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In our continuing journey into the connecting bridge between the three aspects of the mind, we start with the Lower Concrete Mind. There is one ray that expresses itself more completely in this mind and that is the 5th ray. This ray represents the lower phase of the Will aspect of the Trinity. What does the concrete mind do? It summarises within its envelope all the knowledge that is known to the monad. There is also the memory of the persona, every aspect it has experienced or thought. The elemental essences that inhabit the lower concrete envelope are temporary in nature. It is the permanent molecule (47:4) that stores subconscious memories for the monad. The mental envelope dwells on the 1st triad but is part of a larger structure that has its other component on the 2nd triad. The link between this lower envelope and the higher causal envelope is found in the knowledge petal of the causal lotus. This deva-controlled structure is capable of pronounced soul illumination. It eventually becomes the “searchlight of the soul”. This is not surprising, as it is through knowledge one comes to know one’s environment. How do you direct this searchlight in your life? Through concentration. It should be noted however that this concentration is transient in time and space. Why? Because it is held in an envelope that is dissolved at the end of an incarnation. If one is prepared to make a concentrated effort to focus one’s consciousness on creative work, links are slowly made to the 47:1 permanent atom in the causal envelope. This is the seat of the abstract mind.

The second aspect of the mind is known as the “Son of Mind”. Sounds like a weird term but this goes back to a presentation made many moons ago, when the gnostic terminology of Father, Son and Mother, was linked to a triad. The “Son” was the designation given to the 2nd, the consciousness triad. So if we are talking about the Son of Mind, it exists on the 2nd triad and is therefore the soul of the monad we are talking about. It is the monad focused in the 47:1 permanent atom. It is governed by the 2nd aspect of all the seven rays. Think of this mind as being the lower manifestation of the love found in the 5th Kingdom of Nature, exemplified by concepts of love through unity with all life. We are still talking about the mind here and not some abstract notion of hearts and flowers, so love is equated to all the knowledge the monad has gathered to date and this results in illuminated  wisdom, through the process of intuition. You could think of it as love (unity), acquiring experience and knowledge. This second aspect of the mind resides in the Love petal of the Causal Lotus. This petal is linked to the first path an aspirant can choose, presented in our previous table. It is through dedication and devotion to service that the Divine Plan is brought into activity in the three worlds of the 1st triad. As has already been mentioned, this aspect of the mind is related to the 2nd triad and is brought into functioning activity through meditation. When functioning properly, it uses the lower, illuminated mind, now infused with love, to control the persona. Unlike the lower mind, it is eternal in time and space. Remember again, the lower mind disintegrates at the end of each incarnation and only its memories are stored in the permanent molecule (47:4).

The third aspect of the mind is known as the Abstract Mind. This aspect is revealed most clearly under the influence of the 1st ray of Will or Power. This is just a reflection of a higher Will that is found on the 3rd triad, known in Theosophical circles as the Atmic principle. Grand terms are used to describe Atmic Will, such as saying that it is the Will of the Deity. That is stretching the envelope but it is for this reason that Lee Bladon called Plane 44, Divine. If you understand Atmic Will, you then begin to understand the purposes of the Divine Plan. If you know that, you are part of the process that brings that plan to fruition. All this goodness is stored up in the Will petal of the causal lotus. Lars poetically describes the unfoldment of the Will petal as the “eternal life of the soul, being neither transient nor eternal but boundless, endless and unknown”. If you know what that means, please inform me! Note the term transient. Even the soul is not eternal. What I do know about this petal is that to make it function consciously, you have to build the Antahkarana. You see, it all eventually comes back to this one, very important structure. Once in place, you have an illuminated persona, focused in the mental envelope, motivated by the love petal, located in the causal envelope but driven by the energies from the 5th Kingdom. The lower two petals, Knowledge and Love, link to the Will petal, which focuses its attention towards the 3rd, triad. The monad at this level is referred to as the “One Life”. 

Esoterics uses flowery language like “God is Love”. This is just the activity of the monad focused on the 2nd triad, especially in the 46th World. Another phrase used is “God of Consuming Fire”. This, as you have now surmised, is referring to the conscious will, expressed from the perspective of the 3rd triad. Sparks certainly seem to be flying. What is the net result of all these pyrotechnics? This “fire” from the Will petal, is energised by “love” from the Unity petal. Its job is to expunge the personality of all its qualities, leaving a purified instrument, coloured by the soul ray. This is one of the seven rays that the monad vibrates to at the causal level of consciousness. The net result of this is that you do not need the soul body. It fuses with persona, which is the lower causal body anyway. What you now have is a single metal envelope, undivided by its existence on two triads. This vessel is now ready to serve the purposes of the “One Life”.

Esoterics symbolically describes the unifying goal of evolution is to unite the three triad structures. It starts by joining together the lower and higher aspects of Humanity, as found in the structure and function of the causal lotus. If you get with the plan and work towards this goal, which is the development of the three aspects of the mind, then you will have completed the task set by the Plan within the lifetime of this Globe. As an aside, we are halfway through this globe and we have been evolving on it for 350 million years. As we work towards this objective, we bring closer the goal of Humanity, the Hierarchy and Shamballa, all making their presence felt on the physical plane. This is not going to happen all at once and you do not have to pencil in to leave next Wednesday free. But it is purported in the Blue Books that the Hierarchy is drawing nearer and will actively engage with us again. It is also eluded that Sanat Kumara will appear at the end of this globe cycle. That is definitely further away than next Christmas.

What is the takeaway message from this presentation? The aspirant has to make a stand and endeavour to focus their attention on the Mental plane, rather than getting lost in illusions and fantasies. Untangle kama and manas; our emotions and thoughts. If the focus of awareness can be maintained, then meaningful work can be done towards constructing the Antahkarana. Through the work of invocation, a conscious rapport can be built between the 1st and 2nd triads, linking the soul to its persona. This conscious effort to build the Antahkarana is the final stage of the Path of Probation towards taking the (i3).

This is why time was taken to explain the three aspects of the mind and how they express themselves on the mental plane. Towards the end of the Human monad’s path through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, when it is integrated, aspiring, orientated and devoted, it is ready to integrate its mental body, understanding all seven levels of consciousness that exist there. This is the start of a process that eventually leads to the monad choosing one of the seven paths open to it.

In the next presentation, we will look at the seven states of consciousness, just mentioned, in greater detail.

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