We continue our journey into the 3rd Root Race to discover how the human form stabilised and why it took so long to do so. The tribes that followed the early methods of reproduction gradually became sterile, while the now separated sexes multiplied considerably, until humanity, as we now know it, was established all over the world. Why should one group of monads go sterile, while others continue to have progeny? I suspect it is because there were no guardian angels prepared to send their charges, the nascent humanity, into forms that did not allow those monads to pursue a development that was appropriate to their degree of causalisation. 

Other classes of monads continued to come into incarnation, which had not incarnated in the three previous rounds and who had not been in the first or second Root Races on the Earth.

At this stage there were 5 human classes, pressing on each other to obtain better human forms. Commencing with the most primitive, these were:

(1) Those who were only now coming up from the animal kingdom, into the 4th round and the 4th globe, for the first time.

(2) Those with line causal bodies, who had been on the Earth for some time.

(3) Basket-works from Globe C in the 4th Round.

(4) The best basket-works from the Inter-Chain Nirvana.

(5) The 5 classes previously spoken of, who had complete causal bodies, having come from Globes G, F and E of the Moon Chain.

The forms that were thrown off by the Lords of the Moon were fairly good-looking, but being etheric they were readily modifiable, and the incoming monads distorted their appearance and degraded their physical makeup. The bodies of the children of these entities were by no means equal to those of their parents, but were distinctly ugly; probably the monads using them were accustomed to thinking about egg-shaped heads and sausage-roll foreheads, and hence these forms reappeared. Nevertheless, certain types were established and however much the forms deteriorated they were still habitable.

Many generations after descending from etheric materialise forms, the human envelope became well established. They had been evolved by the Barhishads, who now brought down other monads to take possession of the bodies that had been fashioned. These were the monads who had individualised on Globes A, B and C of the Moon Chain.

There were three batches of these: 

  1. More than 2 million of the orange group from Globe A; 
  2. rather less than 3 million of the yellow group from Globe B; 
  3. rather more than 3 million of the pink group from Globe C. 

Let us say about 9 million in all. They were guided to different areas of the world’s surface, with the view that they should form tribes.

Then a curious thing happened. ”One-third refuses; two-thirds obey.” The orange group of monad; on seeing the bodies offered to them, refused to enter, not out of any wickedness, but from sheer pride, disdaining the unattractive forms, and also perhaps from their ancient hatred of sexual unions. We have discussed this group several times. They were a real pain in the arse.

The yellow and pink groups, however, were docile, and obeyed, gradually improving the bodies they inhabited. This is how the fourth Lemurian sub-race began to develop and expand. This was the first group of monads, which could be considered in any sense of the word, as embryonic human; and it can be dated from the time that the Barhishads gave their etheric forms to these incarnating monads.

In The Secret Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky speaks of this fourth sub-race as ”yellow,” apparently from the colour of the incoming monads, who had predominantly yellow causal envelopes. They came from Globe B of the Moon Chain. The sub-race itself was black, this colour persisting for some time into later sub-races, as we will discuss presently.

The descendants of these monsters, having through long centuries dwindled in size and become more densely physical, culminated in a race of Apes in the Miocene period, which is defined as being from 23 to 5 million years ago. If Laurency is correct, you have to halve each of these numbers. Either way, it was not yesterday. From this group of apes are descended the apes of today. With these apes the Atlanteans, the 4th Race, renewed the ”sin of the mindless”- this time with full responsibility, the results being the Apes we know as Anthropoid (gorillas, chimpanzees etc). Ok, so what is euphemistically being hinted at here? There were created a series of etheric envelopes that were supposed to serve as bodies that were to be inhabited by monads who had formed causal bodies on the Moon. One group of these monads, those typified as having “orange” causal bodies – due to the predominance of one type of causal matter in them – chose not to incarnate. You see, even the best-laid plans can go off the rails. You might be a Barhishad and glow in the dark, but if you can not convince a group of recalcitrant monads to do their duty, you are stuffed and the results are with us today. 

Powell tells us that the area allotted to the orange group was thus left vacant. The bodies, which they should have used, were gladly seized upon by the entities just emerging from the animal kingdom, the very lowest human type. The consequence of this was, that instead of maintaining the advancement, which had been gained by so much effort, the forms were allowed to drop back again into a condition even worse than before. The now primitive humans inhabiting the forms even intermingled with some of the animal forms, quite naturally feeling little difference between themselves and the ranks from which they had only just emerged. Due to the fluidity of the genome of humanity at this time, beings of this type were able to mate with other species, resulting in the progeny that became our great apes. So rather than us evolving from them, they were a product of these mindless monads who knew no better. This all happened as a result of the original orange groups’ refusal to stick to the plan.

This was what H. P. Blavatsky called the ”sin of the mindless,” and the result of it was various types of anthropoid apes just described. The Book of Dzyan graphically describes the episode just mentioned:


The last sentence got me wondering; ”Then all men became endowed with Manas”. The term “then” is used instead of “when”. Does this mean we got “manas” (mind) sooner than planned?

The karma of the refusal of the orange group of monads to take their due place in the work of peopling the world was that, later on, they were forced into incarnation and had to take even lower and coarser bodies, the Lords of the Moon having by that time gone on to other work. They thus became a backward race, cunning but not good; and passed through many unpleasant experiences. They diminished in number by constantly coming into collision with general humanity. They were beaten to a pulp until, through much suffering, they entered the general stream of humanity. 

A few of the orange monads who were strong, remorseless and unscrupulous, became Lords of the Dark Face in Atlantis, as we shall see when we come to deal with the fourth Root Race. Some were seen among the Native North Americans who had refined but hard faces; a few persist, even down to our day By nature they are ”turbulent and aggressive, independent and separative, prone to discontent and eager for change.” They are the unscrupulous among the kings of finance, statesmen like Bismarck, and conquerors like Napoleon. But they are gradually disappearing, for they have learned many bitter lessons. Those who are wanting in heart, who are always fighting, always opposing everything everywhere, on general principles, must ultimately be beaten into shape; a very few may end in black magic, but the steady pressure is too great for the majority.

On that sobering thought, let’s leave it there for today and resume in the next presentation to look at the reminder of the three sub-races.

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