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Our perception of magic often ranges from waving a magic wand to pulling a white rabbit out of a hat. Who is pulling the rabbit out of the hat and how does one becomes part of this circle of magic? Esoterics holds that a monad that works with magic and wields these forces has to be self-conscious in its causal envelope on subplane 47:2. Beyond this, the monad must also have incipient consciousness in its Unity/Essential envelope (46). These qualifications are not pulled out of a hat, excuse the pun, they exist for the following reasons:

  1. It is only when a monad is focused in its causal envelope, not just at the 47:3 but at the 47:2 level, that it has a clear and direct understanding of the creative purpose and work of the Divine Plan. This is not a comprehensive understanding but is nevertheless an understanding that does not conflict with the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Life.
  2. To work with magic takes knowledge. One has to understand symbols and formulae that are prerequisites to making magic happen. This knowledge is not entrusted to immature monads for fear of what such knowledge could bring about. The formation and consequences of the actions of the Black Lodge during the Atlantian epoch, is a salutary lesson of what knowledge of magic can do when wielded in a selfish manner.
  3. It takes a monad that is capable of working simultaneously in the physical world, the emotional world and the mental world and yet remains non-identified with the different kinds of consciousness, before magic can be used that does not result in karma being incurred by the wielder of such forces.
  4. A monad that is conscious on subplane 47:2, has sufficient identification in group consciousness and is only driven by purely unselfish motives. For to be driven by anything that pertains to ego, is a recipe for eventual disaster.
  5. When a monad has reached this level of development, it is able to clearly see the end from the beginning and is able to hold a steady picture of the work that is to be consummated.

These five attributes are only sufficiently developed in a monad at the end of its journey through the Human Kingdom. White magic should only be practised by one who has total coordination and control of their 1st-self. Many misguided occultists think they understand how to use white magic. They flail around thinking they are achieving some imagined benefit to humanity. More fool them. Such young souls do not have control of their mentality, which in turn does not control their emotionality and they are far from achieving causal consciousness, which is a minimum requirement. Remember, causal consciousness and mental consciousness share the same atomic envelope (47) and are therefore twinned states. We aim to render our mentality to such a pitch that it is able to receive energy from our causal envelopes. For this transmission to take place, some minimum benchmarks have to have been achieved. A monad becomes able to receive transmissions from the lowest level of their causal body, 47:3, when they are conscious in their 47:5 mental body and their 48:3 emotional body. When this focus rises one subplane in each envelope to 47:4 and 48:2 respectively, then information can flow down from the 47:2 subplane of their causal body. When the disciple is able to centre themselves in their 47:3 knowledge centre and later their 47:2 unity centre, the solar devas responsible for these centres are free to depart, their job complete. The polarity of the mental envelope to the casual envelope switches from being positive to negative, to being negative to positive. The implications of this are only known to initiates, as they prepare to take their higher degrees.

It is worth reflecting on the issue of polarity, as it pertains to the Human Kingdom. A monad passing through the 4th Kingdom of Nature learns to understand and use the following polarities in this approximate order.

  1. The most obvious is the relationship between the male and female physical envelope of incarnation and the relationship between the sexes. Getting to grips with the dichotomy is crucial for the initiation of Humanity as a whole.
  2. The next relationship is that of the emotional envelope to the two physical envelopes. The positive emotional should control the negative physical. The benefit of this mastery is that the physical organism, with its etheric envelope, becomes the instrument to satisfy the desires of the emotional body through the physical body, which is able to acquire, through its senses that which the emotions desire. This is where most of humanity is focusing its efforts at present. It is a necessary stage of development, but rather like an infant, there comes a time when one must stop putting everything one comes across in their mouth to taste it!
  3. This lead to the next stage of development, when the monad seeks to understand and control the relationship between the mental envelope and the physical brain. The objective is to make the mental envelope the positive, controlling factor to the other two envelopes, the emotional and physical.
  4. We then come to a bigger polarity, that of the relationship between the 1st and 2nd triads. These are the challenges that are being faced by the current crop of aspirants, who are the pioneers of Humanity. The mystics among us seek to master this polarity without clear knowledge of what they seek. The esoterician does have a clear knowledge of the relationship between these two triads.
  5. Within our bodies, we have two major subdivisions. They can be described as the centres below the diaphragm and the centres above it. This can be subdivided into:
    1. The polarity between the basal chakra and the crown chakra.
    2. The relationship between the sacral chakra and the throat chakra.
    3. How the solar plexus chakra relates to the heart chakra.
  6. We then come to the relationship between the two major head centres, the 3rd eye chakra and the crown chakra. This relationship is set up and stabilised when the casual envelope and the etheric envelope are functioning units.
  7. This leads to the synchronisation of the pituitary body and the pineal gland, resulting in the relationship between the preceding centres.
  8. And finally, we come to the relationship between mental consciousness and causal consciousness, the objective of which is to bring about a strong and stable connection between the two envelopes. 

What is trying to be achieved here? The solar deva is in deep mediation. It is focused on its charge that is currently inhabiting the 1st triad. When a human monad has evolved sufficiently to begin to turn the focus of its three envelopes towards the 2nd triad and its casual envelope, a bond is strengthened. This allows a union to eventually form, which builds the mythical Rainbow Bridge. This is the final polarity that a 4th kingdom human seeks to activate. This leads to the (i3) being taken but this is not the end of the story. As soon as this initiation is complete, a new polarity develops between the monad, now focused in its 2nd triad, with its still undeveloped 3rd triad. But this is getting ahead of ourselves because as humans, we are primarily concerned with setting up and improving the linkages between our 1st triad and the permanent mental molecule 47:4 and our future 2nd self in the 47:1 permanent atom, located in our causal envelope.

So that is our goal. How do we go about getting there? This will form the topic for the next presentation, which will deal with the purpose of mediation and how this helps us contact our solar angels.

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