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In our exploration of the relationship between Humanity and their solar devas, we came to the topic of white magic. What is the goal of the whole relationship? Is it about getting humanity to a point where they all become magicians? The answer to this is yes and no, but we will return to this at the end of this presentation. Let us start by looking at the topic of magic but from the perspective of the left-hand, not the right-hand path.

If you can have a white magician, it is perfectly feasible to have a black magician as well. So who are these individuals? What do they stand for and how do they differ from a white magician? The first thing to realise is that a black magician works in the same three worlds as a white magician. There is one significant difference. Whereas the white magician works from the casual world, the black magician resides in and works from the mental world. They can not function outside this field of activity. The white magician can draw on energies all the way up to the Unity world (46). Does this place the black magician at a disadvantage? It does not. In fact it has the reverse effect. It makes life easier for them. Why? Because they are closer to their working material. The white magician has to draw material down from the causal world before they can begin to shape it into an elemental thought form. This is a longer process. The advantage the white magician has is that the results of their focused will are not as ephemeral as those of the black magician. The outcomes of the black magician ultimately lead to disaster and they reap a very heavy price for deliberate ignorance of the Laws of Nature and of Life.

The black magician is in no way intellectually inferior to the white magician. They have mastery over mental matter that allows them to objectively achieve what they desire in the physical world. It is worth pointing out here that the term “black magician” is not used haphazardly to label anyone who has a passing interest in performing black magic. A true black magician is a soulless being. That is quite a dramatic term. What does it, exactly, mean? It means that a black magician was once a human monad that had a causal envelope but they chose to separate their mental envelope from their causal envelope permanently. This means they are unable to reincarnate into a physical-etheric body. Their world now is the world of illusions found on the emotional plane and the world of fiction found on the mental plane.

The black magician has the power to work on the emotional envelopes of incarnate monads, who allow themselves to be controlled by illusions. These individuals are usually held in the bonds of extreme selfishness and self-centredness. When one speaks of a black magician as an incarnate human, all they are really referring to is someone aware of black magic. They are receptive to such negative influences and may in some cases, be aware of a link to an entity in the emotional world. This however is rare and for it to be possible that individual must have lived many lives of selfish depravity, perverted intellectual aspirations and an attachment to emotional phenomena and faculties. So fear not, despite what you may think about your favourite boogyman, there are very few men and women where such unadulterated selfishness is prevalent. But where it does exist, it is very potent, as all single-minded activities are.

So, to repeat, the white magician works from the causal world out into the physical world, working with the Divine Plan of the Hierarchy. The black magician works from mental consciousness and seeks to achieve their own ends separate from unity. The difference is therefore one of motive, alignment, range of consciousness and field of expansion. What is meant by the last term “expansion” relates to how black magicians can expand their abilities. Unlike white magicians, they do not have access to expanded unity consciousness with other monads in higher worlds. By their very nature, they are insular and distrustful of all others.

So where does all this “badness” lead the black magician? They are currently tied up with the future of the sixth root-race. That race will begin to unfold in about 25,000 years. The end and cessation of their nefarious actives will come about in the sixth aeon. How far away is that? An aeon in our context is 4.3 billion years. We are currently in the 4th aeon or globe of the 4th round of the 4th chain. Also, note that between aeons there is a pralaya or rest period of about 2 billion years. But getting back to our planet, the final break or division between black and white forces on this globe will take place in the 6th root race period. A big showdown is expected in the transition from the 6th to the 7th root race. A similar showdown is expected, but on a lesser scale, during the 6th sub-race of the 5th root-race, which is now in formulation. Hold the front page. Earlier and current wars have their origins in the Emotional World. Lars tells us that it was the selfishness and desires of the “lower” orders that were the cause of these wars. By comparison, the coming great schism in the 6th root-race will have its origins in the Mental World and will play out in the 6th sub-race of that cycle. This final showdown will have mental, emotional and physical causes and will imply the culmination of planetary duality. That is something to look forward to.

For an aspirant thinking about white magic, the overriding objective is to avoid instigating black magic. Here are some simple rules to follow that should hopefully prevent the formation of erroneous mental and emotional forms, the illusions and fictions, Laurency is always banging on about. It is often more poetically called the “great illusion”.

The gnostic term, “become as little children” means to set oneself free from the trance of consensus thinking.  Follow these simple rules.

1. View the world of thought, and separate the false from the true.

2. Learn the meaning of illusion, and in its midst locate the golden thread of truth.

3. Control the emotional envelope, for its violent waves engulf the one swimming in them,

shuts out the clear light of causal ideas, and renders all plans futile.

4. Discover that you have an intellect and learn to use it in two ways (to scale down causal

ideas to mental thinking, and to dissolve fictions).

5. Concentrate on the thinking principle, and be the master of your mental world.

6. Learn that the thinker and his thought and that which is the means of thought, are diverse

in their nature, yet one in ultimate reality.

7. Act as the thinker, and learn it is not right to prostitute your thought to the base use of

separative desire.

8. The energy of thought is for the good of all and for the furtherance of the plan of the

Planetary Government. Do not use it therefore for your selfish ends.

9. Before you construct a thought form, vision its purpose, ascertain its goal, and verify the


10. For thee, the aspirant on the way of life, the way of conscious building is not yet the

goal you can realise. The work of cleaning out the atmosphere of thought, of barring fast the

doors of thought to hate and pain, to fear, and jealousy and low desire, must first precede the conscious work of building. See to thy our aura, oh traveller on the way.

11. Watch close the gates of thought. Sentinel desire. Cast out all fear, all hate, all greed.

Look out and up.

12. Because your life is mostly centred in the lower four physical, emotional, and mental

molecular kinds, your words and speech will indicate your thought. To these pay close


13. Speech is of three kinds. The idle words will each produce an effect. If good and kind,

nothing need be done. If otherwise, the paying of the price cannot be long delayed. The selfish words, sent forth with strong intent, build up a wall of separation. Long time it takes to break that wall and so release the stored-up, selfish purpose. See to thy motive, and seek to use those words which blend thy little life with the large purpose of the will and plan of the Planetary Government. The words of hate, the cruel speech which ruins those who feel its spell, the poisonous gossip, passed along because it gives a thrill – these words kill the

flickering impulses of the soul, cut at the roots of life, and so bring death. If spoken with

intent, it is a sowing that must be reaped. When spoken and then registered as lies, they

strengthen that illusory world in which the speaker lives and holds him back from liberation.

If uttered with intent to hurt, to bruise and kill, they wander back to him who sent them forth

and him they bruise and kill.

14. The idle thought, the selfish thought, the cruel hateful thought if rendered into words produce a prison, poison all the springs of life, lead to disease, and cause disaster and delay. Therefore, be sweet and kind and good as far as in thee lies. Keep silent and the light will enter in.

15. Do not speak of yourself. Do not pity your fate. The thoughts of self and of your lower

destiny prevent the inner voice of Augoeides from striking upon your ear. Speak of the soul;

enlarge on the plan; forget yourself in building for the world. Thus is the law of form offset.

Thus can the rule of love enter in the worlds of the envelopes of incarnation, 47:4–49:7.

Obeying these simple rules will help the aspirant lay the right foundations for carrying forward the work of magic in this world.

Back to the question posed at the introduction of this presentation: what is the goal of the relationship between the human monad and their solar deva? The primary objective is to get a monad through the 4th Kingdom into the 5th Kingdom. However, if through white magic a monad can transform matter, then you begin to see the role a monad plays as it passes through the human kingdom. If devas are the masters of matter, Humanity is aiming for mastership of consciousness. It is through the focusing of consciousness that the initiate is able to channel the energy aspect of the Holy Trinity, to bring about further evolution, not of the individual monad doing this, but of the total evolution of all monads associated with our globe. Our rightful place in the scheme of evolution of life on our Earth scheme, is to become co-creators with the gods who govern the very fabric of our environment. We are evolving to understand our place in the Divine Plan and then faithfully execute the intentions of those monads in whose envelopes of incarnation we dwell.

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