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We have finally arrived at the highest envelope a monad, passing through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, possesses. It is called the causal envelope but it is really the other half of the mental envelope. Why is the causal envelope not considered an envelope in its own right? The reason is that every envelope has to have seven subplanes and the causal envelope only has three, so where are the other four envelopes? They are located in the mental envelope that is found on the 1st Triad. The fact that this envelope is split is a good thing, as it gives the monad a ladder to climb up to reach higher triadic levels. That sounds very good in theory but in practice, we have a problem. Our causal envelopes were kindly donated to us by Solar angels, who no longer needed them. These helpful devas then stuck around and agreed to watch over our development until we were able to build and maintain our own envelopes. The possession of a fully-formed causal envelope was a great time-saver for us. We did not need to spend half an aeon building one ourselves. All we had to do now was to slowly migrate from one triadic plane to another. We were not alone in this endeavour. Although we are responsible for our self-development, we are assisted by the kingdom above us in our journey. Sounds good so far.

Two things got in the way of what should have been a seamless development for us. The first was our endemic character. We Human monads, almost all of us, appear to be intrinsically repulsive. By this I mean we have a tendency to repel rather than be attracted to each other and to be able to work cooperatively towards a common goal. What could that goal be? To get through the 4th Kingdom of Nature, without too many incidents to slow us down. Good plan but poor execution. Rather than cooperating, we did nothing but fight like ferrets in a sack. We were so obnoxious that we told our brethren from the 5th Kingdom of Nature, who were assisting us, to bugger off. We thought we did not need their help. We knew what we were doing and we did not need them to keep reminding us to play nicely together in the sandpit. So they left and went back up to their higher planes and pulled the ladder up behind them. They did this approximately 12,000 years ago and things have not exactly gone swimmingly since then. Humanity is collectively such a pain in the arse that we do not just need one level of monads higher than us to guide our development, but four higher levels, all working in concert. Even then, the jury is out as to whether we are about to sink our boat again or not.

These are minor technical issues. What is important to understand is that the goal of a Human monad is to expand its consciousness from the 1. Young stage, to the 5. Enlightened stage of soul development. We should be willing to accept all the help we can get, considering our innate repulsiveness. What we found was that the rope bridge across the canyon had been cut. The guiding lights that we now had amongst us were not lights at all, but shadows of great darkness. They, themselves, had caused the rupture between ourselves and the Hierarchy that is tasked to guide our consciousness evolution. So what are we left with? We have a mental body that we have assiduously reached after climbing up the lower envelopes. We have now located our monad in the 47:4 permanent molecule. We want to climb up to the 2nd triad but there is no bridge to help us. What are our options? We can think of ourselves as God’s gift to Humanity and continue to exploit and subjugate one another, or we can start building a bridge that will allow us to ascend to the 2nd triad and reunite our mental body into a single functioning unit.

Making this leap up to the 2nd triad is not possible for us to achieve on our own. We need help from our more evolved brethren. We have to be prepared to enrol as disciples, under the guidance of a master. This master slowly trains us on how to gain access to our causal body. This is a vast topic in itself and will be elucidated in future presentations. Let us turn our attention to the structure of the causal envelope itself. It comprises one permanent atom, 47:1 and two molecular subplanes, 47:2 and 47:3. Once a monad passes the (i3), which is not an automatic process, as is the case for the (i1) and (i2), the monad moves its focus from the 47:4 permanent molecule, into the 47:1 permanent atom. As before, residing in the permanent atom does not mean a monad is objectively conscious at this level. The monad first acquaints itself with sub-level 47:3. We have an inkling of what this level is all about when we experience intuition. Knowledge just seems to drop into our heads. Rather than working things up deductively, we just know the answer to a question. We term this intuition but what is really happening is that our mental envelope has received a message from our causal envelopes. This causal envelope is similar to the emotional and mental envelops, in that it exists in a sea of secondary matter that is bounded off by an envelope of tertiary matter. Once here, the monad works with this secondary matter, eventually swapping out all the molecular sub-levels and is finally left with only atomic matter. The monad is now ready to take the (i4) and depart to ‘Nirvana’. So it seems that it is the same old game and the same expected outcomes. In the grand scheme of things, this is true, but there is one small detail we need to talk about.

The causal plane is really quite different from all the planes below it, not just in what it represents, but in how it is connected to our other envelopes once we reside in our 47:1 permanent atom. When we go to sleep, our mental and emotional bodies pass onto the Emotional plane and depending on our stage of evolution, we are objectively conscious on this plane. When we return to our bodies, although our mental body has been able to process the events that have occurred on the Emotional plane, because there is no link to our physical brain at the time, the events that occur are not recorded in our physical-etheric envelope. I have spoken at length our the etheric web in previous presentations. Suffice to say, as long as this envelope is in operation, the higher planes are a mystery to our objectively conscious brain. Once the monad has united the mental and causal bodies, when the monad leaves the physical-etheric brain, it remains fully conscious and this consciousness is registered in our brain. We effectively do not go to sleep again. Our body rests and is repaired by the devas, but we are quite literally off with the fairies. That explains what is going on physically; what makes the causal plane really special is hidden in the word itself, ‘causal’. To unpack this is going to take some effort.

When a monad has causal consciousness, they are said to know the causes of events, not just the witness of the event itself. This can be most easily illustrated when we think about viewing the Akashic Records. If you viewed this event on the Emotional plane, you may see the event, but it would be hazy. The analogy that is given is that it is like looking at a scene in a bowl of water so that you are seeing the reverse reflection and the water is not still, but rippling. You are also most likely to see what you want to see, rather than what actually was going on. Considering that it is from this perspective that 99.9 per cent of all past life regressions are occurring, viewers beware! On the Mental plane, things improve. If you view things from this perspective, you see the event clearly but all you see is the event itself. What changes, when you get to the Causal plane, is that you not only see the event but all the causes that led up to this event. So a monad functioning from this plane, is omniscient, all-knowing, on all the planes of matter at and below it. This is the matter perspective. You can view what happened. This does not tell you why it happened. To know that, you have to be conscious on the 46th plane. You can now see an event, not only from a matter perspective but a consciousness perspective as well. You are now finally in possession of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the events you are witnessing.

What else do we need to know about the Causal envelope? Find out in the next presentation.

1 thought on “AM-92 CAUSAL ENVELOPE”

  1. Hello Kazim,

    I send my best wishes for a Happy New Year.
    The words “body” and “envelope” frequently appear in your posts.
    Would you please explain the basic difference between them?

    Thank you

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