In this presentation, we are going to rattle through and look at the remaining three Atlantian sub-races. These are the original Semites, the ancient Akkadians and the Mongolians. We are again dealing with what is euphemistically called the “yellow races”. It would be a mistake to equate the names of these sub-races to the names in current use for racial groups in the Arab world and central Asia. The groups found in these locations are a remnant of these Atlantian sub-races but what we see today is not easy to equate with what you would have found as the 4th Root Race cycled through its last three sub-races.
The fifth sub-race, or Original Semites, rose in the mountainous country now represented by Scotland, Ireland and some of the surrounding seas. This is not exactly where we associate their remnant being today. In this least desirable portion of Atlantis, they grew and flourished, maintaining their independence against aggressive southern kings, till the time came for them to spread abroad and colonise.
They were turbulent and discontented, always at war with their neighbours, especially with the growing power of the sub-race that followed them – the Akkadians. So not a lot has changed then. It never ceases to amaze me how social and cultural enmities seem to perpetuate. I chuckle when people lump the Persians and Arabs into one homogenous group, seeing them as a power block. I point out that these cultures have been at each other’s throats for the last 5,000 years; and if you take into account what is about to be said, for a lot longer than that.
The Semites leant towards a patriarchal form of government, and their colonists, mostly nomadic, almost exclusively adopted this form. Nevertheless; in the period 800,000 to 200,000 years ago, they developed a considerable empire and even took possession of the City of the Golden Gates. Ultimately they had to give way to the Akkadians, the final overthrow being about 100,000 years ago.
During the period 800,000 to 200,000 years ago, they spread both west and east: west to what is now the United States of America; thus accounting for the Semitic type found in some of the current Native American population; and east to the northern shores of the continent, which combined all there was then of Europe, Africa and Asia. The ancient Egyptians, and other neighbouring nations, were to some extent modified by Semitic blood. With the exception of the Jews, the only representatives of comparatively unmixed blood at the present day are the Kabyles, otherwise known as the Berbers, of the Algerian mountains. The Jews and Berbers may not think they share a common heritage, but esoteric studies reveal something different to us.
In addition to these normal emigrations, a special emigration was arranged by the Manu; this being the fifth sub-race and therefore especially associated with the development of manas, or mind. It was from this sub-race that the nucleus of the Fifth Root-Race was to be formed. It is interesting to note that in numerology, the number “5” represents the intellect. The tribes resulting from the segregation by the Manu, travelled to the southern shores of the central Asian sea, where the first great Âryan kingdom was established. We will delve into this more deeply when we look at the next Root Race, the 5th.
The Semites, although the second of the four later ”yellow” sub-races, were comparatively white in complexion. In their language, they adopted a Toltec groundwork but modified it into a language of their own. This is how we trace language and migration patterns today. It is when you come to isolated relics like the Basques, the Sama People and the Hungarians that you come unstuck. Why? Because these groups represent an earlier migration of Atlantians and so we can not trace their common ancestry within the framework of our current historical knowledge. So with that said, let’s jump into the next sub-race.
The sixth, or Akkadian, sub-race arose, after the great catastrophe 800,000 years ago, in the land east of Atlantis, about where Sardinia is today. Soon, however, they overran the now-diminished continent of Atlantis. They fought with the Semites both on land and sea, with large naval fleets being used on both sides. About 100,000 years ago they finally vanquished the Semites, setting up a dynasty in the old Semite capital and ruling the country wisely for several hundred years. They were a great trading, sea-going and colonising people.
They were law-abiding, lived in settled communities and produced an oligarchical form of government. Like Sparta, in modern times, they had a dual system of two kings reigning in one city. They made great advances both in astronomy and in astrology. Spreading eastwards, they occupied what later, became the shores of the Levant, modern-day Palestine and Lebanon, reaching as far as Arabia and Persia, and helping to people Egypt. The early Etruscans and Phoenicians, including the Carthaginians and the Sumero-Akkads, were branches of this race, while the Basques of today are probably principally of Akkadian origin. As mentioned earlier, this is why the Basque are so difficult to place in a modern European language group.
In early Akkadian days, about 100,000 years ago, a colony of Initiates founded Stonehenge, in what was then the Scandinavian part of Europe. The priests and their followers belonged to an early strain of Akkadians and were taller, fairer and longer-headed than the aborigines of the country, who were of mixed descent, but mostly degenerate descendants of the Rmoahals. The rude simplicity of Stonehenge was intended as a protest against the extravagant ornamentation and over-decoration of the Atlantean temples of that time, where the inhabitants were worshipping their own images. Stuff that idea into the socks of the modern-day Druids, who think they are resurrecting religious and cultural practices relating to these enigmatic structures. Growing up, not far from Stonehenge, I would look at these massive stones and think to myself that there was no way a bunch of semi-naked barbarians, with a propensity to painting themselves blue, would have been capable of erecting these stones, let alone dragging some of them hundreds of miles away from quarries in Wales.
The Akkadians, the third of the four later ”yellow” subraces, were similar to the Semites regarding their skin colour. Adopting a Toltec groundwork, they modified that language until they produced one of their own. All the Atlantean languages were agglutinative, modern Chinese being the nearest surviving relic. In the Fifth Root Race, the descendants of the Semites and the Akkadians developed inflectional speech. Designating this sub-race as Akkadian limits one perception as to who and what these sub-races, actually, represented. We can now see the expanse of their cultural and genetic footprint. On to the last sub-race.
The Mongolian or seventh sub-race seems to have been the only one which had no touch with the mother continent. It arose on the plains of Tartary, a historical region of Asia and eastern Europe, especially the high plateau of central Asia and its north-western slopes, which formed part of the Tartar empire in the Middle Ages. To put a pin in a map, let us place them in Eastern Siberia about 63° N. Latitude and 140° E. Longitude. The Mongolians were directly descended from the Turanian race, which it gradually supplanted over most of Asia. If you look back at what was said about the Turanians, you see a lot of the cultural habits that now flowed into the ancient Mongolians and then eventually filtered down to the much later descendants that we all came to know and fear in the last two millennia. The ancient Mongolians multiplied exceedingly well, so that even today, a majority of the earth’s inhabitants technically belong to it, though many of its divisions are so deeply coloured with the blood of earlier races as to be scarcely distinguishable from them.
They were a nomadic people and an improvement on their ancestors of the brutal Turanian stock, being more religious as well as more psychic than the Turanians. The government they adopted required a suzerain or sovereign in the background, who was both the supreme territorial ruler as well as being a chief high priest.
Wide as are the plains of Tartary, Mongol tribes have more than once overflowed from northern Asia into America, across the Bearing’s Straits. The last of these emigrations was that of the Kitans, some 1,300 years ago. Who were the Kitans? The Kitans were a historical nomadic people from Northeast Asia who inhabited an area corresponding to parts of modern-day China, Mongolia and Russia from the 4th to the 13th century. They were initially engaged in stockbreeding, fishing, and hunting, and later, under the influence of China, began to engage in farming, crop cultivation, and the building of cities. The Kitans have left traces, which have been followed by ethnologists to tribes found in native North America. The Hungarians are an offshoot of this race, ennobled by a strain of Aryan blood, whilst the Malays are another offshoot, though degraded, according to Powell, by mixture with the effete Lemurians. It is novel to think of the Lemurians as being effete when this word means over-refined and having a tendency to show affectations, which itself means pretentious behaviour. I always think of Lemurians as being lumbering beasts of a people. Clearly, I have to do some recalibration.
The Mongolian, this term being used to describe most of the people drawn from East Asia, is the last Atlantean sub-race in full force today. It has, in fact, not yet reached its zenith, the Japanese nation still has much to contribute to world history and culture. The Mongolians; like the Turanians, had a yellow complexion.
So, that is it. Our tour through the 4th Root Race. Atlantis is a mythical civilisation that will not relinquish its hold on our imagination and for very good reason. You now know that the Atlantians, like all Root Races, had seven sub-races and traces of those sub-races are alive and well today to such an extent that they still make up the largest proportion of Humanity. Although Scott-Elliot and Powell do not talk about it, the tribes and cultures found in sub-Saharan Africa are also remnant Atlantian stock from the earliest sub-races and in very few parts of the world there is the faintest echo of the Lemurian Root Race. Let us now progress to the 5th Root Race. See you in the next presentation.