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As promised, today we shall look into the personality and teachings of the most significant person in the Hierarchy, as far as its interactions with us are concerned. As you should be well aware by now, 1875 was a very important date. It was at this time that the Hierarchy made a fresh attempt to contact Humanity, directly. Prior to this, it was only in contact with select members of secret knowledge orders. They made this contact through a number of disciples, the chief of which were Blavatsky, Besant and Leadbeater. They were assigned to present some basic facts about reality. Remember that word “reality”? We have talked about it often enough. It is about learning how things actually are, rather than our subjective opinions of how they are.

Fast forward to 1920 and the Hierarchy considered, based partially on the fact that the organisation set up by the already mentioned disciples, had splintered and was no longer a fit vehicle for the Hierarchy to work through. So it was decided to appoint a special secretary and allow him to make a more detailed exposé of Life, the Universe and Everything. That 45-self we know as the Master D.K. and he dictated 18 books to a disciple, who we also know as Alice Bailey. The chief among his works and the only one I pay attention to was Cosmic Fire. As an aside, if you want to know what Cosmic Fire is really talking about, then I suggest you read ‘Cosmic Intelligence’ by Lars Adelskogh. It is a synopsis and commentary on Cosmic Fire and is itself over 500 pages long. Lars presents this seminal work through the lens of Hylozoics. Why this is important will be explained later. You can find this book online easily and can download a free PDF.

Now some ‘nosy’ background information on D.K. Laurency may be horrified at this thought but I get all my information from him in the first place. 45-self D.K., otherwise known as Djwhal Khul, was also Kleinias, a disciple of Pythagoras. Now, we all know who that was and is, none other than 44-self Koot Hoomi, the Master K.H. But we are not finished yet. As Dharmajyoti, D. K. was a disciple of the Lord Buddha and as Aryasanga, the founder of the Yogachara school of Buddhism in about 500 A.D. Quite a C.V.

The relationship of the Mast D.K. to the master K.H. is significant, as the latter is destined to be the next World Teacher and D.K. is his ‘right hand’. What does this suggest to us? In due course, D.K. is scheduled to be the subsequent World Teacher. To do this, D.K. has renounced his own personal development so that he can be an instrument for the promulgation of the teachings of the Hierarchy. I expect you all to write him a ‘thank you’ letter. Laurency tells us that the current zodiacal epoch, Aquarius, should be the last “incarnation” of the present World Teacher, Christ/Maitreya. He will then whizz off to pastures anew, as his consciousness expands cosmically. Master K.H will then succeed him and D.K. will be his deputy, probably running the Second Ray.

D.K. has seven envelopes. How do we know this? Because he is a 45-self. Therefore he has a dense physical (49:5-7), etheric physical (49:1-4), emotional (48:1-7), mental (47:4-7), causal (47:1-3), unity/essential (46:1-7) and lower spiritual/super essential (45:4-7). Getting dressed in the mornings must be a real phaff. 45-selves dwell in the 5th Kingdom of Nature, but D.K. also dwells in a 1st-self series of envelopes, allowing him to reside on the Physical plane. Laurency tells us that D.K. is oriental. We should all know this if you look at the pictures that purport to be of him. Laurency tells us he has the outlook of an Advaita yoga philosopher. He also tells us that as a teacher, he is sometimes a physicist, sometimes a mentalist. As a philosopher, he is predominantly a subjectivist. To him objective, material reality, only has the function of being a vehicle for consciousness development. Apparently, D.K. Admits that he is not familiar with the Western ways of thinking, which also in Hylozoics, is primarily based on the matter aspect. When you read the works of Bailey, you can see that his subjectivist slant colours his presentations of esoteric material. We should constantly be aware of this, as we read his dictations in the Blue Books.

Laurency also tells us that D.K. is the foremost expert on esoteric history and literature. This knowledge has been accumulated over millions of years, being kept in esoteric archives. He also has access to literature from Atlantis. Laurency mentions that his writing is studded with quotations, symbols and archaic expressions. This literature would be incomprehensible to us, even if it were translated, until we had the mental capacity to absorb that information.

D.K. has been responsible for giving out information about discipleship, the Planetary Hierarchy, cosmic evolution and much more. The prerequisite to understanding what he is going on about is to have a thorough grounding in Hylozoics first! You knew I was going to say that but I urge you to read Lars’ book, Cosmic Intelligence and then you will understand why a Hylozoic perspective unlocks so much of what would otherwise be hidden in plain sight. D.K. says himself that he has written for future generations and disciples, that only causal selves can interpret his communications with full understanding, and that he has written with precisely these in mind, who are expected to incarnate in greater numbers at the close of the 20th century.

Laurency tells us that it is interesting to note how D.K. defines vice and virtue. Vice are the energies of the envelopes of incarnation, synthesised in the personality because they keep the self in its envelopes and counteract causal energies. Virtue is for the self to utilise the causal energies and by means of them to control the personality, which are the energies of the envelopes of incarnation.

If we heed the teachings of Master D.K., it will allow the Hierarchy to come into closer contact with us. We, collectively, have to come to realise that there are kingdoms of nature above our own and that we were in contact with them during the 4th Root Race, a time we know as Atlantis.

We have talked about the Hierarchy being banished from Atlantis. It was not really a banishment, think of it as a strategic withdrawal. The Hierarchy could have stayed and fought against the lower priesthood, who went on to become the Black Lodge. The only problem with this course of action is that it is against the law. If we want to behave like idiots and worship false idols, we are perfectly entitled to do so. This is the Law of Freedom in action. The Hierarchy’s withdrawal had pretty serious consequences. Just ask the inhabitants of the island of Poseidonis, the last remnant of a once great civilisation. In 9,564 B.C.E. the game was up and no one going forwards, who knew about the Hierarchy, was allowed to speak about it.

Prior to their strategic withdrawal, we were guided by enlightened souls. After their departure, the Black Lodge came up with the concept of ‘god’. These gods were jealous, demanded sacrifices and had to be regarded as an article of faith. Representations of god have changed over time but they have one thing in common, they are all works of fiction. No matter how learned you consider yourself to be, if you are ignorant of the facts about the Hierarchy’s existence, you are ignorant about the reality of life itself. Master D.K. tells us that when we are fed up with being governed by a tyranny, we are welcome to invite the Hierarchy back. Until then, only those that desire to communicate with them, can do so if they fulfil certain requirements. They are informed of these requirements when they become accepted disciples and they then set about achieving the correct qualification. This was the case in all the secret orders that existed. Since some of this esoteric knowledge has been made public, the rules of the game have changed but there are rules and these have already been discussed in detail in the previous set of presentations.

So there you have it; everything you wanted to know about he Hierarchy but were afraid to ask.



2 thoughts on “AM-153 HIERARCHY (8)”

  1. Kazim. Thank you for the link to Cosmic Intelligence. I have been wanting to read Cosmic Fire and the “summary” would be a good start. Hope all is well.

    1. Hi Rich,

      Once you have read Cosmic Intelligence there is no need to read Cosmic Fire! Spare your brain the agony of trying to look at things from a consciousness perspective! LOL As it is, there is a lot of DK’s text in Lar’s book. All is well. I am in the USA at the moment and will trundle off to Laos for another exciting tour of duty in a months time.

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