Today we will finish off our look at the structure and function of our Planetary Government. We started off the last presentation by looking at a cohort of monads that made their way over to our scheme, our chain and our globe with the express intention of:

Speeding up the mental evolution on our globe,
Establishing the Hierarchy for our globe, and to
Take over the government of the Earth.

These monad were known as the The Lords from Venus but they are also known by other names, such as the Lords of the Flame, the Children of the Fire-Mist and the Sons of the Fire.

We come now to deal with the effect produced on the mental evolution of our Globe by the coming of the Lords of the Flame. It is possible to divide these effects into two parts: 

The effect produced on humanity generally, and 
The impetus given to the animal kingdom.

Dealing first with humanity, we should, in the natural course of events, be devoting ourselves in this, the fourth Round, to the development of our emotions. This is sometimes called the astral principle. Astral is not used in these presentations as it refers to the light clairvoyants saw in the etheric realms and equated this with the Emotional World. In the next Round, the fifth, in the normal course of events, the focus of evolution would be on the development of the mind or the mental principle. We can talk of principles but, remember, what we are talking about is composed of matter and is much more than just a principle, it is an envelope found in the mental world. In the case of human evolution, this mental envelope is attached to one monad. However, in the case of the animal, plant and mineral evolutionary steams, the mental envelope is a shared structure. So great was the influence brought to bear by the Lords of the Flame on the mental evolution of life that progress was advanced by a whole Round, the intellect having already been considerably developed in the present fourth Round. At the same time, it must be understood that the intellect of which we are now so proud is infinitesimal compared with that which the average human will possess at the culminating point of the next or fifth round.

Why should there be such a disruption to the usual course of evolution? After all, we have carefully constructed rounds and globes that sequentially conspire to evolve life, methodically, through seven stages of development, from elemental essences, all the way up to the human kingdom. At the same time, seven envelopes need to be identified with and then transcended. So why suddenly do away with this regimented order and run screaming into the next stage of evolution ahead of time? One answer that is given is that the Hierarchy and all higher-order monads are always conspiring to push as many monads as possible to achieve the goal set for any particular globe or round. In the middle of the chain period, in the fourth round, on the 4th globe, is the last chance to get as many monads to a position so that they are within striking distance of the overall goals of the globe. I also have a sneaking suspicion that this move had to be executed because of the suspension of activities on the Moon Chain for reasons we are unsure about. We don’t know anything for certain but what we can say is that we certainly got a gift by the arrival of these monads from Venus. I am sure they had not read the prospectus for our planet or they would never have turned up.

Back to our narrative. We may note here and it has been alluded to already, that there is another great Official on the earth even greater than the Sanat Kumâra, though little is known of it or its function. H. P. Blavatsky writes: ”Higher than the ‘Four’ is only ONE on earth as in Heaven – that still more mysterious and solitary Being” – the Silent Watcher. We now know who the silent watcher is and where this individual comes from.

Let us now turn to consider the effect produced on the animal kingdom by the advent of the Lords of the Flame.

In The Secret Doctrine, the Lords of the Flame are spoken of as projecting the spark into the mindless men and awakening the intellect within them. This somewhat curious expression should not mislead us into supposing that They threw some part of Themselves into the human bodies. They acted rather as a kind of magnetic stimulus. They shone upon the people as the sun shines upon flowers, and drew them up towards Themselves, thus enabling them to develop the latent spark and to become individualised. In other words, they quickened the germs of mental life causing them to burst into growth. Arthur Power tells us that “there then followed the great down-rush through the Monad that we call the Third Life-Wave, causing the formation of the causal body, the ”birth” or ”descent of the ego” for all those who had come up from the animal kingdom.” What is being meant here? We know that the causal body did not just make a magic appearance. It was a gift to us from Solar Devas. How are they related to this “Third Life Wave”? The “Third Life Wave” refers to the Third Outpouring by the 1st Logos, which individualises an animal monad into a human one. This process is usually very slow, under the laws of Self-Development, the monad has to usually build its own causal envelope. But what we do know is that what happened was so instantaneous that the expression arose that They ”gave” or ”projected”, the spark of mind. But the spark was not given, rather was it fanned into flame. The nature of the gift was the quickening of the germ already present in nascent humanity; the effect of a sun ray on a seed, not the giving of a seed. Oh and don’t forget the gift of the casual envelope from the Solar Devas!

The power of the Logos was concentrated by the Lords of the Flame, in the same manner, that the sun rays might be concentrated by a lens, and under that influence, the responsive spark appeared. The Lords of the Flame are the true Mânasaputras, the Sons of Mind, coming, as They did, from the fifth, the mental Round of Venus. At least they were in sync with the scheme. The Lords from Venus thus enabled millions of monads to become human. Without Their influence, these entities would still have been in the animal kingdom. For on the Earth globe, in the fourth Round, a departure was made from what we may call the straightforward method of evolution. It was a curious break in the regular and methodical order of things as has already been eluded to. But to repeat, this being the midmost point of evolution marked the last moment at which it was possible for members of what had been the lunar animal kingdom to attain individualisation. Consequently, a strong effort was made, a special arrangement, to give a final chance to as many animal monads as possible.

In order to achieve this, the conditions of the first and second Rounds were specially reproduced, in miniature, in the First and Second Root-Races – conditions of which, in the earlier Rounds, these backward monads had not been able fully to take advantage. Now, with the additional evolution, which they had undergone during the third Round, some of them were able to take advantage of the new conditions, and so they rushed in at the very last moment, before the ”door was shut,” and just managed to became human. It was to assist in this very busy time, just before the ”closing of the door,” that the Lords of the Flame came to the earth. Naturally, these individualised entities will not reach any high level of human development, but at least when they try again in some future chain, it will be an advantage to them to have had even this slight experience of human life.

Among other plans for the helping of evolution, the Lords of the Flame brought from Venus certain additions to our kingdoms. They imported wheat as a specially desirable food-stuff for humanity, and They also brought in bees and ants. The bees modify the vegetable kingdom and assist in the fertilisation of flowers, as well as to provide a pleasant and nutritious addition to human food. Both bees and ants live in a manner quite different from that of other terrestrial creatures, in that with them, the Group-Soul animates the entire ant or bee community, so that the community acts with a single will, and its different units are actually members of one body in the sense in which hands and feet are members of the human frame. It might be said that they have not only a Group-Soul but a group-body as well.

Our human evolution has attempted to imitate all these importations but with somewhat indifferent success. In imitating bees we have produced wasps, and in imitating ants we have produced ”white ants,” otherwise known as termites. The nearest that we have been able to get to wheat is rye, but the crossing of the wheat with other native terrestrial grasses has given us oats and barley. This is not quite how science sees it, I should know, I am an agronomist, but I like this version of events and I am sticking with it.

That brings us to the end of our look at the various governing structures of our globe and the personalities involved. We will now go on to look at the scheme of evolution for our Earth Chain, starting with the first chain.  

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