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In the last presentation, we laid out the seven levels of mind that we slowly develop as we evolve through our solar system. We are aware of our thoughts, but this is only the 1st rung on the ladder of mental development. We have also come to understand that if we want to develop this mentality further, we need to link up to the next triad and connect to our causal envelope. Over many presentations, we have talked about the “Path of the Disciple” and the work that has to be done along this path. Central to walking this path is the construction of the Antahkarana. Like everything in the Universe, the Antahkarana is built from matter but what exactly is this “mind stuff” made from? That is the topic of this presentation.

The oriental term for the building material for the Antahkarana is “chitta” and there are three types of the stuff. Well, when we say three types, we really mean one type that is qualified and conditioned differently. We need to step back a bit and reflect on the fact that some fundamental laws operate in our solar system. They state that substances that manifest in time and space have been karmically conditioned. What exactly does that statement imply? It means that what we have to work within our solar system, has been conditions by our solar as well as our planetary logos in previous incarnations that they, themselves, have experienced. Karma here should not be seen in a negative context. It just means that everything has a history and that history determines what can and can not be done with something in the future.

This concept has been communicated to Humanity through various systems of thought but they all centre on one theme. The theme is one you are now familiar with, that of the Trinity. This trinity in Hylozoics starts with the Holy Trinity of Matter, Motion and Consciousness. It is also represented in the triad structure of development, with its three levels. Let us reexamine these and reflect on what they manifest.

The first is the Father Aspect. This is also known as the Will aspect and represents purpose. This is manifest from the 3rd triad and represents the underlying Divine Plan. It is the essential cause of being and gives life purpose. It is the driving force behind evolution. If you describe it as a sound, it is the sound of Synthesis. How does this relate to the structures we have been talking about? The channel through which Will manifests itself is called the Sutratma. The Life Thread. The Source of All. So, when Christian theology talks about the “Father”, they do not mean a bloke with a white beard, they are talking about the highest planes of matter, 43, 44 and half of 45, in our Solar System.

The next aspect of the Trinity, the 2nd triad, is known as the “Son”. This aspect has the quality of “sensitivity” and is also known as the “Love” aspect. Through Love, you gain Wisdom and Understanding and this is reflected in the consciousness of the soul. This is the very nature of relationships and it is how evolution is driven in the lower worlds. The note of this triad sound is one of “Attraction”, that is why Plane 46 is termed the Unity Plane. The channel through which this aspect manifests is the Consciousness Thread. This makes sense as it is through consciousness development that one comes to understand matter and when knowledge is applied, wisdom is gained. Down this channel flows the thoughts and ideas generated on the 2nd triad, as well as the ideas that are generated in the mental envelope. They eventually ground in our organic brains.

We now descend onto the 1st triad and these three planes of matter have been known as the Matter aspect, the Mother aspect and also the Holy Spirit. The Catholic church quickly dispensed with the “Mother” concept as they did not like women and thought that all too pagan. They settled on the Holy Spirit, yet very few of them knew what this was. In esoteric terminology, the Holy Spirit is your guardian angel. Devas are masters of matter and our solar devas are the masters of us, as we evolve through the 4th Kingdom. So when the Holy Spirit descends upon you, the connection that is being talked about is a connection with your soul, or higher self, which is the solar deva. This connection into the three lowest planes of matter is highlighted in what is termed the “intelligence of substance” and leads to the nature of form. This is what responds to mental impulses that drive evolution. The note that represents this energy is called the “Song of Nature”. The thread utilised to drive this evolution is called the Creative Thread. In previous presentations, we talked about these three threads in a generic sense. I hope now it is clearer what function they play and where they stem from.

Let us now imagine the Mental plane as a giant stream of consciousness. That consciousness is not something abstract, it is made of “stuff”; matter. But there is a gap between where the source of this matter starts, on the 2nd triad and where we need to get it to, for evolution to occur. A bridge has to, therefore, be constructed. We are talking about the Rainbow Bridge, the Antahkarana. This is why we have the symbolism of the “Path” and the stories of spiders and webs. We need to anchor our silk thread and climb up along it. To help us climb this thread, our causal lotus contributes each of its divine aspects, that of Knowledge, of Love and Will. This connection can only be made when the persona becomes orientated, regulated and creative. I hope by now you know what those three words refer to in our daily lives. This is driven by the Knowledge petal. The next step is to recognise and react to the quiet whisperings of our solar devas and allow them to begin to influence our daily activities. This is not a submission of our free will to the will of another, but to let the conscious soul incarnate in our daily lives and actions. The Love petal drives this process. Finally, the persona begins to receive the first impression of the Monad. This is not some all-knowing aspect of yourself that you always knew you had. No. It is connecting into a level of consciousness where the monad, focused in its mental body, is prepared to “submit to the will of God”. This all sounds very much like a master-slave relationship. For that reason, it is better to think of it as a conscious integration into the unity of all of life. Get this right and you begin to unfold your Will petal, which allows you to “overcome all obstacles”. This leads to the monad, cooperating with the purpose of the Hierarchy, in interpreting the Will of God as it is expressed to us through love and by “love” we mean unity.

The aspects outlined in this presentation represent the totality of the divine energies that flow towards us, but when we think of them specifically in terms of the Antahkarana, they express themselves in substance in the following way. At the first level, they express themselves in the concrete mind, when the monad becomes receptive to common sense. The goal is to materialise the form in Nature. This is a reflection of Spiritual Will known as Atma. It enters us via the throat chakra and this we know as knowledge.

From the second level, the goal is to individualise the mind by connecting to the soul. This is known as the middle principle of buddhi-manas. We would call it unity-mind. This is a reflection of the mental substance of the monad and is expressed as love-wisdom. It anchors itself through the heart chakra and manifests love.

The final aspect links the higher abstract mind, which is the transmitter of Unity consciousness. This reflects the divine nature. Just think about that sentence, “reflects the divine nature”. What does that mean? The Divine plane (44) is on the 3rd triad and the Unity plane (46) is on the second. Just as the 1st triad is referred to as the reflection of the 2nd. The 2nd triad is a reflection of the 3rd. Love, conditioned in this way is intuitive, leading to understanding and inclusiveness. Here again, is the concept of unity. This aspect connects to us through the head centre and is termed as Sacrifice. This is also the name often given to the Will petal.

There are other configurations of these aspects of manifestation but what has been given in this presentation serves as a good indication of the relationship between the Monad, the Soul and its Persona, as they express themselves through certain focal points on the Mental Plane.

In the next presentation, we continue to explore how the monad achieves fusion between the different states of consciousness.

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