After our look at the three principal officers of the Hierarchy, the Manu, Bodhisattva and Mahachohan, the time has come to look at the Planetary Government. The difference between the former and latter units of administration is that the former works within the planes of matter that constitute planes 43 to 49 of the Solar System. The Planetary Government is found in the Cosmic Emotional and Mental realms.

The level of organisation we are looking at now is just for our present globe, the 4th of the Earth chain, in its fourth round. This globe is presided over by a mighty monad known as the Lord of the World. Think of this monad as being the chief representative of the Solar Logos, our local area “God”. This entity has complete control over all life associated with Earth, including all seven life streams, the Human and Devic ones being the only ones we know anything about. In this way, all animals, vegetables, minerals and elemental kingdoms are included. Care must be taken not to confuse this monad with the Spirit of the Earth. I have spoken of this particular being, who uses the physical body of the earth as its evolutionary vehicle. We will get around to looking at this being in a subsequent presentation.

Using an imperial analogy, the Lord of the Planet is a true King. The King of Kings and under him is a whole administration of cosmic and solar systemic beings. The name of this “King” has repeatedly been mentioned. We are of course talking about Sanat Kumara. This monad is also referred to as the “Youth of Sixteen Summers” or the “Eternal Virgin-Youth”. The word Kumar means Prince or Ruler. This monad came to our globe with a collection of his buddies from the Venus scheme of Evolution, in the middle of the fourth, our present round. This happened in the middle of the Third, the Lemurian Root Race. Why did this band of intrepid monads decide to decamp from Venus and travel over to Earth? They came for three reasons. 

  1. To speed up mental evolution on our globe,
  2. To establish the Hierarchy for our globe, and to
  3. Take over the government of the Earth.

Accompanying Sanat were three other kumaras. These were his pupils, who were to serve as his lieutenants. They were all at least 42-selves otherwise known as buddhas. They are also sometimes called Pratyeka or Pachcheka Buddhas. These officers are destined to serve as Lords of the World in the Fifth Globe. It is worth mentioning that there are three Lords of the World associated with each globe period. Sanat Kumara is the third holder of this office on Earth.

Accompanying the executive board were about 25 to 30 other Venusian adapts of various grades, together with about 100 monads who had reached the human stage on Venus. These individuals merged into the ordinary Humanity on Earth. Most of them stayed on the earth only through critical periods of our history. A few still remain to hold the highest offices of the Hierarchy, until the time when the Humanity of our own evolution will have risen to relieve these august visitors of their onerous tasks.

In one of the stanzas often quoted by Blavatsky is a passage that says:

”Out of the seven Virgin-Men (Kumâra), four sacrificed themselves for the sins of the world and the instruction of the ignorant, to remain till the end of the present Manvantara. Though unseen, they are ever present. . . . These are the Head, the Heart, the Soul, and the Seed of undying Knowledge (Jnâna). Thou shalt never speak, O Lanoo, of these great ones before a multitude, mentioning them by their name. The wise alone will understand.”

The Lord of the World heads the Planetary Government and by extension the Hierarchy as well. This organisation is an extension of his arm and can be wielded as a single unit and extension of his will. Another title for Sanat Kumara is the “One Initiator”. This applies to initiations from (i3) upwards. The first two initiations are performed by deputies who still turn at the critical moment to call in the Lord of the Planet to confer the degree.

Sanat Kumara is the force which drives the whole world-machine; the embodiment of the Divine Will. His consciousness comprehends all the life on our globe. In His hands are the powers of cyclic destruction, because He wields Fohat in its higher forms and can deal directly with cosmic forces outside our chain. He appears to work usually with humanity en masse rather than with individuals, but when He does influence a single person He appears to do so through âtmâ, the energies of World 45, not through causal energies. It is interesting to note that this monad is several grades below the Planetary Logos yet still wields considerable executive control over the evolution of all life on this planet.

It is said that none of the Lords from Venus, as they are often called, took incarnation in our humanity. They did not – in fact could not – take human bodies. Why? You should know by now. They did not have a triad structure and so were unable to enter the Cosmic Physical World of our Solar System. Instead, they built for themselves vehicles like the highest ideals of the human form in appearance, yet absolutely unlike it in that they are unaffected by time and are incapable of change or decay. Although these bodies have been worn for 16 million years, they remain precisely as on the day when they were made by Kriyâshakti. This is a difficult word to explain. I think of it as an electric force like Fohat that can be used in the construction of bodies that look real but are known as Mayavi-Rupa, rupa meaning “body” and “Maya” meaning illusion. Think of these bodies as a kind of permanent materialisation, looking and feeling like a body but being more like a statue. Their dwelling place ”was and is the Imperishable Sacred Land, on which ever shines down the Blazing Star, the symbol of Earth’s Monarch, the changeless Pole, round which the life of the Earth is ever spinning.” Very poetic. Needless to say, the pole mentioned is not the geographical pole, but what we may call the spiritual pole of the Earth, and at present it is an oasis in the Gobi Desert, called Shamballa. Before you all rush off to the desert to try and find this oasis, we are talking about an etheric oasis, so good luck if you try.

Once every seven years, the Lord of the World conducts a great ceremony at Shamballa. This ceremony is similar to the Wesak festival, but on a much grander scale and of a different type, when all the Adepts and even some Initiates below that grade are invited and have thus an opportunity to come into touch with their great Leader. At other times He deals only with the Heads of the Official Hierarchy, except when for special reasons He summons others into His presence.

We mentioned previously that in any given world period there are three successive Lords of the World. The task of the Third of these is far greater than those of the First and Second Lords because it is His duty to round off satisfactorily that period of evolution and to deliver over the countless millions of evolving creatures into the hands of the Seed-Manu, who will be responsible for them during the inter-planetary Nirvana and will hand them in turn to the Root-Manu of the next globe. This seems to imply that the Root and Seed manu’s are acting like gigantic sacks, that hold the products of the efforts of the Lord of the Planet. However, we know from our previous presentation that these manus do much more than just act as sacks. They provide magnetic stimulation that sorts, grades and helps evolve the consciousness of all monads that they hold in suspension. They also orchestrate and coordinate the appearance of these monads on their new globe. This would make these manus similar to a chairman’s board, giving direction to the evolution and the higher objectives of each globe or round. The Lord of the Planet is the chief executive officer of the planet and is responsible for executing the plan laid out by the Root and Seed Manus.

The Third Lord of the World, having fulfilled his duty, takes another Initiation entirely outside of our world, and attains the level of the Silent Watcher. In that capacity, He remains on guard for the whole period of a round, and it is only when the life-wave has again occupied our planet and is again ready to leave it that He abandons His strange self-imposed task, and hands it over to His Successor.

We will finish off this presentation there and conclude our look at the Planetary Government in the next thrilling episode. 

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