We ended the last presentation just as the causal body disintegrated on the monads transition into Unity consciousness (46). This is known as the “Great Renunciation” in gnostic circles. What has up until this time been a consciousness that had gathered experiences and squirrelled them away in an envelope provided by a solar deva. The monad is now able to merge its self-identity with all other monads, firstly in its initiation group of up to eight other monads, and later with larger and larger groups of monads. One major advancement in a monad’s evolution is the ability to creatively focus an image of itself in the lower planes of matter. No longer is it necessary to spend nine months cooped up in a womb. This new creative ability happens when the monad transitions to becoming a 45-self, the level of a master, it is then able to use its will to organise matter.
To finish the theme started in the last presentation of the construction of the Antahkarana, the disciple is required to perform a number of tasks. The disciple has to evolve and develop its ability to understand, analyse, formulate and distinguish what is around it. It does this by becoming conscious of the following situations. The processes of understanding and how it combines with force. Its status on the path, or recognition of what resources it has at its disposal, especially the energies available. It must also start the fusion or integration of the Consciousness, the Creative and the Life threads. This all synthesises into creative activity in the three worlds of the 1st triad. Through this creative action, a focal point is created, which leads to the building of its creation, the Antahkarana. This creation takes place when the monad, present in the 2nd triad, cooperates with the 1st triads. The soul and the persona come into union. This makes up three points of divine energy that are symbolised as follows:
In this simple diagram, you have the route the disciple follows when it walks the Path. This is clarified further in this diagram. This is known as the “nine initiations”. It is the transmutation of nine forces into divine energies. I will present these diagrams in the script I post on my website AdventuresoftheMonad.com.

Let us now look in detail at the bridge between the three aspects of the mind. The aspirant has, through many incarnations, finally reached a point where it can assess approximately where it has reached in its evolutionary journey. Where does the aspirant go from here? Towards accepted discipleship, after some serious scrutiny during a probationary period. The disciple focuses towards its soul, becoming more creative on the physical plane, with its thoughts and actions. The odd intuitive experience may occur from time to time. These experiences serve to anchor the first strands of the Antahkarana in the body. One can think of this communication between the persona and the soul as the persona sounding a note that is heard by the solar devas. Slowly a song will ensue that will reach a harmony that attracts the attention of the monads on the 2nd triad in worlds 46 and 45. This leads to greater magnetic forces being exerted on the persona. This whole process is triggered at the first point of soul contact. The energies flowing from the 2nd triad, initially enter the persona via the Sutratma, as this is the most active channel. From there, the energies move into the head. This is why all development starts with the purification of and the use of heart energies. The heart resonates with the nature of the soul, conditioned by the monad and is based in reality. What is known as the doctrine of the eye, governs mystical experiences and is based on the dual relationship between the persona and the soul. This is a spiritual relationship but is anchored in the dualism of polar opposites. The heart is centred in unity.
After many lifetimes, the aspirant arrives at a point where the three threads, of Life, Consciousness and of Creativity, begin to focus within its mental body. It now takes a stand, knowing that there is a pathway towards the Soul and the Spirit beyond.
In the diagrams that display our current stage of evolution, you see dotted lines between the mental and the causal body. This is supposed to represent a gap, but it is not really a gap, because strands of the Sutratma bridge the gap. They have to or the Life thread would not be attached and operational and you would be dead. So there is always in existence a tenuous relationship between the monad, the soul and the persona. However, the Consciousness thread only extends from the soul to the persona’s envelope. This is a causal-to-causal connection, as the persona is part of the higher causal body that happens to be on active duty. This connection, however, is deemed to be involutionary. This is a convoluted way of saying that energy is flowing down, not up the phone lines. The persona is not able to “phone home” yet. This lack of bandwidth is the crux of a monad’s development through the Human Kingdom. The persona has to become aware of its soul and transmute its consciousness into that of the soul, whilst still preserving the consciousness of its personality. As this fusion of soul and persona strengthens, the Creative thread becomes more active, fusing with the Life and Consciousness threads to steadily build out the bridge until, eventually, the Persona and the Spirit are united via the Soul. This doesn’t just fall out of the sky. It involves a lot of divine creative work. In the beginning, the linkages between the soul and persona have been driven by the soul. During discipleship, the persona becomes consciously active and as a partnership, the construction of the Antahkarana begins. The three stands are woven into one until the concrete and abstract minds are united.
So where have we got to so far? The three stands of the Antahkarana are woven together as a matter of course and the aspirant travels further along the Path. It must now stand, holding the mind steady in the light. It is worth noting that in the past, the goal towards which the average disciple has worked has been soul contact, leading to what has been called Hierarchical inclusion. The goal, in this case, has been to seek inclusion into a master’s ashram, thus leading to greater opportunities to serve in the World. Along the way, certain initiations are taken. The goal of more advanced disciples is not primarily focused on soul contact any more, as this has been already been attained in some measure. Their focus is now on building a bridge from the 1st to the 3rd triad, from the persona to the monad located on the Spiritual triad. The final objective is monadic realisation. This is the gateway to higher evolution on the seven paths that are available to all monads when they reach this stage in their evolutionary path.
From what can be gathered, there are two distinct but co-evolutionary paths a disciple can follow. They can be seen in the following table.
Desire – Aspiration | Mind – Projection |
The 1st & 2nd Initiations | The 3rd & 4th Initiations |
Universal Love & Intuition | Universal Will & Mind |
The Path of Light | The Way of Higher Evolution |
The Point of Contact | The Antahkarana |
The Plan | The Purpose |
The 3 Layers of the Causal Lotus | The Spiritual Triad |
The Hierarchy | Shamballa |
The Master’s Ashram | The Council Chamber |
The Seven Paths | The Seven Paths |
In one column you have Desire and Aspiration. This is linked to the first two initiations and is centred in the Emotional body. The goal along this path is to activate the causal lotus, make contact with the Hierarchy and get pally with your chums in your master’s ashram. Eventually this leads to making a choice, which of the seven paths to wander down.
The second column is labelled Mind-Projection. This happens when the disciple takes the 3rd and 4th initiations. This path leads to serious construction work on one’s Antahkarana and the goal is now to reach the 3rd, the Spiritual Triad. Whereas with the first path the goal was to contact the Hierarchy, the second path is about getting in touch with Shamballa. This is referred to as the Council Chamber. Again this leads to a decision tree that the monad must make as it ends its sojourn through the Cosmic Physical Kingdom.
In the next presentation, we will discuss the significance of these two paths further.