In the last presentation, we were looking at the different modes of reproduction. In the first round, monads reproduced through fission, then they budded and eventually hardened a shell around themselves so that they were born from an egg-like structure. The last stage was to transfer the production of this egg inside the womb of a female. To do this you first had to evolve a female. This started to occur in the 3rd round of the 4th chain of our earth scheme and completed the process in the middle of the 4th sub race of the 3rd root race. It is one of those quirks of Nature that we seem to repeat our evolutionary process in each round, recapitulating whatever we achieved before. So by the 4th round, the first three root races recapitulated what was achieved in the previous three rounds. Let us now continue to look at our evolution in the 4th sub race of the 3rd Root Race, where we had got to the stage where there were still several modes of reproduction that suited individuals of varying degrees of causal development.


Remember, we had the Barhishads brooding over eggs that were given special magnetic treatment This allowed them to work amongst humanity. This occurred just before the complete division of the sexes. Just as an aside, you may have noticed this presentation is recounting events that echo Adam’s time in the Garden of Eden before the arrival of Eve. We have the story of a rib being excised from Adam. This is a mistranslation. It should have read “rift”, not rib. Anyway, a while later, Egg-borns – as they have been called – started to be the mode by which the best basket-works – probably those from Globes A and B of the Moon Chain – came into incarnation. These were quickly followed by the lowest of those who had gained complete causal bodies on the Moon, known as Moon-Men of the First Order. Between the best of the basket-works and the lowest of those with complete causal bodies, there was not much of a difference.

Of those with complete causal bodies, we can distinguish 5 batches or boat-loads.

The first batch were those from Globes G, F and E of the Moon Chain, the majority being from Globe G, the least evolved of the three sets. Why were Globe G inhabitants the least evolved? Because they were the last to be evolved on the Moon Chain. Those on earlier globes had more time to work on their causal envelopes, even if they were just floating around in pralaya, waiting to be moved into the next chain.

The next four batches contained a mix of monads from the various globes until you get to batch five, where you finally get monads coming in from Globe D, the Moon itself. These were sorted out by stage of growth rather than by type, for they were, in fact, of all types. Amongst them also were those who had individualised through fear. Altogether there were hundreds of thousands of these monads, incarnating among the Egg-born.

It was mentioned above that some of the Barhishads came and incarnated on the Earth. For this purpose, they took the best forms available from what is called in The Pedigree of Man the ”middle” third, i.e., the third and fourth sub-races. These incarnated Barhishads were called the Divine Androgynes, or the Divine Hermaphrodites. They moulded their forms into the most divine beauty and were towering giants. They are described as being “splendid in figure and feature”. With their coming, and the subsequent separation of the sexes, we got to the end of the Satya Yuga of the Earth.

These Divine Androgynes were described as being “of a glorious red-gold hue, indescribably glowing and splendid, the glory of their general aspect being enhanced by the single eye that flashed like a jewel from its dazzling setting”. Impressive stuff. I bet they made a splash when they stepped onto the dance floor. The rest of the humanity of this time was of an earthen red hue. They possessed a crude and clumsy form, being both men and women. By comparison to the Divine Androgynes, they were no oil paintings. Gigantic in height and correspondingly broad, they give the impression of tremendous power, far beyond the humanity of today. This group were followed by others who had retreating forehead. They were described as having “dully lurid eye, glowing redly over a flattened nose, with projecting heavy jaws. They were quite frankly repulsive to our modern sensibilities.

The memory of the ”third” eye of course persisted in the Grecian story of the one-eyed Cyclops – as the one-eyed were called in later days – and of Ulysses, a man of the fourth RootRace, slaying a Cyclops of the third Root-Race, who had a central eye. So here you have a myth that makes for a ripping yarn, yet embedded in it is a truth of our evolution through two root races. Who would have thought that!

Under the guidance of the Divine Androgynes, who ruled as Divine Kings, this sub-race built mighty cities, and huge cyclopean temples, built so that fragments still remain today. They supposedly built Shamballa itself, the Holy City, the Sacred Dwelling place. We will see that that a city was built in the area now known as the Gobi desert, but I maintain that Shamballa is an etheric, not a physical construction. The city that was built was known by other names but we will get to this story later. What I do want to point out here is that if you look at many ancient buildings, you often see courses of stone, starting with massive, intricately cut stone, meshing together, in a way that seems almost impossible to do. The courses of stone above this bottom layer are always less massive and coarse in construction, Now you know why. Humanity built upon the foundations of those giants, for whom those stones would not have been so massive and who had access to technologies we no nothing about today.

About 10 or 11 million years ago, the separation of the sexes was fully established, and a reasonable continuity of form had been achieved. A number of special efforts were then made, by the Authorities in charge, to consolidate humanity and set it definitely on its way to higher spiritual advancement, which lay before it on the upward arc of the chain. It will be recollected that the precise middle point of the whole chain will be the middle of the next Race – the fourth; so now we find preparations for the second or upward half of the chain being made slightly before the exact middle point.

The first step in this preparation was a repetition, by the Lords of the Moon, of the chhâya episode, which was described in the presentation dealing with the first Root Race. After giving their chhâyas for the first Race, the Barhishads left the earth, ascending to Mahâloka for a while. The Secret Doctrine tells us that ”Having projected their shadows and made men of one element, the Progenitors re-ascend to Mahâloka; whence they descend periodically when the world is renewed, to give birth to new men”. As before, there were seven of them, ”each on his own lot,” in order to provide vehicles for the seven great types or rays of Humanity.

The other less evolved monads, who were just being brought down into incarnation, eagerly seized upon these etheric ”shadows” or vehicles, entered them and tried to use them. Not being fully adapted to them, they found it difficult to maintain their position and were constantly slipping out. As soon as this happened, some other entity would seize the etheric body, and slip into it as though it were an overcoat, only to find it slipping from them in turn, and to see it seized by somebody else.

The scene recalls the Greek idea that the Gods made the world amid shouts of laughter, for it decidedly had its comic element, as the monads struggled for the forms and could not manage them when they had obtained them. This is one of the ”descents into matter” the final materialisation of the body of Humanity, the completion of the ”fall of man.” Again, let’s look back at the story we are presented in the Bible. You have Adam, in some mythical paradise. Let’s call this the etheric plane, blending into the physical plane, both visible to the monads of the time. A “rift” occurs and Adam becomes Adam and Eve and they get expelled from this “garden” and end up fully trapped in their physical bodies and this is described as them becoming aware of their nakedness.

So, returning to our narrative, many of these etheric doubles were made, and by degrees, the less developed monads, became accustomed to their new ”coats of skin,” and learnt how to inhabit them permanently, so that the process of further materialisation could be undertaken.

In this way, gradually bodies were produced which served to express the seven great types (rays) and their sub-types, and the people settled down to reproduce through them steadily. In various parts of the world, other ways of reproduction continued for long periods; the successive stages overlapped considerably, owing to the great differences in evolution.

Let’s leave it there for the time being and continue in the next presentation on how all these different stains of humanity consolidated.

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