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So far in our deliberations about the six steps that every disciple goes through to construct the Antahkarana, we have discussed the outcome focusing on Intention and the aggregation of mental substance in a ring-pass-not. We then went on to acknowledge the importance of the Emotional envelope and its capacity to visualise the whole scheme of building the Antahkarana. Without this blueprint, nothing would be constructed. Once visualised, the next step the disciple must undertake is the projection of the matter accumulated on the mental plane, through the power of Will, to direct a beam of light-matter towards the Monad, who is residing at the margins of the 3rd triad (43:1). All these three stages are works undertaken by the persona. There remain to be discussed three further steps. However, these steps are an expression of a response from higher levels and we simply do not have precise enough mental constructs to adequately describe them. That has never stopped me before, so here goes.

Step 4. is termed Invocation and Evocation. Starting with Invocation, this process is based on Intention, Visualisation and Projection. These three steps have carefully been undertaken by the disciple and by now a reasonably good idea of what is transpiring should be known to the student. The disciple has engaged in a dual-modality of living, which encompasses a spiritual life, as well as scientific, technical and esoteric work. It is therefore safe to say that the disciple has been engaged in Invocative work. This has not gone unnoticed by higher levels of consciousness and the disciple is recognised as a “point of invocative tension”, in just the same way that the disciple had collected light matter into a ring-pass-not in its mental envelope. This type of tension now resides, as a living reservoir of energy, with the three envelopes of the disciple. The totality of the being of the disciple is now projected into the surrounding environment, through the use of willpower and the sounding of the word or phrase of Power.

This potency, surrounding the disciple, has a radius of influence and is now sufficiently strong enough to call out a response from the Spiritual Triad. Think of this as a beam of light, going forth from the disciple, through the Antahkarana, which has been constructed by the disciple. Along this beam can flow the life of the Soul and the Persona. Getting poetic, we can now say that the Father, aka the Monad, working through the threads of the Antahkarana, goes forth to meet the Son, which is now the Soul, enriched by the Persona, which itself has a life in the three worlds of the 1st triad. The Monad beams energy down, in response to the call from the Soul/Persona, which eventually makes contact with a projection of energy coming from the lower two triads. In this manner, the Antahkarana is built. This can be summarised by saying that the tension of the lower evokes the attention of the higher.

This, in a nutshell, is the process of Invocation and Evocation. What has occurred is a gradual approach from both divine aspects, the lower and the higher. Slowly, the vibration of both these poles becomes stronger until a moment of contact is reached and synthesis occurs. Do not mistake this as a contact between the Soul and the Persona, which is the goal of the average aspirant. This is a contact between the fused Soul and Persona energies, with the energy of the Monad, working through the Spiritual Triad. This is not a moment of crisis, but rather a realisation of liberation. It is a recognition that the disciple is, themselves, the Way. The disciple has reached a point where there is no longer a sense of personality and soul or ego and form, but simply One. This unity functions on all planes as a point of spiritual energy, arriving at the sphere of planned activity by means of the “Path of Light”. 

There, I had an attempt at describing it, with help from other minds, but what is really being described is indescribable, it just has to be lived. But we do need clues as to what we are supposed to be getting up to, hence this series of presentations.

When the evolution of the Monad reaches this stage on its journey through the Cosmic Physical Kingdom, there is no form attracting the Monad outwards into manifestation. There is no way that the call of matter or form can evoke a response from the Monad. We think of our connections with our loved ones and feel drawn to them. When you get to this stage of consciousness, the connection is one of unity with all and it is the pull of the plight of Humanity as a whole that elicits a response that can be made via the completed Antahkarana. The Monad is now free to cross the Rainbow Bridge and descend at will, in order to serve Humanity and carry out the Will of Shamballa.

This is the final consummation of this long, arduous process of building a bridge. The Monad has gradually approached the Soul and Persona, across the chasm of the separating mind. Reflect on the term “separating” when used in conjunction with the word mind. The mind tends to separate and categorise. Slowly it learns to synthesise but still, it sees things discretely. When the bridge unites the two halves of the mind, the observer sees the truth and after the “Second Death”, at the (i4), the Soul is jettisoned as the developing consciousness realises there is no separation in the whole of creation. 

We have reached the final stage, where the projection from the Monad, meets the projection the disciple has made and we can move into the fifth and sixth stages of the process of the construction of the Antahkarana. These stages are called 5. Stabilisation and 6. Resurrection. The bridge is now built. The thin strands of light-matter have been woven into a strong and stable tool, capable of being used by the evolving monad. The construction of this bridge is the only game in town. There is no other way that an initiate can come to know the One Whom he knows to be themselves. We need to pause there and not get carried away by suddenly meeting up with our monad. Yes, this is us, but the level of consciousness active within it has been hard-one by the Persona and the Soul. The Monad is the source of energy that has driven the whole process, but the waking up of this primary atom has been occurring in the triad structure, located in the Cosmic Physical Kingdom. But let’s stick with the poetry and say that the disciple ascends in full consciousness into the sphere of monadic life. The disciple is resurrected from the dark cave of the personality life into the blazing light of divinity. There, that sounds very up-lifting. What we are saying is that the disciple has finally arrived at subplane 43:1, where Christ-Maitreya hangs out. The disciple now is no longer part of Humanity, nor is it part of the Hierarchy, but belongs to the company of Those Whose Will is consciously divine and Who are the Custodians of the Plan. They are responsive to the impressions of Shamballa and are under the direction of the Heads of the Hierarchy.

Ok, so we have got to the end of the journey to construct the Antahkarana, is that all we need to know? Absolutely not. We need to come back to reality and focus on the way ahead. This is a personal journey for each of us and there is a lot to take into consideration. See you at the next presentation. 

2 thoughts on “AM-184 ANTAHKARANA (18)”

  1. Kazim, thank you for presenting this detailed series on building the Antahkarana. I really appreciate the more objective scientific explanation combined with the poetic subjective perspective. Still a long way to go for me, but definitely helpful to better understand the goal! I hope you have a Happy 2024!

    1. Thank you very much Richard. There are 27 presentations in this series. I then go on to look at how most esotericians get mixed up with the concept of the soul and I trace why this is. Next I will go on to look at Chains, Rounds and Globes, as I have always promised. I am up to presentation 54 on that one and still going. So, currently I am writing and recording work that will air in October next year! February to the end of March I will be in Laos, on one of three visits there next year. Numerological next year is the end of a nine year cycle for me, so it will be a time of reflection and planning. 2025 kicks off a new phase of my life. Wonder where I will be and what I will be doing. I hope 2024 is a productive and fulfilling year for you and yours. ☥

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