will not open its doors to you.

We are told in the ‘little blue books’ and elsewhere that the Hierarchy does have plans for us. They want to overhaul the way we educate ourselves. The way marriages are constructed; good luck with that! They want to assist us in overcoming our psychological problems. That makes the marriage issue seem like child’s play. We need to move our focus above our diaphragms. How will they do this? All those of you sitting out there on your yoga mats will say “bring it on”, we are ready for this. But what about the rest of Humanity? Some of us don’t even have mats to sit on, just dirt floors with not much that resembles a roof over our heads.  What about them? How ready are they? Realistically, the easiest way to achieve these noble objectives is to swap out the current crop of Humanity and bring back into incarnation clans that are ready to take these next steps. There will be a time and a place to revert to the current crop of Humanity and give them time and space to continue to squabble amongst themselves. Do we have a plan? Oh, guess who is going to have to come back and work with this group?

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